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Tenebrous   Listen
Tenebrous  adj.  Dark; gloomy; dusky; tenebrious. "The most dark, tenebrous night." "The towering and tenebrous boughts of the cypress."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Tenebrous" Quotes from Famous Books

... showed in the gloom. The short, shaking man on the chair, dully contrite for his spasm of rage, was cringing before Kate, who stood there, amazingly tall among these low-statured beings. Never had she looked to Ray so like an eagle, so keen, so fierce, so fit for braving either sun or tenebrous cavern. She dominated them all; had them, who only partly understood what she said, at her command. She had thrown back her cloak, and the star of the Juvenile Court officer which she wore carried meaning to them. Though perhaps it ...
— The Precipice • Elia Wilkinson Peattie

Words linked to "Tenebrous" :   tenebrific, tenebrious

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