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Sateen   Listen
Sateen  n.  A kind of dress goods made of cotton or woolen, with a glossy surface resembling satin.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Sateen" Quotes from Famous Books

... occasions she bore a rather remarkable resemblance to a mountain sheep, but to-night the likeness was further increased by a grizzled bunch of frizzled hair that stood out on either temple like embryo horns. Mrs. Taylor looked, as it were, "in the velvet." She wore a brown sateen basque secured at the throat by a brooch consisting of a lock of hair under glass. It was observed, also, that for the evening she had removed the string which she commonly wore around her two large and widely separated front teeth, and which were being drawn together by this ...
— The Fighting Shepherdess • Caroline Lockhart

Words linked to "Sateen" :   textile, fabric, material

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