Thorium n. (Chem.) A metallic element found in certain rare minerals, as thorite, pyrochlore, monazite, etc., and isolated as an infusible gray metallic powder which burns in the air and forms thoria; formerly called also thorinum. Symbol Th. Atomic weight 232.0.
... him the idea of producing a mantle for illuminating purposes and in 1885 he placed such a mantle in commercial use. His first mantles were unsatisfactory, but they were improved in 1886 by the use of thoria, an oxide of thorium, in conjunction with other rare-earth oxides. His mantle was now not only stronger but it gave more light. Later he greatly improved the mantles by purifying the oxides and finally achieved his great triumph by adding a slight amount of ... — Artificial Light - Its Influence upon Civilization • M. Luckiesh