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Unhinge   Listen
Unhinge  v. t.  
To take from the hinges; as, to unhinge a door.
To displace; to unfix by violence.
To render unstable or wavering; to unsettle; as, to unhinge one's mind or opinions; to unhinge the nerves. "Why should I then unhinge my brains, ruin my mind?" "His sufferings, nay the revolutions of his fate, had not in the least unhinged his mind."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Unhinge" Quotes from Famous Books

... the Manchester Philological Society, he delivered an address in which he declared that, while men of all sects were eligible to membership, "he who rejects the establishment of what we believe to be a divine revelation, he who would disturb the peace of the quiet, and by doubtful disputations unhinge the minds of the simple and unreflecting, and endeavour to turn the unwary out of the way of peace and rational subordination, can have no seat among the members of this institution." The first sentence in this declaration ...
— History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom • Andrew Dickson White

Words linked to "Unhinge" :   worry, distract, perturb, disorder, remove, trouble, withdraw, disturb, vex, disquiet, take

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