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Victual   Listen
Victual  n.  
Food; now used chiefly in the plural. See Victuals. "He was not able to keep that place three days for lack of victual." "There came a fair-hair'd youth, that in his hand Bare victual for the mowers." "Short allowance of victual."
Grain of any kind. (Scot.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Victual" Quotes from Famous Books

... should retain half the profit of the commission! This Ouvrard and Wanlerberghe refused, upon which the Treasury thought it most economical to pay nothing, and the debt remained unsettled. Notwithstanding this transaction Ouvrard and Wanlerberghe engaged to victual the navy, which they supplied for six years and three months. After the completion of these different services the debt due to them ...
— The Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte • Bourrienne, Constant, and Stewarton

... 'a given a shillin' in Tom's 'at when it went round, but I'm thinkin' as zummat in the face o' the owd gaffer up in bed ain't zet on beggin', an' m'appen a charity'd 'urt 'is feelin's like the poor-'ouse do. But if 'e's wantin' to 'arn a mossel o' victual, I'll find 'im a lightsome job on the farm if he'll reckon to walk oop to me afore noon to-morrer. Tell 'im' that from farmer ...
— The Treasure of Heaven - A Romance of Riches • Marie Corelli

... true that the Spartan king was forced by lack of money to risk the chances of a battle, it only fared with him in respect of money as it has often fared with others from other causes; since we see that where an army is in such straits for want of victual that it must either fight or perish by famine, it will always fight, as being the more honourable course and that on which fortune may in some way smile. So, too, it has often happened that a captain, seeing his enemy about to be reinforced, ...
— Discourses on the First Decade of Titus Livius • Niccolo Machiavelli

... Leaving to God contemplation, to His hands knowledge confiding, Sure that in us if it perish, in Him it abideth and dies not, Let us in His sight accomplish our petty particular doings,— Yes, and contented sit down to the victual that He has provided. Allah is great, no doubt, and Juxtaposition his prophet. Ah, but the women, alas! they don't look at it that way. Juxtaposition is great;—but, my friend, I fear me, the maiden Hardly would thank or acknowledge ...
— Amours de Voyage • Arthur Hugh Clough

... already what might satisfy and well content me. I find that it is not ten hundred times what I possess that would content and stay my mind from greedy lusts and insatiable desires. What avails prayer as long as these lusts remain? I scarcely allow meat and fish and beer and victual to my family and to the poor. Lord, pity! 21 Aug.—Sin and snare are inseparable from this haste to be rich. Lord, in this Thou punishest one sin with another, with unrighteousness, oppression, unevenness, uncharitableness, deceit, falsehood, rigour to tenants, straitenedness ...
— Samuel Rutherford - and some of his correspondents • Alexander Whyte

... the husbandmen; but, out of a due regard to the common good, forbear to injure them in the least degree; and, therefore, the land being never spoiled or wasted, yields its fruit in great abundance, and furnishes the inhabitants with plenty of victual and all other provisions.' Book II, chap. 3. [W. H. S.] These allegations certainly cannot be accepted as accurate statements of fact, however they may be explained. See E.H.I., 3rd ed. ...
— Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official • William Sleeman

Words linked to "Victual" :   victualler, salt away, provide, render, comestible, nutrient, food, tuck, supply, store, victualer, hive away, pabulum, furnish, lay in, eat, eatable, stash away, stack away, edible, put in

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