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Si   Listen
Si  n.  (Mus.) A syllable applied, in solmization, to the note B; more recently, to the seventh tone of any major diatonic scale. It was added to Guido's scale by Le Maire about the end of the 17th century.

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"Si" Quotes from Famous Books

... ordinariam, aliam absolutam, vel plenitudinem potestatis... . Pontifex potestate ordinaria utitur, quando juris positivi dispositionem retinet.... Potestatem extraordinariam exserit, quando jus humanum non servat, ut si jus ipsum auferat, si 1egibus conciliorum deroget, privilegia acquisita immutet.... Plenitudo potestatis nullis publici juris ...
— The Origins of Contemporary France, Volume 6 (of 6) - The Modern Regime, Volume 2 (of 2) • Hippolyte A. Taine

... literae domini Papae sint veraces vel non, numera punctos quae sunt in bulla. Et si inveneris circulum ubi sunt capita apostolorum habentem 73 punctos, alium vero circulum 46, alium super caput Beati Petri habentem 26, alium super caput Sancti Pauli habentem 25 punctos, et punctos quae sunt in barba 26, veraces sunt; alioquin falsae.—Sir ...
— Notes and Queries, 1850.12.21 - A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, - Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc. • Various

... quatre de ces medailles. La prise de Boston, la prise de Serapis, bataille de Cowpens—Washington, et bataille de Cowpens—Howard. Le musee ne pourrait se dessaisir de ces coins, mais il serait facile, moyennant une legere depense, de faire frapper de nouveaux exemplaires; il faudrait seulement, si la proposition etait agree par le gouvernement Federal, que vous me fissiez parvenir l'indication precise du nombre d'exemplaires de chacune de ces medailles qu'il ...
— The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876 • J. F. Loubat

... de San Carlos en el mismo dia, mes y ano arriba citado el nominado Sr. Capitan hizo comparacer ante si al Interprete Jose Jesus de los Santos y al Negro Juan Bautista, conocido con el nombre de Cesar a quienes juramento en debida forma ante mi el Escribano y bajo lo cual prometio el primero traducir fielmente lo ...
— The Journal of Negro History, Volume 6, 1921 • Various

... away, and that I had the means of satisfying him. He looked at us all three, and asked if he was dead, and we all said no. God was good, for had he had to go back for the holy materials it would have been too late, but he had them in his pocket, and he immediately administered Extreme Unction—'Si vivis,' or 'Si es capax,' 'If thou art alive'— and said the prayers for the dying and the departing soul. The doctor still kept the battery to the heart all the time, and I still held the left hand with my finger on the pulse. By the clasp of the hand, and a little trickle of blood running ...
— The Romance of Isabel Lady Burton Volume II • Isabel Lady Burton & W. H. Wilkins

... meme ouvrage que M. La Sage nous a fait connoitre sous le titre du Diable Boiteux; il l'a tourne, a sa maniere, mais avec des differences si grandes que Guevarra ne se reconnoitroit qu'a peine dans cette pretendue traduction. Par exemple, le chapitre xix de la seconde partie contient une aventure de D. Pablas, qui se trouve en original dans un livre imprime ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 55, No. 344, June, 1844 • Various

... Si mon coeur, fatigue du reve qui l'obsede, A la realite revient pour s'assouvir, Au fond des vains plaisirs que j'appelle a mon aide, Je trouve un tel degout que ...
— The Heavenly Father - Lectures on Modern Atheism • Ernest Naville

... nova fictaque nuper habebunt verba fidem si Graeco fonte cadent, parce detorta. quid autem Caecilio Plautoque dabit Romanus ademptum 55 Vergilio Varioque? ego cur, acquirere pauca si possum, invideor, cum lingua Catonis et Enni sermonem patrium ditaverit et nova ...
— Reflections on Dr. Swift's Letter to Harley (1712) and The British Academy (1712) • John Oldmixon

... to read. His eyes, soft and brown, were the eyes of a child. She noticed that the lower portion of his flat white cheeks looked broader than the upper without giving an effect of squareness of jaw. Then the rhythm took her again and with the second "sur l'eau, si beau," she saw a very blue lake and a little boat with lateen sails, and during the third verse began to forget the lifeless voice. As the murmured refrain came from the girls there was a slight movement in Fraulein's ...
— Pointed Roofs - Pilgrimage, Volume 1 • Dorothy Richardson

... reproaches. You have talked of concessions—concessions that even my enemies dared not ask! I suppose if they asked Champaigne you would have had me give them La Brie besides; but in four months I will conquer peace, or I shall be dead! You advise! how dare you debate of such high matters (de si graves interets)! You have put me in the front of the battle as the cause of war—it is infamous (c'est une atrocite). In all your committees you have excluded the friends of Government— extraordinary commission—committee of finance—committee of the address, ...
— Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, Complete • Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne

... believe the story about his muttering to a friend, as he rose from his knees, "e pur si muove," do not ...
— Pioneers of Science • Oliver Lodge

... already?' cries the priest. 'O Sancta Maria, what do I hear! Not the same man this time, how long is this going on? Aren't you ashamed!' 'Ah, mon pere,' answers the sinner with tears of penitence, 'ca lui fait tant de plaisir, et a moi si peu de peine!' Fancy, such an answer! I drew back. It was the cry of nature, better than innocence itself, if you like. I absolved her sin on the spot and was turning to go, but I was forced to turn back. I heard the priest at the grating making an appointment ...
— The Brothers Karamazov • Fyodor Dostoyevsky

... French raptures. "Adorable! Le soleil est si bon! How everything is chic, is it not, Annette? Monsieur is a real Monte Cristo." Annette murmured assent, with a look up at Soames which he could not read. He proposed a turn on the river. But to punt two persons ...
— Forsyte Saga • John Galsworthy

... laquelle repond le juste prix, et cette valeur extraordinaire qui appartient au vendeur, dont il se prive et qui merite une compensation: il le fait pour ainsi dire l'objet d'un second contrat qui se superpose au premier. Cela est si vrai que le supplement de prix n'est pas du au meme titre que le juste prix.'[2] The importance of this analogy will appear when we come to treat just price and usury in detail; it is simply referred ...
— An Essay on Mediaeval Economic Teaching • George O'Brien

... almost come to be, "now a hardy, handsome man in the full vigour of life," on his receiving from the head of the house a gracious and courtly invitation for "the honour of the company of cet homme si justement celebre, Monsieur le Capitaine Richard Double-dick!" These were among the incidents in due ...
— Charles Dickens as a Reader • Charles Kent

... horrible shame," sighed Kitty sadly. "C'est tout bien pour vous, parce que vous etes toujours ici; mais moi, je suis chez moi, et si elles sortez quand je ne suis ...
— A Houseful of Girls • Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey

... piscatoribus ope medica succurreret; quo in munere obeundo Oceani pericula, quae ibi formidosissima sunt, contempsit dum miseris et maerentibus solatium ac lumen afferret. Nunc quantum homini licet, in ipsius Christi vestigiis, si fas est dicere, insistere videtur, vir vere Christianus. Jure igitur eum laudamus cujus laudibus non ipse solum sed ...
— A Labrador Doctor - The Autobiography of Wilfred Thomason Grenfell • Wilfred Thomason Grenfell

... "Si, signore; I love Filippo," answered Giacomo, speaking the last words tenderly, and rather to himself than to the padrone. He looked up to Phil, though little older than himself, with a mixture of respect and devotion, leaning upon him as the weak are ...
— Phil the Fiddler • Horatio Alger, Jr.

... tatas, crabapple,—gen. tatse, dat. and acc. tatsi, &c., also, portz, wildcat, gen. portze, dat. and acc. ...
— Grammatical Sketch of the Heve Language - Shea's Library Of American Linguistics. Volume III. • Buckingham Smith

... a little time at home; but then he always played with the little ones and made them happy. La Mamma loved him with all her heart; and often she says, "Ah, if I ever come to Paradise, I pray our Lord to make me find my Pietro again." Si, signora, I know our Lord said there was no marrying or giving in marriage in heaven; La Mamma knows it too; but we shall know each other, you know, up there, and our Blessed Lord is merciful, and won't part those who love each other. La Mamma says so; and I hope ...
— Lippincott's Magazine, September, 1885 • Various

... [Footnote 3: "Si les soldats avaient mieux seconde la bravoure de leur chef, l'armie de Charles VIII. etait perdue sans ressource—Ils se disperserent pour piller et laisserent aux Francais le ...
— Legends of the Madonna • Mrs. Jameson

... feller that chatters all the time is bound to talk a certain amount of drivel.—The Sayings of Si Sylvanne ...
— Rolf In The Woods • Ernest Thompson Seton

... les societes modernes ont voulu garantir les droits de la conscience a la poursuite d'une justice meilleure que celle qui existe; et la est le fondement de ce qu'on appelle liberte de conscience, liberte d'ecrire, liberte de pensee.—JANET, Philosophie Contemporaine, 308. Si la force materielle a toujours fini par ceder a l'opinion, combien plus ne sera-t-elle pas contrainte de ceder a la conscience? Car la conscience, c'est l'opinion renforcee par le sentiment ...
— Lectures on Modern history • Baron John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton

... Bonaparte. One day, when they were standing together at the window which looks upon the garden of the Tuileries, he said, 'One day Bonaparte was standing here with ——, and he said, pointing to the Chamber of Deputies, "Vous voyez ce batiment la: si je les demuselais, je serais detrone." I said, "The King has given them freedom of debate, and I think I go on very ...
— The Greville Memoirs - A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV and King William - IV, Volume 1 (of 3) • Charles C. F. Greville

... me sangre sea la ultima que se derrame en sacrificio a la patria; y si fuese necessario algunos de sus hijos, sea para el bien de la nacion, y nunca en traicion de ella." Other versions of his last words have been given, but that given above seems the most authentic, not only from intrinsic probability, but from the fact that it was given, shortly after ...
— Maximilian in Mexico - A Woman's Reminiscences of the French Intervention 1862-1867 • Sara Yorke Stevenson

... of the master and his disciple. The principal artists in Paris were anxious to take part in it. The FUNERAL MARCH of Chopin, arranged for the instruments for this occasion by M. Reber, was introduced at the Introit. At the Offertory, M. Lefebure Vely executed his admirable PRELUDES in SI and MI MINOR upon the organ. The solos of the REQUIEM were claimed by Madame Viardot and Madame Castellan. Lablache, who had sung the TUBA MIRUM of this REQUIEM at the burial of Beethoven in 1827, again sung it upon this occasion. ...
— Life of Chopin • Franz Liszt

... hurriedly from the tops of the mountains below as they were driven off by the rising flood were taken to the cardinal points and deposited in the same relative positions, an equal distance apart, as were the submerged mountains from which the earth had been taken. First Si{COMBINING BREVE}snajini, the White Mountain, was made in the east; then Tsotzilh, the Blue Mountain, in the south; next Dokooeslit, the Yellow Mountain, in the west, and lastly Depe{COMBINING BREVE}nsa, the Black Mountain, in the north. Having yet portions of each handful ...
— The North American Indian • Edward S. Curtis

... fell. It was he who cleared the crowd from about her and raised her up. "Take my horse," he said, "brave creature. Bear no malice. I confess that I was in the wrong." "It is I that should be wrong if I bore malice," cried Jeanne, "for never was a knight so courteous" (chevalier si bien apprins). She was surrounded immediately by her people, the chaplain whom she had bidden to keep near her, her page, all her special attendants, who would have conveyed her out of the fight had ...
— Jeanne d'Arc - Her Life And Death • Mrs.(Margaret) Oliphant

... meet with again in Roman history.[702] It was not only that the State ordered a supplicatio of three days thanksgiving; men and women alike took advantage of it to press in crowds to the temples, the materfamilias with her children, and in her finest robes: "cum omni solutae metu, perinde ac si debellatum foret, deis immortalibus grates agerent." I would draw attention to the fact that here is no mere fulfilment of a vow, of a bargain, as some will have it; in this moment of real religious emotion the first thought is one of thankfulness that the pax deorum is restored, and that ...
— The Religious Experience of the Roman People - From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus • W. Warde Fowler

... Studying the Language. The Council. Speech of Ou-si-cou-de. The Baptism. The Night Encampment. Picturesque Scene. Excursion on the St. Francis. Wonderful River Voyage. Incidents by the Way. Characteristics of the Indians. Great Peril. Strange Encounter with the Indian Chief. Hardships of the Voyage. Vicissitudes of ...
— The Adventures of the Chevalier De La Salle and His Companions, in Their Explorations of the Prairies, Forests, Lakes, and Rivers, of the New World, and Their Interviews with the Savage Tribes, Two Hu • John S. C. Abbott

... contraires forces ny d'assistance pour donner pied a ceulx qu'ilz adherer luy vouldroient; que se publiant royne, le roy et royne designes par le dict testament (encores qu'il soit mal) prendroient fondement, de l'invahir par la force et que n'y aura moien d'y resister si vostre majeste ne s'en empesche; ce que avons pese pour les grands affaires et empeschemens qu'elle a contre les Francoys et en divers lieux, que ne semble convenir que l'on concite en ceste saison les Angloys contre vostre ...
— The Reign of Mary Tudor • James Anthony Froude

... true," and Jake ran his fingers through his hair. "We would have overlooked sich things if he had been all right as a parson. But he wasn't, fer he used no tact, an' got Si Stubbles down on him, an' so that finished him as fer as ...
— The Unknown Wrestler • H. A. (Hiram Alfred) Cody

... "Si-nor," said he, "the ladies had ordered sedans to be in readiness for them; they have not yet come, for we are here before the expected time. But there is a garden close by in which you may remain ...
— The Works of Frederich Schiller in English • Frederich Schiller

... a la poursuite d'une justice meilleure que celle qui existe; et la est le fondement de ce qu'on appelle liberte de conscience, liberte d'ecrire, liberte de pensee.—JANET, Philosophie Contemporaine, 308. Si la force materielle a toujours fini par ceder a l'opinion, combien plus ne sera-t-elle pas contrainte de ceder a la conscience? Car la conscience, c'est l'opinion renforcee par le sentiment de l'obligation.—VINET, Liberte ...
— A Lecture on the Study of History • Lord Acton

... vim principatus resolveret cuncta ad senatum vocando, eam conditionem esse imperandi, ut non aliter ratio constet, quam si uni reddatur.—Tacit. Annal. ...
— The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. VII. (of 12) • Edmund Burke

... ago, there lived in Persia a little prince whose name was Cyrus. [Footnote: Cyrus (pro. si'rus).] ...
— Fifty Famous People • James Baldwin

... [Footnote 6: "Si te luxuria tentat, objice tibi memoriam mortis tuae, propone tibi futuruin judicium, reduc ad memoriam futura tormenta, propone tibi acterna supplicia; et etiaim propone aute oculos tuos perpetuosignes infernorum; propone tibi horribiles poenas gehennae. Memoria ardoris ...
— Sermons to the Natural Man • William G.T. Shedd

... nation or a group—who really does contemplate aggression, would on his side take care to be stronger than us. War and peace are matters of two parties, and any principle which you may lay down for one is applicable to the other. When we say "Si vis pacem, para bellum" we must apply it to all parties. One eminent upholder of this principle has told us that the only way to be sure of peace is to be so much stronger than your enemy that he will not dare to attack you. Apply that to the two parties and you get this result—here are ...
— New York Times Current History: The European War, Vol 2, No. 1, April, 1915 - April-September, 1915 • Various

... quod ad has vitae brevis attinet boras, Da mihi, da Pancin Libertatemque, nec ultra Sollicitas effundo preces, si quid datur ultra Accipiam gratus; si non, ...
— Cowley's Essays • Abraham Cowley

... pertugio dentro dalla Muda, La qual per me ha il titol della fame E in che conviene ancor ch'altri si chiuda, M'avea mostrato per lo ...
— Poems • William D. Howells

... opaque blocks of glass above the legend that had been one of the mysteries of her childhood. Now as she looked, the queer figures became shining angels with lilies in their hands, and she made the amazing discovery that "Evol si dog," seen from the ...
— Calvary Alley • Alice Hegan Rice

... reign of terror, was especially in the practice of resorting to this argument, whenever, in our frequent playful discussions of the subject, I have succeeded in disturbing her inferences, by citing American facts. "Mais, Monsieur, l'Amerique est si jeune, et vous avez les vertus que nous manquons," etc. etc. has always been thought a sufficient answer. Now I happen to be one of those who do not entertain such extravagant notions of the exclusive and peculiar virtues of our own country. Nor have ...
— Recollections of Europe • J. Fenimore Cooper

... and 'corrected by Shirley' in 1633 according to Herbert's license). The purgatorial farce may be traced to the Decameron, Day III, 8. 'Ferondo, mangiata certa polvere, e sotterrato per morto: e dall' abate, chi la moglie di lui si gode, tratto dalla sepoltura, e messo in prigione e fattogli credere, che egli e in purgatoro; e poi risuscitato . . .' It is the Feronde; ou, le Purgatoire of ...
— The Works of Aphra Behn - Volume V • Aphra Behn

... a short time; but he is to have no doubt of her keeping her honour safe. He consents, partly with an eye to the future main chance (for she is her father's sole heir), and partly because elle est si bonne qu'il n'y fault guere guet sur elle. Katherine, taking the name of Conrad, finds the place, presents herself to the maitre d'ostel, an ancient squire, as desirous of entertainment or retainment, and is very handsomely received. After dinner and due service done to the master, the old ...
— A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 - From the Beginning to 1800 • George Saintsbury

... piano compositions opus 11 is a "Valse Brillante," warm and melodious. Opus 13 is a "Sonnet," based, after the plan of Liszt, upon a lyric of Petrarch's, a beautiful translation from his "Gli occhi di ch'io parlai si caldamente." It is full of passion, and shows a fine variety in the handling of persistent repetition. Opus 18 couples two sonatinas. The second has the more merit, but both, like most sonatinas, are too trivial of psychology and too ...
— Contemporary American Composers • Rupert Hughes

... 8/6 "Si quadrupes pauperiem fecisse dicetur actio ex lege duodecim tabularum descendit; quae lex voluit, aut dari [id] quod nocuit, id ist, id animal, quod noxiam commisit; aut estimationem noxiae offerre." D. 9. 1. 1, pr.; Just. Inst. 4. ...
— The Common Law • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

... "Si, si." Madrigal grinned, and smoothed up his black pompadoured hair. "Eet will be easy. I gave them big scare about the duty on cotton ...
— The Desert Fiddler • William H. Hamby

... him, whom did you take in place of him? PORTO! SACCHI! With what means? What talents? What judgment? What experience? What chances of a happy issue? Would you know why they wished it? I will tell you, with Juvenal—'Greculus esuriens si in coelum jusseris ibit.' But ignorant pretenders mostly have more influence than modest truth. You, gentlemen of the committee, gave the theater to them because, not having anything to lose, they could ...
— Chapters of Opera • Henry Edward Krehbiel

... Redmond, fresh from the invigorating atmosphere of the front. While some seventy odd Nationalist Members are mainly occupied in brooding over Ireland's woes, two are serving in the trenches—William Redmond and Stephen Gwynn, both of them middle-aged men. O si sic omnes! ...
— Mr. Punch's History of the Great War • Punch

... reprehendat, si quantum ad caeteris festos dies ludorum celebrandos, quantum ad alias voluptates, et ad ipsam requiem animi et corporis conceditur temporis: Quantum alii tempestivis conviviis, quantum aleae, quantum pilae, tantum mihi egomet ad haec ...
— The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints - January, February, March • Alban Butler

... Louis XII., the reverse of the predecessor of the same name, did not leave to his historian to celebrate his dog "Relais," but did him the honour of being his biographer himself; and for a reason that was becoming so excellent a king. It was pour animer les descendans d'un si brave chien a se rendre aussi bons que lui, et encore meilleurs. It was great pity the Cardinal d'Amboise had no bastard puppies, or, to be sure, his Majesty would have written his Prime Minister's life too, for a model ...
— Heads and Tales • Various

... predecessors He took part in the brilliant battle of Arques in 1589. In the following year, he so distinguished himself at Ivry that Henry IV., inviting him to sup with him after this memorable battle, addressed to him these flattering words, "Il est juste que vous soyez du festin, apres m'avoir si bien servi a mes noces." At the siege of the Chateau de Camper, in Upper Brittany, he received a musket shot which fractured his arm, and died of the wound on the 19th of August, 1595, at the age of seventy-three years. "Ce grand capitaine qui avoit si bien merite du Roi et de la ...
— Voyages of Samuel de Champlain, Vol. 1 • Samuel de Champlain

... fregates qui sont dans cette rade, pour se rendre a sa destination. Il attend le sauf conduit du Gouvernement Anglais, qu'on lui a annonce, et qui me porte a expedier le present parlementaire, pour vous demander, Mons. l'Amiral, si vous avez connoissance du dit sauf conduit; ou si vous pensez qu'il soit dans l'intention du Gouvernement Anglais de se mettre de l'empechement a notre voyage aux Etats Unis. Je vous serai extremement oblige de me donner la-dessus les renseignemens ...
— The Surrender of Napoleon • Sir Frederick Lewis Maitland

... songs is the beautiful "Langue d'oc," so called from the use of the word "oc" to mean yes, and thus distinguished from the "Langue d'oil" of Northern France and the "Lingua di si" of Italy. The "Langue d'oc" was spoken in the entire southern part of France, and has given its name to a province of the present. So when the nobles of Provence, in the lordly retirement of their ancestral castles, ...
— Woman's Work in Music • Arthur Elson

... with an insolent smile, "Always thinking of marriage, these dear creatures. Ah, ah! madame, sits the wind in that quarter? You thought the poor Scots gentleman might be caught by the rosy cheeks of a Jersey farm girl. Pas si bete." ...
— St George's Cross • H. G. Keene

... does this passage, written in France above a century ago, awaken in the breast of a British citizen at this time!—"Si monumentum quaeris, circumspice!" So true it is, that real political truth belongs to no age or locality—"non alia Romae, alia Athenis;" it is of eternal application, and is destined to receive confirmation from the experience of men, and the lessons of history, to the end ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 58, Number 360, October 1845 • Various

... Si le roi m'avait donne Paris, sa grande ville, Et qu'il me fallait quiter L'amour de ma mie, Je dirai au roi Henri (III.) Reprenez votre Paris, J'aime mieux ma mie Au Gue, J'aime mieux ...
— Castles and Cave Dwellings of Europe • Sabine Baring-Gould

... those named there are innumerable small branches, ranging in size from deep coves to real canyons a mile or two long. Outside of De Chelly, and independent of it, there is a little canyon about 4 miles long, called Tse-on-i-tso-si by the Navaho. At one point near its head it approaches so near to De Chelly that but a few feet ...
— The Cliff Ruins of Canyon de Chelly, Arizona • Cosmos Mindeleff

... "Si, senor," replied the herdsman. His coolness restored by this steady utterance and these plain, common-sense directions, he selected a warrior in helmet-shaped cap, blue shirt, and long boots, brought his rifle slowly to a level, took sight, and fired. ...
— Overland • John William De Forest

... quis ad ingentem frumenti semper acervum Prorectus vigilet cum longo fuste, neque illinc Audeat esuriens dominus contingere granum, Ac potius foliis parcus vescatur amaris: Si, positis intus Chii veterisque Falerni Mille cadis—nihil est, tercentum millibus, acre Potet acetum; age, si et stramentis incubet, unde— Octoginta annos natus, cui stragula vestis, Blattarum ac tinearum epulae, putrescat in arca."—Hor. ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 215, December 10, 1853 • Various

... to get 'em on tight enough,—why, bless me! after I once got 'em strapped on, if them skates hed come off, the feet w'u'd ha' come with 'em! An' now away we go,—Laura an' me. Around the bend—near the medder where Si Barker's dog killed a woodchuck last summer—we meet the rest. We forget all about the cold. We run races an' play snap the whip, an' cut all sorts o' didoes, an' we never mind the pick'rel weed that ...
— A Little Book of Profitable Tales • Eugene Field

... exactione compescitur usurarum, tanto gravisu super his Judaeorum perfidia insolescit, ita quod brevi tempore Christianorum exhauriunt facultates. Volentes igitur in hac parse prospicere Christianis, ne a Judaeis immaniter aggraventur, synodali decreto statuimus, ut, si de caetero quocunque praetextu Judaaei a Christianis graves immoderatasve usuras extorserint, Christianorum eis participium subtrahatur, donec de immoderato gravamine satisfecerint competenter.... Principibus autem ...
— Prolegomena to the History of Israel • Julius Wellhausen

... sodalibus olim Credebat libris; neque si male cesserat, usquam Decurrens alio, neque ...
— Rejected Addresses: or, The New Theatrum Poetarum • James and Horace Smith

... collisions I have never found in me sufficient mind to balance my nature, or enough strength in my nature to counteract the power of my mind. But enough of this, for there is truth in the old saying: 'Si brevis esse volo, obscurus fio', and I believe that, without offending against modesty, I can apply to myself the following words ...
— The Memoires of Casanova, Complete • Jacques Casanova de Seingalt

... —Honoratum si forte reponis Achillem, Inpiger, iracundus, inexorabilis, acer, Jura neget sibi nata, nihil non ...
— The Works Of John Dryden, Volume 4 (of 18) - Almanzor And Almahide, Marriage-a-la-Mode, The Assignation • John Dryden

... been wedded with the ring to Gerardo. Such weddings, you must know, were binding; but till they had been blessed by the Church, they had not taken the force of a religious sacrament. And this is still the case in Italy among the common folk, who will say of a man, 'Si, e ammogliato; ma il matrimonio non e stato benedetto.' 'Yes, he has taken a wife, but the marriage has not ...
— Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Complete - Series I, II, and III • John Symonds

... "Pu-si'-na, and Chuk'-ka (the squirrel and the acorn-cache), a tall, sharp needle, with a smaller one at its base, just east of Cathedral Rock.... The savages... imagined here a squirrel nibbling at the base of ...
— Myths and Legends of California and the Old Southwest • Katharine Berry Judson

... apres trop de tendresse, D'un homme sent la trahison, Comment, pour cette si douce foiblesse Peut-elle ...
— The Complete Poetical Works of Oliver Goldsmith • Oliver Goldsmith

... Your meat vittles is always so tasty, Miss Cummins. I was sayin' to Mis' Sawyer last week I think she lets her beef hang too long. Its dretful tender, but I don't b'lieve its hullsome. For my part, as I've many a time said to Si, I like meat with some chaw to it.... Mis' Sawyer don't put half enough vittles on her table. She thinks it scares folks; it don't me a mite,—it makes me 's hungry as a wolf. When I set a table for comp'ny I pile on a hull ...
— Timothy's Quest - A Story for Anybody, Young or Old, Who Cares to Read It • Kate Douglas Wiggin

... si me satis audias, Speres perpetuum dulcia barbare Laedentem oscula, quae Venus Quinta ...
— An Essay on the Lyric Poetry of the Ancients • John Ogilvie

... that are many miles apart. The mesas are about seven thousand feet above sea level and from six to eight hundred feet higher than the surrounding plain. Upon the first or eastern mesa are located the three towns of Te-wa, Si-chom-ovi and Wal-pi. Tewa is the newest of the three towns and was built by the Tehuan allies who came as refugees from the Rio Grande after the great rebellion of 1680. They were granted permission to build on ...
— Arizona Sketches • Joseph A. Munk

... the rooms, which were well worth examination and admiration ; and we met friends and acquaintance every other step. . . . While we were examining the noble pillars in the new room, I heard an exclamation of "Est-ce possible? suis-je si heureuse?—Est-ce ma ch'ere Mlle. ...
— The Diary and Letters of Madam D'Arblay Volume 2 • Madame D'Arblay

... back again by candlelight to what they used to be at home, and you catch their real names. There wasn't much room in the washhouse, so I sat on top of the copper and played 'em the tunes they called for—"Si le Roi m'avait donne," and such nursery stuff. They cried sometimes. It hurt me to take their money afterwards, indeed it did. And there I found out about Monsieur Peringuey. He was a proper rogue too! None ...
— Rewards and Fairies • Rudyard Kipling

... Quedar, quedarse (to remain) Casar (con), casarse (con), (to marry) Pensar, pensarse (to think) Yo pienso, or me pienso que si (I think so) Me escapo de la memoria or (it escaped my memory). Se me escapo de la ...
— Pitman's Commercial Spanish Grammar (2nd ed.) • C. A. Toledano

... Mater ridet Quae tam dulcem somnum videt, Dormi, Jesu! blandule! Si non dormis, Mater plorat Inter fila cantans orat, Blande, ...
— In The Yule-Log Glow—Book 3 - Christmas Poems from 'round the World • Various

... ecce in medio prorupit unus stipulosus vernaculus, statura modicus, sed efferus, dicens: Ecce ego! quis me conducet intrare cum operariis istis ad hunc ludum theatralem? Pro dimidia enim marca ludum experiar, ultra hoc petens, ut si vivus de palaestra evasero, victum a quocumque vestrum recipiam dum vixero: quia, sicut dicitur, "Majorem caritatem nemo habet, quam ut animam suam ponat suis pro amicis." Quali mercede donabor, qui animam meam pro inimicis reipublicae et regni pono? Quod petiit, a rege ...
— The Fair Maid of Perth • Sir Walter Scott

... at Soranos quorum nec peruetusta nec incelebris memoria est, scire potuisti. Quos nihil aliud in cladem detraxit nisi quod nostris moribus instituti studiis improborum dissimillimi uidebantur. Itaque nihil est quod admirere, si in hoc uitae salo circumflantibus agitemur procellis, quibus hoc maxime propositum est pessimis displicere. Quorum quidem tametsi est numerosus exercitus, spernendus tamen est, quoniam nullo duce regitur, sed errore tantum temere ac passim lymphante raptatur. Qui si quando contra ...
— The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy • Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius

... imagination acting principally upon the more impressible minds of the vulgar.' He is inclined to assign the prevalent 'liaisons' (nouements d'aiguillettes) to the apprehensions of a fear with which in his age the French world was so perplexed (si entrave). ...
— The Superstitions of Witchcraft • Howard Williams

... kiss?—the charming little fairy! What is it she has embroidered on the ribbons round her neck?—'Mort aux rois?' 'Sic semper tyrannis?' No; I saw a much prettier one somewhere the other day: 'Ne si pasce di fresche ruggiade, ma di sangue di membra di re.' Isn't it charming? It sounds quite idyllic, even in English: 'Not for you the nourishment of freshening dews, but the blood of the limbs of kings!' The pretty little ...
— Sunrise • William Black

... in the old Italian of the MS. may interest some readers: "E complice queste parole lo zovene respoxe, dignando, Io son l'angelo de Dio, lo quale si te aparse l'altra fiada, in segno, e aparse a toa mulier Anna che sempre sta in oration plauzando di e note, e si lo consolada; unde io te comando che tu debie observare li comandimenti de Dio, ela soua volunta che io te dico veramente, ...
— Giotto and his works in Padua • John Ruskin

... Mrs. Tootle, with a burst of good humour, "est-ce vrai ce qu'on dit que les Suisses sont si excessivement sujets ...
— The Unclassed • George Gissing

... viator, Qui tali impositus stat super ossa cani. Larga mi natura manu dedit omnia, nostrum Quaecunque exornant nobilitantque genus: Robur erat validum, formae concinna venustas, Ingenui mores, intemerata fides. Nec pudet invisi nomen gessisse tyranni, Si tam dissimili viximus ingenio. Naufragus in nuda Tenbeiae[K] ejectus arena, Ploravi domino me superesse meo, Quem mihi, luctanti frustra, frustraque juvanti, Abreptum, oceani in gurgite mersit hyems. Solus ego sospes, sed quas miser ille tabellas Morte mihi in media credidit, ore ferens. Dulci ...
— Anecdotes of Dogs • Edward Jesse

... China. He had a beautiful wife whose name was Si-ling. The emperor and his wife loved their people and ...
— The Child's World - Third Reader • Hetty Browne, Sarah Withers, W.K. Tate

... things are wanted in a hurry, you will not mind working an hour or two beyond time, and I will always find lights with the greatest pleasure. Permit me to advise you to take the intermissions as much as possible for your attentions to your grandmother, who must be attended to properly. Si—the care of our parents is one of our most solemn duties! Adieu, ...
— Autobiography of a Pocket-Hankerchief • James Fenimore Cooper

... adottare moltissimi vocaboli forestieri, ando ancora alterando i proprj, cioe i Latini, cambiando le terminazioni delle parole, accorciandole, allungandole, e corrompendole. In somma se ne formo un nuovo Linguaggio, che Volgare si appellava, perche usato dal Volgo d'Italia."—Muratori, Della Perfetta Poesia Italiana, tomo i. p. 6., ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 183, April 30, 1853 • Various

... the knob of the outer door. She set her teeth with an audible sound, and the color rose in her small, dark face. English departed from her. "Je ne le regrette pas du tout, du tout!" she cried with a flood of words. "Madame—ah! je me jetterais au feu pour madame—une femme si charmante, si adorable. Mais un homme comme, monsieur—maussade, boudeur, impassible! Ah, non!—de ma vie! J'en avais pardessus la tete, de monsieur! Ah! vrai! Est-ce insupportable, tout de meme, qu'il existe des types comme ca? ...
— The Woman in Black • Edmund Clerihew Bentley

... operosi signa Maronis Pondus iners quondam duraque massa fuit. Multa viros nescire decet; pars maxima rerum Offendat, si non ...
— The Works of Max Beerbohm • Max Beerbohm

... the admiral that his presence would be required on board the flagship at ten o'clock on the following morning, and so did the other captains and first lieutenants. Consequently, at the hour named, Captains Foster, James, Frobisher, and Quen-lung, of the Chen Yuen, Shan-si, Chih' Yuen, and Hat-yen respectively, together with their first officers, found themselves assembled in Admiral Ting's cabin on board the flagship, each of them attired in full-dress uniform and wearing their side-arms. The admiral himself was also ...
— A Chinese Command - A Story of Adventure in Eastern Seas • Harry Collingwood

... we knew he had been going toward Shelton. Scientists, doctors, and learned men of all descriptions came out to our village to see the thing the papers said Si Waters had stumbled upon when on his way to ...
— Astounding Stories of Super-Science April 1930 • Various

... chemise. Je suis si excitee, que je ne le puis pas." (Take off my chemise I am so excited that ...
— The Life and Amours of the Beautiful, Gay and Dashing Kate Percival - The Belle of the Delaware • Kate Percival

... kind of claim to that sort of tranquillity. But a young man should be ambitious to shine, and excel; alert, active, and indefatigable in the means of doing it; and, like Caesar, 'Nil actum reputans, si quid superesset agendum.' You seem to want that 'vivida vis animi,' which spurs and excites most young men to please, to shine, to excel. Without the desire and the pains necessary to be considerable, depend ...
— The PG Edition of Chesterfield's Letters to His Son • The Earl of Chesterfield

... words at length. "Auctor turbarum Helias capitur; cui ante se adducto rex ludibundus, 'Habeo te, magister,' inquit. At ille, cujus alta nobilitas nesciret in tanto etiam periculo sapere; 'Fortuitu,' inquit, 'me cepisti: sed si possem evadere, novi quid facerem.' Tum Willelmus, prae furore fere extra se positus, et obuncans Heliam, 'Tu,'inquit, 'nebulo! tu, quid faceres? Discede; abi; fuge! Concede tibi ut facias quicquid poteris: et, per vultum de Luca! nihil, si me viceris, pro hac venia tecum paciscar." I.e. ...
— The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, Vol. X. • Jonathan Swift

... fu de' contadini il si indiscreto, Ch' a sbigottir la gente Diede nome dolente Al vin' che sovra gli altri il cuor fa lieto? Lagrima dunque appellerassi un riso Parte ...
— The Naples Riviera • Herbert M. Vaughan

... It is thus laid down in the Decretals (II, qu. vi, can. Si Quando): "Whenever anyone intervene in a cause where life or state is at stake he must do so, not by a proxy, but in his own person"; and "state" here has reference to freedom or servitude. Therefore it would seem ...
— Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) • Thomas Aquinas

... z'animaux la yo, for J'ai vu ces animaux, and Ci la yo qui te vivre, for Ceux qui ont vecu. A few more examples will suffice to make other changes clear. A negro was asked to lend his horse; he replied, Mouchee (Monsieur), mo pas gagne choual, mais mo connais qui gagne ly; si ly pas gagne ly, ly faut mo gagne ly, pour vous gagne: "Massa, me no got horse, but me know who got um; if him no got um, him get me um for you." Quelquechose becomes quichou; zozo oiseau; gournee combattre; guete voir; ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 11, No. 65, March, 1863 • Various

... in lucem proferre hactenus distuli, judicii tui acumen subveritus magis quam bipennis. Tandem aliquando oden hanc ad te mitto sublimem, teneram, flebilem, suavem, qualem demum divinus (si musis vacaret) scripsisset Gastrellus: adeo scilicet sublimem ut inter legendum dormire, adeo flebilem ut ridere velis. Cujus elegantiam ut melius inspicias, versuum ordinem et materiam breviter referam. 1mus versus de duobus praeliis decantatis. 2dus ...
— Lives of the Poets, Vol. 1 • Samuel Johnson

... of Clavigero is worth quoting: "TEZCATLIPOCA: Questo era il maggior Dio, che in que paesi si adorava, dopo il Dio invisible, o Supremo Essere. Era il Dio della Providenza, l' anima del Mondo, il Creator del Cielo e della Terra, ed il Signor di tutle le cose. Rappresentavanlo tuttora giovane per significare, che non s' invecchiava mai, ne s' indeboliva cogli ...
— American Hero-Myths - A Study in the Native Religions of the Western Continent • Daniel G. Brinton

... logs to the river, as in Rangoon, whence they are brought on rafts to the immense sawmills. Unfortunately, a shallow bar at the mouth of the Menam River prevents the passage of large vessels. Therefore much of the cargo has to be carried to Koh-si-Chang, outside the bar, a distance of fifty miles. Koh-si-Chang is quite a favorite resort for the Europeans, Aughin on the coast being another. In the latter place there is a ...
— Travels in the Far East • Ellen Mary Hayes Peck

... et charta deficerent si omnia vellem percurrere, multa quldem impura et impudica quae memorare nefas, recitavit. Nor is this youth, it seems, a monster or prodigy in the age he lives; on the contrary, I am told he is an exemplar only of all ...
— Miscellanies, Volume 2 (from Works, Volume 12) • Henry Fielding

... "Oh, si, si!" cried Gonzaga, with a show of good-tempered impatience. "Give me the letters, then, and I will take them to the Count while you are stripping those ...
— Love-at-Arms • Raphael Sabatini

... a voulu que je vinsse etablir ma tente dans une ville qui, bien qu'etant la capitale du New-Hampshire, parait comme un point microscopique aupres des villes que j'ai citees plus haut. Eh bien, sans flatterie aucune, si l'on a pu appeler Boston l'Athene de l'Amerique, je ne vois pas pourquoi on n'appellerait pas Concord un petit Rambouillet, toute ...
— The Bay State Monthly, Volume 3, No. 1 • Various

... quaecunque adventu hospitioque dignatur. Non bella ineunt, non arma sumunt, clausum omne ferrum; pax et quies tunc tantum nota, tunc tantum amata, donec idem sacerdos satiatam conversatione mortalium deam templo reddat: mox vehiculum et vestes, et si credere velis, numen ipsum secreto lacu abluitur. Servi ministrant, quos statim idem lacus haurit. Arcanus hinc terror, sanctaque ignorantia, quid sit id, quod perituri ...
— The Ethnology of the British Islands • Robert Gordon Latham

... E. by N. from Scituate buoy to a point SE. by S. from the same about 10 or 11 miles and furnishes cod fishing in February, beginning at Brewers Spot, on the southern end of the ground, and working northward with the schools to Si's Spot, at the northern end of the ridge. The bottom over much of the ridge is of mussel beds, with from 25 to 30 fathoms of water, but at the northern end it is rocky and pebbly, with from 30 to 35 fathoms and on ...
— Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Maine • Walter H. Rich

... this Work in the Text of his Dictionary, in these Words: "Sa Francogallia dont il faisoit grand etat est celuy de tous ses ecrits que l'on aprouve le moins:"—and in his Commentary adds, "C'est un Ouvrage recommendable du coste de l'Erudition; mais tres indigne d'un jurisconsulte Francois, si l'on en croit mesme plusieurs Protestants." I wou'd not do any Injury to so great a Man as Monsieur Bayle; but every one that is acquainted with his Character, knows that he is more a Friend to Tyranny and Tyrants, than ...
— Franco-Gallia • Francis Hotoman

... "Si, senor!" says he. So then we got at it, although it wasn't smooth skidding, either; for my Spanish was the good old Castilian I'd learned in Panama, whilst his was a mixture of Greaser, sheepblat, and Apache, flavoured with ...
— Red Saunders' Pets and Other Critters • Henry Wallace Phillips

... nimium, sua si bona narint," is applicable to more people than "agricolae." Clerks of the India House are as blind to their own advantages as the blindest of ploughmen. Lamb was summoned, it is true, through ...
— Biographical Essays • Thomas de Quincey

... them but for their cowardice. "By George, Mr. Warrington," said Mr. Selwyn, waking up in a rare fit of enthusiasm, "you deserve to win! You treat your luck as a gentleman should, and as long as she remains with you, behave to her with the most perfect politeness. Si celeres quatit pennas—you know the rest—no? Well, you are not much the worse off—you will call her ladyship's coach, and make her a bow at the step. Look at Lord Castlewood yonder, passing the box. Did you ever hear a fellow curse ...
— The Virginians • William Makepeace Thackeray

... meaning of such Images must be to Europeans, they are not quoted without "rougissant" even by laymen in Persia—"Quant aux termes de tendresse qui commencent ce quatrain, comme tant d'autres dans ce recueil, nos lecteurs, habitues maintenant a 1'etrangete des expressions si souvent employees par Kheyam pour rendre ses pensees sur l'amour divin, et a la singularite des images trop orientales, d'une sensualite quelquefois revoltante, n'auront pas de peine a se persuader qu'il s'agit de la Divinite, bien que cette conviction soit vivement ...
— Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam • Omar Khayyam

... lamentable flaqueza de un gran corazn," he says, referring to the affair with Teresa, "y recordemos, de paso, que el sol mismo, ese astro de luz soberano, tan sublimemente cantado por nuestro vate, manchas tiene que si una parte de su esplendor anublan, a eclipsarlo no bastan." Seor Cascales publishes a reproduction of Teresa's portrait. We see a face of a certain hard beauty. We are struck with the elaborate coiffure, the high forehead, the long nose, ...
— El Estudiante de Salamanca and Other Selections • George Tyler Northup

... Mister," he said. "Now, it's funny you should ask. I hit the block once today and I was saying to myself, I'll bet somebody's going to ask me about this. So when I was in town I talked around with Si Deeds ... you know Si? Oh, no, you just arrived today ... anyhow, I figured ...
— Occasion for Disaster • Gordon Randall Garrett

... le globe terrestre de sa place et le transporter en un autre lieu, ne demandait rien qu'un point qui fut ferme et immobile: ainsi j'aurai droit de concevoir de hautes esperances si je suis assez heureux pour trouver seulement une chose qui soit certaine et ...
— Old-Fashioned Ethics and Common-Sense Metaphysics - With Some of Their Applications • William Thomas Thornton

... si Monsieur veut se donner la peine d'entrer." And we were shown into a handsomely-furnished apartment. A lady would enter hurriedly, and an animated discussion was begun. I did not know French sufficiently well to follow the conversation, but I remember it always commenced ...
— Confessions of a Young Man • George Moore

... throne of Buyuruk, and for having killed your brothers Tatimur Taidshi and Buka Timur, to take refuge at Keraun Kiptchak, where you were beleaguered, did not my father come to your rescue, drive out, and force the Gur Khan to take refuge in Ho Si (the country west of the Hwang-ho), whence he returned not? Did you not then become Anda (i.e., sworn friend) with my father, and was not this the reason I ...
— The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume VI. • Various

... "Si, si—ja wohl. There were a good fourscore of us, and among them a Tedesco, a good man and true, from whom ...
— The Dove in the Eagle's Nest • Charlotte M. Yonge

... won't have her health injured. She shall go into the world more. She will be presented at Court, and if it's necessary to give her a dose or two to counteract her vanity, I don't object. This will wear off, or, 'si c'est veritablement une grande passion, eh bien' we must take what Providence ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

... est de savoir si, avec leurs moyens nouveaux, les monitors, les Amiraux sont en mesure de proteger un debarquement, qui comme celui du 25 avril necessiterait de ...
— Gallipoli Diary, Volume I • Ian Hamilton

... that he was really in an obscure island in the Pacific Ocean, and that the Pacific Ocean was immeasurably vaster than he had imagined. The Marquise, in the Plurality of Worlds, reacts to the startling illumination: "Voila l'univers si grand que je m'y perds, je ne sais plus ou je suis; je ne suis plus rien.—La terre est ...
— The Idea of Progress - An Inquiry Into Its Origin And Growth • J. B. Bury

... nota, ut videas, si magna nobilitas vigebat paulo ante in Bretenorio, quod tempore istius Guidonis, quando aliquis vir nobilis et honorabilis applicabat ad terram, magna contentio erat inter multos nobiles de Bretenorio, ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 7, No. 43, May, 1861 • Various

... to run the risk of outraging popular feeling by a new treatment of (say) the Trojan story, or a new view of the chief characters: but that if a writer still wishes to make the attempt, he may succeed by attending to certain rules, "si nec circa vilem," &c. &c. Thus I make "publica materies" identical with "communia," and "privati juris" with ...
— The Satires, Epistles, and Art of Poetry • Horace

... didn't know whether she would keep it or not; that if she kept it, it would be solely out of tenderness for the King's honor. All French children know those famous words. How naive they are! "De cette treve qui a ete faite, je ne suis pas contente, et je ne sais si je la tiendrai. Si je la tiens, ce sera seulement pour garder l'honneur du roi." But in any case, she said, she would not allow the blood royal to be abused, and would keep the army in good order and ready for work at the end ...
— Innocents abroad • Mark Twain

... the great violinist, to gratify his domestic circle. The negotiation was rather a difficult one, as Paganini was, of all others, the man who did nothing in the way of business without an explicit understanding, and a clearly-defined con-si-de-ra-tion. He was alive to the advantages of honor, but he loved money with a paramount affection. I knew that he had received enormous terms, such as L150 and L200 for fiddling at private parties in London, and I trembled for the vice-regal purse; but I undertook to manage the affair, ...
— The International Monthly, Volume 3, No. 2, May, 1851 • Various

... er my fortin. Ef yeou don't, I'll leave every cent on't tew Siah, though he ain't done as waal by me as yeou hev. Come,' sez she, 'I'm breakin' up like brother; I shan't wurry any one a gret while, and 'fore spring I dessay you'll hev cause tew rejice that yeou done as Aunt Si counselled yeou.' ...
— On Picket Duty and Other Tales • Louisa May Alcott

... followed. Here was a proper and solemn formality, rich in coloured phrases and time-honoured pretence. No lie was allowed place that could not prove its pedigree for five hundred years. Then when Bederhof and the rest had prated, there rose (O si audissem) a man with a pale-lined face, in which passion had almost destroyed mirth, or at least compelled it to put on the servile dress of bitterness, but with eyes bright still and a voice that rang through ...
— The King's Mirror • Anthony Hope

... don't you wherrit about your lodgings, if you 're short of cash. I'll fix it with Si, and chance my getting paid somehow. I'll see him right off, and fix it so you and Miss Janice has the best there is." He started to go; then asked, "I hope—there is n't any danger—I suppose—she'll ...
— Janice Meredith • Paul Leicester Ford

... "repulsive-looking landlord receives the unhappy man, exchanges a look of ferocious intelligence with the driver,"—and the usual melodramatic midnight carnage probably ensues. The Pyrenees seem to echo the motto of their old counts, "Touches-y, si tu l'oses!" the name seems to stand vaguely for untested discomforts, for clouds and chasms, and Spanish banditti in blood-red capas; to be, in a word, a symbol of an undiscovered country which would but doubtfully reward ...
— A Midsummer Drive Through The Pyrenees • Edwin Asa Dix

... before "Si" Brown, a justice of the peace, at Rough and Ready, in a building (of which I obtained a photograph) used as a hotel and for other purposes. In the long room, now occupied as a store, Judge Brown ...
— A Tramp Through the Bret Harte Country • Thomas Dykes Beasley

... the sum of belief common to Greek and Latin, to Romanist and Protestant. Show them that this and only this is the ordo traditionis, quam tradiderunt Apostoli iis quibus committebant ecclesias, and which we should have been bound to follow, says Irenaeus, si neque Apostoli quidem Scripturas reliquissent. This is that regula fidei, that sacramentum symboli memoriae mandatum, of which St. Augustine says:- noveritis hoc esse Fidei Catholicae fundamentum super quod edificium surrexit Ecclesiae. This is the norma ...
— Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit etc. • by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

... Bowldler to Palmerston later on, as they sat drinking in that ditty, one on either side of the kitchen table, "it can't sing, but the words is that I dreamt I dwelt in Marble Halls with Princes and Peers by my si-i-ide—just like that. Princes!" She leaned back in the cheap chair and closed her eyes. "It goes through me to this day. I used to sing it frequent in my 'teens, along with another popular favourite which was quite at the other end of the social scale, but artless—'My Mother ...
— Hocken and Hunken • A. T. Quiller-Couch

... "vous parlez si souvent de chastete que cela devient indecent. Votre amitie n'est pas plus 'sainte' que celle des autres." [If he had added "maternite" the stigma would have been completer still.] And there is also a startling verisimilitude in the reply ...
— A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 - To the Close of the 19th Century • George Saintsbury

... cosi: L' affetto e il senno, Come la prima egualita v' apparse, D' un peso per ciascun di voi si fenno; ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 31, May, 1860 • Various

... jugement on ne nous demandera point ce que nous avons lu, mais ce que nous avons fait; ni si nous avons bien parle mais si nous avons ...
— Margot Asquith, An Autobiography: Volumes I & II • Margot Asquith

... tesseris. Si illud, quod maxime opus est facto non cadit. Illud quod cecedit forte, id arte ut corrigus. ...
— Chess History and Reminiscences • H. E. Bird

... Fortunati ambo, si quid mea carmina possunt, Nulla dies nunquam memori vos eximet aevo, Dum domus Aeneae Capitoli immobile saxum Accolet, imperiumque ...
— The Heroic Enthusiast, Part II (Gli Eroici Furori) - An Ethical Poem • Giordano Bruno

... guarded, and that their theft is punishable by death. At the time of the Boxer Rebellion only Spaniels, Pugs, and Poodles were found in the Imperial Palace when it was occupied by the Allied Forces, the little dogs having once more preceded the court in the flight to Si-gnanfu. ...
— Dogs and All About Them • Robert Leighton

... (farewell, in this case); citsíli, my younger brother. 2. Cakaïlçe, for me they have come; ye, the yays, the gods; qo¢igín¢e, from a holy or supernatural place. 3. (¢a', any, on any occasion, etc.; ço¢a, negative; na, again; si¢ilsèl, you will see me); ¢a'çonasi¢ilsèl¢a, you will never see me again. 4. [¢]a'hoelçìgo, on any occasion as the rain passes, i.e., whenever it rains; ¢a'¢eltcílgo, whenever it thunders; nag[-a][-i]ga, in that; ...
— The Mountain Chant, A Navajo Ceremony • Washington Matthews

... Copernicus, and Galileo Galilei, whom she called a Martyr, but I do not. For, is a Martyr one who is unwillinglie imprisoned, or who formally recants? even tho' he affected afterwards to say 'twas but a Form, and cries, "Eppure, si muove?" The earlier Christians might have sayd 'twas but a Form to burn a Handfull of Incense before Jove's Statua; Pliny woulde ...
— Mary Powell & Deborah's Diary • Anne Manning

... undefeated Third Army: "A voi veterani del Carso, ed a voi, giovani soldati, fioritura della perenne primavera italica."[1] Splendid Alpini! They are never false to their regimental motto, "di qui non si passa!"[2] They never fail. But nearly all the first Alpini, who went forth to battle in May ...
— With British Guns in Italy - A Tribute to Italian Achievement • Hugh Dalton

... forem Quamvis tota vi laborem, Nec si fide nunquam cesso, Fletu stillans indefesso; Tibi soli tantum munus— Salva ...
— The Story of the Hymns and Tunes • Theron Brown and Hezekiah Butterworth

... milites quam clerici, et omnes homines, tam de feodis militum quam de prebendis, sequentur molendina de Andeli, sicut consueverunt et debent, et moltura erit nostra. Archiepiscopus autem et homines sui de Fraxinis (a manor specially reserved,) molent ubi idem Archiepiscopus volet, et si voluerit molere apud Andeli, dabunt molturas suas, sicut alii ibidem molentes. In escambium autem ... concessimus ... omnia molendina quae nos habuimus Rotomagi, quando haec permutatio facta fuit, integre cum omni sequela et moltura ...
— Account of a Tour in Normandy, Vol. I. (of 2) • Dawson Turner

... Senor procuro de llevar los mas Libros de sus Ciencias, que pudo, a su Tierra, adonde hicieron Templos; i esta es la principal causa de los muchos Edificios, que hai en Yucatan. Siguio toda su gente Ahxiui, Senor de los Tutuxius, i poblo en Mani, que quiere decir, ia paso; como si dixese, hagamos Libro nuevo; i de tal manera poblaron sus Pueblos, que hicieron una gran Provincia, que se llama oi dia, Tutuxiu." Herrera, Historia de las Indias Occidentales, Dec. IV, Lib. ...
— The Maya Chronicles - Brinton's Library Of Aboriginal American Literature, Number 1 • Various

... thu gesege theof somud thu urne mid hine ond 18. Si videbas furem simul currebas ...
— Anglo-Saxon Literature • John Earle

... partez pour la guerre, Qu'allez-vous faire Si loin d'ici? Voyez-vous pas que la nuit est profonde, Et que le ...
— The Long Roll • Mary Johnston

... listened to the discussion of the Monday sitting at the Academie des Sciences (Insitut de France) as to the best way to teach the "young idea how to shoot" in the direction of mathematical genius, said: "Cultivez l'imagination, messieurs. Tout est La. Si vous voulez des mathematiciens, donnez a vos enfants a; lire—des ...
— The Art of the Story-Teller • Marie L. Shedlock

... la mia mente si ristretta dentro da se, che di fuor non venia cosa che fosse allor ...
— Art • Clive Bell

... con vuelo incierto, Y de mis ojos ha desparecido. Mirad, si, a vuestro huerto, Mi pajaro querido, Ninas hermosas, por acaso ...
— Poetical Works of William Cullen Bryant - Household Edition • William Cullen Bryant

... the Innuit, comprising all the so-called Eskimo and Tuskis, and the Aleuts. The paper proper is followed by an appendix by Gibbs and Dall, in which are presented a series of vocabularies from the northwest, including dialects of the Tlinkit and Haida nations, T'sim-si-ans, and others. ...
— Seventh Annual Report • Various

... Te si compie anno di sorte, l'Italia l'alza in cima della spada mirando al segno; e la sua rossa strada ne brilla insino alle sue alpine porte. Tu tendi la potenza della morte come un arco tra il Vodice e l'Hermada; varchi l'Isonzo indomito ove guada la tua Vittoria col tuo ...
— Defenders of Democracy • The Militia of Mercy

... [Footnote 27: "Si quis in aliena tabula pinxerit, quidam putant, tabulam picturae cedere: aliis videtur picturam (qualiscunque sit) tabulae cedere: sed nobis videtur melius esse tabulam picturae cedere. Ridiculum est enim picturam Apellis vel ...
— The Book-Hunter - A New Edition, with a Memoir of the Author • John Hill Burton

... many are the tales of scandal that have been related of the Consul and all his family: I don't believe them. A lady told me it was "vraiment extraordinaire qu'un jeune homme comme lui ait de moeurs si exemplaires—et d'ailleurs on ne s'attend pas qu'un homme soit fidele a une femme qui est plus agee que lui: mais si agee aussi! Il aime la soumission plus que la beaute: s'il lui dit de se coucher a huit heures, elle se couche: s'il faut se lever a deux heures, elle se leve! Elle est une ...
— The Life And Letters Of Maria Edgeworth, Vol. 1 • Maria Edgeworth

... and 400 select MSS. were taken to Paris. The Reformed Benedictines of the Congregation of St. Maur had done much at Corbie for the preservation of the books, and they now petitioned that the Corbie MSS. might not be alienated from the Order, "n' ayant personne qui soit si jaloux de conserver l'heritage de leurs peres que les propres enfants." The petition was successful, and the MSS. were placed in the Abbey of St. Germain des Pres at Paris. This was in 1638. In 1791, during the Revolutionary troubles, there was a fire at the abbey, ...
— The Wanderings and Homes of Manuscripts - Helps for Students of History, No. 17. • M. R. James

... Trans Tiberim longe cubat is, prope Caesaris hortos. Nil habeo quod agam, & non sum piger: usque sequar te, Demitto auriculas ut iniquae mentis asellus, Cum gravius dorso subiit onus. Incipit ille: Si bene me novi, non Viscum pluris amicum, Non Varium facies; nam quis me scribere plures Aut citius possit versus? quis membra movere Mollius? invideat quod & Hermogenes, ego canto. Interpellandi locus hic erat: Est tibi mater, Cognati, queis te salvo est opus? Haud mihi ...
— An Essay towards Fixing the True Standards of Wit, Humour, Railery, Satire, and Ridicule (1744) • Corbyn Morris

... Theophrasti liber, de nuptiis, in quo quritur an vir sapiens ducat vxorem, etc. And the frenche molinet, moralizinge the Romant of the roose in frenche, and turnynge it oute of verse into proese, writeth, Ha si i'eusse creu Theophraste,&c. Oh, yf I had beleved Theophraste, Ihad never maried womanne, for he doth not holde hym wise that marieth anye womanne, be she fayre, foule, poore, or riche; as he sayeth in his Booke Aureolle; whiche verye ...
— Animaduersions uppon the annotacions and corrections of some imperfections of impressiones of Chaucer's workes - 1865 edition • Francis Thynne

... Saussure's maxim about firmness with children has suggested the above. "Ce que plie ne peut servir d'appui, et l'enfant veut etre appuye. Non-seulement il en a besoin, mais il le desire, mais sa tendresse la plus constante n'est qu'a ce prix. Si vous lui faites l'effet d'un autre enfant, si vous partagez ses passions, ses vacillations continuelles, si vous lui rendez tous ses mouvements en les augmentant, soit par la contrariete, soit par un exces de complaisance, il pourra ...
— Friends in Council (First Series) • Sir Arthur Helps

... l'ombre je vois clair, Bientot serez-vous maitres de vos bonnes pommes de terre. C'est le brave Biggar, le T.P. O'Connor et les autres Qui sont vos sauveurs, comme Gambetta etait le notre; Suivez-les, et la victoire sera toujours a vous, Si a Milbank ce cher Forster ne vous envoie ...
— Collections and Recollections • George William Erskine Russell

... de moi le desir de retourner dans mon Empire de joie, avant d'avoir acheve l'oeuvre si difficile de la conversion de ces etres. Si une telle pensee, produite par le degout et la mauvaise humeur, s'empare de moi, que ma tete se fende en dix parties, et mon corps, comme cette ...
— Diary of a Pedestrian in Cashmere and Thibet • by William Henry Knight

... aboriginal men. The Sioux that occupied Minnesota were about eight thousand strong,—men, women and children. They were divided into four principal bands, known as the M'day-wa-kon-tons, or Spirit Lake Villagers; the Wak-pay-ku-tays, or Leaf Shooters, from their living in the timber; the Si-si-tons, and Wak-pay-tons. There was also a considerable band, known as the Upper Si-si-tons, who occupied the extreme upper waters of the Minnesota river. The Chippewas numbered about 7,800, divided as follows: At Lake Superior, whose agency was at La Pointe, Wis., ...
— The History of Minnesota and Tales of the Frontier • Charles E. Flandrau

... women and children at the squatting-place until they heard Eudena scream. But the men were weary and sat dozing. When Eudena screamed they felt assured of their safety, and hurried to get the nearest places to the fires. The old woman laughed at the scream, and laughed again because Si, the little friend of Eudena, whimpered. Directly the dawn came they were all alert and looking towards the alders. They could see that Eudena had been taken. They could not help feeling glad to think that Uya was appeased. But across the ...
— Tales of Space and Time • Herbert George Wells

... to discover that he was really in an obscure island in the Pacific Ocean, and that the Pacific Ocean was immeasurably vaster than he had imagined. The Marquise, in the Plurality of Worlds, reacts to the startling illumination: "Voila l'univers si grand que je m'y perds, je ne sais plus ou je suis; je ne suis plus rien.—La terre est ...
— The Idea of Progress - An Inquiry Into Its Origin And Growth • J. B. Bury

... Fiammetta, and enter the tomb with her tender hand in his, before ever he thought of that cruel absence she tells of? "O donne pietose!" I hope so, and that this pilgrimage, half of love and half of letters, took place, "nel tempo nel quale la rivestita terra piu che tutto l'altro anno si mostra bella." ...
— Italian Journeys • William Dean Howells

... si audias idem conantem, crocire non loqui. The text is corrupt, Van der Vliet's suggestion probably ...
— The Apologia and Florida of Apuleius of Madaura • Lucius Apuleius

... macron to show short) littera. Quando dicis evitat, vicina debet esse, sic pressa, sic angusta, ut vicina sit ad I litteram. Quando vis dicere brevem e simpliciter sonat. O longa sit an brevis. Si longa est, debet sonus ipse intra palatum sonare, ut si dices orator, quasi intra sonat, intra palatum. Si brevis est debet primis labris sonare, quasi extremis labris, ut puta sic dices obit. Habes istam regulam expressam in Terentiano. Quando vis exprimere quia brevis ...
— The Roman Pronunciation of Latin • Frances E. Lord

... them, may do me the office of a friend and patron, to intercede with them on my promise of amendment. The impotent lover in Petronius, though his was a very unpardonable crime, yet was received to mercy on the terms I offer. Summa excusationis meae haec est: Placebo tibi, si culpam emendare permiseris. ...
— The Works of John Dryden, Volume 5 (of 18) - Amboyna; The state of Innocence; Aureng-Zebe; All for Love • John Dryden

... hoc in utroque eorum, ut Crassus non tam existimari vellet non didicisse, quam illa despicere, et nostrorum hominum in omni genere prudentiam Graecis anteferre. Antonius autem probabiliorem populo orationem fore censebat suam, si omnino didicisse nunquam putaretur; atque ita se uterque graviorem fore, si alter contemnere, alter ne nosse quidem Graecos videretur. Cicero De ...
— A Dialogue Concerning Oratory, Or The Causes Of Corrupt Eloquence • Cornelius Tacitus

... that the author read it aloud!!!—here, probably, at Ravenna?—and to whom? perhaps to Fletcher!!!—that illustrious literary character,'" &c. &c.—"Ma pero la sua tranquillita era suo malgrado sovente alterata dalle publiche vicende, e dagli attachi che spesso si direggevano a lui nei giornali come ad autore principalmente. Era invano che egli protestava indifferenza per codesti attachi. L'impressione non era e vero che momentanea, e purtroppo per una nobile fierezza sdegnava sempre di rispondere ...
— Life of Lord Byron, With His Letters And Journals, Vol. 5 (of 6) • (Lord Byron) George Gordon Byron

... 'Si qu'en paix et seurte bonne Coucherai et reposerai— Car, Seigneur, ta bonte tout ordonne Et elle seule espoir donne Que seur ...
— The Chaplet of Pearls • Charlotte M. Yonge

... 603., and Vol. vii., p. 174.), are commonly current among the peasants of Tuscany, and in many instances form the materials of their popular songs. It is probable that this description of rhyme originated in the "bel paese la dove 'l si suona." They usually turn on a combination of three words, as in those quoted in Vol vii. of "N. & Q." And the name stornello, as will be readily perceived, is derived from tornare, to return. I send you a specimen of one of them, which has a ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 231, April 1, 1854 • Various

... friend in office, has these words;—"Je pense comme vous, mon cher Compte, que le Common Sense est une excellente ouvrage, at que son auteur est un des plus grands legislateurs des millions d'ecrivains, que nous connoissions; il n'est pas douteux, que si les Americains suivent le beau plan, que leur compatriote leur a trace, ils deviendront la nation la plus florissante et la plus heureuse, qui ...
— The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution, Vol. I • Various

Words linked to "Si" :   feldspar, element, clay, SI unit, solfa syllable, do-si-do, atomic number 14, sand, Systeme International, International System of Units, semiconducting material, silicon, quartz

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