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Sinus   Listen
Sinus  n.  (pl. L. sinus, E. sinuses)  
An opening; a hollow; a bending.
A bay of the sea; a recess in the shore.
(Anat. & Zool.) A cavity; a depression. Specifically:
A cavity in a bone or other part, either closed or with a narrow opening.
A dilated vessel or canal.
(Med.) A narrow, elongated cavity, in which pus is collected; an elongated abscess with only a small orifice.
(Bot.) A depression between adjoining lobes. Note: A sinus may be rounded, as in the leaf of the white oak, or acute, as in that of the red maple.
Pallial sinus. (Zool.) See under Pallial.
Sinus venosus. (Anat.)
The main part of the cavity of the right auricle of the heart in the higher vertebrates.
In the lower vertebrates, a distinct chamber of the heart formed by the union of the large systematic veins and opening into the auricle.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Sinus" Quotes from Famous Books

... of the leaf. Lobe: The more or less rounded division of the leaf. Sinus: The recess or bay between two lobes. Petiole: The leaf-stalk. Petiolar sinus: The sinus about the petiole. Basal sinuses: The two sinuses toward the base of the blade. Lateral sinuses: The two sinuses toward the apex ...
— Manual of American Grape-Growing • U. P. Hedrick

... Median longitudinal section of the tail of a human embryo, two-thirds of an inch long. (From Ross Granville Harrison.) Med medullary tube, Ca.fil caudal filament, ch chorda, ao caudal artery, V.c.i caudal vein, an anus, sinus urogenitalis.) ...
— The Evolution of Man, V.1. • Ernst Haeckel

... the young grasshopper on many plants, by which the animal surrounds itself with froth. But in no circumstance is extra-uterine gestation so exactly resembled as by the eggs of a fly, which are deposited in the frontal sinus of sheep and calves. These eggs float in some ounces of fluid collected in a thin pellicle or hydatide. This bag of fluid compresses the optic nerve on one side, by which the vision being less distinct ...
— Zoonomia, Vol. I - Or, the Laws of Organic Life • Erasmus Darwin

... this country: your wide open spaces, where seeing a human being is reduced to the very lowest limit; and second, I find that in playing vaudeville houses in the winter time, I develop a sinus trouble that sticks with me until I get back here to the mountains where it disappears entirely. Yes sir! When I hit the table lands of Denver, Pocatello, Casper, Rawling, Laramie, or this town, old Sinus passes right out of the system. For the last five years I have been planning to come to these ...
— David Lannarck, Midget - An Adventure Story • George S. Harney

... groove or sinus with sharp edges: specifically applied to grooves on the head or sides of prothorax in which the antennae ...
— Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology • John. B. Smith

... operation of trephining was performed on the 7th of July, 1825, but with some difficulty, from the irregular thickness of the bone, and from the saw having to pass through the upper part of the frontal sinus. "The dura mater was unfortunately cut through for one-half the circumference of the circle." The parts were found more vascular than usual, and the under surface had a ridge corresponding to the internal depression, but too slight to have caused ...
— North American Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, July, 1826 • Various

... the less profoundly unhappy, and it took a whole convoy of wounded to restore her to cheerfulness. You can't attend to a poor brave devil grinning with pain, while a surgeon pokes a six-inch probe down a sinus in search of bits of bone or shrapnel, and be acutely conscious of your own two-penny-half-penny little miseries. Many a heartache, in this wise, has been cured in the Houses ...
— The Red Planet • William J. Locke

... larvae instead of eggs. The eggs of certain other species of Bot flies do not hatch until three or four days after they are laid. The larvae of the sheep Bot fly live, during April, May and June, in the frontal sinus of the sheep, and also in the nasal cavity, whence they fall to the ground when fully grown. In twenty-four hours they change to pupae, and the flies appear during ...
— Our Common Insects - A Popular Account of the Insects of Our Fields, Forests, - Gardens and Houses • Alpheus Spring Packard

... taints of sycosis, scrofula, psora, syphilis; mercurianism, cinchonism, iodism and many other forms of chronic poisoning. Fevers, inflammations, skin eruptions, chronic sinus discharges, ulcers, abscesses, germs, bacteria, parasites, etc. Mechanical subluxations, distortions and displacements of bony structures, muscles and ligaments; weakening and loss of reason, will, and self-control resulting in negative, sensitive and subjective ...
— Nature Cure • Henry Lindlahr

... in my work 'De distributione Geographica Plantarum, secundum caels temperiem et altitudinem Montium', I directed attention to the important influence of compact and of deeply-articulated continents on climate and human civilization, "Regiones vel per sinus lunatos in longa cornua porrectae, angulois littorum recessibus quasi membratim discerptae, vel spatia patentia in immensum, quorum littora nullis incisa angulis ambit sine aufractu oceanus" (p. 81, ...
— COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1 • Alexander von Humboldt

... the cities of Pyrrha and Antissa, about Palus Meotis; and also the city Burys, in the Corinthian Gulf, commonly called Sinus Corinthiacus, have been swallowed up with the sea, and are not at this day to be discerned: by which accident America grew to be unknown, of long time, unto us of the later ages, and was lately discovered again by Americus Vespucius, in the year of our Lord 1497, which some say to ...
— Voyages in Search of the North-West Passage • Richard Hakluyt

... Novae Hollandiae angustis rorismarini foliis. This plant is very much branched and seems to be woody. The flowers stand on very short pedicules, arising from the sinus of the leaves, which are exactly like rosemary, only less. It tastes very ...
— A Voyage to New Holland • William Dampier

... torsit, at contra truces oculi steterunt et suam intenti manum ultro insequuntur, vulneri occurrunt suo. scrutatur avidus manibus uncis lumina, radice ab ima funditus vulsos simul evolvit orbes; haeret in vacuo manus et fixa penitus unguibus lacerat cavos alte recessus luminum et inanes sinus saevitque frustra plusque quam satis ...
— Post-Augustan Poetry - From Seneca to Juvenal • H.E. Butler

... Mare Crisum B Mare Fercunditatis C Mare Nectaris D Mare Tranquilitatis E Mare Serenitatis F Mare Imbrium G Sinus Iridum H Oceanus Procellarum I Mare Humorum K Mare Nubium V Altai Mountains W Mare Vaporum X Apennine Mountains Y Caucasus ...
— Astronomy for Amateurs • Camille Flammarion

... under the peritoneum of these animals. Short red larvae, which convey a stinging sensation to the hand, are seen clustering round the orifice of the windpipe (trachea) of this animal at the back of the throat; others are seen in the frontal sinus of antelopes; and curious flat, leech-like worms, with black eyes, are found in the stomachs of leches. The zebra, giraffe, eland, and kukama have been seen mere skeletons from decay of their teeth as well ...
— Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa - Journeys and Researches in South Africa • David Livingstone

... exotics, and where the [Greek: autochthones] acquire impenetrable skins. Now, all this sort of thing you avoid in a boat, besides converting the mere locomotion from a frequent punishment into a delight: always supposing, be it remembered, that you have not to beat your way home up the Sinus Saronicus against a tempest. But the old story of the rose and the thorn comes in here too. By land you are exposed to the miseries of your nightly quarterings: by sea you may rejoice your heart with the beauties ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. CCCLXXVI. February, 1847. Vol. LXI. • Various

... is externally cartilaginous, hollow, not stuffed when young, confluent with the cap. Gills never decurrent, though some species have a broad sinus near ...
— The Mushroom, Edible and Otherwise - Its Habitat and its Time of Growth • M. E. Hard

... eyes was, that they were large, and black as night, and set so far back in his head, that each gleamed out of its caverned arch like the reversed torch of the Greek Genius of Death, just before going out in night. Either the frontal sinus was very large, or his observant ...
— David Elginbrod • George MacDonald

... editor of 1826 may be right in reading "trammels" (i.e. ringlets). "Trannel" was the name for a bodkin. (The original has "Ut fieret torto flexilis orbe sinus.") ...
— The Works of Christopher Marlowe, Vol. 3 (of 3) • Christopher Marlowe

... permanent colour. Mr. Corbeck had a big head, massive and full; with shaggy, dark red-brown hair, but bald on the temples. His forehead was a fine one, high and broad; with, to use the terms of physiognomy, the frontal sinus boldly marked. The squareness of it showed "ratiocination"; and the fulness under the eyes "language". He had the short, broad nose that marks energy; the square chin—marked despite a thick, unkempt beard—and massive jaw ...
— The Jewel of Seven Stars • Bram Stoker

... of the foot is a rare disease, consisting of an indolent and usually painless sinus leading down to diseased bone. The external opening, which is through the centre of a corn-like formation, is small, and may or may not show the presence of granulations. The affected part is commonly more or less anaesthetic and of subnormal temperature. ...
— Essentials of Diseases of the Skin • Henry Weightman Stelwagon

... carbolic add in oil to serve as an antiseptic curtain, under cover of which the abscess is evacuated by free incision, and the antiseptic paste to guard against decomposition occurring in the stream of pus that flows out beneath it; the dressing being changed daily until the sinus is closed. ...
— The Harvard Classics Volume 38 - Scientific Papers (Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology) • Various

... even; umbones nearly central; hinge sunk, with an antiquated area and one ? or two ? large teeth in each valve; ligament external, large; impressions of the abducter muscles strong, nearly equal, united by the impression of the mantle, at the posterior extremity of which is a small shallow sinus; ...
— Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia, Vol 1 (of 2) • Thomas Mitchell

... of the Tuscan Sea, in the Sinus Puteolanus (now il Golfo di Napoli), the place of banishment for illustrious exiles, viz. Julia the daughter of Augustus, Agrippina the wife of Germanicus, Octavia the daughter of Claudius, and many others. It is now called L'lsle ...
— A Dialogue Concerning Oratory, Or The Causes Of Corrupt Eloquence • Cornelius Tacitus

... Concavity. — N. concavity, depression, dip; hollow, hollowness; indentation, intaglio, cavity, dent, dint, dimple, follicle, pit, sinus, alveolus[obs3], lacuna; excavation, strip mine; trough &c. (furrow) 259; honeycomb. cup, basin, crater, punch bowl; cell &c. (receptacle) 191; socket. valley, vale, dale, dell, dingle, combe[obs3], bottom, slade[obs3], strath[obs3], glade, grove, glen, ...
— Roget's Thesaurus

... Columbus' second voyage). Six not very perfect skulls were obtained in 1860, by Col. F. S. Heneken, from a cavern 15 miles south-west from Porto Plata. They are all more or less distorted in a discoidal manner, one by pressure over the frontal sinus, reducing the calvaria to a disk. (J. Barnard Davis, Thesaurus Craniorum, p. 236, London, 1867. Mr. Davis ...
— The Arawack Language of Guiana in its Linguistic and Ethnological Relations • Daniel G. Brinton

... right with her—she'll see. She's going to do my scouting in the field, Over stone walls and all along a wood And by a river bank for water flowers, The floating Heart, with small leaf like a heart, And at the sinus under water a fist Of little fingers all kept down but one, And that thrust up to blossom in the sun As if to say, 'You! You're the Heart's desire.' Anne has a way with flowers to take the place Of that she's ...
— North of Boston • Robert Frost

... The conversation went no further. The first tenor bent his head and began to count the links of the gold chain which was extended across his waist, smiling and humming random notes to observe the effect on the frontal sinus. From time to time everyone glanced at ...
— Dubliners • James Joyce

... genus Polystichum, which has the sori round and covered with a circular indusium fixed to the frond by its depressed center. The wood ferns, on the other hand, have a kidney-shaped indusium attached to the fronds by the sinus. (Polystichum is the Greek for many rows, the sori of some species being in ...
— The Fern Lover's Companion - A Guide for the Northeastern States and Canada • George Henry Tilton

... with a sinuous depression on the outer and posterior aspect. Each furnished with a sessile avicularium at the upper and outer angle in front, and with a vibraculum placed in the sinus on the outer and lower part of the cell behind. Opening oval, or subrotund, ...
— Narrative Of The Voyage Of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, Commanded By The Late Captain Owen Stanley, R.N., F.R.S. Etc. During The Years 1846-1850. Including Discoveries And Surveys In New Guinea, The Louisiade • John MacGillivray

... with many folds, which, however, are arranged very variously. Sometimes a single robe of the amplest dimensions seems to envelop the whole form, which it completely conceals with heavy folds of drapery.[1215] The long petticoat is sleeved, and gathered into a sinus below the breasts, about which it hangs loosely. Sometimes, on the contrary, the petticoat is perfectly plain, and has no folds.[1216] Occasionally a second garment is worn over the gown or robe, which covers the left shoulder and the lap, descending to the knees, or somewhat ...
— History of Phoenicia • George Rawlinson

... ascertained, and that is that, under such circumstances, the magnetic intensity of the needle may change without the indications ceasing to have the same exactness up to 65 degrees. As well known, Mr. Desains has demonstrated that this occurs likewise in sinus or tangent galvanometers; but these have helices that are very large in proportion to the needle. In medical galvanometers the proportions are no longer the same, and the needle is always very near the directing helix. If this latter is square, or even elliptical, it ...
— Scientific American Supplement, No. 497, July 11, 1885 • Various

... larger of the two terminals of the digital, may be looked upon as a continuation of the main vessel. Running along the plantar groove, it gains the plantar foramen. Here it enters the interior of the bone (the semilunar sinus) and anastomoses with the corresponding artery of the opposite side. The circle of vessels so formed is called the Plantar ...
— Diseases of the Horse's Foot • Harry Caulton Reeks

... colour, extending from the angle nearly to the base along the inner margin; this vitta is bordered interiorly with thickly placed black dots; the transverse portion of the fulvous band is bordered on both sides with black, and has a sinus about the middle; cilia fulvous; posterior wing with a black spot near the outer angle: below, the wings are white, except the cilia of the anterior, and a large blotch, red anteriorly, black posteriorly, ...
— Journals Of Expeditions Of Discovery Into Central • Edward John Eyre

... quoque nunc Pontem Pontus non respuit ingens, Stringitur Oceanus, corripiturque Salum. Hinc novus Hesperiis emersit mundus in oris,{cii:1} Effuditque auri flumina larga probi. Hinc exundavit distento Copia cornu, Qualem & Amalthaeae non habuere sinus. Silva tibi curae est, grata & Pomona refundit Auriferum, roseum, purpureumque nemus. Illa famemque sitimque abigens expirat odores, Quales nec Medus, nec tibi mittit Arabs. Ambrosiam praebent ...
— Sylva, Vol. 1 (of 2) - Or A Discourse of Forest Trees • John Evelyn

... Streight of Babell-Mandell at the entring of the red sea, all vpon the East coast of Africa, from whence they put off at the Cape Guarda Fu, and passed the great gulfe of Arabia and the Indian Sea East to Sinus Persicus, and the Island of Ormus, and so passing the large and great riuer Indus, where he hath his fall into the maine Ocean, in 23. degrees and an halfe, vnder the tropike of Cancer, of Septentrional ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of - the English Nation. Vol. XIII. America. Part II. • Richard Hakluyt

... Normandy pigs. These appendages are always attached to the same spot, to the corners of the jaw; they are cylindrical, about three inches in length, covered with bristles, and with a pencil of bristles rising out of a sinus on one side: they have a cartilaginous centre, with two small longitudinal muscles; they occur either symmetrically on both sides of the face or on one {76} side alone. Richardson figures them on ...
— The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I. • Charles Darwin

... inornatis nuper Metanoea capillis Flesse, repentina cum raperere febri: Fertur & indomito fraenos laxasse dolori, Et lacrymis madidos exhibuisse sinus: Cum rursus domito repetis tua pulpita morbo, Fertur inornatas disposuisse comas: Et domitos hilari risu fraenasse dolores, Et lacrymis vacuos explicuisse sinus. Quis, Pater, incolumi de te non gaudeat, ipsae Si gaudent Lacrymae, ridet & ...
— The Odes of Casimire, Translated by G. Hils • Mathias Casimire Sarbiewski

... become English words, may form the plural regularly in es; as, chorus, choruses: so, apparatus, bolus, callus, circus, fetus, focus, fucus, fungus, hiatus, ignoramus, impetus, incubus, isthmus, nautilus, nucleus, prospectus, rebus, sinus, surplus. Five of these make the Latin plural like the singular; but the mere English scholar has no occasion to be told which they are. Radius makes the plural radii or radiuses. Genius has genii, for imaginary spirits, and geniuses, for men of ...
— The Grammar of English Grammars • Goold Brown

... — N. concavity, depression, dip; hollow, hollowness; indentation, intaglio, cavity, dent, dint, dimple, follicle, pit, sinus, alveolus^, lacuna; excavation, strip mine; trough &c (furrow) 259; honeycomb. cup, basin, crater, punch bowl; cell &c (receptacle) 191; socket. valley, vale, dale, dell, dingle, combe^, bottom, slade^, strath^, ...
— Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases: Body • Roget

... exist: kangaroos, pouched rats and pouched dogs. The marsupial animals developed, very probably, in the mesolithic epoch (during the Jura) out of the cloacal animals; by the division of the cloaca into the rectum and the urogenital sinus, by the formation of a nipple on the mammary gland, and the partial ...
— Was Man Created? • Henry A. Mott

... or of needles inserted in the tissues may be applied with great accuracy; but the author is strongly impressed with pyriform sinus applications ...
— Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy - A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery • Chevalier Jackson

... opposite the aperture an eruption is caused. In the main, however, I am inclined to accept Bunsen's theory, especially as it seems to me to require subterranean cavities in which the water must be heated. Whether these are caverns, enlargements of tubes, or sinus channels, appears to me to be of no consequence, except as the interval or period of the geyser might be affected by the form of the ...
— Cave Regions of the Ozarks and Black Hills • Luella Agnes Owen

... its rhyme, 'sotto le amate fronde,' is borrowed from the 23rd canto of the 'Paradiso.' In the second line, 'Stellato ammanto' is Claudian's 'stellantes sinus' applied to the heaven. When we reach the garden of Venus we find whole passages translated from Claudian's 'Marriage of Honorius,' and from the 'Metamorphoses' ...
— Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Complete - Series I, II, and III • John Symonds

Words linked to "Sinus" :   straight sinus, duct, frontal sinus, sigmoid sinus, transverse sinus, passageway, maxillary sinus, sinus headache, passage, sinus cavernosus, cavity, sinus sigmoideus, sinus ethmoidales, fistula, sinus coronarius, sinus venosus sclerae, tentorial sinus, coronary sinus, canal, cavernous sinus, epithelial duct, bodily cavity, cavum, Phocoena sinus, venous sinus, sinus rectus, sinus transversus, sinus paranasales

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