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Stammerer   Listen
Stammerer  n.  One who stammers.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Stammerer" Quotes from Famous Books

... stubbornness. Thereupon the demeanor of the man changed at once; he became cheerful and communicative, and, grinning maliciously, said: "All right, if Bousquier knows much, I know still more." And in fact, he did know more. He was a stammerer and took advantage of this defect to gain time for reflection when his imagination halted, and every time he strayed into the regions of the fabulous the keen-witted Monsieur Jausion led him gently back to the ...
— The German Classics, v. 20 - Masterpieces of German Literature • Various

... vengeance," was the inexorable reply. The stroke of a well-aimed sword separated from his body the right arm and the cross, and Leo the Armenian was slain at the foot of the altar. A memorable reverse of fortune was displayed in Michael the Second, who from a defect in his speech was surnamed the Stammerer. He was snatched from the fiery furnace to the sovereignty of an empire; and as in the tumult a smith could not readily be found, the fetters remained on his legs several hours after he was seated on the throne of the Caesars. ...
— The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 4 • Edward Gibbon

... in 1822, Lamb describes the effect of tobacco upon himself. "He took it, he would say, as a solvent of speech. Marry—as the friendly vapour ascended, how his prattle would curl up sometimes with it! the ligaments, which tongue-tied him, were loosened, and the stammerer ...
— The Works of Charles and Mary Lamb IV - Poems and Plays • Charles and Mary Lamb

... second expedition was dispatched against Barca, a colony of Cyrene. The history of the latter is graphically described, the first king being Battus, the Stammerer, who founded it in obedience to the directions of Apollo. Cyrene was brought under Cambyses' sway by Arcesilaus who had been banished. He misinterpreted an oracle and cruelly killed his enemies in Barca. When he was assassinated ...
— Authors of Greece • T. W. Lumb

... Stammerer, the Do-Nothing, the Juvenile, the Quarreler:—of all these, I say, Ludwig the Fat was the best table-man of them all. Such a full orbed paunch was his, that no way could he devise of getting to his ...
— Mardi: and A Voyage Thither, Vol. II (of 2) • Herman Melville

... - Help me to praise Him; ye that round me sit On those grey rocks; ye that have faithful been, Honouring, despite dishonour of my sins, His servant: I would praise Him yet once more, Though mine the stammerer's voice, or as a child's; For it is written, "Stammerers shall speak plain Sounding Thy Gospel." "They whom Christ hath sent Are Christ's Epistle, borne to ends of earth, Writ by His Spirit, and plain to souls elect:" Lord, am not I of ...
— The Legends of Saint Patrick • Aubrey de Vere

... the order. It is a Sahibs' war. Stand still." Then came a second shell—good line, but short—and scattered dust upon us where we stood; and then came ten of the little quick shells from the gun that speaks like a stammerer—yes, pompom the Sahibs call it—and the face of the house folded down like the nose and the chin of an old man mumbling, and the forefront of the house lay down. Then Sikandar Khan said, "If it be the fate of the wounded to die in the fire, I shall not prevent it." ...
— Traffics and Discoveries • Rudyard Kipling

... repose in the greatness and charm of that for which he stands. This transference of interest from the outcome of a personal effort to the sharing of a vision or the conveyance of a power has often made the stammerer eloquent and the timid spirit heroically indifferent to self. The true refuge of the artist is absorption in his art; the true refuge of the self-conscious worker is complete surrender to the dignity and interest ...
— Essays On Work And Culture • Hamilton Wright Mabie

... mentioned; the first syllable of a word is causable by volition, but the remainder of it is in common conversation introduced by its associations with this first syllable acquired by long habit. Hence when the mind of the stammerer is vehemently employed on some idea of ambition of shining, or fear of not succeeding, the associations of the motions of the muscles of articulation with each other become dissevered by this greater exertion, and he ...
— Zoonomia, Vol. I - Or, the Laws of Organic Life • Erasmus Darwin

... replied the officious neighbor, wishing to prevent a quarrel, and to supply facts while defending the other stammerer.—"So-so-he-he-he-he's mamaking fun of me!" Then the quarrel became more violent still; they were about to come to blows, when each of the two stammerers seizing a carafe of water, hurled it at the head of his antagonist, and a copious deluge of water from the bottles taught the ...
— The Private Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, Complete • Constant

Words linked to "Stammerer" :   talker, verbalizer, verbaliser, utterer

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