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Tot   Listen
Tot  v. t.  (past & past part. totted; pres. part. totting)  
To mark with the word "tot"; as, a totted debt. See Tot, n.
To add; to count; to make up the sum of; to total; often with up. (Colloq., Eng.) "The last two tot up the bill."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Tot" Quotes from Famous Books

... of this tremendous tot so awe-inspiring is the fact that he is not merely a musical illiterate, who cannot yet read a note of music, but that he has received no education of any kind! Born at Tipperusalem, Oklahoma, on the 15th of March, 1912, he has for parents a clerk in the Eagle Bakery and a Lithuanian laundress. ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 146, April 29, 1914 • Various

... since 6th August are not going to be enough to enable me to hold on. But no one can make head or tail of these 47,000 drafts and reinforcements; no one can run them to ground. He has notified me the units and the ships, but the total coming to Maxwell and myself don't tot up to that figure, much less the portion of them detailed for the Dardanelles.[11] Now comes to-day's cable in which Egypt is spoken of as being mine, and the fatness thereof. Taking this message per se, any one might imagine I could draw any troops I liked from that country provided that I ...
— Gallipoli Diary, Volume 2 • Ian Hamilton

... Miss Polly, and will it tell you a story, too, when you look at it?" asked one little tot as they all crowded about her for a ...
— Polly Oliver's Problem • Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin

... pretty bad sort of cheek, judging by what we've heard from the witness-box, even if you only believe one-tenth part of what you heard, and I never believe more myself—those figures, if added together correctly, tot up ...
— The Wind in the Willows • Kenneth Grahame

... and felicitated them, and begged them to rest a while in the shade. But they were all hungry, and Charles Svendt laughingly asserted that he had swallowed so much salt-water, in rescuing Miss Penny from a watery grave, that his constitution absolutely needed a tiny tot of whisky, or ...
— Pearl of Pearl Island • John Oxenham

... out; and there's a long line, mainly kids, at the box-office. I goes on in and takes a flash at the front of the house through the peephole in the curtain, and the place is already jam full. If there's one kid out there, there's a thousand, and every tiny tot has got a sack of peanuts clutched in his or her chubby fist, as the case may be. And say, listen: there's a smell in the air like a prairie fire running through ...
— From Place to Place • Irvin S. Cobb

... raised in the heart of the cotton section, surrounded by negroes from my earliest infancy, "I KNOW whereof I do speak"; and it is to tell of the pleasant and happy relations that existed between master and slave that I write this story of Diddie, Dumps, and Tot. ...
— Diddie, Dumps, and Tot • Louise-Clarke Pyrnelle

... the doctor, lowering his tone in imitation of Eleanor's—"I shall be happy to be your instructor. I have been that, in some sort, ever since you were five years old—a little tot down in your mother's pew, sitting under my ministrations. ...
— The Old Helmet, Volume I • Susan Warner

... I like to hear," said Lyne, and poured out from the long bottle which stood on the coffee-tray a stiff tot of Sam's favourite brandy. "Now, I'll give you ...
— The Daffodil Mystery • Edgar Wallace

... genereusement la defense du gouvernement monarchique. L'Abbe voulut le convaincre par Tite Live, et par quelques argumens tires de Plutarque en faveur des Spartiates. M. Gibbon, doue de la memoire la plus heureuse, et ayant tous les faits presens a la pensee, domina bien-tot la conversation; I'Abbe se facha, il s'emporta, il dit des choses dures; l'Anglois, conservant le phlegme de son pays, prenoit ses avantages, et pressoit l'Abbe avec d'autant plus de succes que la colere le troubloit de plus en plus. La conversation ...
— Memoirs of My Life and Writings • Edward Gibbon

... against which it slowly and painfully up-ended itself, and stood blinking round for the water-bag, which hung from the verandah rafters in a line with its shapeless red nose. It staggered forward, held on by the cords, felt round the edge of the bag for the tot, and drank about a quart of water. Then it staggered back against the wall, stood for a moment muttering and passing its hand aimlessly over its poor ruined head, and finally collapsed into a shapeless rum-smelling heap and ...
— Over the Sliprails • Henry Lawson

... Kate, my pay and my mother's allowance tot up to three hundred and fifty a year, and, ...
— The Squire - An Original Comedy in Three Acts • Arthur W. Pinero

... was a pretty little girl of five or six years, with great brown eyes, yellow curls, and a rosebud face that dimpled adorably when she laughed. When Gordon saw her he recognized her instantly as the tot who had given her doll to the little dancer two years before. Her eyes could not be mistaken. She used to drive about in the tiniest of village carts, drawn by the most Liliputian of ponies, and Gordon used to ...
— Gordon Keith • Thomas Nelson Page

... Mazeppa, Korsar und Beppo./ In das Deutsche bertragen/ von/ Wilhelm Schffer./ Stulta est elementia, quam tot ubique/ Vatibus occurras, peritur parcere chart./ Juvenal./ [Emblem—Griffin with shield bearing motto "F.A.B. 1805."] Leipzig: ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Vol. 7. - Poetry • George Gordon Byron

... hodie passim, in Anglia, prdia monasteriorum gravissimis annuis reditibus auxerunt. Hinc omnium rerum exauctum pretium; hi homines expilant totam rempublicam. Villici et coloni universi laborant, parcunt, corradunt, ut istis satisfaciant.... Hinc tot famili dissipat, tot domus collaps.... Hinc, quod omnium miserrimum est, nobile illud decus et robur Angli, nomen, inquam, Yomanorum Anglorum, fractum et collisum est ... NAM VITA, QU NUNC VIVITUR A PLURIMIS, NON VITA, ...
— Early English Meals and Manners • Various

... kinds and qualities,—some well-to-do, some very poor, some gentle and well-mannered, some wild as steers, some brazen-faced and pushing, some sweet and shy and modest. I had one little child—a mere tot—take hold of the ribbon with which I tied my cape and ask me how much it was a yard; she also inquired about the quality of the narrow lace edge on my handkerchief, and being convinced that it was real, sharply told me to look out "it didn't get stoled." One little girl came every ...
— Stage Confidences • Clara Morris

... noan time for him yet. But I see," continued she, looking up at the clock, "it's gettin' further on than I thought. He'll be here in abeawt three-quarters of an hour—that is, if he doesn't co', an' I hope he'll not, to neet. I'll put th' kettle on. Jenny, my lass, bring him a tot o' ale." ...
— Th' Barrel Organ • Edwin Waugh

... cathagorisch antwoord heeft versogt, om daar van aan sijne principaalen kennis te kunnen geeven, als meede op de requesten van een groot aantal commercieerende, fabriceerende en sig door den handel geneerende ingezeetenen in deese provincie, tot appui van hunne versoeken ter generaliteit den 20 deeser gedaan ten einde tot verkrijging der handel uit deesen landen op Noord-America, efficacieuse middelen werden beraamt, op den 21 deeser bij ...
— The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876 • J. F. Loubat

... dogs and fetches the littlest children to the yellow house. Carries lunch pails, pulls sleds, and I've seen that little crippled tot of Jonas Mills' on Ginger's back. Ain't that ginger fur yer? I tell you, Peter, it's you as ails that dog—he's what you make him. I reckon the Lord, that isn't unmindful of sparrows, takes notice of dogs." Then suddenly, Polly demanded: ...
— At the Crossroads • Harriet T. Comstock

... Cum tot sustineas, et tanta negotia solus: Res Italas armis tuteris, moribus ornes, Legibus emendes: in publica commoda peccem, Si longo sermone morer tua ...
— The Lives Of The Twelve Caesars, Complete - To Which Are Added, His Lives Of The Grammarians, Rhetoricians, And Poets • C. Suetonius Tranquillus

... many beauties it had sacrificed". [Footnote: Il est facile aux speculatifs d'etre severes; mais, s'ils voulaient donner dix ou douze poemes de cette nature au public, ils elargiraient peut-etre les regles encore plus que je ne sais, si tot qu'ils auraient reconnu par l'experience quelle contrainte apporte leur exactitude et combien de belles choses elle bannit de notre theatre—Troisieme Discours Euvres, xii. 326. See Dryden's Essay English ...
— English literary criticism • Various

... qui tost alout Devant le duc alout chantant De Karlemaigne e de Rollant E d'Oliver e des vassals Qui morurent en Rencevals. Quant il orent chevalchie tant Qu'as Engleis vindrent apreismant: "Sire," dist Taillefer, "merci! Io vos ai longuement servi. Tot mon servise me devez. Hui se vos plaist le me rendez. Por tot guerredon vos require E si vos veil forment preier Otreiez mei que io ni faille Le premier colp de la bataille." ...
— Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres • Henry Adams

... them made them excessively painful. Fortunately, but little exertion was now necessary, and our only relief was in lying still, with an impromptu awning over us. General Breckinridge took charge of the water and rum, doling it out at regular intervals, a tot at a time, determined to make it last as ...
— Famous Adventures And Prison Escapes of the Civil War • Various

... his fingers carefully into his waistcoat pockets. "I put the question, Mr. Chairman," he said, "as it'll be put to the youngster when he has to tot up a bill. That seems to be a sound and practical form for such questions to ...
— The Wonder • J. D. Beresford

... Le. Cui tot deliciis renidet hortus, Herbis, fioribus, arborumque foetu, Et multo et vario, nec excolendum Curat pectus et artibus probatis, Et virtutibus, is mihi ...
— Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I. • Erasmus

... well; And she, I fear, loves him. But then his father Is proud as Lucifer, and selfish too. Ambition makes the generous nature selfish. He'll ne'er consent his only son should wed The portionless daughter of a pedagogue. No, no. I'll tot these bitter waters out. I'll give the judge an inkling of the matter. I'll write a note—he'll think it comes from Belcour. If I can drive young Bolton from the field, Then Isabelle is ...
— Godey's Lady's Book, Vol. 42, January, 1851 • Various

... laugh and a choke he let me go, and crossing to the couch picked up the whisky and splashed out a generous tot into the glass. ...
— A Rogue by Compulsion • Victor Bridges

... the sidewalk like a figure in a slow motion picture came a tiny tot of three. She was sobbing. Great tears formed with painful slowness and slid down her ...
— The End of Time • Wallace West

... wheel with one hand while he drank, bending down to shelter his lips from the wind. Wamibo had to be poked and yelled at before he saw the mug held before his eyes. Knowles said sagaciously:—"It's better'n a tot o' rum." Mr. Baker grunted:—"Thank ye." Mr. Creighton drank and nodded. Donkin gulped greedily, glaring over the rim. Belfast made us laugh when with grimacing mouth he shouted:—"Pass it this way. We're all taytottlers here." The master, presented with the mug again by a crouching man, who ...
— The Nigger Of The "Narcissus" - A Tale Of The Forecastle • Joseph Conrad

... excellent one, as far as I am concerned; and the sallad-oil green, like Irish usquebaugh, nothing was ever so excellent. I asked the French valet who dresses our hair, "Si ce n'etait pas une republique mignonne?[X]"—"Ma foy, madame, je la trouve plus tot la republique des rats et des souris[Y];" replies the fellow, who had not slept all night, I afterwards understood, for the noise those troublesome animals ...
— Observations and Reflections Made in the Course of a Journey through France, Italy, and Germany, Vol. I • Hester Lynch Piozzi

... non domus accipiet te Iaeta, neque uxor Optima, nee dulces occurrent oscula nati Praeripere et tacita pectus dulcedine tangent: Non poteris factis florentibus esse, tuisque Praesidium: misero misere" aiunt, "omnia ademit Una dies infesta tibi tot praemia vitae...." ...
— Latin Literature • J. W. Mackail

... havin' decided," continued Breede, in staccato explosions, "that the 'quipment is nes'ry part of road, without which road would be tot'ly crippled, you will note these first moggige 'quipment bonds take pri'rty over first-moggige bonds, an' gov'n y'sef 'cordingly your ...
— Bunker Bean • Harry Leon Wilson

... hommes de couleur, plus dangereux encore, il seroit probablement tres-avantageux d'en former des colonies dans quelques parties inhabitees du continent: cette mesure auroit une suite doublement utile; elle priveroit les colonies de ces etres par lesquels elles seront tot ou tard aneanties, et elle diminueroit ce gout crapuleux des Blancs pour leurs esclaves, qui est la ruine de la societe et la cause premiere du pen de population des pays qu'ils habitent.—Voyage dans Les Deux Louisianes, 1801, 1802, and 1803, ...
— The Journal of Negro History, Volume 2, 1917 • Various

... few of these ryming verses among the Latines of the ciuiller ages, and those rather hapning by chaunce then of any purpose in the writer, as this Distick among the disportes of Ouid. Quot coem stellas tot habet tua Roma puellas Pascua quotque haedos tot habet tua ...
— The Arte of English Poesie • George Puttenham

... draught of water. So a damsel came out and looked at him; then, going back into the house, pressed the juice from a single sugar-cane into a bowl and mixed it with water; after which she strewed on the top some scented stuff, as it were dust, and carried it tot he King. Thereupon he seeing in it what resembled dust, drank it, little by little, till he came to the end; when said he to her, "O damsel, the drink is good, and how sweet it had been but for this dust in it that troubleth ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 5 • Richard F. Burton

... leading from the villa till one was quite in the town. So auntie thought it not worth while to ask, for, in a street of houses and shops standing close together, and people constantly passing, it was much less likely that any one would have noticed a little tot like Herr ...
— The Adventures of Herr Baby • Mrs. Molesworth

... to her or not. She knew absolutely nothing about her identity—who she was, who her people had been—of course, it was safe to say she was an orphan—where she had lived before she came to the Higbee Endowed School when she was a little tot, who paid her tuition here, or what was to become of her when she ...
— A Little Miss Nobody - Or, With the Girls of Pinewood Hall • Amy Bell Marlowe

... this last day with the sea trout, I find on inquiry that there is no sign of H. yet, and that dinner will not be ready for at least another hour. I therefore amuse myself by going through my daily record, to tot up the gross returns. We are very curiously fashioned, inside as well as out, and although, considering the adverse circumstances which I have not failed to describe, I ought to be contented, I find myself grieving. Will the reader guess for a moment why? I will save his time by stating that ...
— Lines in Pleasant Places - Being the Aftermath of an Old Angler • William Senior

... herself over those poodles. Each one had a high chair at the table, and a plate, and they always sat in these chairs and had meals with her, and the servants all called them Master Bijou, and Master Tot, and Miss Tiny, and Miss Fluff. One day they tried to make me sit in a chair, and I got cross and bit Mrs. Tibbett, and she beat me cruelly, and her servants stoned me ...
— Beautiful Joe - An Autobiography of a Dog • by Marshall Saunders

... Corps at the Cambria Hospital attended her, and mother and babe are doing better than thousands of the flood sufferers who are elsewhere. There are other babies in Camp Hastings, but none of them receive half of the attention from the people in the camp that is bestowed upon this little tot, whose life began just as so many lives were ended. The baby will probably ...
— The Johnstown Horror • James Herbert Walker

... her heart on the raisins," said papa, tossing the small maiden up higher than his head, and dropping her all laughing on the door-step, "and Tot shall have them sure, if papa can find them in S—. Now good-bye, all! Willie, remember to take care of mamma, and I depend on you to get up a Christmas dinner if I don't get back. Now, wife, don't ...
— The Children's Book of Christmas Stories • Various

... et victualibus eorum noueritis, quod indifferenter comedunt omnia morticinia sua. Et inter tot pecora et armenta non potest esse quin multa animalia moriantur. Tamen in astate quamdiu durat eis cosmos, hoc est lac equinum, non curant de alio cibo. Vnde tunc si contingat eis mori bouem vel equum, siccant carnes scindendo per tenues pecias et suspendendo ad solem et ventum, ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries - Vol. II • Richard Hakluyt

... Fabioque sedenti et populo consul totas edissere Cannas. concedam hanc iterum, si lucis tanta cupido est, concedam tibi, Varro, fugam. at, cui fortia et hoste me digna haud parvo caluerunt corda vigore, funere supremo et tumuli decoretur honore. quantus, Paule, iaces! qui tot mihi milibus unus maior laetitiae causa est. cum fata vocabunt, tale precor nobis salva Karthagine letum.' * * * * * 'i decus Ausoniae, quo fas est ire superbas (572) virtute et factis animas. tibi gloria leto iam parta insigni. nostros Fortuna labores versat adhuc casusque iubet nescire ...
— Post-Augustan Poetry - From Seneca to Juvenal • H.E. Butler

... on the bridge, and the engineer was busy with a slight leak in the cooking water service. I have said that, though a heavy drinker by nature, Alten is a strict abstainer at sea. Accordingly I produced a small flask of rum, half-way through dinner, and helped myself to a liberal tot, placing the liquor between us on the table. As the sight met his eyes and the aroma greeted his nostrils, a gleam of joy flashed across his face, to ...
— The Diary of a U-boat Commander • Anon

... voerscreven reijse op heure costen ende risique, zonder te schepen ende tgelt van den lande, zonde begeren te verzoeken, dat men dezelve aventuriers de reijse gevonden ende gedaen hebbende, daervan brengende goet ende geloofflijck beschijt, tot haer luijder wedercomste, zal vereeren mette somme van vijff en twintich duysent gulden eens. Item daar enboven accorderen den vrijdom voor twee jaren van convoyen der goederen die zij uit dese landen naer China off Japan zullen ...
— The Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe, Volume I and Volume II • A.E. Nordenskieold

... however, recognised one thing distinctly—that the Major's inquiry was not to get, but to give, information. He didn't the least want to know what she thought; he was only working to give her a useful tip. So she would take her time about answering. She took it, looking as grave as a little downy owl-tot. Meanwhile, to show there was no bad feeling, she went and sat candidly on the fossil's knee, and attended to ...
— Somehow Good • William de Morgan

... asked: "Le rois pescheor estoit gariz et tot muez de sa nature." "Li rois peschiere estoit mues de se nature et estoit garis de se maladie, et estoit sains comme pissons."[6] Here we have the introduction of a new element, the restoration to youth of the ...
— From Ritual to Romance • Jessie L. Weston

... Grace, impulsively, as she extended some to the tot, who at once proceeded to get as much outside his face as into his mouth. Then she added rather sternly: "I don't think this was very nice of you, Will. Betty ...
— The Outdoor Girls at Rainbow Lake • Laura Lee Hope

... said the little tot who had to stand on tiptoes to peer over the table with its blooming beauty. "I want it for my mamma," and he gave his smart little cane to the nursemaid to hold, while ...
— Five Little Peppers and their Friends • Margaret Sidney

... aliquo moriente, campanae debent pulsari; ut populus hoc audiens, oret pro illo. Pro muliere quidem bis, pro eo quod invenit asperitatem.... Pro viro vero ter pulsator.... Si autem clericus sit, tot vicibus simpulsatur, quot ordines habuit ipse. Ad ultimum vero compulsari debet cum omnibus campanis, ut ita sciat populus pro quo sit orandum."—Mr. Strutt's ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 197, August 6, 1853 • Various

... satis sit, nihil in adparatum. "Honestius" inquis "hoc impensis quas in Corinthia pictasque tabulas effuderim." Vitiosum est ubique quod nimium est. Quid habes cur ignoscas homini armaria citro atque ebore captanti, corpora conquirenti aut ignotorum auctorum aut improbatorum et inter tot milia librorum oscitanti, cui voluminum suorum frontes maxime placent titulique? Apud desidiosissimos ergo videbis quicquid orationum historiarumque est, tecto tenus exstructa loculamenta. Iam enim inter balnearia et thermas bibliotheca quoque ut necessarium domus ornamentum expolitur. ...
— The Care of Books • John Willis Clark

... midst of my troublesome chatter Abner came around to the kitchen door with the horse and wagon, saying he was going to mill, and would Tot like to ...
— Aunt Madge's Story • Sophie May

... (B. arundo, Blanco), Kawayag-toto, Tag., is the largest and most generally employed in making houses and furniture. The tender shoots prepared in lime water are edible but have the deserved reputation of ...
— The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines • T. H. Pardo de Tavera

... great hall. They had all brought sticks; so that they would have been a pretty formidable lot to tackle by anything simply physical; and, of course, Wentworth had his gun. He kept the whisky in his own charge; for he intended to keep them sober; but he gave them a good strong tot all 'round first, so as to make things seem cheerful; and to get them yearning. If you once let a crowd of men like that grow silent, they begin to think, and then to ...
— Carnacki, The Ghost Finder • William Hope Hodgson

... of one of the parents, with that of the child's, entitled him to draw books. One little tot begged hard to have a "ticket," and be allowed to take books home, insisting with many emphatic nods that she could write her name. On trial only a few meaningless scratches resulted, and the tears that ...
— Library Work with Children • Alice I. Hazeltine

... parchment. The only white thing about her was her wool, and she seemed to be pretty well dead except for her eyes and her voice. She thought that I was a devil come to take her, and that is why she yelled so. Well, I got her down to the waggon, and gave her a 'tot' of Cape smoke, and then, as soon as it was ready, poured about a pint of beef-tea down her throat, made from the flesh of a blue vilder-beeste I had killed the day before, and after that she brightened ...
— Stories by English Authors: Africa • Various

... Snickelfritz." He ran his fingers through the tot's golden hair. "Don't you know ...
— Kindred of the Dust • Peter B. Kyne

... le president Fairs bailler—en repondant Que l'on vient de perdre un grand homme; Que moi je le vaux, Dieu sait comme. Mais ce president sans facon[6] Ne perore ici qu'en chanson: Toujours trop tot sa harangue est finie. Non, non, ce n'est point comme a l'Academia; Ce n'est point ...
— Physics and Politics, or, Thoughts on the application of the principles of "natural selection" and "inheritance" to political society • Walter Bagehot

... plaisir que la Comtesse de Paris et moi nous aurons a vous voir ici avec Madame et Mademoiselle Reeve. Malheureusement les trois dernieres semaines d'aout sont le seul moment ou je ne serai pas ici, et si vous venez un peu plus tot en France je vous prierais de commencer par le chateau d'Eu.... I have read the article on M'Clellan by Mr. Curtis, in the last number of the 'North American Review.' It did not teach me much, for I have ...
— Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Henry Reeve, C.B., D.C.L. - In Two Volumes. VOL. II. • John Knox Laughton

... your luck when it comes and don't worry about what might have been. I didn't think any more of the business, except that it had cured me of wanting to be sea-sick. I went down to the reeking cabin without one qualm in my stomach, and ate a good meal of welsh-rabbit and bottled Bass, with a tot of rum to follow up with. Then I shed my wet garments, and slept in my bunk till we anchored off a village in Mull in a clear ...
— Mr. Standfast • John Buchan

... me, rot-tot-tote! A little wee man, in a red red coat! A staff in his hand, and a stone in his throat; If you'll tell me this riddle, ...
— The Great Big Treasury of Beatrix Potter • Beatrix Potter

... suuerlyc boec vanden tytuerdryf edelre heren ende vrouwen. als vande scaec spul. daer nochtant een ygherlyck mensche van wat staet dat hi si. vele scoenre en(de) saliger leren wt neme(n) mach. nae welcken hi syn leuen sal regieren tot profyt ende salicheyt synre sielen (Fol. 67'b), ghebruyken Amen In iaer ons heren dusent vierhondert ende neghentseuentich. opten anderden dach van october, soe is dit ghenoechlycke boeck voleynt en(de) Ghemaect ...
— Game and Playe of the Chesse - A Verbatim Reprint Of The First Edition, 1474 • Caxton

... opening of the school, this long and lank fifteen year old pedagogue faced sixty pupils from the "a, b, c, tot" to the brawny twenty-one-year-older, spoiling for a fight. When I assayed to take a seat, the half-sawed-off hind legs of the chair gave way, and I fell heels in air upon the dirty floor amid the ...
— The Gentleman from Everywhere • James Henry Foss

... ordinibus, tot adhuc compagibus altum AEdificat caput: Andromachen a fronte videbis; Post ...
— The Spectator, Volumes 1, 2 and 3 - With Translations and Index for the Series • Joseph Addison and Richard Steele

... poth' horais strepheth' henik' Arktos ede kata cheira ten Bootou, meropon de phyla panta keatai kopo damenta, 5 tot' Eros epistatheis meu thyreon ekopt' ocheas. tis, ephen, thyras arassei? kata meu schizeis oneirous. ho d' Eros, anoige, phesin; 10 brephos eimi, me phobesai; brechomai de kaselenon kata nykta peplanemai. eleesa taut' akousas, ana d' euthy lychnon hapsas 15 aneoxa, kai brephos men esoro pheronta ...
— The Hesperides & Noble Numbers: Vol. 1 and 2 • Robert Herrick

... between the headmasters as to the publication of Public School Rolls of Honour—"Quot dominies tot santentiae." ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 150, January 5, 1916 • Various

... strike the seated detective; but suddenly changing his mind, for he saw well enough in what danger he stood, he dropped into his chair, and, covering his face with his hands, groaned aloud. Hurd put away his revolver. "That's better," said he, pleasantly; "take a tot of rum and tell me ...
— The Opal Serpent • Fergus Hume

... Cytorio in iugo Loquente saepe sibilum edidit coma. Amastri Pontica et Cytore buxifer, Tibi haec fuisse et esse cognitissima Ait phaselus: ultima ex origine Tuo stetisse dicit in cacumine, Tuo imbuisse palmulas in aequore, Et inde tot per inpotentia freta Erum tulisse, laeva sive dextera Vocaret aura, sive utrumque Iuppiter Simul secundus incidisset in pedem; Neque ulla vota litoralibus deis Sibi esse facta, cum veniret a mari Novissimo hunc ad usque limpidum lacum. Sed haec prius ...
— Vergil - A Biography • Tenney Frank

... one," Frank said, holding the lantern, which the pilot had left with them, to his watch. "We shall get four hours' sleep. You had better serve a tot of grog all round, George. It will keep ...
— The Queen's Cup • G. A. Henty

... daprimam mediae? mediamqz sequenti, Debita sic nosces fala, superbe, tibi. Quid mortalis homo jactas tot quidve superbis? Cras forsan fies, pulvis et umbra levis, Quid tibi opes prosunt? Quid nuuc tibi magna potesias? Quidve honor? Ant praestans quid tibi forma? Nihil. Vide Variorum in Europa itinerum deliciae, &c. Nathane Chitreo, Editio ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 14, No. 392, Saturday, October 3, 1829. • Various

... Tot . ecce . insignes . juvenes . quot . intuetor . non . magis . sunt . poenitendi . senatores . quam . aenitet . Persicum . nobilissimum . virum . amicum . meum . inter . imagines . majorum . suorum . Allobrogici . nomen . legere . quod . SL . haec . ita . esse . consentitis ...
— A Year's Journey through France and Part of Spain, Volume II (of 2) • Philip Thicknesse

... superiore Ecclesiarum Zelandicarum nomine, missae sunt ad nos Literae, ut eas communis totius Ecclesiae vestrae Religicae voluntatis restes suisse interpretaremur, effecit benevolentia vestra tot tantisque officiis nobis spectata: Quam sententiam nobis confirmarunt ea quae copiose clarissimus Eques D. Archibadus Jonsto nus Varistonus in soro supremo Judex, a reliquis tum Ordinum cum Ecclesiae ...
— The Acts Of The General Assemblies of the Church of Scotland

... classical studies ended forever. He now and then affected to quote Latin sentences, and produced such exquisitely Ciceronian phrases as these: "Stante pede morire;" "De gustibus non est disputandus;" "Tot verbas tot spondera." Of Italian he had not enough to read a page of Metastasio with ease; and of the Spanish and English, he did not, as far as we are ...
— Critical and Historical Essays, Volume III (of 3) • Thomas Babington Macaulay

... these pupils was a little deaf-mute tot, five years of age, named Georgie Sanders. Bell had agreed to give him a series of private lessons for $350 a year; and as the child lived with his grandmother in the city of Salem, sixteen miles from Boston, it was ...
— The History of the Telephone • Herbert N. Casson

... out a tot of grog to each man; let them splice the main-brace once more before they die," said Seymour, grimly, amid a chorus of approving murmurs from the sailors, as he walked slowly along the lines, greeting men here and there with plain, ...
— For Love of Country - A Story of Land and Sea in the Days of the Revolution • Cyrus Townsend Brady

... and second sleepers were completely wrecked. A good many people were killed, and others so badly injured they didn't live long. As soon as auntie could pull herself together she went out to see if she could help anybody, and she found me, a little tot only a year old, screaming in the gutter beside the track. She took me back into her car and looked me over, to see if I was injured; but, aside from a few bruises and scratches, I appeared to be all ...
— Katherine's Sheaves • Mrs. Georgie Sheldon

... a Libalam, Alla la terra santa, Nu nat Jesus, Anb' alagria tanta. Infant petit Que tot lu mon salvaria; Y ningu y bastaria, Nu mes un Deu tot sol. Disciarem lu ...
— Letters of a Traveller - Notes of Things Seen in Europe and America • William Cullen Bryant

... dissatisfied, for there was just wind enough to ensure the proper working of the schooner, while the water was smooth enough to admit of our laying our adversary aboard without injury to either vessel. The men were given plenty of time to finish their dinner in peace and comfort; a tot of grog was served out to them, and then all hands cleared the decks for action; the galley fire was extinguished, the magazine opened, powder and shot passed on deck, cutlasses and pistols served out, and the latter loaded; and then the crew went to quarters. The brigantine was by this ...
— The Log of a Privateersman • Harry Collingwood

... p{er} reliquu{m} reliquu{m} vis m{u}lti{plica}r{e} In p{ro}p{r}iu{m} digitu{m} debet vt{er}q{ue} resolui. Articul{us} digitos post se m{u}ltiplicantes Ex digit{us} quociens retenerit m{u}ltipli{ca}r{i} Articuli faciu{n}t tot ...
— The Earliest Arithmetics in English • Anonymous

... Just a tot when the Civil War gave him and his people freedom, Maxwell's memories of bondage-days are vivid through the experiences related by older Negroes. He relates the story of the plantation owner who trained his dogs to hunt escaped slaves. He had a Negro youth ...
— Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States - From Interviews with Former Slaves - Florida Narratives • Works Projects Administration

... more days like this and his barn would be filled with the finest hay in the country. A few more years like this one and he would be the richest farmer hereabouts. For himself, he did not care, and Martha had simple tastes like his own. But there was Sallie. She was only a wee tot now but she would be a woman some day. They must give Sallie all the advantages they had missed; they must lay by money against the time when Sallie would be a grown up woman and want things like other ...
— The Alchemist's Secret • Isabel Cecilia Williams

... all secure in a natural fort, whose approaches could easily be defended, there being only one place where an enemy was likely to approach. Here a watch was set, and orders given for a meal to be prepared, in anticipation of which a tot of rum was served round to the tired men, and a bit of tobacco handed ...
— Syd Belton - The Boy who would not go to Sea • George Manville Fenn

... bills like these will be checkt, some day, And the balance settled the other way: Where Lyons the curate's hard-wrung sum Will back to his shade with interest come; And Marcus, the rector, deep may rue This tot, in his favor, of one ...
— The Complete Poems of Sir Thomas Moore • Thomas Moore et al

... cracks and the nails bleed, as the bulging, slatting, frantic canvas surges like a cast-iron wave, the thin red-shirted line along the jack-stay does heroic work without meaning it, without one touch of consciousness, without praise, and mostly without even that reward of a "tot" of grog so sweet to the simple-minded sailorman. Ah, yes, to be sure we were heroes, and I too (though now soft and self-conscious) played an Homeric part upon the yard, was bold, and afraid, and "funked" it with any god-smitten, panic-driven ...
— A Tramp's Notebook • Morley Roberts

... of their desirability for helping the growing tot to pass an idle half hour, any one of these volumes would be worth your while. But the author had something further than that in mind. He has, with simplicity and grace, worthy of high commendation, ...
— The Tale of Tommy Fox • Arthur Scott Bailey

... point que j'ai dit. Pendant ce temps elles ont une plaque de fer convexe, qui est posee sur un trepied et echauffee en dessous par un feu doux. Elles y etendent la feuille de pate et la retournent tout aussitot, de sorte qu'elles ont plus-tot fait deux de leurs pains qu'un oublieur chez nous ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, - and Discoveries of The English Nation, Volume 10 - Asia, Part III • Richard Hakluyt

... of the individual, acting through his own subjective mind, impresses upon it; and at the same time as creative mind, it builds up external facts in correspondence with this conception. "Quot homines tot sententiae": each one externalizes in his outward circumstances precisely his idea of the Universal Mind; and the man who realizes that by the natural law of mind he can bring the Universal Mind into perfectly reciprocal action with ...
— The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science • Thomas Troward

... my bairnie, ye 're ower young to learn To tot up and down yet, my bonnie wee bairn; Better creepin' cannie, as fa'in' wi' a bang, Duntin' a' your wee ...
— The Modern Scottish Minstrel, Volumes I-VI. - The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century • Various

... had produced and done no other good thing than to give his two Catechisms to homes, schools, and pulpits, the entire world could never sufficiently thank or repay him for it." J. Fr. Mayer: "Tot res quot verba. Tot utilitates, quot apices complectens. Pagellis brevis, sed rerum theologicarum amplitudine incomparabilis. As many thoughts as words; as many uses as there are characters in the book. Brief in pages, but incomparable in amplitude ...
— Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church • Friedrich Bente

... the young male, they had once burned a cat alive, and the passion of their father and their cries under flaying had beat about in her brain for weeks after. Jealousies, each of the other, burned fiercely, and, aged three, they scratched blood from one another over the favor of the shoemaker's tot of a girl. And once, to her soul-sickness, Nikolai, the black one, had found out the vodka and drunk of it until she discovered him in a little ...
— The Vertical City • Fannie Hurst

... in this bay for rum, Sergeant Lumsden?" "Four men and myself, sir. That will be nine." When handed his tot, he looked at the bottom of the mug, and handed it back to the orderly sergeant, "Hoots, Gorrie, dinna mak a ...
— The Fife and Forfar Yeomanry - and 14th (F. & F. Yeo.) Battn. R.H. 1914-1919 • D. D. Ogilvie

... defeat] Have another tot! [He pours it out] Let Mary go up with a flag of truce, and ask them both to come down for a thorough discussion of the whole thing, on condition that they can go up again if ...
— Forsyte Saga • John Galsworthy

... a quaint rareness all her own," Sprague answered, watching the play of the girl's mobile face. "She had it as a mere tot. Is it her mouth, her simple dress, her ...
— The Henchman • Mark Lee Luther

... Nothing could be finer, diviner, and bring larger helpfulness for social living than the attempt of the least little lisping child to throw herself into the unified family act of prayer, as when one little tot, unable to say the Lord's Prayer, united in worship at the time of that act by saying, as reverently as possible, "One, two, three, four, five," etc., up to ten. The ability to count was her latest ...
— Religious Education in the Family • Henry F. Cope

... coffee-house he went again to a tavern, where he often sat late, and drank too much wine. In the bottle, discontent seeks for comfort, cowardice for courage, and bashfulness tot confidence. It is not unlikely that Addison was first seduced to excess by the manumission which he obtained from the servile timidity of his sober hours. He that feels oppression from the presence of those to whom he knows himself superiour, will desire to set loose his powers of conversation; ...
— Lives of the Poets, Vol. 1 • Samuel Johnson

... child, as she is," he said. "It was natural enough, to talk with the man," for Mae had made a clean breast of her misdoings to him, to the extent of saying that they had chatted after the beggar left. "Do forgive her, poor little proud tot, away across the sea from her mother. Albert, you're as hard as a rock, and that Edith has no spirit in her," he added, under his breath. This remark made Albert white with rage. Nevertheless, he put in a plea for his wayward, reckless little sister, with effect. After a few more remarks ...
— Mae Madden • Mary Murdoch Mason

... nationum Saeculorumque omnium Videre doceret, Proprios impendit oculos. Cum jam nil amplius haberet natura Quod ipse videret. Cujus inventa vix intra rerum limites comprehensa Firmamentum ipsum non solum continet, Sed etiam recipit. Qui relictis tot scientiarum monumentis Plura secum tulit, quam reliquit. Gravi enim Sed nondum affecta senectute, Novis contemplationibus Majorem gloriam affectans Inexplebilem sapientiae animam Immaturo nobis obitu Exhalavit Anno Domini MCXLII. ...
— The Martyrs of Science, or, The lives of Galileo, Tycho Brahe, and Kepler • David Brewster

... me here once when I was a little tot. We stayed about a week and the roses were all in bloom. I can see the garden now. Allison used to come over sometimes and tell me fairy stories. He told me that the long, slender gold-trimmed bottles filled with attar of roses came from the roots ...
— Old Rose and Silver • Myrtle Reed

... distractus dici non potest. Varia ex archivis eruo, antiquas chartns inspicio, manuscripta inedita conquiro. Ex hic lucem dare conor Brunsvicensi historiae. Magno numero litteras et accipio et dimitto. Habeo vero tam multa nova in mathematicis, tot cogitationes in philosophicis, tot alias literarias observationes, quas vellem non perire, ut saepe inter agenda anceps haeream et prope illud Ovidianum ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. II, No. 8, June 1858 • Various

... astonishment of Dona Cristina, decided to do so. The good senora was not alone. A niece was living with her as though she were her daughter. The sailor had only to go down in the depths of his memory to recall a little tot of a girl four years old, creeping and frolicking on the shore while he, with the gravity of a man, had been listening to the old secretary of the town, as he related the past ...
— Mare Nostrum (Our Sea) - A Novel • Vicente Blasco Ibanez

... that was worth engagin' a table next to the gold ropes. Besides, holdin' quite a block of Corrugated stock, I expect Barry figured it as a day's work when he got me to show him the last semi-annual report and figure out what his dividends would tot up to. Outside of that he was a bar-hound and more or less ...
— Torchy and Vee • Sewell Ford

... to them," Mary spoke in icily dignified tones. "As for me, I have my cloak." She held forth one bare arm on which swung her long, gray evening cape. "I should never forgive myself if I neglected this little tot. I'm sorry to be so rude, but I can't help it. I'm going now. Good night. Come, Charlie." Wrapping her cloak about her, Mary gently disengaged the violin case from Charlie's clutch, tucked it under one arm and took firm hold of ...
— Marjorie Dean - High School Sophomore • Pauline Lester

... to drink. This argument was ingenious, but we did not see the force of it, as our stock of spirits, which we had brought more for medicine than anything else, was very limited. Still, we were obliged to promise them a "tot" after the talking was over, in order to ...
— Cetywayo and his White Neighbours - Remarks on Recent Events in Zululand, Natal, and the Transvaal • H. Rider Haggard

... [Footnote 18: Tot reges, &c., (Ennodius, p. 1602.) We must recollect how much the royal title was multiplied and degraded, and that the mercenaries of Italy were the fragments of many tribes ...
— The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 4 • Edward Gibbon

... to my lips; but my heart was too full tot speak for a moment or so, and then I partially ...
— The Caxtons, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... tot of six or seven, From fireside fresh she seemed; Of such a little one in heaven I ...
— Successful Recitations • Various

... pursued them with professed hostilitie, notwithstanding they reposed confidence in the truce that was granted. Herein they are to be resembled to the cooks of whome Plautus speaketh verie neatlie, saieng, —— coquos equidem nimis Demiror, qui tot vtuntur condimentis, eos eo Condimento non vtier quod prstat omnibus, Meaning sobrietie: so these delighting more in their dishes, than mistrusting their enimies, remembred to take the vse of any pleasure that the conuenientnesse of this present ...
— Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (5 of 12) - Henrie the Second • Raphael Holinshed

... is brecious. Shtill I taught I voot take enough time to yoost trop in undt say to you tat I heffent het Mr. Richlun in my etsteplitchmendt a veek undtil I finte owdt someting apowt him, tot, uf you het a-knowdt ud, voot hef mate your letter maypy a ...
— Dr. Sevier • George W. Cable

... Tot maria intraui duce te, longeq; remotas Sole sub occiduo gentes, victricia Caesar Signa Calidonios transuexit ad vsq; Britannos, Fuderit & quanquam Scotum, & cum Saxone Pictum, Hostes quaesiuit quem iam natura ...
— Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (4 of 8) - The Fovrth Booke Of The Historie Of England • Raphael Holinshed

... deinen Worten, willst mit dem Speer mich werfen, Bist worden so alt nur immer Trug sinnend. Das sagten mir Leute, die zur See gefahren Westwrts ber den Wendelsee:[8] Hinweg nahm der Krieg ihn, Tot ist Hildebrand, Heribrands Sohn." 45 Hildebrand erhob das Wort, Heribrands Sohn: ...[9] "Wohl hr' ich's und seh' es an deinem Harnisch, Dass du daheim hast einen Herrn so gut, Dass unter diesem Frsten du flchtig nie wurdest." ... "Weh nun, waltender Gott, Wehgeschick erfllt sich! 50 Ich wallte ...
— An anthology of German literature • Calvin Thomas

... a woman. I talked to her through the frame of the shattered glass. She looked very pale and her face was cut, but she and everyone else was calm. And no one was doing business as usual more composedly than a wee tot trudging along to school with a nasty scratch from a glass splinter on her ...
— Mobilizing Woman-Power • Harriot Stanton Blatch

... increased, and then they all saw a little girl sitting on a stone under a tree, sobbing as if her heart would break. Betty hurried up to the tot. ...
— The Outdoor Girls of Deepdale • Laura Lee Hope

... prodere vati, Quantum scire licet. Venit aetas omnis in unam Congeriem, miserumque premunt tot saecula pectus. LUCAN, ...
— The Daemon of the World • Percy Bysshe Shelley

... appraise and make an inventory of all that remained on the place that he could call his own still and sell. There was some timber left. Then all the stock on the home farm would be disposed of. As he endeavoured to 'tot' this up he noticed a figure swinging along across the park at a great pace. Was a stranger already ...
— Border Ghost Stories • Howard Pease

... about 1647, of whom M. de Burbure says: "Pierre Borlon, or Porlon, made in the year 1647 a Double-Bass for the orchestra of the Cathedral (Antwerp). The instrument is in existence, and inside is the name 'Peeter Porlon tot, Antwerpen f. 1647.'" The same author mentions another early Double-Bass made in 1636 by Maitre Daniel for a chapel in Antwerp, and remarks, in passing, that in other countries the Double-Bass was not used ...
— The Violin - Its Famous Makers and Their Imitators • George Hart

... bien doux de prononger les moments de la voir encore, mais la sagesse demande que tout se fasse avec ordre; voila pourquoi notre chere enfant vous est confiee plus tot; que le seigneur l'accompagne et vous aussi, precieux amis; nous vous confions tous trois a la garde divine, et nous vous assurons encore ici de l'affection Chretienne qui unit nos ames aux votres en Celui qui est le ...
— Memoir and Diary of John Yeardley, Minister of the Gospel • John Yeardley

... trophaea, quot ossa Quot martyres, tot triumphi. Antra quae subis, multa quae cernis marmora, Vel dum silent, Palam Romae gloriam loquuntur. Audi quid Echo resonet Subterraneae Romae! Obscura licet Urbis Coemetria Totius patens Orbis Theatrium! Supplex Loci Sanetitatem venerare, Et post hac ...
— Notes & Queries, No. 47, Saturday, September 21, 1850 • Various

... slow and wan; At last the gunners pipes did fill, the sergeant's yarns began. When, as the wind a moment blew aside the fragrant flood Our brierwoods raised, within our view a little maiden stood. A tiny tot of six or seven, from fireside fresh she seemed, (Of such a little one in heaven one soldier often dreamed.) And as we stared, her little hand went to her curly head In grave salute. "And who are you?" at length the sergeant ...
— Poems Teachers Ask For, Book Two • Various

... hardened sinner thrilled the whole city with awe. St. Francis was preaching in one of the streets during Lent. He happened to pause and address a crowd near the house of an impious, ill conducted woman, who came immediately to her window to laugh and mock at the man of God. Having gratified herself tot he disgust of the crowd, she finally slammed to the window violently, uttering at the same time some filthy and unbecoming remark. St. Francis stood immovable fro a moment; his eye was fixed on heaven; and then, in a ...
— Alvira: the Heroine of Vesuvius • A. J. O'Reilly

... Meredith has paid him for those forty men?" pursued Joseph. "Where's the advance you made him for those men at Msala? Not one ha'penny of it have they fingered. And why? Cos they're slaves! Fifteen months at fifty pounds—let them as can reckon tot it up for theirselves. That's his first swindle—and there's others, sir! Oh, there's more behind. That man's just a stinkin' hotbed o' crime. But this 'ere slave-owning is enough to settle his hash, ...
— With Edged Tools • Henry Seton Merriman

... the organization of that colony, is that it should be destroyed as soon as possible.* (* Note 37: Mon sentiment et celui de tous ceux d'entre nous qui se sont plus particulierement occupes de l'organisation de cette colonie seroit de la detruire le plus tot possible.") To-day we could destroy it easily; we shall not be able to do so ...
— The Life of Captain Matthew Flinders • Ernest Scott

... and cut as you see, With juicy red wreath and name, T-O-T, This is the turnover dear little Tot Set in the window there all piping hot: Proud of her work, she has left it to cool: Benny must share it when he's out of school. Scenting its flavor, Prince happens that way, Wonders if Tot will give him some to-day. Benny is coming, he's now at the gate— Prince for himself decides not to wait. ...
— The Nursery, June 1877, Vol. XXI. No. 6 - A Monthly Magazine for Youngest Readers • Various

... mother and Sarah were alive then. There was an Italian woman came to the village with a broken hand-organ, a filthy, starving wretch, and Gurney's little girl went with her from house to house in the snow, singing Christmas carols, and handing the tambourine. Everybody said, "Why, you little tot!" and gave her handfuls of silver. Such a wonderful voice she had even then, and looked so chubby and pretty in her little blue cloak and hood; and going about with the woman was such a pure-hearted ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Volume 11, Issue 67, May, 1863 • Various

... coppers)[EN51] which are in this place ('Athaka); and their (i.e. the commissioners') ships[EN52] were loaded, carrying them (the metals); while other (commissioners were sent and) marched on their asses. No! one never (ter-tot) had heard, since the (days of the olden) kings, that these (copper) mines had been found.[EN53] The loads (i.e. of the ships and the asses) carried copper; the loads were by myriads for their ships, which went thence (i.e. from the mines) ...
— The Land of Midian, Vol. 1 • Richard Burton

... responsive exhalation, "I think so. He has few faults. But he is not the man to follow my Silas on this farm. I truly believe, Sarah, that he couldn't tell the difference between a cabbage-field and a potato-patch. These what-d'you-call-'ems, Civil servants, are only fit to tot up figures and play around with a woman's wardrobe every time she crosses the border. Thank goodness I'm not of the travelling kind; I'm sure I should hide my face for very shame every time I saw ...
— The Hound From The North • Ridgwell Cullum

... in tins, and, when possible, kegs of water. Let not the rum be forgotten. No soldier is more grateful for anything than for his tablespoonful of rum at half-past six in the evening and half-past four in the morning. His "tot" has saved many a man from a chill, and kept him going during long and dreary hours of wet and press. As to bread, by the bye, it is highly probable that one small loaf, about half the size of an ...
— A Soldier's Sketches Under Fire • Harold Harvey

... CH. SPEC. B. cauda tot aculeolis quot squamis armata; gena tota squamulis stipatis aspera, nec lines laevibus decursa; squamis majoribus rotuntdatis post aperturam branchiorum; fascia frontali et mtacula caudae nigris: fascia nigra laterali ab oculo ...
— Discoveries in Australia, Volume 1. • J Lort Stokes

... I said I knew the language and the route and all the rest of it, and the outlay for the pair of us would be very little more than what it would cost him to go alone. In fact, I was going on to sketch out the trip, and tot up the items of cost, when he cut me short, and coldly intimated that he did not intend to part with a cent. He did not even plead poverty. He gave no ...
— The Recipe for Diamonds • Charles John Cutcliffe Wright Hyne

... for his afternoon nap, Donald." She removed the sleepy tot from his arms and carried him away to his crib. When she returned, she resumed her ...
— Kindred of the Dust • Peter B. Kyne

... to think of it, who would say them nay for the sake of a ton of coal, or twenty? If one grows old, he is still young in his children. There is the smallest tot at this very moment sliding under my window with shrieks of delight, in the first fall of the season, though the November election is barely a week gone, and snowballing the hired girl in quite the fashion of the good old ...
— Children of the Tenements • Jacob A. Riis

... His horse bare him smoothly, and the others pricked fast behind. The noise roused a grim bear, whereat the knight cried tot hem that came after him, "Now for sport! Slip the dog, for I see a bear that shall with us to the tryst-fire. He cannot escape us, if he ran ...
— The Fall of the Niebelungs • Unknown

... druben liegt der Feind, In feigen Schutzengraben, Wir greifen ihn an, und ein Hund, wer meint, Heut' wurde Pardon gegeben. Schlagt alles tot, was um Gnade fleht, Schiesst alles nieder wie Hunde, Mehr Feinde, mehr Feinde! sei ...
— The Land of Deepening Shadow - Germany-at-War • D. Thomas Curtin

... feet of the young women of the town, whose dearest wish appeared to be to have an aviator as a filleul. They covered the wings of his avion with messages in pencil. The least pointed of these hints were, "Ecrivez le plus tot possible"; and, "Je voudrais bien un filleul americain, tres gentil, ...
— High Adventure - A Narrative of Air Fighting in France • James Norman Hall

... hand stood transfixed halfway from table to lip. The silver cup tilted part way over in sheer astonishment. Drip, drip, drip, dripped the contents down into Tot's scrap of ruffled and ...
— Connor Magan's Luck and Other Stories • M. T. W.

... The tot had dropped her ball, which had rolled out onto the sloping beach. With her mind only on rescuing the plaything, she had pulled herself out of her nurse's grasp and run out onto the race course. And then when she found herself in the path of certain death she ...
— The Boy Scout Fire Fighters • Irving Crump

... demijohn of water. We did not receive him even civilly; I burst out laughing, and the boys went off in a roar, and we shouted at him, "Where them chop?" "He live for come," said the boy, and we then gave him a hearty welcome and a tot of rum, and an hour afterwards two more boys appear, one carrying a sack of rice and beef for the men, and the other a box for me from Herr Liebert, containing a luxurious supply of biscuits, candles, tinned meats, and a bottle of ...
— Travels in West Africa • Mary H. Kingsley

... to comply most scrupulously with the existing rationing regulations. As the hostess herself said more than once as she moved to and fro in a flounced white frock having the exaggeratedly low waistline of the sort of frock which frequently is worn by a tot of tender age, with a wide blue sash draped about her almost down at her knees, and with fluffy skirts quite up to her knees, with her hair caught up in a coquettish blue bow on the side of her head and a diminutive fan tied fast to one of her wrists with a blue ribbon—so many of the ...
— The Life of the Party • Irvin Shrewsbury Cobb

Words linked to "Tot" :   numerate, sum, enumerate, number, minor, fry, toddler, yearling, shaver, small fry, child, total, summate, kid, nestling, tiddler, tally, small indefinite amount, tote up, bambino, count, add, tike, nipper, add up, youngster, tot up, small indefinite quantity

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