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Supersonic   Listen
supersonic  adj.  
Moving at a speed greater than the speed of sound in air; this speed varies with altitude, since the speed of sound varies with altitude, as well as with temperature and humidity, being approximately 1129 feet per second at sea level and 984 feet per second at 16 miles altitude.
Capable of moving at speeds higher than the speed of sound; of aircraft.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Supersonic" Quotes from Famous Books

... doll, proportioned like a woman, dashed toward me, shrilling in a supersonic shriek. I put my foot on her and ground the life out of her, and she screamed like a living woman as she came apart. Her blue eyes rolled from her head and lay on the floor watching me. I crushed the ...
— The Door Through Space • Marion Zimmer Bradley

Words linked to "Supersonic" :   sonic, unhearable, ultrasonic

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