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Troubler   Listen
Troubler  n.  One who troubles or disturbs; one who afflicts or molests; a disturber; as, a troubler of the peace. "The rich troublers of the world's repose."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Troubler" Quotes from Famous Books

... friend, the impractical student of Eastern Religions, could have to do with such a vivid anomaly as she must always be. It was unlikely that the silent, moody man strolling for hours through mist-filled English lanes, pipe in mouth, dog at heels should ever run athwart that lovely troubler of man's mind, that ...
— Margarita's Soul - The Romantic Recollections of a Man of Fifty • Ingraham Lovell

Words linked to "Troubler" :   instigant, provoker, agitator, inciter, blusterer, mischief-maker, unwelcome person, devil, fomenter, heller, rioter, instigator, disturber, cut-up, trickster, hellion, tricker, troublemaker, prankster, persona non grata, badgerer, heckler, bad hat, loudmouth, firebrand, hoaxer

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