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Self-help   Listen
Self-help  n.  
The act of aiding one's self, without depending on the aid of others.
(Law) The right or fact of redressing or preventing wrongs by one's own action without recourse to legal proceedings, as in self-defense, distress, abatement of a nuisance, etc.
Developing one's capabilities or solving one's own problems, especially psychological problems, without the assistance of a professional, by independent study or by association with other individuals having similar interests.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Self-help" Quotes from Famous Books

... authorities, than to spend your time in turning for them to the volume and page. This, for two reasons—first, it leaves your own time free to help other readers, or to attend to the ever-waiting library work; and, secondly, it induces habits of research and self-help on the part of the reader. It is enough for the librarian to act as an intelligent guide-post, to point the way; to travel the road is the business of the reader himself. Therefore, let the visitor in quest ...
— A Book for All Readers • Ainsworth Rand Spofford

... of competition. The middle-class Whigs and the Utilitarians were, on the contrary, in thorough sympathy with the industrial movement, and desired to limit the functions of government, and trust to self-help and free competition. The Socialistic movement appeared for the present to be confined to a few dreamers and demagogues. The Utilitarians might approve the spirit of the Owenites, but held their schemes to be chimerical. Beneath the political controversies there ...
— The English Utilitarians, Volume II (of 3) - James Mill • Leslie Stephen

... one moment high, The severed thumb was on the sod, There was no tear in Buttoo's eye, He left the matter with his God. "For this,"—said Dronacharjya,—"Fame Shall sound thy praise from sea to sea, And men shall ever link thy name With Self-help, Truth, ...
— Ancient Ballads and Legends of Hindustan • Toru Dutt

... a long period, preferably through the charity organization society. Actual relief may be required temporarily and must be adequate to the occasion, but the problem of the visitor is to devise a method of self-help, and to furnish the courage necessary to undertake and carry it through. It is important to consider in this connection the character and ancestry of the family, its environment and the social ideals and expectations of its members, if the steps taken are to ...
— Society - Its Origin and Development • Henry Kalloch Rowe

Words linked to "Self-help" :   assistance, assist, aid, help

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