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Tilth   Listen
Tilth  n.  
The state of being tilled, or prepared for a crop; culture; as, land is good tilth. "The tilth and rank fertility of its golden youth."
That which is tilled; tillage ground. (R.) "And so by tilth and grange... We gained the mother city."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Tilth" Quotes from Famous Books

... for abundance.—Over-lords Took of his tilth. Yet was there still to reap, The portion of his labor; dear rewards Of sunlit day, and bread, and human sleep. He sang for strength; for glory of the light. He dreamed above the furrows, 'They are mine!' When ...
— Modern Prose And Poetry; For Secondary Schools - Edited With Notes, Study Helps, And Reading Lists • Various

... land as ye journey on all sides round. There is a river, the uttermost horn of Ocean, broad and exceeding deep, that a merchant ship may traverse; they call it Ister and have marked it far off; and for a while it cleaves the boundless tilth alone in one stream; for beyond the blasts of the north wind, far off in the Rhipaean mountains, its springs burst forth with a roar. But when it enters the boundaries of the Thracians and Scythians, here, dividing ...
— The Argonautica • Apollonius Rhodius

Words linked to "Tilth" :   ground, cultivated land, tilled land, condition, fallow, ploughland, tillage, status

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