"Trammel" Quotes from Famous Books
... and no traditions to hamper its development; its officers and administrators had only one desire—to get the best of everything in modern naval science from anywhere. There was no cult of seamanship, no dead wall of prejudice to trammel modern naval developments. There was no prejudice at the Japanese Admiralty against anything—save stagnation. Progress was the keynote and watchword of the Japanese Navy. My friend assured me that it was, as regards equipment, organisation, and general efficiency, ... — The Empire of the East • H. B. Montgomery
... to try a different style of calls. Go alone; not with your father, or with anyone who will trammel your tongue; and go among a class of people who do not expect you, and will be surprised and pleased, and helped, perhaps. Come, let me give you a list of persons whom I would like to have you call on at your earliest opportunity. This ... — The Chautauqua Girls At Home • Pansy, AKA Isabella M. Alden
... ask whose orders were these. At once he saw the trammel spread for him. But if Messer Cosimo was subtle, so, too, was Messer Gambara. By not so much as a word did he set his authority in question with ... — The Strolling Saint • Raphael Sabatini
... the year 'fourteen, he and William Tallifer were sitting here, just as you and I, sir, are sitting now. My father had put on his clothes a few minutes before, and was mending his spiller by the light of the horn lantern, meaning to set off before daylight to haul the trammel. The trumpeter hadn't been to bed at all. Toward the last he mostly spent his nights (and his days, too) dozing in the elbow-chair where you sit at this minute. He was dozing then (my father said) with his chin dropped forward ... — The Boy Scouts Book of Stories • Various
... revolutionary and impractical, no honest conservative could fail to recognize the sincerity of her aim. And every deep observer of character would have found the explanation of what seemed vehement or too high-strung, in the longing of a spirited woman to break every trammel that checked her growth ... — Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Vol. II • Margaret Fuller Ossoli |
Words linked to "Trammel" : regulate, throttle, confine, hold, fetter, restrain, fishnet, trap, hunting, cuff, gin, ensnare, cumber, clamp down, hamper, ball and chain, handlock, draw the line, tighten, chains, rein, contain, handcuff, baffle, crack down, stiffen, capture, mark out, bound, draw a line, restrict, harness, irons, inhibit, trammel net, fishing net, control, catch, pothook, bond, rule, restraint, constraint, shackle, encumber, mark off, hobble, limit, moderate, halter, cramp, entrap, gate, tie, hunt, hold in, snare, tighten up, curb, strangle, constrain, reduce, manacle |
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