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Take  v. t.  (past took; past part. taken; pres. part. taking)  
In an active sense; To lay hold of; to seize with the hands, or otherwise; to grasp; to get into one's hold or possession; to procure; to seize and carry away; to convey. Hence, specifically:
To obtain possession of by force or artifice; to get the custody or control of; to reduce into subjection to one's power or will; to capture; to seize; to make prisoner; as, to take an army, a city, or a ship; also, to come upon or befall; to fasten on; to attack; to seize; said of a disease, misfortune, or the like. "This man was taken of the Jews." "Men in their loose, unguarded hours they take; Not that themselves are wise, but others weak." "They that come abroad after these showers are commonly taken with sickness." "There he blasts the tree and takes the cattle And makes milch kine yield blood."
To gain or secure the interest or affection of; to captivate; to engage; to interest; to charm. "Neither let her take thee with her eyelids." "Cleombroutus was so taken with this prospect, that he had no patience." "I know not why, but there was a something in those half-seen features, a charm in the very shadow that hung over their imagined beauty, which took me more than all the outshining loveliness of her companions."
To make selection of; to choose; also, to turn to; to have recourse to; as, to take the road to the right. "Saul said, Cast lots between me and Jonathan my son. And Jonathan was taken." "The violence of storming is the course which God is forced to take for the destroying... of sinners."
To employ; to use; to occupy; hence, to demand; to require; as, it takes so much cloth to make a coat; it takes five hours to get to Boston from New York by car. "This man always takes time... before he passes his judgments."
To form a likeness of; to copy; to delineate; to picture; as, to take a picture of a person. "Beauty alone could beauty take so right."
To draw; to deduce; to derive. (R.) "The firm belief of a future judgment is the most forcible motive to a good life, because taken from this consideration of the most lasting happiness and misery."
To assume; to adopt; to acquire, as shape; to permit to one's self; to indulge or engage in; to yield to; to have or feel; to enjoy or experience, as rest, revenge, delight, shame; to form and adopt, as a resolution; used in general senses, limited by a following complement, in many idiomatic phrases; as, to take a resolution; I take the liberty to say.
To lead; to conduct; as, to take a child to church.
To carry; to convey; to deliver to another; to hand over; as, he took the book to the bindery; he took a dictionary with him. "He took me certain gold, I wot it well."
To remove; to withdraw; to deduct; with from; as, to take the breath from one; to take two from four.
In a somewhat passive sense, to receive; to bear; to endure; to acknowledge; to accept. Specifically:
To accept, as something offered; to receive; not to refuse or reject; to admit. "Ye shall take no satisfaction for the life of a murderer." "Let not a widow be taken into the number under threescore."
To receive as something to be eaten or drunk; to partake of; to swallow; as, to take food or wine.
Not to refuse or balk at; to undertake readily; to clear; as, to take a hedge or fence.
To bear without ill humor or resentment; to submit to; to tolerate; to endure; as, to take a joke; he will take an affront from no man.
To admit, as, something presented to the mind; not to dispute; to allow; to accept; to receive in thought; to entertain in opinion; to understand; to interpret; to regard or look upon; to consider; to suppose; as, to take a thing for granted; this I take to be man's motive; to take men for spies. "You take me right." "Charity, taken in its largest extent, is nothing else but the science love of God and our neighbor." "(He) took that for virtue and affection which was nothing but vice in a disguise." "You'd doubt his sex, and take him for a girl."
To accept the word or offer of; to receive and accept; to bear; to submit to; to enter into agreement with; used in general senses; as, to take a form or shape. "I take thee at thy word." "Yet thy moist clay is pliant to command;... Not take the mold."
To make a picture, photograph, or the like, of; as, to take a group or a scene. (Colloq.)
To give or deliver (a blow to); to strike; hit; as, he took me in the face; he took me a blow on the head. (Obs. exc. Slang or Dial.)
To be taken aback, To take advantage of, To take air, etc. See under Aback, Advantage, etc.
To take aim, to direct the eye or weapon; to aim.
To take along, to carry, lead, or convey.
To take arms, to commence war or hostilities.
To take away, to carry off; to remove; to cause deprivation of; to do away with; as, a bill for taking away the votes of bishops. "By your own law, I take your life away."
To take breath, to stop, as from labor, in order to breathe or rest; to recruit or refresh one's self.
To take care, to exercise care or vigilance; to be solicitous. "Doth God take care for oxen?"
To take care of, to have the charge or care of; to care for; to superintend or oversee.
To take down.
To reduce; to bring down, as from a high, or higher, place; as, to take down a book; hence, to bring lower; to depress; to abase or humble; as, to take down pride, or the proud. "I never attempted to be impudent yet, that I was not taken down."
To swallow; as, to take down a potion.
To pull down; to pull to pieces; as, to take down a house or a scaffold.
To record; to write down; as, to take down a man's words at the time he utters them.
To take effect, To take fire. See under Effect, and Fire.
To take ground to the right or To take ground to the left (Mil.), to extend the line to the right or left; to move, as troops, to the right or left.
To take heart, to gain confidence or courage; to be encouraged.
To take heed, to be careful or cautious. "Take heed what doom against yourself you give."
To take heed to, to attend with care, as, take heed to thy ways.
To take hold of, to seize; to fix on.
To take horse, to mount and ride a horse.
To take in.
To inclose; to fence.
To encompass or embrace; to comprise; to comprehend.
To draw into a smaller compass; to contract; to brail or furl; as, to take in sail.
To cheat; to circumvent; to gull; to deceive. (Colloq.)
To admit; to receive; as, a leaky vessel will take in water.
To win by conquest. (Obs.) "For now Troy's broad-wayed town He shall take in."
To receive into the mind or understanding. "Some bright genius can take in a long train of propositions."
To receive regularly, as a periodical work or newspaper; to take. (Eng.)
To take in hand. See under Hand.
To take in vain, to employ or utter as in an oath. "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain."
To take issue. See under Issue.
To take leave. See Leave, n., 2.
To take a newspaper, magazine, or the like, to receive it regularly, as on paying the price of subscription.
To take notice, to observe, or to observe with particular attention.
To take notice of. See under Notice.
To take oath, to swear with solemnity, or in a judicial manner.
To take on, to assume; to take upon one's self; as, to take on a character or responsibility.
To take one's own course, to act one's pleasure; to pursue the measures of one's own choice.
To take order for. See under Order.
To take order with, to check; to hinder; to repress. (Obs.)
To take orders.
To receive directions or commands.
(Eccl.) To enter some grade of the ministry. See Order, n., 10.
To take out.
To remove from within a place; to separate; to deduct.
To draw out; to remove; to clear or cleanse from; as, to take out a stain or spot from cloth.
To produce for one's self; as, to take out a patent.
To put an end to; as, to take the conceit out of a man.
To escort; as, to take out to dinner.
To take over, to undertake; to take the management of. (Eng.)
To take part, to share; as, they take part in our rejoicing.
To take part with, to unite with; to join with.
To take place, To take root, To take sides, To take stock, etc. See under Place, Root, Side, etc.
To take the air.
(Falconry) To seek to escape by trying to rise higher than the falcon; said of a bird.
See under Air.
To take the field. (Mil.) See under Field.
To take thought, to be concerned or anxious; to be solicitous.
To take to heart. See under Heart.
To take to task, to reprove; to censure.
To take up.
To lift; to raise.
To buy or borrow; as, to take up goods to a large amount; to take up money at the bank.
To begin; as, to take up a lamentation.
To gather together; to bind up; to fasten or to replace; as, to take up raveled stitches; specifically (Surg.), to fasten with a ligature.
To engross; to employ; to occupy or fill; as, to take up the time; to take up a great deal of room.
To take permanently. "Arnobius asserts that men of the finest parts... took up their rest in the Christian religion."
To seize; to catch; to arrest; as, to take up a thief; to take up vagabonds.
To admit; to believe; to receive. (Obs.) "The ancients took up experiments upon credit."
To answer by reproof; to reprimand; to berate. "One of his relations took him up roundly."
To begin where another left off; to keep up in continuous succession; to take up (a topic, an activity). "Soon as the evening shades prevail, The moon takes up the wondrous tale."
To assume; to adopt as one's own; to carry on or manage; as, to take up the quarrels of our neighbors; to take up current opinions. "They take up our old trade of conquering."
To comprise; to include. "The noble poem of Palemon and Arcite... takes up seven years."
To receive, accept, or adopt for the purpose of assisting; to espouse the cause of; to favor.
To collect; to exact, as a tax; to levy; as, to take up a contribution. "Take up commodities upon our bills."
To pay and receive; as, to take up a note at the bank.
(Mach.) To remove, as by an adjustment of parts; as, to take up lost motion, as in a bearing; also, to make tight, as by winding, or drawing; as, to take up slack thread in sewing.
To make up; to compose; to settle; as, to take up a quarrel. (Obs.) (s) To accept from someone, as a wager or a challenge; as, J. took M. up on his challenge.
To take up arms. Same as To take arms, above.
To take upon one's self.
To assume; to undertake; as, he takes upon himself to assert that the fact is capable of proof.
To appropriate to one's self; to allow to be imputed to, or inflicted upon, one's self; as, to take upon one's self a punishment.
To take up the gauntlet. See under Gauntlet.

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"Take" Quotes from Famous Books

... employed the method which Herodotus says was in common use in his day. This was to bait a hook with a joint of pork and throw it into the water at a point where the current would carry it out into mid-stream; then to take a live pig to the river-side, and belabour him well with a stick till he set up the squeal familiar to most ears. Any crocodile within hearing was sure to come to the sound, and falling in with the pork on the way, would instantly swallow it down. Upon this ...
— Ancient Egypt • George Rawlinson
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... women in those days we call the "good old times." Take the married woman, the house-mother of that period. She not only lived in the strictest retirement, but her duties were so complex and manifold that, to quote Bebel, "a conscientious housewife had to be ...
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... my word, I don't see that we've to take any attitude at all. I don't see that we've to regard him in one way or the other. It quite remains for him to ...
— The Lady of the Aroostook • W. D. Howells
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... such unfeigned boredom, that Masha jumped up at once and closed the piano. She went up to the window, and for a long while stared into the garden; Lutchkov did not stir from his seat, and still remained silent. Impatience began to take the place of timidity in Masha's soul. 'What is it?' she wondered, 'won't you... or can't you?' It was Lutchkov's turn to feel shy. He was conscious again of his miserable, overwhelming diffidence; ...
— The Jew And Other Stories • Ivan Turgenev
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... sufferings into a great anguish for him to bear! multiplying them by twenty-fold; multiplying them in a ratio of a brave man's capacity for endurance. Heaven forgive him, if maddened by that cruel agony, the balance wavers for a moment, and he is ready to forgive anything; ready to take this wretched one to the shelter of his breast, and to pardon that which the stern voice of manly honor urges must not be pardoned. Pity him, pity him! The wife's worst remorse when she stands without the threshold of the home she may never enter more is not equal to the agony ...
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... stumbled at an expression in your letter of yesterday . . . at which a humble Christian might not unreasonably take umbrage. It is where you speak of becoming 'useful to the Deity, to man, and to yourself.' Doubtless you meant the prospect of glorifying God."—[From the ...
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... a mistake in the giving out the text." Say "in giving out the text," or, "in the giving out of the text." In the latter instance, the participle becomes a noun and may take ...
— Slips of Speech • John H. Bechtel
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... He had taken the boat through the falls the day before, discharged the cargo, and had brought her safely back. He had made this call for Gabriel Grimsby, who had arranged with him early that morning to take him up river. As Eben sat upon deck, his hand at times slipped into the right pocket of his trousers and touched the crisp ten dollar bill Grimsby had paid him for his passage. It was more money than he had ever had in his life, so he felt quite ...
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... appreciate the historical evolution of emperor-worship. This evolution is perfectly clear and we can trace every step of it, though in doing so we must remember that the various processes which we are compelled to take up one after another in our explanation went on in nature side by side, and exercised a sympathetic influence one upon the other, which we have to eliminate from our explanation but make allowance for in our ...
— The Religion of Numa - And Other Essays on the Religion of Ancient Rome • Jesse Benedict Carter
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... such a dread of this distemper as the people of New-England. Their laws and their municipal regulations prove this. No person can remain in his own house with this disorder; but certain municipal officers take charge of him, and convey him to the small pox hospital, provided by the laws for the reception of such patients. If the disorder has progressed so far as to render it, in the opinion of physicians, dangerous to life to remove him, then the street, where he lives, is fenced up, and a guard placed ...
— A Journal of a Young Man of Massachusetts, 2nd ed. • Benjamin Waterhouse
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... by any Witch putt upon any childe be y^t y^e evil eye, an overglent, spreeking, an ill birth touche or of a spittle boult but do as here given & alle shalle be overcome letting no evil rest upon y^m Take a childe so ill held & strike y^t seven times on y^e face & like upon y^e navel with y^e heart of a blacke cat then roast y^e heart & give of y^t to eat seven nights at bed meale & y^t shalle be well butt y^e cat must be seven years olde ...
— The Evolution Of An English Town • Gordon Home
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... "The ships are fuelled and provisioned. A practical tribe, the Wealdians! The ships are ready to take off as soon as they're warmed up inside. A half-degree sun doesn't radiate heat enough to keep a ship warm, when the rest of the cosmos is effectively near zero Kelvin. Here, point ...
— Pariah Planet • Murray Leinster
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... had given place to the sad realities of autumn. He was hurrying to the world, who had been up on the mount; he had lived without jars, without distractions, without disappointments; and he was now to take them as his portion. For he was but a child of Adam; Horsley had been but a respite; and he had vividly presented to his memory the sad reverse which came upon him two years before—what a happy summer—what a forlorn autumn! With ...
— Loss and Gain - The Story of a Convert • John Henry Newman
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... not thus perceived in each particular part. If the whole were fully present in each part, the consequence would be that the whole would produce its effects indifferently with any of its parts; a cow, for instance, would give milk from her horns or her tail. But such things are not seen to take place. ...
— The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Sankaracarya - Sacred Books of the East, Volume 1 • George Thibaut
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... Sterling began to be practically sensible of this truth, and that an unpleasant resolution in accordance with it would be necessary. By him also, after a while, the Athenaeum was transferred to other hands, better fitted in that respect; and under these it did take vigorous root, and still bears fruit ...
— The Life of John Sterling • Thomas Carlyle
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... equivalent to a "caravan."[1] The class of persons engaged in this traffic in Ceylon resemble in their occupations the "Banjarees" of Hindustan, who bring down to the coast corn, cotton, and oil, and take back to the interior cloths and iron and copper utensils. In the unopened parts of the island, and especially in the eastern provinces, this primitive practice still continues. When travelling in these districts I have often encountered long files of ...
— Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon • J. Emerson Tennent
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... there were lads here who had fought at Mons and Charleroi and had seen their comrades fall in heaps round about Le Cateau. They told their tales, with old memories of terror, which had not made cowards of them. Their chief interest to-day was centred in a football match which was to take place about the same time as the "other business." It was not their day out in the firing line. We left them putting on their football boots and hurling chaff at each other in the dim light. Out of the way of the flying ...
— The Soul of the War • Philip Gibbs
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... creatures will turn away from those who think of them with dislike or aversion; whereas a true lover of animals can win them without a spoken word. The thought of love and of goodwill reaches them telepathically, winning instant trust and response. Also, if we take the trouble to do so, we can, to a great extent, arrive at their ideas, in ...
— The Mistress of Shenstone • Florence L. Barclay
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... that thought is like the moon in her last quarter, 'twill change shortly: but, sirrah, I pray thee be acquainted with my two hang-by's here; thou wilt take exceeding pleasure in them if thou hear'st 'em once go; my wind-instruments; I'll wind them up—But what strange piece of silence is this, the sign ...
— Every Man In His Humor - (The Anglicized Edition) • Ben Jonson
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... flourishing foreign trade, which becomes year by year more important to the industrial and commercial welfare of the United States, we should have a flexibility of tariff sufficient for the give and take of negotiation by the Department of State on behalf ...
— Complete State of the Union Addresses from 1790 to the Present • Various
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... pity he had not been left to his own methods with Landshut and it. Deeply hurt, he read this Order (16th June); and vowing to obey it, and nothing but it, used these words, which were remembered afterwards, to his assembled Generals: "MEINE HERREN, it appears, then, we must take Landshut again. Loudon, as the next thing, will come on us there with his mass of force; and we must then, like Prussians, hold out as long as possible, think of no surrender on open field, but if even beaten, defend ourselves to the last ...
— History of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. XX. (of XXI.) • Thomas Carlyle
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... on one leg, rubbing the other meditatively with his delighted foot. Not the quiver of a muscle, however, revealed the fact that her words had flooded his heart with sunshine. "Well, honey, that's in reason. But I've got to take you with me after books and winter supplies, and I don't like the idea of traveling alone. It come to me that I might get Mr. Settler to go, too. Time was not so long ago when Injun bands was coming and going, and although old Greer is beginning ...
— Lahoma • John Breckenridge Ellis
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... with men in callings considered peculiarly masculine, many of which are already overstocked?" We are also brought here again face to face with that evil—the lessening or the complete loss of womanly grace and purity. Take away that reverential regard which men now feel for them, leave them to win their way by sheer strength of body or mind, and the result is not difficult to conjecture. Let the condition of women in savage life tell. Towards ...
— Political Women (Vol. 1 of 2) • Sutherland Menzies
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... If she seemed to be senseless they would not take her life. What about this poor fellow, Hopkins? I seem to have heard some queer stories ...
— The Return of Sherlock Holmes - Magazine Edition • Arthur Conan Doyle
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... round the waist. Rebecca started, but she could not get away her hand. The laughter outside redoubled. Jos continued to drink, to make love, and to sing; and, winking and waving his glass gracefully to his audience, challenged all or any to come in and take a share of ...
— Vanity Fair • William Makepeace Thackeray
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... into Cyrenaici (now made by all edd. on the ground that Cyrenaeus is a citizen of Cyreno, Cyrenaicus a follower of Aristippus) and the insertion of tibi. I see no difficulty in the qui before negant, at which so many edd. take offence. Tactu intimo: the word [Greek: haphe] I believe does not occur in ancient authorities as a term of the Cyrenaic school; their great word was [Greek: pathos]. From 143 (permotiones intimas) it might appear that Cic. is translating either [Greek: pathos] ...
— Academica • Marcus Tullius Cicero
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... Broom, Pettigree and Pettigrue. Europe (Britain), and North Africa. This is a native evergreen shrub, with rigid cladodes which take the place of leaves, and not very showy greenish flowers appearing about May. For the bright red berries, which are as large as small marbles, it is alone worth cultivating, while it is one of the few shrubs that grow at all satisfactorily beneath ...
— Hardy Ornamental Flowering Trees and Shrubs • A. D. Webster
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... upon the sea, the forces in it and in New York could not cooeperate; they could not even unite except by sea. When Clinton relieved Howe as commander-in-chief, though less than a hundred miles away by land, he had to take a voyage of over two hundred miles, from New York to Philadelphia, half of it up a difficult river, to reach his station; and troops were transferred by the same tedious process. In consequence of these conditions, the place had to be abandoned the instant that ...
— The Major Operations of the Navies in the War of American Independence • A. T. Mahan
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... skeleton had known at all the art of smelting, we may be sure some bronze axe or spearhead would have taken the place of the flint arrows and the greenstone tomahawk: for savages always bury a man's best property together with his corpse, while civilised men take care to preserve it with pious care in their own possession, and to fight over it strenuously ...
— Falling in Love - With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science • Grant Allen
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... out for this purpose. we also apportioned the horses to the several hunters in order that they should be equally rode and thereby prevent any horse being materially injured by being too constantly hunted. we appointed the men not hunters to take charge of certain horses in the absence of the hunters and directed the hunters to set out in different directions early in the morning and not return untill they had killed some game. it rained moderately the greater part of the day and snowed as usual on the plain. Sergt. ...
— The Journals of Lewis and Clark • Meriwether Lewis et al
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... have dinner," said Jack; so we drove out by the side of the road and stopped. "If I'm to be cook," said Jack to me, "then you've got to take care of the horses and do all the outside work. I'll be cook; you'll be rancher. That's what ...
— The Voyage of the Rattletrap • Hayden Carruth
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... forget her part in the ceremony. She felt, but did not see the clergyman take her hand from Michael's. He separated them for a moment and then put her hand on the top of Michael's. He whispered something to her. Then she remembered her part, and said slowly and clearly after him the same words which Michael ...
— There was a King in Egypt • Norma Lorimer
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... went on, following the train of her thought. "I remember the first time I discovered that—it was when I was reading the New Testament carefully, in the hope of finding something in Christianity I might take hold of. And I was impressed particularly by the scorn with which Christ treated the Pharisees. My father, too, if he had lived in those days, would have thought Christ a seditious person, an impractical, fanatical idealist, and ...
— The Crossing • Winston Churchill
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... give a Du Barri or a Napoleon, a Nelson or a Wellington, not in accordance with the popular concept of such personages would be to seek failure. Moreover, the writer is necessarily forced to belittle the subject if not bold enough to take a simple episode in the life of his hero or heroine, and even then, unless the miracle-working power of genius is employed, the great figure comes ...
— Our Stage and Its Critics • "E.F.S." of "The Westminster Gazette"
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... in the Roman communion, its contents must at all hazards be reconciled with the maintenance of that position. Yet it is fair to note that Luther, on other grounds, regarded Susanna and Bel and the Dragon as pretty spiritual fictions, in which history must take ...
— The Three Additions to Daniel, A Study • William Heaford Daubney
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... sense of honour which rules the conduct of the high-minded gentleman, and makes him scorn to take advantage of the ignorance or the necessities of another, ceases to influence, the accursed spirit becomes dominant, and men look with ...
— The Bushman - Life in a New Country • Edward Wilson Landor
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... to you about her dowry. I intended that, as my partner, you should take a fourth share of the profits of the business; but as Giulia's husband, I shall now propose that you have a third. This will give you an income equal to that of all but the wealthiest of the nobles of Venice. At my death, my fortune will be divided ...
— The Lion of Saint Mark - A Story of Venice in the Fourteenth Century • G. A. Henty
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... current of the river Buffalo. All the cargo has to be transferred to lighters, and a little tug steamer bustles backward and forward with messages of entreaty to those said lighters to come out and take away their loads. We had dropped our anchor by daylight, yet at ten o'clock scarcely a boat had made its appearance alongside, and every one was fuming and fretting at the delay and consequent waste ...
— Lippincott's Magazine, Vol. XVII, No. 99, March, 1876 • Various
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... of the world were upon the beleaguered British army. Help was being hurried to them from India, but Germany also was awake and Marshal von Der Goltz, who had been military instructor in the Turkish army, was sent down to take command of the Turkish forces. The town of Kut lies in the loop of the Tigris, making it almost an island. There was an intrenched line across the neck of land on the north, and the place could resist any ordinary assault. The great ...
— History of the World War - An Authentic Narrative of the World's Greatest War • Francis A. March and Richard J. Beamish
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... voluntary muscular exertion requisite in a swing produces weariness, that is, increases debility; and that in such instances he had frequently noticed, that the diminution of the frequency of the pulse did not take place, but the contrary." These circumstances may thus be ...
— Zoonomia, Vol. II - Or, the Laws of Organic Life • Erasmus Darwin
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... right, men," he shouted. "You all see it. We're going to arrest Wayne. By jingo, they can't say we ain't legal now! Every odd-numbered shield goes from every precinct. Gordon, Isaacs—you two been talking big about law and order. Here's the warrant. Take ...
— Police Your Planet • Lester del Rey
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... pacing up and down before her; and stamping furiously on the deck, he exclaimed—"Thus will I trample all my enemies under my feet! Ay, little does that usurping kinsman of mine dream what I prepared for him. I have him in my power, and I will take good care to exercise that power. He lives on under the belief that he is the owner of broad lands and wealth unbounded, and it is a pleasure to watch him as he paces the deck, and to know that I, all the time, am the true marquis, and that he is the impostor. ...
— Ronald Morton, or the Fire Ships - A Story of the Last Naval War • W.H.G. Kingston
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... at the time of which we speak had come from the Chersonese and was a general of the Athenians, after escaping death in two forms; for not only did the Phenicians, who had pursued after him as far as Imbros, endeavour earnestly to take him and bring him up to the presence of the king, but also after this, when he had escaped from these and had come to his own native land and seemed to be in safety from that time forth, his opponents, who had laid wait for him there, brought him ...
— The History Of Herodotus - Volume 2 (of 2) • Herodotus
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... Christian" smoking incessant cigarettes and not explicitly refusing to sell us picture postals after taking our entrance fee; the other end was held by a young, blond, sickly-looking girl, who made us take small nosegays at our own price and whom it became a game to see if we could escape. I have left saying to the last that the king and queen of Spain have a residence in the Alcazar, and that when they come in the early spring they do not mind corning to it through that plebeian quadrangle. ...
— Familiar Spanish Travels • W. D. Howells
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... crossed on our way. It is similar to those generally found in the country. Some of their gateways are very curious; and though they make their bridges with vast slabs of stone or long wooden rafters, they take the trouble of hewing out of the rock huge circles, or segments of circles, which are afterwards put together to form ornamental gateways to ...
— In the Eastern Seas • W.H.G. Kingston
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... time that morning. Promptly at ten o'clock Captain Billy rowed the small boat ashore. He dragged down some trees which he cut, thus making a crude pier for the girls to walk out on, thus enabling him to leave the small boat in deeper water. However, he could take out no more than five passengers at a time. Mrs. Livingston told him that they did not care to sail far that morning. It was her purpose to give each of the girls in the camp a sail that day. Several ...
— The Meadow-Brook Girls by the Sea - Or The Loss of The Lonesome Bar • Janet Aldridge
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... whist party. It was generally Bessie and I against Clara and George, but the widow had no objection to whist and was occasionally induced to take a hand, while Mr. Desmond was quite fond of the game and was a consummate player. When we young people made up the set, Mr. Desmond would converse with the widow, for though reticent where politeness did not call upon him to talk, he was ...
— That Mother-in-Law of Mine • Anonymous
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... "I cannot take you any further," said the pine dwarf; "because there is so much noise down there that it would blow me into little pieces at once. Follow the stream along until it brings you to a glass palace, and there you will find Martin waiting for you. Whatever you do, though, you must ...
— All the Way to Fairyland - Fairy Stories • Evelyn Sharp
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... say to my soul: Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years, take thine ease; eat, ...
— The Settlers in Canada • Frederick Marryat
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... 'I take you perfectly, Mr. Ducie,' said he. 'But the sooner I am off, the better this affair is like to be guided. My clerk will show you into the waiting-room and give you the day's Caledonian Mercury and the last Register to amuse yourself ...
— St Ives • Robert Louis Stevenson
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... hand or a material object, as a toy, before it can become the medium in a psychological seance. So it is here. Before becoming visible to your eyes, I, by my will, draw certain material substances in the form of gases from the ground, water, or air around me. These take any shape I wish—not necessarily that of man, though it is more natural to appear as we did on earth—and may absorb a portion of light, and so be able to cast a shadow or break up the white rays into prismatic colours, or they may be wholly ...
— A Journey in Other Worlds • J. J. Astor
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... It brings philosophy down from the air, like a peaceful thunderbolt, to shatter the vain illusions we entertain of our material success and our civilised strides forward. The fact that when you have begun to read the book you may experience some difficulty in knowing how to take it is in the book's favour. And why should you complain so long as from the outset you are continuously entertained and amused? You can scarcely complain ... even though at the end, you find you have been instructed. ...
— When Winter Comes to Main Street • Grant Martin Overton
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... 200 yards up the Lowest of those runs) Those runs head at no great distance in the plains and pass thro of timber to the river. In my walk on Shore I found Some ore in the bank above those runs which I take to be Iron ore (3) at this place the Side of the hill has Sliped about half way into the river for 3/4 of a Mile forming a Clift from the top of the hill above. In the first bend to the right passed ...
— The Journals of Lewis and Clark • Meriwether Lewis et al
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... letter to President Fillmore (December 1, 1851), replying to a charge by Judge Brocchus that the 24th of July orators had complained of the conduct of the government in taking the Battalion from them for service against Mexico, said, "The government did not take from us a battalion of men," the Mormons furnishing them in response to a ...
— The Story of the Mormons: • William Alexander Linn
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... on behalf of the Mussulmans of Spain. The Northmen who came first upon Southern Europe were mere barbarians, but there were among them men of great natural powers, as there were among those barbarians who overran the Roman empire; and they were able to take advantage of the wretched condition of Europe, as earlier barbarians had profited from the wretched condition of Rome. Of these men, Rollo was one of the most eminent; and beyond all others of the Northmen his action ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 108, October, 1866 • Various
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... thinking of giving people things, aren't you, Anne? My Grandmother Freeman, who lived in Wellfleet, used to say that it was a sign that a child would grow up prosperous and happy if it had the spirit to give instead of to take." ...
— A Little Maid of Massachusetts Colony • Alice Turner Curtis
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... good-natured belittlement. Macaulay made him the subject of some of the most unfortunately exaggerated of those antitheses of blame and praise which, in the long run, have done the writer more harm than his subjects. To take one example less likely to be known to English readers, the wayward and prejudiced, but often very acute French critic already mentioned, Barbey d'Aurevilly, though he admits Horace's esprit pronounces it un ...
— A Letter Book - Selected with an Introduction on the History and Art of Letter-Writing • George Saintsbury
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... effort, and raised five hundred and fifty thousand men, comprising the Landwehr, and took the field in the spring of 1809. The Tyrol rose, and king Jerome was driven from his capital by the Westphalians; Italy wavered; and Prussia only waited till Napoleon met with a reverse, to take arms; but the emperor was still at the height of his power and prosperity. He hastened from Madrid in the beginning of February, and directed the members of the confederation to keep their contingents in readiness. On the 12th of April he left ...
— History of the French Revolution from 1789 to 1814 • F. A. M. Mignet
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... could not catch them, because on being pursued they rowed out in the wind's eye, which they are enabled to do by having about fifty oars to each boat. Having had some tea with thorn, I bade them adieu, and turned up a narrow channel which our pilot said would take us to the village of Watelai, on the west side of Are. After going some miles we found the channel nearly blocked up with coral, so that our boat grated along the bottom, crunching what may truly be called the living rock. Sometimes all hands had ...
— The Malay Archipelago - Volume II. (of II.) • Alfred Russel Wallace
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... unsuccessful attempt to get the appointment to distribute stamped paper in New Hampshire, and the other James Albert, a half-breed Indian, who was well known in Portsmouth as a quarrelsome fellow, ready to take part in any business, however disreputable, so long as he was provided with an ample ...
— Neal, the Miller - A Son of Liberty • James Otis
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... habit of candidly facing this danger. We read our biological history but we don't take it in. We blandly assume we were always "intended" to rule, and that no other outcome could even be considered by Nature. This is one of the remnants of ignorance certain religions have left: but it's odd that men who don't believe in Easter should still believe this. For the facts ...
— This Simian World • Clarence Day Jr.
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... win more triumphs than blue or black or brown alone. Arms or legs extra long, sight or hearing extra sharp, wit extra keen, judgment extra sure—all these things open doors to more progress. Variation gives natural selection a chance to take hold, and where the struggle for life is the most severe the changes will be the most rapid and the most radical. Without the pressure of the environment natural selection would not select. The tendency to physical variation in ...
— Time and Change • John Burroughs
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... a lovely bride she would make—she who as a child, a girl, a maiden, had been in your eyes the most exquisite creature you had ever known; she whom I had avoided for years, because I, of all men, could least afford to take a place in her life! I longed to see those eyes, still so pure, ...
— Told in a French Garden - August, 1914 • Mildred Aldrich
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... and every one's work weighed in a just balance, they say that mutual retaliation will follow, according to which every creature will take vengeance one of another, or have satisfaction made them for the injuries which they have suffered. And, since there will then be no other way of returning like for like, the manner of giving this satisfaction will be by taking away a proportional ...
— The Book of Religions • John Hayward
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... that—the little Raker will take care of herself. She can outsail any thing that floats, now that we have sunk that bloody pirate. I do think that he could sail away from her. I always run up to a vessel or run off from her, just as my spy-glass tells me I'd better do. You may depend on seeing old England ...
— Graham's Magazine Vol XXXIII No. 5 November 1848 • Various
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... to take me out of here?" cried Harris, in a tone of voice that gave Frank a chill. "For God's sake, take me out of this place! I'll go mad if I stay here much longer! It is full of rats! I could not sleep last night—I dare not close my eyes for a minute! Please—please ...
— Frank Merriwell's Nobility - The Tragedy of the Ocean Tramp • Burt L. Standish (AKA Gilbert Patten)
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... impressed you. From beginning to end the whole history is enchanting and full of genius. I only wonder that, having such an opportunity of illustrating the doctrine of visible judgments, he never remarks, when Cortes and his men tumble the idols down the temple steps and call upon the people to take notice that their gods are powerless to help themselves, that possibly if some intelligent native had tumbled down the image of the Virgin or patron saint after them nothing very remarkable ...
— The Letters of Charles Dickens - Vol. 3 (of 3), 1836-1870 • Charles Dickens
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... fence, with plenty of water, would take care of eight hundred or a thousand head of cattle. And as a provision against a lean winter, Waring had put a mowing-machine in at the eastern end of the range, where the bunch-grass was heavy enough to cut. It would be necessary ...
— Jim Waring of Sonora-Town - Tang of Life • Knibbs, Henry Herbert
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... he don't take things for what they're wuth. He believes every goose's a swan till it up and honks, and he's jest as likely to ...
— Country Neighbors • Alice Brown
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... the shelter of our cabins. My feet had been badly frozen, and mother was utterly spent from climbing one high mountain after another, but we felt no lasting bad effects from the venture. But we had no food! Our cabins were roofed over with hides, which now we had to take down and boil for food. They saved life, but to eat them was like eating a pot of glue, and I could not swallow them. The roof of our cabin having been taken off, the Breens gave us a shelter, and when Mrs. Breen discovered what I had tried to hide from my own family, that I could not ...
— Ten American Girls From History • Kate Dickinson Sweetser
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... and Russia that, if Russia mobilized, this would mean German mobilization against both France and Russia.[44] But on July 27, Russia had explained that her mobilization would in no sense be directed against Germany, and would only take place if Austrian forces crossed the Servian frontier.[45] On July 29, the day on which Russia actually mobilized the southern districts, Russia once more asked Germany to participate in the 'quadruple conference' now proposed ...
— Why We Are At War (2nd Edition, revised) • Members of the Oxford Faculty of Modern History
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... to feel glad or sorry that the interview she had come to seek could not immediately take place. This day had been a hard one for Adela. In the morning her mother had spoken to her without disguise or affectation, and had told her of Mutimer's indirect proposal. Mrs. Waltham went on to assure her that there was no hurry, that Mutimer had consented to refrain from visits for ...
— Demos • George Gissing
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... advertisement and Mme. Gobin's written testimony. There was one small point of interest which I will take first: her statement that Adele was the Christian name of the woman with the red hair, that the old woman who was the servant in that house in the suburb of Geneva called her Adele, just simply Adele. That interested me, for Helene ...
— At the Villa Rose • A. E. W. Mason
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... with calmness, until she saw the brigands seize the portrait of the Emperor Napoleon, presented to her by his own hand, and set round with large brilliants, when she appealed to them with tears streaming down her cheeks to take the settings and all the diamonds, but not to deprive her of the portrait of her "dear, dear Emperor!" When this circumstance was referred to she told me the story, and her eyes glistened with tears while ...
— The Idler in France • Marguerite Gardiner
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... dangers that ever threatened the human race. I might not have heard of the eruption at all had I not met Ogilvy, the well-known astronomer, at Ottershaw. He was immensely excited at the news, and in the excess of his feelings invited me up to take a turn with him that night in a scrutiny of the ...
— The War of the Worlds • H. G. Wells
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... female beggars in our streets, with infants in their arms, than ever before. The saloons and beer-shops, stripped of their male bar-tenders, have adopted female substitutes, driven by necessity to take up with an employment that always demoralizes a woman. The surgical records of the army show, that, among the wounded brought into the hospitals, many women have thus been discovered as soldiers. Others have been detected and sent home, Many of these heroines declared that they ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 15, No. 92, June, 1865 • Various
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... is level, rich, and healthy, and has many extensive sugar-plantations. And, for the space of five leagues below, and ten above the town, the river has been embanked, to defend the adjacent fields from those inundations of the Mississippi which take place every spring. The land, adjacent to the town, yields abundant crops of ...
— Travels in North America, From Modern Writers • William Bingley
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... just have a squadron ready in any event," the colonel assured him. "We will make him show his stuff or take a beating—if ...
— Astounding Stories of Super-Science, November, 1930 • Various
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... not work at the hopeless task of purifying yourselves without His help, but go and stay in the sun if you want to get warm. Lo as the bleachers do, spread the foul cloth on the green grass, below the blazing sunshine, and that will take all the dirt out. Believing and loving, and holding fast by Jesus Christ in true communion, we, too, become like ...
— Expositions Of Holy Scripture - Volume I: St. Luke, Chaps. I to XII • Alexander Maclaren
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... title, to be reached as best it may. The modern composer makes these demands on the listener continually; and he does so simply because the sphere of the music-lover's imaginativeness and general culture has become so greatly enlarged that he thinks he can fairly afford to take ...
— Recent Developments in European Thought • Various
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... take the wheel!" exclaimed the young inventor. "I've got to see what's wrong. Hold her right on ...
— Tom Swift and his Great Searchlight • Victor Appleton
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... Jews, Turks, Infidels, and Heretics, and believe that God willed their eternal perdition, even though the glorious collect for Good Friday gave their inhumanity the lie. Easy to persecute those to whose opinions we could not, or would not, take the trouble to give a fair hearing. Easy to condemn the negro to perpetual slavery, when we knew nothing of him but his black face; or to hang by hundreds the ragged street-boys, while we disdained to inquire into the circumstances which had degraded ...
— Sermons for the Times • Charles Kingsley
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... Socrates. "Under that name," answered Euthydemus, "I mean the poor citizens." "You know, then, who are the poor?" "I do," said Euthydemus. "Do you know, too, who are the rich?" "I know that too." "Tell me, then, who are the rich and who are the poor?" "I take the poor," answered Euthydemus, "to be those who have not enough to supply their necessary expenses, and the rich to be they who have more than they have occasion for." "But have you observed," replied Socrates, "that there are certain persons who, though they have very little, have nevertheless ...
— The Memorable Thoughts of Socrates • Xenophon
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... R—— and P—— did not blanch, but rather beamed with gratification, as a ray of light will flash through divided dark clouds, I am quite at liberty to state that they are gallant fellows; and I could almost say it would take a great many more wolves than the Norwegian nation can count to intimidate either of them. But since I have not yet commenced the historical physiology of their courageous hearts, I will not mar what I ...
— A Yacht Voyage to Norway, Denmark, and Sweden - 2nd edition • W. A. Ross
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... in Hoffmann, but he uses his subjectivity in a peculiarly Romantic fashion. It is his idea to raise the reader above the every-day point of view, to flee from this to a magic world where the unusual shall take the place of the real and where wonder shall rule. So there are in Hoffmann's stories a series of characters who are really doubles. To the uninitiated they seem every-day creatures; to those who know, they are fairies or beings from the ...
— The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: - Masterpieces of German Literature Translated into English, Volume 5. • Various
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... limitations are simply enforced by circumstances, they may be maiming, but if they come of clear insight and free choice of worthy ends, they are noble. The artist, the scholar, the craftsman, all need to take for their motto 'This one thing I do.' I suppose that a man would not be able to make a good button unless he confined himself to button-making. We see round us abundant examples of men who, for ...
— Expositions Of Holy Scripture - Volume I: St. Luke, Chaps. I to XII • Alexander Maclaren
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... danger, between that place and Surat. Mr Canning had been made prisoner by the Portuguese, but the viceroy ordered him to be set ashore at Surat, saying, "Let him go and help his countrymen to fight, for we shall take their ships and all of them together." He was accordingly liberated, and came to us at Swally. The purser had likewise been nearly taken; but he escaped and got on board. The 3d October, Seikh Shuffe, governor of Amadavar, [Ahmedabad], ...
— A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume IX. • Robert Kerr
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... I interfere with your happiness? You live your life, and I mine. You and Captain Winstanley take your own way, I mine. Is it a crime to be out riding a little longer than usual, that you should look so pale and the Captain so black ...
— Vixen, Volume II. • M. E. Braddon
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... Sergeant Madden. He added vexedly: "My son Timmy's girl is on board the Cerberus. He'll be wild he wasn't here. I'm going to take the ready squad ship and go on out. Passengers always fret when there's trouble and no cop around. Too bad Timmy's off ...
— A Matter of Importance • William Fitzgerald Jenkins
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... more effective figure of speech. "If you were walking about your place, and found something wounded, you'd want to take it home and tend it, wouldn't you, till you'd put it to rights again? And the more you tended it the fonder of it you'd be. But you wouldn't stop to ask whether a boy had thrown a stone at it or whether it had been attacked ...
— The Letter of the Contract • Basil King
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... If she seemed to be senseless, they would not take her life. What about this poor fellow, Hopkins? I seem to have heard ...
— Victorian Short Stories of Troubled Marriages • Rudyard Kipling, Ella D'Arcy, Arthur Morrison, Arthur Conan Doyle,
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... weeping, that, if the elder of her two sons were alive, he would so be called and would be two-and-twenty years old. Currado, hearing this, concluded that this must be he and bethought himself that, were it so, he might at once do a great mercy and take away his own and his daughter's shame by giving her to Giannotto to wife; wherefore, sending privily for the latter, he particularly examined him touching all his past life and finding, by very manifest tokens, that he was indeed Giusfredi, ...
— The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio • Giovanni Boccaccio
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... while he experimented on the law, for we had long since gone back to Bleak House, and it was too far off to admit of his coming there oftener than once a week. My guardian told me that if Richard were to settle down at Mr. Kenge's he would take some apartments or chambers where we too could occasionally stay for a few days at a time; "but, little woman," he added, rubbing his head very significantly, "he hasn't settled down there yet!" The discussions ended in our hiring for him, by the month, ...
— Bleak House • Charles Dickens
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... will decide, whether she and I are to die or live. For I cannot live without her, and unless she will allow me to live with her, she shall not live at all, either alone, or with anybody else. For she will kill me, by driving me away, and I will take her with me, ...
— The Substance of a Dream • F. W. Bain
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... and programs are expressions that return values; this, together with the high memory utilization of LISPs, gave rise to Alan Perlis's famous quip (itself a take on an Oscar Wilde quote) that "LISP programmers know the value of everything and ...
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... time that I lost not only my increased chest expansion, but also a trifle more, because I was ordered to take my gun to a position known as the sacrifice gun position, three hundred yards back of the front line trench. It derives its name, "sacrifice gun," from the fact that rarely, if ever, in case of a heavy enemy raid, ...
— S.O.S. Stand to! • Reginald Grant
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... face towards the moon-god, and I prayed: my supplication ascended even to the father of the gods, and he extended over me his protection." A vision from on high revealed to him the road he was to take. With axe and dagger in hand, he reached the entrance of a dark passage leading into the mountain of Mashu,* "whose gate is guarded day and ...
— History Of Egypt, Chaldaea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 3 (of 12) • G. Maspero
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... Smith, applying his long whip to the sides of the reeking cattle, and starting them into a run. "But if you will not save yourselves, at least take care of the oxen and let me ...
— The Gold Hunter's Adventures - Or, Life in Australia • William H. Thomes
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... the flapping of the sail of a canoe down at Kaihalulu. He ran quickly and came to the landing, and asked the man where the boat was going. The man said, "It is going to Hawaii"; thereupon he entreated the man to take him, ...
— The Hawaiian Romance Of Laieikawai • Anonymous
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... large steamers lie out in the ocean, and passengers reach the land by a small tender, into which they are let down in a sort of basket, if there is a sea running, and are occasionally, if the sea be very high, obliged to wait for a day or more until the tender can take them off. Similar conditions have prevailed at Durban, where a bar has hitherto prevented the big liners, except under very favourable conditions of tide and weather, from entering the otherwise excellent port. Much, however, has recently ...
— Impressions of South Africa • James Bryce
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... expected to take these fair words on trust, my lord? or may I hear the contents of these reconciling papers, ere I am ...
— The Abbot • Sir Walter Scott
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... abroad, folding her legs a little towards her buttocks, somewhat raised by a little pillow underneath, to the end that her rumps should have more liberty to retire back; and let her feet be stayed against some firm thing; besides this, let her take firm hold of some of the good women attending her, with her hands, that she may the better stay herself during her pains. She being thus placed at her bed, having her midwife at hand, the better to assist as nature may require, let her take courage, and help ...
— The Works of Aristotle the Famous Philosopher • Anonymous
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... Crystal," said her father, with a severity and vigor he seldom showed outside of board meetings. "It's only your ignorance of life that saves you from being actually revolting. I'm an old man and not sentimental, you'll grant, but, take my word for it, love is the only hope of pulling off marriage successfully, and even then it's not easy. As for Eugenia, I think she's made a fool of herself and is going to be unhappy, but I'd rather do what she has done than ...
— The Beauty and the Bolshevist • Alice Duer Miller
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... girls during the day, and teach them. At present they know absolutely nothing, and I have not been willing to send them out of the house to school. What I have been thinking is, of securing some one who would live in the house, and take the care of the children off my hands. I am an invalid, as you see, and sometimes ...
— Rufus and Rose - The Fortunes of Rough and Ready • Horatio Alger, Jr
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... that the Princes should be induced to take an interest in the independence which concerned them so much, by forming a confederation like the Zolverein, which has so powerfully contributed to the union and the greatness of Germany. A confederation is undoubtedly that organization which is most suited ...
— Pius IX. And His Time • The Rev. AEneas MacDonell
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... eyes, but great heavy tears stole out from beneath her eyelashes. Molly held her head against her own breast; and they tried to give her wine,—which she shrank from—water, which she did not reject; that was all. At last she tried to speak. 'Take me away,' she said, 'into the dark. ...
— Wives and Daughters • Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
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... that he had forfeited all title to his friendship and trust, by the scandalous scheme in which he had embarked; and that his treacherous flight from his security was no proof of his honesty and intended return; but, on the contrary, a warning, by which he, the lender, was taught to take care of himself. He therefore insisted upon his being indemnified immediately, on pain of letting the law take its course; and Peregrine was actually obliged to part with the whole sum he had so lately received. But this payment ...
— The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle, Volume I • Tobias Smollett
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... sanctifying power is but little manifest. (1 Cor. xiv. 4, xiii. 8, iii. 1-3; Gal. iii. 3, v. 15-26.) But unless that sanctifying power be acknowledged and accepted, His gifts will be lost. His gifts coming on us are but meant to prepare the way for the sanctifying power within us. We must take the lesson to heart; we can have as much of the Spirit as we are willing to have of His Holiness. Be full of the Spirit, must mean to us, Be ...
— Holy in Christ - Thoughts on the Calling of God's Children to be Holy as He is Holy • Andrew Murray
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... "when I leave this place for over night I'd ruther know whar my hoss is at. I'll take him along." ...
— Judith of the Cumberlands • Alice MacGowan
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... yourself to my honor I would rend you limb from limb. Go back to the tiger who rules you, and tell him that—as Allah liveth—I will fall on him, and smite him as he hath never been smitten. Dead or living, I will have back my own. If he take her life, I will have ten thousand lives to answer it; if he deal her dishonor, I will light such a holy war through the length and breadth of the land that his nation shall be driven backward like choked dogs into the sea, and perish from the face of the earth for evermore. And this I swear ...
— Under Two Flags • Ouida [Louise de la Ramee]
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... compare favourably with much larger cities. A hard and disputatious element has been commented on by strangers: it would not touch Fleeming, who was himself regarded, even in this metropolis of disputation, as a thorny table-mate. To golf unhappily he did not take, and golf is a cardinal virtue in the city of the winds. Nor did he become an archer of the Queen's Body-Guard, which is the Chiltern Hundreds of the distasted golfer. He did not even frequent the Evening Club, where his colleague Tait (in my day) was so punctual and so genial. ...
— Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin • Robert Louis Stevenson
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... was one of the very first to leave the feeding-ground behind; but he was also the first to meet the hunters face to face—not at such close quarters as at that memorable time when he had sprang on the same ledge with the hunter, but just close enough for those hunters to take a good, ...
— Rataplan • Ellen Velvin
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... mention the occurrence in presence of their wives: also that it would be best for Travilla to take his family home early, Mr. Dinsmore and Horace Jr. accompanying them as ...
— Elsie's Motherhood • Martha Finley
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... and under the sense of the wrong she felt herself doing him, was disposed to show more deference to his wishes, and in justice to him to try to make amends. When, therefore, he again urged that the marriage take place before they sailed, giving as his reasons that he could take better care of her, and that henceforth she could be with him, and that he would not be compelled to leave her so often on account of his business, ...
— Opening a Chestnut Burr • Edward Payson Roe
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... whether they were large or small. Years ago a student, William Sidney Pittman, showed a particular aptitude for carpentry and draftsmanship. After working his way through Tuskegee he was very anxious to take a course in architecture. Mr. Washington arranged to have the Institute advance him the money for a three years' course at the Drexel Institute of Philadelphia, on the understanding that he would return to Tuskegee as a teacher after his graduation and from his earnings pay back to the ...
— Booker T. Washington - Builder of a Civilization • Emmett J. Scott and Lyman Beecher Stowe
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... is to be done?" As a start, the United States should act to exploit the several major advantages it possesses. First, we have time. The clarity and danger of future threats is sufficiently removed for us to take a longer view. While we may have deferred adding to the inventory of future systems in development, current systems possess more than enough military capability to get us through this transition period, even if this period were to last for more than a decade. This does not mean we can ...
— Shock and Awe - Achieving Rapid Dominance • Harlan K. Ullman and James P. Wade
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... the sword in Sir Tristram's hands, they said, "That is no fit plaything for a madman to have," and they would have taken it from him, but Sir Tristram would not permit them, for he would not give them the sword, and no one dared to try to take it from him. ...
— The Story of the Champions of the Round Table • Howard Pyle
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... they say, dear," said Mrs. Hodges. "I've 'ad to go through it same as you 'ave. They don't know any better, poor things. You take my word for it, they'll like you all right if you 'old your ...
— Of Human Bondage • W. Somerset Maugham
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... name. We wish to speak it, but we dare not speak it above a whisper. For men are forbidden to take notice of women, and women are forbidden to take notice of men. But we think of one among women, they whose name is Liberty 5-3000, and we ...
— Anthem • Ayn Rand
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... Verses 6 to 9 take us into the other camp, and show us the undisguised heathens. The Philistines think just as the other side did, only, in their polytheistic way, they do not use the name 'Jehovah,' but speak first of 'God' and then of ...
— Expositions Of Holy Scripture - Volume I: St. Luke, Chaps. I to XII • Alexander Maclaren
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... perhaps the reader thinks that other nations might have served the purpose of Providentia. Other nations might have furnished those Providential models which the great drama of earth required. No. Haughtily and despotically we say it—No. Take France. There is a noble nation. We honour it exceedingly for that heroic courage which on a morning of battle does not measure the strength of the opposition; which, when an enemy issues from the darkness of a wood, does not stop to ...
— The Posthumous Works of Thomas De Quincey, Vol. II (2 vols) • Thomas De Quincey
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... yielded to the popular demand, and they tried another dodge. They said: "We will give you the privilege to vote an amendment to the constitution incorporating prohibition into the constitution of the State." This would at least put off the evil day for two years, for it would take two years before such an amendment could go into operation. But here again was seen the usual treachery. The amendment to be voted on read as follows: "The manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors shall be forever prohibited in this State, except ...
— Personal Recollections of Pardee Butler • Pardee Butler
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... "You can; I will take number eighteen for the night; put her in seventeen, and it is all I ask. I am sure this is ...
— Ellen Walton - The Villain and His Victims • Alvin Addison
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... when it is clear from the first that a question cannot be answered. With better tools, a man might do much more. But one may foretell much, if one will take the trouble. Will you hear more of what I have ...
— Greifenstein • F. Marion Crawford
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... estimates for this country explicitly take into account the effects of excess mortality due to AIDS; this can result in lower life expectancy, higher infant mortality and death rates, lower population and growth rates, and changes in the distribution of population by age and sex ...
— The 2002 CIA World Factbook • US Government
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Words linked to "Take" :   take for granted, unpack, make, take a breath, enter, take one's lumps, tear away, burr, de-iodinate, stone, hire, usurp, take shape, smoke, anoint, take care, habituate, withdraw, take part, occupy, spoon, wipe away, bring back, lead astray, desorb, pit, scoop out, take aback, taste, eat, pull, feature, disinvest, pocket, hand, take leave, exenterate, take stage, obtain, consume, dismantle, necessitate, demineralise, practice, satiate, unveil, wash out, wash, espouse, experience, cast, motion-picture photography, sop up, draw out, tip, wipe out, payoff, wipe off, prehend, call back, cream, throw off, take time by the forelock, screen out, scavenge, fill, charge, strike, moving-picture show, defang, pic, prepare, ladle, scoop, interpret, take a breather, sequester, take root, vote, give and take, take chances, sieve, wear off, suck in, picture show, honour, impound, grab, do work, attach, whisk, clear away, sift, yield, transmit, expectorate, land, return, flick, dredge, employ, epilate, picture, sack, offsaddle, contemplate, test, compel, draw off, filming, show, take hold, take up, propose, have, hold, drop, deplete, drug, drive out, clear out, photograph, sup, take the bull by the horns, assume, utilise, take turns, clear off, take a leak, take a dare, take issue, limit, delve, demineralize, scalp, get, take away, skim, take home, turn, find, take arms, take-away, do drugs, acquire, contain, impanel, leach, disburden, train, take ten, sight, practise, take out, call for, excavate, take a chance, refuse, involve, payback, hypophysectomize, determine, motion picture, snaffle, convey, ask, lade, cannibalize, debone, head, come, chip away at, direct, wear away, seize, reshoot, detusk, take a look, take it easy, take-up, plunder, contract, steal, lead, delouse, transit, circumcise, take place, resect, throw, take flight, take time off, feed, cut off, husk, take-home, scale, take notice, welcome, extirpate, take to heart, relieve, cost, muck, retake, shed, level, aim, detoxify, act, foray, take aim, take hold of, hypophysectomise, rent, ream, study, scoop up, set, specify, exact, dally, take kindly to, take account, audit, strip, take heart, swing, chip away, draw, discharge, repossess, take on, abstract, fix, enucleate, take five, take the stand, reave, sort, turn over, claim, work, elect, cancel, laden, take fire, bear away, call in, shell, plump, pick out, decorticate, submit, crumb, take in charge, borrow, record, tear off, get down, take the floor, read, carry, sample, set apart, engage, cry out for, recall, take the Fifth, utilize, single out, carry away, cull out, use up, deprive, carry off, take the air, take a hop, nominate, apply, vote in, take the road, dehorn, misguide, touch, drive, defuse, transport, undergo, decalcify, need, take back, take it on the chin, subscribe, delete, despoil, conduct, go, pack, receive, seed, screen, cast off, remove, include, demand, target, eviscerate, pull out, dig, de-ionate, get out, take the veil, eat up, honor, divest, take heed, snap, take in vain, rescue, undress, give-and-take, take a crap, adopt, look at, wash off, see, imbibe, accept, income, tusk, subscribe to, eliminate, follow, abstain, clear up, re-assume, amputate, pull up, pull off

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