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Signalize   Listen
Signalize  v. t.  (past & past part. signalized; pres. part. signalizing)  
To make signal or eminent; to render distinguished from what is common; to distinguish. "It is this passion which drives men to all the ways we see in use of signalizing themselves."
To communicate with by means of a signal; as, a ship signalizes its consort.
To indicate the existence, presence, or fact of, by a signal; as, to signalize the arrival of a steamer.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Signalize" Quotes from Famous Books

... he removed it with ease and took the sword and shoes. As the roads were infested with robbers, his grandfather pressed him earnestly to take the shorter and safer way to his father's country—by sea; but the youth, feeling in himself the spirit and the soul of a hero, and eager to signalize himself like Hercules, with whose fame all Greece then rang, by destroying the evil-doers and monsters that oppressed the country, determined on the more perilous and ...
— Bulfinch's Mythology • Thomas Bulfinch

... The decision of the magistrates had been very generally condemned by the graver part of the community; its advocates were principally found among the young and enterprising, who gladly embraced any opportunity to signalize their courage and activity. With these, Arthur Stanhope was conspicuous for his zeal and perseverance, though he had many difficulties to contend against, arising from the ...
— The Rivals of Acadia - An Old Story of the New World • Harriet Vaughan Cheney

... or lamented her death. The attention of the kingdom was soon universally absorbed in the plans for receiving and proclaiming the new monarch from the North, and in anticipations of the splendid pageantry which was to signalize his taking his ...
— Queen Elizabeth - Makers of History • Jacob Abbott

... the cost of gallant soldiers who had been sacrificed through his incapacity. Davis's promotion of Benjamin to the State Department was an act of "ungracious and reckless defiance of popular sentiment." The President was "not the man to consult the sentiment and wisdom of the people; he desired to signalize the infallibility of his own intellect in every measure of the revolution and to identify, from motives of vanity, his own personal genius with every event and detail of the remarkable period of history ...
— The Day of the Confederacy - A Chronicle of the Embattled South, Volume 30 In The - Chronicles Of America Series • Nathaniel W. Stephenson

... temporary levies of feudal nobles. Calm, solemn, and stately, they sat like towers upon their powerful chargers. On parades they manifested none of the show and ostentation of the other troops: neither, in battle, did they endeavor to signalize themselves by any fiery vivacity, or desperate and vainglorious exploit,—everything, with them, was measured and sedate; yet it was observed that none were more warlike in their appearance in the camp, or more terrible for their achievements ...
— Baddeck and That Sort of Thing • Charles Dudley Warner

... connotate[obs3]. represent, stand for; typify &c. (prefigure) 511; symbolize. put an indication, put a mark &c. n.; note, mark, stamp, earmark; blaze; label, ticket, docket; dot, spot, score, dash, trace, chalk; print; imprint, impress; engrave, stereotype. make a sign &c. n. signalize; underscore; give a signal, hang out a signal; beckon; nod; wink, glance, leer, nudge, shrug, tip the wink; gesticulate; raise the finger , hold up the finger, raise the hand, hold up the hand; saw the air, "suit ...
— Roget's Thesaurus

... the man's indomitable energy to signalize the year of his fall by writing another novel, "Endymion," a remarkable feat for a man of seventy-six years. He continued to appear in Parliament until near the day of his death, which took place in London, April 19, 1881, on ...
— Ten Englishmen of the Nineteenth Century • James Richard Joy

... resentful contempt, as so many plausible gamins whom Robert Macaire was training to cheat the public in the interest of the family firm. I remember my father saying to you in answer, 'No royal house in Europe has more sought to develop the literature of an epoch and to signalize its representatives by social respect and official honours than that of the Orleans dynasty. You, Monsieur de Breze, do but imitate your elders in seeking to destroy the dynasty under which you flourish; should you succeed, you hommes ...
— The Parisians, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... Lakes. Not to be outdone by their rival states, Maryland and Virginia agreed upon the construction of a canal from Chesapeake Bay to the Ohio River, and on July 4, 1828, President Adams dug the first spadeful of earth to signalize the beginning of the undertaking. Some financiers of Baltimore, dubious of the success of an effort to build a waterway over the difficult route adopted by the promoters of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, withdrew their support from that enterprise, and putting ...
— Outline of the development of the internal commerce of the United States - 1789-1900 • T.W. van Mettre

... curious to look over the new machine, the first to signalize the new ownership of the line, and Gertrude was quite ready to accept ...
— The Daughter of a Magnate • Frank H. Spearman

... sardonically. Not one of them, he knew, would lift a finger to prevent him from going. He could just as well set out in the daytime. But his pride shrank from the relieved faces and grudging farewells that would signalize his departure. No; it would be far better to slip away by night, without saying anything to anybody. But his going must be unobserved. It would ...
— Jim Spurling, Fisherman - or Making Good • Albert Walter Tolman

... are even sanguine— CONGRESS is impatient to answer their just expectation—The eyes of EUROPE are upon us anxiously waiting for the great event. Our GENERAL, with his officers and army, are filled with ardor and generous ambition to signalize their valour in the SALVATION of our country—SUPERIOR BEINGS would look down with the utmost astonishment, if we should let this GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY slip—It cannot be. Our young men, ambitious of laurels, will, at such a time, fly to their arms with ...
— The Original Writings of Samuel Adams, Volume 4 • Samuel Adams

... proportioned to each other, each night will more than make good each day's loss. Clear heads will greet each welcome morn. But if the reverse occurs, the night will not repair the day; and aching heads will signalize the advance of neuralgia, tubercle, and ...
— Sex in Education - or, A Fair Chance for Girls • Edward H. Clarke

... conflict, who nameth those that are to be slain." "The Germans drew their gods by their own character, who loved nothing so much themselves as to display their strength and power in battle, and to signalize their vengeance upon their enemies by slaughter and desolation." There remain to this day some traces of the worship paid to Odin in the name given by almost all the people of the north to the fourth day of the week, which was formerly consecrated to him. It is called by a name which ...
— The Germany and the Agricola of Tacitus • Tacitus

... to Danae, and {206} bestowed upon Perseus an education befitting a hero. When he saw his stepson develop into a noble and manly youth he endeavoured to instil into his mind a desire to signalize himself by the achievement of some great and heroic deed, and after mature deliberation it was decided that the slaying of the Gorgon, Medusa, would bring ...
— Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome • E.M. Berens

... could he better signalize his disposition to work, than upon an occasion like the present; which generally attracts every soul on deck, from the captain to ...
— Redburn. His First Voyage • Herman Melville

... with both nobles and people, the Cardinal considered it expedient to signalize his restoration to power by conferring certain favours upon individuals towards whom he had hitherto only manifested neglect and dislike. On the 19th of November he accordingly conferred the dignity of Marshal of France upon the Duc de Montmorency and the Comte de Thoiras; and ...
— The Life of Marie de Medicis, Vol. 3 (of 3) • Julia Pardoe

... throughout the day; they paused now and then, it is true, for a brief interval, but only to renew the charge with fresh ardour. The chief and the lieutenant surpassed all the rest in the vigour and perseverance of their attacks; as if, from their station, they were bound to signalize themselves in all onslaughts. Mr. Stuart kept them well supplied with choice bits, for it was his policy to overfeed them, and keep them from leaving the cabin, where they served as hostages for the good conduct of their followers. Once only ...
— The Great Salt Lake Trail • Colonel Henry Inman

... wise, and the applause of the multitude. In the season of life when the powers of the mind and body enjoy the most active vigor, the emperor who was instructed by the experience, and animated by the success, of the German war, resolved to signalize his reign by some more splendid and memorable achievement. The ambassadors of the East, from the continent of India, and the Isle of Ceylon, had respectfully saluted the Roman purple. The nations of the West esteemed and dreaded the personal virtues of Julian, both in peace and war. He despised the ...
— The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 2 • Edward Gibbon

... consequences of the violation of that instrument by its friends. Yet the Presidency of Guerrero will ever have honorable mention in history, for one most excellent reason: Slavery was abolished by him on the anniversary of Mexican independence, 1829, he deeming it proper to signalize that anniversary "by an act of national justice and beneficence." Will the time ever come when the Fourth of July shall have the same double claim to the ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 5, No. 28, February, 1860 • Various

... I could observe, whatever weakness was betrayed by confidence, whatever lapse was suffered by neglect, all was drawn together for the diversion of my wild companions, who when they had been taught the art of ridicule, never failed to signalize themselves by a zealous imitation, and filled the town on the ensuing day with scandal and vexation, ...
— The Works of Samuel Johnson - Volume IV [The Rambler and The Adventurer] • Samuel Johnson

... fairest and most noble-looking man, just as they would have selected a bullock from a herd, they sacrificed him to one of their deities on the prow of the captured ship. This was a religious ceremony, intended to signalize and ...
— Xerxes - Makers of History • Jacob Abbott

Words linked to "Signalize" :   signalization, mark, supply, heliograph, show, point out, singularise, distinguish, wigwag, communicate, signal, render, semaphore, sign, point

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