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Visceral   Listen
Visceral  adj.  
(Anat.) Of, pertaining to, or affecting the viscera; splanchnic.
Fig.: Having deep sensibility. (R.)
Proceeding from emotion or instinct rather than from intellect; deeply emotional; as, a visceral reaction.
Dealing with coarse or base emotions; as, a visceral literary style.
Visceral arches (Anat.), the bars or ridges between the visceral clefts.
Visceral cavity or Visceral tube (Anat.), the ventral cavity of a vertebrate, which contains the alimentary canal, as distinguished from the dorsal, or cerebro-spinal, canal.
Visceral clefts (Anat.), transverse clefts on the sides just back of the mouth in the vertebrate embryo, which open into the pharyngeal portion of the alimentary canal, and correspond to the branchial clefts in adult fishes.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Visceral" Quotes from Famous Books

... tend to associate voice and movement with the centre of his strengths. The American, since in him the nervous force predominates, instinctively lifts his voice into connection with the great household of that force, which is the brain; for an equally good reason the Englishman speaks from the visceral and sanguineous centres. The American (we are still dwelling chiefly on the New England type) is also apt to throw the head forward in walking,—thereby indicating, first, his chief reliance upon the forces which that part harbors, and, secondly, his impulse ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 2, Issue 12, October, 1858 • Various

... on teratogenesis, with reference to batrachians, have been offered by Lombardini; and by Lereboullet and Knoch with reference to fishes. Foll and Warynski have reported their success in obtaining visceral inversion, and even this branch of the ...
— Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine • George M. Gould

... fear is well known, but its purpose is not so often recognized. An emotion brings about internal changes, visceral changes they are called, which enable the organism to act on the emotion,—to accomplish its object. There is only so much energy available at a given moment, stored up in the brain cells, ready for use. In such an emergency ...
— Outwitting Our Nerves - A Primer of Psychotherapy • Josephine A. Jackson and Helen M. Salisbury

... network, just behind the coeliac artery, into which the vagus also enters; this is the coeliac ganglion, and together with a similar superior mesenteric ganglion around the corresponding artery, makes up a subsidiary visceral nervous network, the solar plexus. A similar and smaller nervous tangle, bearing an inferior mesenteric ganglion, lies near the inferior ...
— Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata • H. G. Wells

... own physical books because of their visceral appeal (often this is accompanied by a little sermonette on how good books smell, or how good they look on a bookshelf, or how evocative an old curry stain in the ...
— Ebooks: Neither E, Nor Books • Cory Doctorow

... response as the expression, we find that there are many factors. There are certain visible modes of behaviour, crouching at once, scattering and then crouching, remaining motionless, the braced muscles sustaining an attitude of arrest, and so forth. There are also certain visceral or organic effects, such as affections of the heart and respiration. These can be readily observed by taking the young bird in the hand. Other effects cannot be readily observed; vaso-motor changes, affections of the alimentary canal, the skin and so forth. Now the essence of ...
— Darwin and Modern Science • A.C. Seward and Others

Words linked to "Visceral" :   illogical, intuitive, visceral leishmaniasis, visceral brain, splanchnic, viscera, nonrational, visceral pericardium, unlogical, visceral pleura

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