"Vertebrate" Quotes from Famous Books
... dispenses with the logical faculty. Note his close and convincing reasoning on the development of the vertebrate eye, and how inadequate the Darwinian idea of the accumulation of insensible variations is to account for it. A closer and more convincing piece of reasoning would ... — The Last Harvest • John Burroughs
... production which results of art. The highest point is reached in Tom Jones, which is the earliest definite and authoritative manifestation of the modern novel. Its relation to De Foe is that of the vertebrate to the invertebrate: to Richardson, that of the real to the ideal—one might almost add, the impossible. It can be compared to no contemporary English work of its own kind; and if we seek for its parallel at the time of publication we must go beyond literature ... — Fielding - (English Men of Letters Series) • Austin Dobson
... should think she would. How did a sweet young thing like you ever meet such a type of a vertebrate? ... — Writing for Vaudeville • Brett Page
... Southampton. Here he obtained from Professor Edward Forbes one of his living specimens of Amphioxus lanceolatus, and made an examination of its blood. The result was a short paper read at the following meeting of the Association, which showed that in the composition of its blood this lowly vertebrate approached very near the invertebrates. ("Examination of the Corpuscles of the Blood of Amphioxus lanceolatus" "British Association Report" 1847 2 page ... — The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley Volume 1 • Leonard Huxley
... are Vertebrates, and that there are five principal classes of them. If I should tell you as much about them as I have about the Building of a Bird, you would see that they are all built on what we call the Vertebrate plan of structure. Here is a chart of the Classes of Vertebrates—you can study it this afternoon, till you ... — Citizen Bird • Mabel Osgood Wright and Elliott Coues
... were packed. It did not worry him, however, and so sure was he of his interpretation of the gravel beds that he declared he did not care if we had found the bone of a Percheron stallion, he was sure that the age of the vertebrate remains might be "provisionally estimated at 20,000 to 40,000 years," until further studies could be made of the geology of the surrounding territory. In an article on the buried wall, Dr. Bowman came to the conclusion that ... — Inca Land - Explorations in the Highlands of Peru • Hiram Bingham |
Words linked to "Vertebrate" : mammal, subphylum Craniata, jawless vertebrate, foetus, endoskeleton, aquatic vertebrate, thorax, Vertebrata, gnathostome, tetrapod, digit, costa, chordate, mammalian, ovary, Craniata, amniote, blood, reptilian, fetus, invertebrate, amphibian, tail, zoology, craniate, pedal extremity |
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