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Subpoena   Listen
Subpoena  n.  (Written also subpena)  (Law) A writ commanding the attendance in court, as a witness, of the person on whom it is served, under a penalty; the process by which a defendant in equity is commanded to appear and answer the plaintiff's bill.
Subpoena ad testificandum. A writ used to procure the attendance of a witness for the purpose of testifying.
Subpoena duces tecum. A writ which requires a witness to attend and bring certain documents.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Subpoena" Quotes from Famous Books

... subpoena to be issued on the application of the managers of the impeachment, or of the party impeached, ...
— A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents - Section 2 (of 2) of Volume 6: Andrew Johnson • James D. Richardson

... to conduct this long-needed inquiry and shall cooperate in every way to get at the truth of conditions in Occoquan through your investigation, provided you make the hearings public, subpoena all available witnesses, including men and women now prisoners at Occoquan, first granting them immunity, and provided you give counsel an opportunity to examine and cross examine ...
— Jailed for Freedom • Doris Stevens

... care. But you fan up every little bicker into a lawsuit—don't I know? Just for the mileage—ten cents a mile each way in a county that's jam full of miles from one edge to the other; ten cents a mile each way for each and every arrest and subpoena. You drag them to court twice a year—the farmer at seed time and harvest, the cowman from the spring and fall round-ups. It hurts, it cripples them, they ride thirty miles to vote against you; it costs you all the extra mileage money ...
— The Desire of the Moth; and The Come On • Eugene Manlove Rhodes

... not get in all Ireland a jury to convict me, to secure my imprisonment openly and fairly, they do this. I now declare that I participated in that funeral, and I defy those who were guilty of such cowardice as to subpoena me ...
— The Wearing of the Green • A.M. Sullivan

... to attend,—at the loss of his day's work. When he reached the court, which he did long before the judge had taken his seat, he found it to be almost impossible to effect an entrance. He gave his name to some officer about the place, but learned that his name was altogether unknown. He showed his subpoena and was told that he must wait till he was called. "Where must I wait?" asked the angry radical. "Anywhere," said the man in authority; "but you can't force your way in here." Then he remembered that no one had as yet paid so dearly for this struggle, no one had suffered ...
— Lady Anna • Anthony Trollope

... said Indians, summon the persons complained against, before them, and award such restitution and redress as to them shall seem just and necessary; and may appoint an Officer or Officers to serve subpoena as, and to execute such awards and determinations as they shall or may make in regard of the premises; and the court of said county of Birtie, is hereby authorized and required to fill up, from time to time, by new appointments ...
— Legends, Traditions, and Laws of the Iroquois, or Six Nations, and History of the Tuscarora Indians • Elias Johnson

... the law who serve writs and subpoenas is proved by the case of one Johns, who was very rightly committed to the Fleet in 1772, it appearing by affidavit that he had compelled the poor wretch who sought to serve him with a subpoena to devour both the parchment and the wax seal of the court, and had then, after kicking him so savagely as to make him insensible, ordered his body to be cast into the river. No amount of irritation ...
— In the Name of the Bodleian and Other Essays • Augustine Birrell

... submara. Submarine vessel submarsxipo. Submerge subakvi. Submission submetigxo. Submissive humila. Submit (yield) cedi. Submit submetigxi. Subordinate subulo. Subordinate suba. Suborn subacxeti. Subpoena asigno. Subscribe (to a newspaper, etc.) aboni. Subscribe (sign) subskribi. Subscribe (money) monoferi. Subscription monoferado. Subscription abono. Subsequent sekva. Subside mallevi. Subsidy helpa ...
— English-Esperanto Dictionary • John Charles O'Connor and Charles Frederic Hayes

... outline of the procedure in a minor criminal action that is tried without a jury in a lower court. Consider (1) the complaint, (2) the warrant, (3) the return, (4) the recognizance, (5) the subpoena, (6) the arraignment, (7) the plea, (8) the testimony, (9) the arguments,(10) the judgment and sentence, and (11) the ...
— Civil Government in the United States Considered with - Some Reference to Its Origins • John Fiske

... Lent Assizes at Winchester had come. Sir Philip had procured the best legal assistance for his nephew, but in criminal cases, though the prisoner was allowed the advice of counsel, the onus of defence rested upon himself. To poor Anne's dismay, a subpoena was sent to her, as well as to her uncle, to attend as a witness at the trial. Sir Philip was too anxious to endure to remain at a distance from Winchester, and they travelled in his coach, Sir Edmund Nutley escorting ...
— A Reputed Changeling • Charlotte M. Yonge

... the Mayor, after complimenting Arthur on his astonishing success, "would be to hale Claire before the courts for fraud, and subpoena all our distinguished enemies. That course has ...
— The Art of Disappearing • John Talbot Smith

... that it shall and may be lawful to commence and prosecute suits, obtain decrees, and have execution against any of the Communities of People called Shakers, without naming or designating the individuals, or serving process on them otherwise than by fixing a Subpoena on the door of their Meetinghouse, etc. Union Office, Harrodsburg, Ky., ...
— The Communistic Societies of the United States • Charles Nordhoff

... my muse indite, Subpoena'd is thy lyre, The praises to requite Which rules of court require. ...
— The Surgeon's Daughter • Sir Walter Scott

... prescript, rescript; writ, ordination, bull, ex cathedra pronouncement [Lat.], edict, decretal^, dispensation, prescription, brevet, placit^, ukase, ukaz [Rus.], firman, hatti- sherif^, warrant, passport, mittimus, mandamus, summons, subpoena, nisi prius [Lat.], interpellation, citation; word, word of command; mot d'ordre [Fr.]; bugle call, trumpet call; beat of drum, tattoo; order of the day; enactment &c (law) 963; plebiscite &c (choice) 609. V. command, order, decree, enact, ordain, ...
— Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget

... Hepplewhite proceeded to court—flanked by his distinguished counsel in frock coats and tall hats—simply because he had been served with a dirty-brown subpoena by Tutt & Tutt; and his distress was not lessened by the crowd of reporters who joined him at the entrance of the Criminal Courts Building; or by the flashlight bomb that was exploded in the corridor in order that the evening papers might reproduce ...
— Tutt and Mr. Tutt • Arthur Train

Words linked to "Subpoena" :   judicial writ, subpoena duces tecum, serve, subpoena ad testificandum

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