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Scaup   Listen
Scaup  n.  
A bed or stratum of shellfish; scalp. (Scot.)
(Zool.) A scaup duck. See below.
Scaup duck (Zool.), any one of several species of northern ducks of the genus Aythya, or Fuligula. The adult males are, in large part, black. The three North American species are: the greater scaup duck (Aythya marila, var. nearctica), called also broadbill, bluebill, blackhead, flock duck, flocking fowl, and raft duck; the lesser scaup duck (Aythya affinis), called also little bluebill, river broadbill, and shuffler; the tufted, or ring-necked, scaup duck (Aythya collaris), called also black jack, ringneck, ringbill, ringbill shuffler, etc. The common European scaup, or mussel, duck (Aythya marila), closely resembles the American variety.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Scaup" Quotes from Famous Books

... waves, and make for the calm water. Here they come! I can see the pied golden-eye pre-eminent among the advancing party; now the pochard, with his copper-coloured head and neck, may be distinguished from the darker scaup-duck; already the finger is on the trigger, when, perhaps, they suddenly veer to the right and left, far beyond the reach of my longest barrel or, it may be, come swishing overhead, and leave a companion or two struggling on the shingle or floating on the shallow ...
— Highways & Byways in Sussex • E.V. Lucas

Words linked to "Scaup" :   lesser scaup duck, Aythya, broadbill, scaup duck, Aythya marila, duck, greater scaup, lesser scaup, lake duck, Aythya affinis

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