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Sphincter   Listen
Sphincter  n.  (Anat.) A muscle which surrounds, and by its contraction tends to close, a natural opening; as, the sphincter of the bladder.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Sphincter" Quotes from Famous Books

... an additional function—that of pressing together the vocal ligaments, under certain circumstances, thereby narrowing the opening between them. They have therefore been, in these later days, called the Sphincter[G] muscle of the glottis. They have also been called the Vocal Muscles, since they play so important a part in the formation of all vocal tone that a paralysis of them ...
— The Mechanism of the Human Voice • Emil Behnke

Words linked to "Sphincter" :   anatomical sphincter, urethral sphincter, anal sphincter, bladder sphincter, musculus sphincter urethrae, musculus sphincter ani internus, pyloric sphincter, musculus sphincter ductus choledochi, musculus sphincter ductus pancreatici, muscle, musculus sphincter pupillae, physiological sphincter, musculus sphincter vesicae, pyloric valve, cardiac sphincter, sphincter muscle, musculus, sphincter ani, musculus sphincter pylori

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