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Three-ply   Listen
Three-ply  adj.  Consisting of three distinct webs inwrought together in weaving, as cloth or carpeting; having three strands; threefold.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Three-ply" Quotes from Famous Books

... non-rigid ship, having a wooden net-work around its envelope. The hull was composed of wooden transverse frames forming a polygon of sixteen sides, with radial wiring fitted to each transverse frame. The longitudinal members were spiral in form and were built up of three-ply lathes. A keel of similar construction ran along the under side of the hull which carried the control position and compartments for two Green engines, one of 40 horse-power, the other of 80 horse-power, together with the petrol, ...
— British Airships, Past, Present, and Future • George Whale

... French camlets now, or your drab-de-berries, it would hae screeded like an auld rag wi' sic a weight as mine. But fair fa' the weaver that wrought the weft o't—I swung and bobbit yonder as safe as a gabbart* that's moored by a three-ply cable at ...
— Rob Roy, Complete, Illustrated • Sir Walter Scott

... the large cloth which covered the middle of the floor, and which the women call a bocking, had been bought and nailed down there, after a solemn family-counsel, as the best means of concealing the too evident darns which years of good cheer had made needful in our stanch old household friend, the three-ply carpet, made in those days when to be a three-ply was a pledge of ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 75, January, 1864 • Various

... of heavy thread around one end as shown in the enlarged sketch A, Fig. 1. Form a cone of heavy paper, 9 in. long and 3 in. in diameter, at the larger end with the smaller end to fit the diameter of the tube A, making it three-ply thick and gluing the layers together. Attach this cone on the tube A where the thread has been wrapped with glue, as shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 2 is also an enlarged sketch. Make ten pieces about 1 ft. 10 in. in length ...
— The Boy Mechanic: Volume 1 - 700 Things For Boys To Do • Popular Mechanics

... to the steel wire rope which hung about the smouldering shaft. The man stepped into this, the chain was passed about his waist, he was smothered in heavy flannels which were tied about him with cords; the end of a long coil of dirty, oily, coaly, three-ply twine was fastened round his right wrist, and he was swung into the smoke. The word was passed to the engine-room, the little tin pot of an engine began to pant and snort 30 or 40 yards away and the man dropped out of sight. The coal-smeared ...
— Recollections • David Christie Murray

... materials, such as mats, cushion covers, and sachet cases. Glove, mouchoir, necktie, fan, and trinket boxes can be made by weaving the top, bottom, and sides in panels. Foundation boxes, which may be purchased for a few cents, are excellent for this purpose, or they can be made very well at home from three-ply cardboard. Make the hinges of ribbon and line the boxes with silk of a corresponding or ...
— Hand-Loom Weaving - A Manual for School and Home • Mattie Phipps Todd

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