"Vertuous" Quotes from Famous Books
... great wood fire, make a pretty picture of comfortable simplicity, pleasant of contemplation in our bric-a-brac filled days, a fit setting for the figures of the Governor, "New England's glory full of warmth and light," and his dearest, greatest, best of temporal enjoyments, his "vertuous, prudent and prayerful wife." ... — Customs and Fashions in Old New England • Alice Morse Earle
... Courtesye, That preised was of lowe and hye, For neither proude ne foole was she; She for to daunce called me, I pray God yeve hir right good grace, When I come first into the place. She was not nyce ne outrageous, But wys and ware and vertuous; Of faire speche and of faire answere; Was never wight mysseid of her, Ne she bar rancour to no wight. Clere browne she was, ... — Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres • Henry Adams
... twins in heaven Daunce on the shrowds; he blows still stubbornly, And on his boystrous Rack rides my sad ruin; There is no help, there can be now no comfort, To morrow with the Sun-set, sets my credit. Oh misery! thou curse of man, thou plague, In the midst of all our strength thou strik'st us; My vertuous Love is lost too: all, what I have been, No more hereafter to be seen than shadow; To prison now? well, yet there's this hope left me; I may sink fairly under this days venture, And so to morrow's cross'd, and all those curses: Yet manly I'll invite my Fate, base fortune Shall never say, she has ... — Beggars Bush - From the Works of Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher (Vol. 2 of 10) • Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher
... thy noble House doth bring, Here be tears of perfect moan Weept for thee in Helicon, And som Flowers, and som Bays, For thy Hears to strew the ways, Sent thee from the banks of Came, Devoted to thy vertuous name; 60 Whilst thou bright Saint high sit'st in glory, Next her much like to thee in story, That fair Syrian Shepherdess, Who after yeers of barrennes, The highly favour'd Joseph bore To him that serv'd for her before, And at her next birth ... — The Poetical Works of John Milton • John Milton
... her Maiesties ship the Reuenge (of which he had charge, as Captaine, & of the whole fleet as Vice-admirall) that it seemed thereby, when he found none other to compare withall in his life, he striued through a vertuous enuy to exceed it in his death. A victorious losse for the realme; and of which the Spaniard may say with Pirrhus, that many such conquests would beget his vtter ouerthrow. Lastly, his son Iohn took hold of euery martiall occasion that was ministred him, vntill, in seruice ... — The Survey of Cornwall • Richard Carew
... if a manuscript fell into the hands of a printer he could print it if he felt so disposed. Mr. William Hall was in the habit of looking out for manuscripts and before he became a printer, in 1606, had one published by Southwell of which he himself wrote the dedication, to the "Vertuous Gentleman, Mathew Saunders, Esquire W. H. wisheth, with long life, a prosperous achievement of his good desires." "There is little doubt," writes Mr. Lee, "that the W. H. of the Southwell volume was Mr. William Hall, who, when he procured that ... — Browning's England - A Study in English Influences in Browning • Helen Archibald Clarke |