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Venter   Listen
Venter  n.  
The belly; the abdomen; sometimes applied to any large cavity containing viscera.
The uterus, or womb.
A belly, or protuberant part; a broad surface; as, the venter of a muscle; the venter, or anterior surface, of the scapula.
(Zool.) The lower part of the abdomen in insects.
(Rom. & O. E. Law) A pregnant woman; a mother; as, A has a son B by one venter, and a daughter C by another venter; children by different venters.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Venter" Quotes from Famous Books

... than Usury to venter? He maketh the matter dangerous, where is no need at all, But he thinks it not perilous to seek every man's fall. Both he and Lucre hath so pinch'd us, we know not what to do: Were it not for Hospitality, we knew not whither to go. Great is the misery that we poor ladies abide, And much ...
— A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Vol. VI • Robert Dodsley

Words linked to "Venter" :   omphalus, omphalos, abdomen, gut, hypochondrium, abdominal muscle, abdominal cavity, underbody, uterus, arteria colica, bellybutton, vent, umbilicus, utterer, navel, abdominal aorta, torso, belly, ventral, colic artery, intestine, underbelly, abdominal wall, speaker, verbaliser, talker

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