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Testicle   Listen
Testicle  n.  (Anat.) One of the essential male genital glands which secrete the semen.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Testicle" Quotes from Famous Books

... constantly rubbed with grease, and exposed to the sun, they grow by degrees quite brown, and almost black. When a woman brings forth twins, one of them is immediately condemned to death, and is tied to a tree, where it is left to expire. Some of them have a custom of extirpating one testicle in their male children, as soon as they are able to bear the operation, in hope of preventing them afterwards from begetting twins. They seem to have little or no religion; yet they frequently look with admiration at the heavenly bodies, saying, ...
— A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 11 • Robert Kerr

Words linked to "Testicle" :   undescended testicle, vena testicularis, testicular vein, rete testis, male genitals, egg, bollock, epididymis, arteria testicularis, spermatic cord, nut, orchis, cobblers, ballock, male reproductive gland, male genitalia, internal spermatic artery, gonad, testis, testicular artery, ball, undescended testis, male reproductive system, male genital organ, family jewels, testicular

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