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Ribbing   Listen
Ribbing  n.  An assemblage or arrangement of ribs, as the timberwork for the support of an arch or coved ceiling, the veins in the leaves of some plants, ridges in the fabric of cloth, or the like.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Ribbing" Quotes from Famous Books

... more, or until entire work measures 13 1/2 inches. Next decrease 2 stitches at beginning and 2 stitches at end of each needle until there are sixteen stitches left, and bind off. Make another piece in same manner and sew together. Attach a 20-inch piece of tape to seam at one side of ribbing to ...
— Handbook of Wool Knitting and Crochet • Anonymous

... to risk one eye on Forrest. Inwardly I was chuckling, but Quince was mincing along with his dinner, showing that languid indifference which is inborn to the Texan. Lovell continued to monopolize the conversation, blowing on the cattle and ribbing up Forrest to see that the beeves thenceforth should never know tire, hunger, or thirst. The commissaries had run low; Sponsilier's cook had been borrowing beans from us for a week past, while ...
— The Outlet • Andy Adams

Words linked to "Ribbing" :   tantalization, tease, framework

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