"Restful" Quotes from Famous Books
... home education this share becomes even greater when sometimes one child alone enjoys or endures the undivided attention of the governess. In that case the pressure does not relax. But out of large classes of infants in elementary schools it is easy to see on many vacant restful faces that after a short exertion in "qualifying to their teacher" they are taking their well-earned rest. They do not allow themselves to be strung up to the highest pitch of attention all through the lesson, but take and leave ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Education of Catholic Girls • Janet Erskine Stuart
... wife returned again to their beautiful home at Mount Vernon, to wait for the night together. The whole world knows how the end came, with her loving ministrations to the very last of the three restful years which they at this time spent together at the old home, and how he looked Death bravely in the face, as became a soldier ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Threads of Grey and Gold • Myrtle Reed
... been all right?" argued Leslie. "I was always sure it would be. The doctor said this beach was noted for its wonderfully restful effect, especially after the summer crowds had left it, and that it was far better than a sanatorium. And as for your being alone with me—why I'm sixteen and a quite competent housekeeper, as Mother says. And you don't need a trained ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Dragon's Secret • Augusta Huiell Seaman
... pale pinkish-gray-buff, which may be called old ivory. It is not garish, as a dead white would be, especially in the strong California sunlight, but soft and restful to the eye. It harmonizes with the other colors selected, and, most important of all, it avoids a certain "new" effect which pure white would give, and ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Jewel City • Ben Macomber
... Heights standards. The gray walls were divided into artificial paneling by strips of white-enameled pine. From the Babbitts' former house had come two much-carved rocking-chairs, but the other chairs were new, very deep and restful, upholstered in blue and gold-striped velvet. A blue velvet davenport faced the fireplace, and behind it was a cherrywood table and a tall piano-lamp with a shade of golden silk. (Two out of every three houses in Floral Heights had before the fireplace a davenport, ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Babbitt • Sinclair Lewis
... cousin. "Tommy is quite a man in his own eyes, and I rather like being a little neglected sometimes. It is restful." ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Green Carnation • Robert Smythe Hichens
... But, knowing sleep as a reviver of spent energy, he welcomed its coming to relieve the heavy numbness that was penetrating to his very bones. It came, swiftly; the deadly poison prepared by Oomah was completing its ghastly work, was inducing the sleep; but not the normal, restful slumber that comes between sunset and sunrise but the sleep that is everlasting and ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Black Phantom • Leo Edward Miller
... off the mainland was mirrored in the still, shining depths, and lifted their delicate outlines clothed with fir and larch, soft as half-forgotten dreams, against the transparent blue of the sky. Sitka was placid and restful, the streets quiet and empty as I walked along in ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Five Nights • Victoria Cross
... are characteristic of the dog that tend to its universal popularity—its attractive shape, style and size, its winning disposition, and its beautiful color and markings. From the bulldog he inherits a sweet, charming personality, quiet, restful demeanor, and an intense love of his master and home. He does not possess the restless, roving disposition which characterizes so many members of the terrier tribe, nor will he be found quarreling with other ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Boston Terrier and All About It - A Practical, Scientific, and Up to Date Guide to the Breeding of the American Dog • Edward Axtell
... to that, could I honestly assert that in the years preceding these I had ever known content? I fear not. Elation, the sense of more or less successful striving, occasional triumphs—all these good things I had known. But content, peace, secure and restful satisfaction— No, I could not truly say I had ever experienced these. Perhaps they have been rare among all the educated peoples of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; particularly, it may be, among ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Record of Nicholas Freydon - An Autobiography • A. J. (Alec John) Dawson
... necessary constituent that, if it is persisted with, permanent damage to the growth of the child results. We must pay less attention to changes of diet and explore our management of the child to try and find how we can make his environment more restful. ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Nervous Child • Hector Charles Cameron
... questions. It was a restful way she had. And perhaps because she did not ask, the professor felt an unaccustomed impulse. "He was a wonderful chap," he volunteered. "There are few like him in a generation. ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Window-Gazer • Isabel Ecclestone Mackay
... restful," I said. Then walking to the doorway I paid off the taxi-man, who had deposited his numerous burdens and was ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — A Rogue by Compulsion • Victor Bridges
... Southward opened a narrow valley, as if pointing the road to a less rigorous land. No, she could not deny its beauty. But she was far too trail weary to appreciate the grandeur of the Klappan Range. She desired nothing so much as rest and comfort, and the solemn mountains were neither restful nor soothing. They stood too grim and aloof in ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — North of Fifty-Three • Bertrand W. Sinclair
... deeper and deeper as she went Higher up the steep ascent. And all that soul-uplifting stir Step by step fell back from her, The glory gone, the blossoming Shrivelled, and she, a small, frail thing, Carrying her laden basket. Till Darkness and silence of the hill Received her in their restful care And stars came ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Georgian Poetry 1920-22 • Various
... to read average print is sufficient for the purpose in view. The crystal with which we have had the most satisfactory and surprising results is a cube of fine azure beryl, the deep blue of its serene depths being peculiarly restful and inspiring. But, as we have said, nothing is more effective than the white quartz crystal ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — How to Read the Crystal - or, Crystal and Seer • Sepharial
... not answer for a moment; he was too busy watching her eyes, which were sea-green, and strangely pleasant and restful. ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Harrigan • Max Brand
... bank is moist and freshly green. There are two tints of moss; one light, the other deeper—both very pleasant and restful to the eye. These beds of moss are the greenest and brightest of the winter's colours. Besides these there are ale-hoof, or ground-ivy leaves (not the ivy that climbs trees), violet leaves, celandine mars, primrose mars, foxglove mars, ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Open Air • Richard Jefferies
... was: "What a lonely little girl! But I dare say it is very restful sometimes to be by one's self, only you must let your friends come and ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Red Hair • Elinor Glyn
... heed him," said she, more composedly. "If he seeks to force me, I shall find a way of setting myself free. Dear Mother of Heaven! death were a sweet and restful thing after all that I have suffered ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Shame of Motley • Raphael Sabatini
... passed in such interests as these. Each day Graham spent many hours in the glorious entertainment of flying. On the third, he soared across middle France, and within sight of the snow-clad Alps. These vigorous exercises gave him restful sleep; he recovered almost wholly from the spiritless anemia of his first awakening. And whenever he was not in the air, and awake, Lincoln was assiduous in the cause of his amusement; all that was novel and curious in contemporary ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Sleeper Awakes - A Revised Edition of When the Sleeper Wakes • H.G. Wells
... delightful little town, well known and much appreciated by those of the minority who prefer a restful and modest resort to the glitter and crowds of Bournemouth. That it will never attain the dimensions of its great neighbour to the north is fairly certain. Swanage is in a comparatively inaccessible position. Barely eight miles from ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Wanderings in Wessex - An Exploration of the Southern Realm from Itchen to Otter • Edric Holmes
... variously unoccupied, Rachel and Arthur sitting together before a window. In another window I was down on my knees leaning my elbows on the open sash, and gazing out on the idealised world of the hour in a kind of restful reverie, which held the fears and pains and unsatisfied hopes of my heart in a sweet thrall, even as the deep-coloured glory that was abroad fused into common beauty all the rough seams and barren places of the unequal land. Suddenly ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Late Miss Hollingford • Rosa Mulholland
... they make the best Shakers. The society then gets the man's or woman's best energies, and experience shows us that they have then had enough of the world to satisfy their curiosity and make them restful. Of course we like to keep up our numbers; but of course we do not sacrifice our principles. You will be surprised to know that we lost most seriously during the war. A great many of our younger people went into ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Communistic Societies of the United States • Charles Nordhoff
... mood is dependent on the condition of the body. The strenuous gait is seldom the best, and, of course, the extremely indifferent one is of little value. The best for the average man is one born of a quiet environment, with mind and body in a fairly restful condition, or still better, in a ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Industrial Progress and Human Economics • James Hartness
... which conveyed a deal of love to then but not much idea of his prospects or projects. And he never dreamed that such a joyful letter could sadden her and fill her night with sighs, and troubled thoughts, and bodings of the future, instead of filling it with peace and blessing it with restful sleep. ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Innocents abroad • Mark Twain
... Sweet spirit of this summer-circled field, With that quiet voice of thine that would not yield Its meaning, though I mused and sought it so? But now I am content to let it go, To lie at length and watch the swallows pass, As blithe and restful as this quiet grass, Content only to listen and to know That years shall turn, and summers yet shall shine, And I shall lie beneath these swaying trees, Still listening thus; haply at last to seize, And render in some happier verse divine ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Alcyone • Archibald Lampman
... them in answer; but she could not see much of them, because her eyes were full of tears. She had had quite enough of the Harpoon, and yet she was loth so say farewell to her; for her days on board had in many respects been restful and happy ones; they had given her space and time to brace herself up before she plunged once more into the struggle of active life. Besides, she had throughout been treated with that unvarying kindness and consideration for which the American people are justly noted in their ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Mr. Meeson's Will • H. Rider Haggard
... civil war, but the blow did not fall. The trouble was averted; the anger remained in men's hearts. During the lovely spring weather that followed Done saw much of the Bush. He and Mike spent weeks prospecting about the Jim Crow district. They loitered away a few restful days among the ranges, and for the first time Jim saw a wattle-gully in full blaze, a stream of golden bloom sweeping along the course of a little mountain creek as far as the eye could see, each tree a huge bouquet, the whole mass foaming ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — In the Roaring Fifties • Edward Dyson
... romantic conclusion to the friendship. He himself had given the matter an occasional thought. Yet somehow Stella's definiteness left no room for the imaginative element to become active. It was difficult for him to visualize her as an established factor in his life, either as the restful center of a home or the adaptable companion of his nomadic wanderings. The precise nature of her lack he had not felt the ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Best Short Stories of 1915 - And the Yearbook of the American Short Story • Various
... "It would have taken too long to explain; and my business affairs were so pressing, and you were so exhausted, that you could not have listened to a detailed account. I deferred it for a more quiet, restful time, when I could express to you my thanks. I saw that you did not recognize me, and I, too, would never have recognized you had you not said that day as you sank in the snow, 'Give my love to my mother and sisters and say that Alfred Banford fell in the service of his country.' Let us be thankful ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — After Long Years and Other Stories • Translated from the German by Sophie A. Miller and Agnes M. Dunne
... harbor by day and by night, on bright sunny days and in fogs and rains, in storms of wind, in whirling snow, and under the restful stars at night that twinkled down from so far above, while the shadowy region below twinkled back with stars of its own, restless, many-colored stars, yellow, green and red and blue, moving, dancing, flaring, dying. And all these stars had voices, too. By night in my bed I ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Harbor • Ernest Poole
... and grounds were not extensive, but they were well kept even if the beds were geometrically ugly and the color masses jarring and in bad taste. The birds sang, the breeze stirred the leaves and petals, and there was a Sunday quiet, the restful hush of an ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Kent Knowles: Quahaug • Joseph C. Lincoln
... rouses from its dreamless sleep, To all the tumult of a passion life, Ere yet have wakened jealousy and strife. Just as a young, untutored child will start Out of a long hour's slumber, sound and deep, And lie and smile with rosy lips, and cheeks, In a sweet, restful trance, before it speaks. A time when yet no word the spell has broken, Save what the heart unto the soul has spoken, In quickened throbs, and sighs but half suppressed. A time when that sweet truth, all unconfessed, Gives added fragrance to the summer flowers, A golden glory ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Maurine and Other Poems • Ella Wheeler Wilcox
... disappearance of the Maypole into the further meadow, Bainton likewise disappeared on his round of duty, which, as he had declared, moved him 'in sundry places,' and for a little while the dove-like spirit of Spring brooded in restful silence over the ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — God's Good Man • Marie Corelli
... without some great figures, too, to give it exceptional interest. There was peace and repose under the academic shade, and the obliviousness of its inhabitants to the outside world only rendered this more restful. ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Cambridge Sketches • Frank Preston Stearns
... looked wise, talked about malaria, exposure to the heat and over-fatigue, left some pills and powders, and went away again— after which the house settled down to that alert silence, so different from the restful quiet of an ordinary night. Sara, tossing to and fro in the fiery grasp of fever, moaned and talked, Hetty and Molly watching alternately beside her, while Morton tried to sleep in the next room, only to start from frightful dreams ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Sara, a Princess • Fannie E. Newberry
... these troubles left us to such an extent that I could cover my fifty miles a day, more or less, without even feeling tired. Indeed I grew to like the life in that pure and sparkling desert air, perhaps because it was so restful. Day after day we journeyed on across the endless, sandy plain, watching the sun rise, watching it grow high, watching it sink again. Night after night we ate our simple food with appetite and slept beneath the glittering stars till the new dawn broke in glory ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Ivory Child • H. Rider Haggard
... fretful, impatient, and over-anxious frame of mind, continuing through the day and every day, will be suddenly replaced at night by the placid and comfortable mental state which shall insure a restful sleep. ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Why Worry? • George Lincoln Walton, M.D.
... use in seeing, whereas the eyes of Miss Cumberland seem peculiarly designed to be seen. This quality I attribute to the following properties of the said eyes. First, they are in size well beyond the ordinary. Secondly, they are of a colour restful to behold. It is, indeed, the colour of the deep, blue evening sky into which one may ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Night Horseman • Max Brand
... after which he began to undress. Unfastening his old black girdle, he slowly divested himself of his torn nankeen kaftan, and deposited it carefully on the back of a chair. His face had now lost its usual disquietude and idiocy. On the contrary, it had in it something restful, thoughtful, and even grand, while all his movements ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Childhood • Leo Tolstoy
... about their work with a restful deliberation very trying to one in a hurry. The women, with infants tied to their backs, do not work hard but very long. A mud-house is being built near by, and between the cooking and attending to passing travelers, two women are digging the earth and filling ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Across China on Foot • Edwin Dingle
... not the way in this degree. With a loving impatience, with deep humility and abasement, with an affection deep and yet restful, with a respectful silence, you must await the ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — A Short Method Of Prayer And Spiritual Torrents • Jeanne Marie Bouvires de la Mot Guyon
... spare it, above his washing basin. He missed several meetings of the debating society, but he found the chance encounters with Miss Haysman in the spacious ways of the adjacent art museum, or in the little museum at the top of the College, or in the College corridors, more frequent and very restful. In particular, they used to meet in a little gallery full of wrought-iron chests and gates, near the art library, and there Hill used to talk, under the gentle stimulus of her flattering attention, of Browning and his personal ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Country of the Blind, And Other Stories • H. G. Wells
... restful, should be the result of power in repose or under control. These movements, and these movements alone, make such ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Renaissance of the Vocal Art • Edmund Myer
... held in vogue by some previous generations, and indeed are still dear to the hearts of professional upholsterers. The simpler the treatment, the better the effect, since natural rather than distorted line is more restful and enjoyable. Quality, colour, and simple graceful lines are quite sufficient elements of value in these important adjuncts of house furnishing ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Principles of Home Decoration - With Practical Examples • Candace Wheeler
... couple! Charming woman! Gifted lad! Remarkable talent! Graceful outlines! Perfect evening! Great success! Interesting case! Glorious night! Exquisite scenery! Capital dinner! Stimulating conversation! Restful outing! Good wine! Happy ending! Touching gratitude! ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Doctor's Dilemma • George Bernard Shaw
... like to think of the lengthened tide-flux of pedestrian citizens facing South-westward, as being drawn by devout attraction to our nourishing luminary: at the hour, mark, when the Norland cloud-king, after a day of wild invasion, sits him on his restful bank of bluefish smack-o'-cheek red above Whitechapel, to spy where his last puff of icy javelins pierces and dismembers the vapoury masses in cluster about the circle of flame descending upon the greatest and most elevated of Admirals at the head of the Strand, with illumination ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith
... pleasant impression then made by its agreeable and lovely melodies has not faded the less that, after hearing many of our stormy and exciting modern operas, one often and ardently {11} longs for the restful charm and guileless pleasure of a piece ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Standard Operaglass - Detailed Plots of One Hundred and Fifty-one Celebrated Operas • Charles Annesley
... laughed Edna, "in a little four-room house around the corner. It looks so cozy, so inviting and restful, whenever I pass by; and it's for rent. I'm tired looking after that big house. It never seemed like mine, anyway—like home. It's too much trouble. I have to keep too many servants. I am tired ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Awakening and Selected Short Stories • Kate Chopin
... Mary looked around the apartment a little—it is a nice place, restful and homey, if you can ever achieve that in an apartment fifty ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Modus Vivendi • Gordon Randall Garrett
... restful to her, after the tension and trial of the night, to feel that he was happy with Sally and poor Prosy. What did it really matter how long they dawdled? She could hear in anticipation their voices and the laughter that would tell her of their ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Somehow Good • William de Morgan
... the long series of almost aerial pointed arches, on which they are supported, pointed arches indefinitely alike from one end of the nave to the other, and which, in spite of their complicated carvings, are restful to follow in their retreating ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 5, August, 1915 • Various
... work, the child requires a home for the day, and the Nursery School must make arrangements for feeding the children. All little children are the better for rest and if possible for sleep during the day; but for those who live in overcrowded rooms, where quiet and restful sleep in good air is impossible, the need for daily sleep is very great. All Free Kindergartens arrange ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Child Under Eight • E.R. Murray and Henrietta Brown Smith
... time. Utterly worn out by the excitement of the past hours, Vince and Mike were both off—fast in the heavy, dreamless, restful slumber of sixteen—the sleep in which Nature winds up a boy's mainspring terse and tight, and makes him ready to go on, rested and fresh, for the ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Cormorant Crag - A Tale of the Smuggling Days • George Manville Fenn
... book she had been reading aloud and looked anxiously at her father. This was the third day they had been at Morristown, and it was the first time her father had uttered any word of complaint. The change had been restful, and he had enjoyed it thoroughly. There had been so many things to see and to talk about with his brother that he hardly missed the separation from Glendow. A sense of glad freedom had been his. There was no responsibility of parish work, ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Fourth Watch • H. A. Cody
... she flaunt her lofty tail In such a stiff right-angled pose? If lax and limp she let it trail 'Twould seem more restful, Goodness knows! When strolling 'neath the chairs or bed, She lets it ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Book of Humorous Verse • Various
... himself bound to dog the simple and grotesque of the world for the sake of their too-human comments. It is his fault if a peasant's naivete has come to outweigh the beauty of rivers, and the remarks of clergymen are more than mountains. It is very restful to give up all effort at observing human nature and drawing social and political deductions from trifles, and to let oneself relapse into wide-mouthed worship of the wonders of nature. And this is very easy at Niagara. Niagara ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Letters from America • Rupert Brooke
... grows to the determination to persevere, to spare no time or trouble, till an answer comes. It rises to the intensity in which the whole being is given to God in supplication, and the boldness comes to lay hold of God's strength. At one time it is quiet and restful; at another passionate and bold. Now it takes time and is patient; then again it claims at once what it desires. In whatever different shape, it always means and knows—God hears prayer: ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Ministry of Intercession - A Plea for More Prayer • Andrew Murray
... her, the feeling of relief fading again. Tick-Tock, ordinarily the most restful and composed of companions, definitely was still tensed up about something. That big, lazy yawn a moment ago, the attitude of stretched-out ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Novice • James H. Schmitz
... whole building. You can fancy you are in a grove as you lie there, only that you do not feel the rain as you do among trees. Here too a fountain rises and immediately loses itself underground. There are a number of marble chairs placed up and down, which are as restful for persons tired with walking as the bed-chamber itself. Near these chairs are little fountains, and throughout the whole riding- course you hear the murmur of tiny streams carried through pipes, which run wherever you please to direct ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Letters of the Younger Pliny - Title: The Letters of Pliny the Younger - - Series 1, Volume 1 • Pliny the Younger
... The restful silence of night lay over the great prison. Here and there in the grim corridors a guard dozed in the glare of an electric light; and in the office, too, a desk light glimmered where the warden sat at his desk, poring over a report. Once he ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Elusive Isabel • Jacques Futrelle
... that unhappy role unbuckled gun belts, passing their side arms over to their "captors." There was a graveled drive branching out of the pike to their right with a grove of trees arching over it, so they rode into a restful green twilight ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Ride Proud, Rebel! • Andre Alice Norton
... limitations of the strength of other men, as his own physical and mental strength have always seemed to be without limit. He could work continuously as long as he wished, and had sleep at his command. His sleep was always instant, profound, and restful. He has told me that he never dreamed. I have known Mr. Edison now for thirty-one years, and feel that he has always kept his mind direct and simple, going straight to the root of troubles. One of the peculiarities I have ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Edison, His Life and Inventions • Frank Lewis Dyer and Thomas Commerford Martin
... weather-tried trooper's, was harsh, gloomy, almost morose; not an unhandsome face, but set in such a severe cast the observer involuntarily wondered what experience had indited that scroll. Tall, large of limb, muscular, as was apparent even in a restful pose, he looked an athlete of the most approved type, ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Strollers • Frederic S. Isham
... Hilary's moods of depression, thought Peter, Peggy would. How jolly for Hilary to be married to her! She was such a refreshment always. She was so understanding; and was there a lapse somewhere in that very understandingness of her that made it the more restful—that made her a relaxation to strained minds? To those who were breaking their moral sense over some problem, she would return simply, "There isn't any problem. Take things as they come and make the best of them, and ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Lee Shore • Rose Macaulay
... refreshed, his head was clear and he was fully conscious of what had happened in the night. He could think vigorously and logically like a man after a deep and restful sleep. The whole scene stood vividly before his mind. He saw the full significance of it, unvarnished, undisguised, in the sober light ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Married • August Strindberg
... learn to paddle as well from one side as from the other. To be able to change sides is very restful and sometimes a quick change will prevent an accident. Like many other things, the knack of paddling will come with experience and will then require no more thought than keeping your balance on a bicycle and ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — On the Trail - An Outdoor Book for Girls • Lina Beard and Adelia Belle Beard
... sad one. He let her heart rest, hoping, trusting that some day it would wake from its sleep. In compliance with her wish he was in semblance a brother, and his attentions were so quiet and frank, his manner toward her so restful, that even she half believed at times that his regard for her was passing into the quiet and equable glow of fraternal love. Such coveted illusions could not be long maintained, however, for occasionally when he was off his guard she would find him looking at her in a way that revealed how ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Without a Home • E. P. Roe
... was brought up by Mr. Richard Larrabee, who sauntered into the bank one morning. Finding no one there but John, he leaned over the counter on his elbows, and, twisting one leg about the other in a restful attitude, proceeded to open up a conversation upon various topics of interest to his mind. Dick was Mr. Harum's confidential henchman and factotum, although not regularly so employed. His chief object in life was apparently to get as much amusement as possible out of that experience, ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — David Harum - A Story of American Life • Edward Noyes Westcott
... entirely," she declared. "Ah! it is more restful here. The lights are a little trying in front. You are wiser than I, my dear Louise, to have chosen ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Avenger • E. Phillips Oppenheim
... they possess his spirit. They calm him, exalt him, ennoble him. Unconsciously he comes to know them in all their myriad moods. Cold and stern before sunrise, brilliant and vivid in mid-morning, soft and restful toward evening, gorgeously colored at sunset, angry, at times terrifying, in storm, their fascination never weakens, their beauty changes but it ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Book of the National Parks • Robert Sterling Yard
... which ensued was so deep and restful that the eyes of the child involuntarily closed. Cyclona pressed his little body close to her, his head in the hollow of her arm. She rocked him back and forth ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Way of the Wind • Zoe Anderson Norris
... holiday of 1862. Years afterwards, when the thought of Italy carried with it less longing and even more pain, Mr. Browning would speak of a visit to the Pyrenees, if not a residence among them, as one of the restful possibilities of his later and freer life. ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Life and Letters of Robert Browning • Mrs. Sutherland Orr
... of charm and delight—the desolate, straggling hamlet, once so barren, frozen and hopeless looking, was now a quaint, alluring little village nestling picturesquely in its hollow, framed in green fields and majestic woods. Quiet, restful, peaceful it was—like a dream place, untroubled. Upon the farms about men plowed their furrows, calling to each other and to their horses; in the homes the doors and windows were thrown hospitably wide to the sweet, fresh, vernal ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Miracle Man • Frank L. Packard
... Will's habit was to bang his head down on the pillow and draw one very deep, long, restful breath, as he stretched himself at full length, and the ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Will of the Mill • George Manville Fenn
... appealing, so restful after fifty work-filled weeks amid the noisy turmoil of the city's life, lacked something of its customary charm and satisfaction. The man found himself with a real longing for the companionship of the simple old man and the intimate appeal of the child, whose acquaintance he had enjoyed ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — 'Smiles' - A Rose of the Cumberlands • Eliot H. Robinson
... public school has largely lessened the responsibilities of parenthood. Both husband and wife were much more "home bodies" than are the modern couple. There were but few attractions to draw the husband away from the family hearth at night, and hard physical labor, far more common than now, made the restful home ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Woman's Life in Colonial Days • Carl Holliday
... beginning their first song once more that awakened Birdalone before the sun was up; but she had no will to stir a while, whereas she felt so happy and restful; and that all the more when she remembered where she was, and told herself that her errand was now like to be accomplished; and she thought of her friends whom she had left on the Isle of Increase Unsought, and blessed them for their kindness, and the love of them was sweet to her heart, ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Water of the Wondrous Isles • William Morris
... on me. There were times when I felt as if I had to give it up. But I deprived myself of many necessities (there was no question of luxuries) and I paid my premiums regularly. But in compensation I had restful nights. It was soothing to know that if I should be taken away in my earliest youth my equally young wife and two little babies would not be left penniless. I verily believe that an adequate life insurance prolongs a person's life, because it removes ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Woman - Her Sex and Love Life • William J. Robinson
... the early morning dew that hung, a gentle, swaying silver mantle above the ceaseless currents of the North River, Britz awoke and for a long time permitted his eyes to feast on the restful picture offered by the now deserted Riverside Drive. Reluctantly he withdrew his gaze from the alluring vista that spread from his window—the graveled walks, the well-kept lawns sloping down to the stream, the wide stretch of shimmering water sending slanting shafts of silver against the ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Substitute Prisoner • Max Marcin
... is this; (Of all I think we like it best); A little restful oasis, Between the breakfast and the post. Just south of coffee and of toast, Just north of daily task and duty; Just west of dreams, this island gleams, A fertile spot of ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Englishman and Other Poems • Ella Wheeler Wilcox
... more closely, from point to point within such interval; and so on, infinitely; 'tis rest there: perpetual motion is perpetual rest:—the hurricane, the falling tower, the deadly arrow from the bow at whose coming you shake there so wretchedly, Zeno's own rapid word-fence—all alike at rest, to the restful eye of the pure reason! The tortoise, the creature that moves most slowly, cannot be overtaken by Achilles, the swiftest of us all; or at least you can give no rational explanation how it comes to be overtaken. Zeno had an armoury of such enigmas. Can a bushel of corn falling ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Plato and Platonism • Walter Horatio Pater
... of feeling or movement. She had been in a crowd for some hours, and was glad to be quite alone and talk to herself a little. It was also so restful to gradually relinquish all the restraining gauds of fashionable attire, and as she leisurely performed these duties, she entered into conversation with her own heart—talked over with it the events of the past week, and decided that its fretless days, full of good ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Man Between • Amelia E. Barr
... when suddenly a church appeared; she could not tell how it was, but she had been propelled to enter.... A feeling which had arisen out of her heart, a sort of yearning—that was it. The church was almost empty; how restful it had seemed that afternoon, the rough plastered walls and the two figures of the nuns absorbed in prayer. Her heart had begun to ache, and her daily life with its riches and glories had seemed to concern her no longer. It ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Evelyn Innes • George Moore
... him in amazed wonder. He had expected to find himself in a palace of gilt, to find the prevailing note of the place an unrestrained and inartistic gorgeousness. He found instead that the decorations everywhere were of spotless white, the whole effect one of cultivated and restful harmony. The glass and linen on the table were perfect. There was nowhere the slightest evidence of any ostentation. Within a few feet of him, separated only by that little space of tablecloth and a great bowl of pink roses, sat Edith, dressed as ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Double Life Of Mr. Alfred Burton • E. Phillips Oppenheim
... her constantly these words, uttered with a moan: How could he? She saw Venice and their sojourn in the villa to which Boleslas had conducted her after the death of their little girl, in order that there, in the restful atmosphere of the lagoon, she might overcome ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Serge Panine • Georges Ohnet
... devoid of egotism that it had no hardness and no grimaces, but rather the freshness of a simpler mental state. After living, as he had, as they all had, for the last few days, in an atmosphere perpetually tremulous with echoes and implications, it was restful and fortifying merely to walk into the big blank area of Miss Painter's mind, so vacuous for all its accumulated items, so echoless for ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Reef • Edith Wharton
... peace, and the marvelous outgoings of real power. You shall find within your heart the great stilling calm of God, as steadying as the rock of ages, as exhilarating as the subtle fragrance of flowers, and as restful as a mother's bosom ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Quiet Talks on Service • S. D. Gordon
... by one, the soldiers of Uncle Sam dropped off into long and restful slumber—slumber that was to fit them for hard and ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Brighton Boys in the Radio Service • James R. Driscoll
... very happy, Lottie," Elsie replied in the same low tone; "I know Mr. Travilla so thoroughly, and have not more perfect confidence in papa's goodness and love to me, than in his. It is a very restful thing to have such ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Elsie's Womanhood • Martha Finley
... even from the rest of the glen. At the farther end was the low doorway-like entrance to the cave. The song-birds were twittering in the trees above them, the waters of the little stream gurgled at their feet, the woodsy odor of growing things was in the air, and all the little glen was restful and quiet. ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — A Master's Degree • Margaret Hill McCarter
... Craig, had been unusually reticent over their embroidery that early afternoon, seated together in the front room, which was now flooded with sunshine—an attractive, intimate room, restful and pretty in spite of ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Ailsa Paige • Robert W. Chambers
... aggregate of suggestion impressed upon it by the conscious mind, and if this suggestion is that of perfect harmony with the physical laws of the planet then a corresponding building by the sub-conscious mind will take place, a process which, so far from implying any effort, consists rather in a restful ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Creative Process in the Individual • Thomas Troward
... men on horseback on the wide hot dusty road, and the houses and groves and gardens on either side.... It was thus that we became acquainted with the two white houses, and were attracted to them because in their whiteness and green shade they looked beautiful to us and cool and restful, and we wished we could live ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — A Traveller in Little Things • W. H. Hudson
... trees and shrubs which need the least attention, and are therefore the most economical ones to plant, are the best from an artistic point of view; and to produce large effects and such scenery as painters like to transfer to canvas, no great variety of material is needed. The most restful park scenery, and, therefore, the best, can be obtained by using judiciously a small number of varieties of the hardiest trees and shrubs, and the wise park maker will confine his choice to those species which Nature helps him to select, ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Scientific American Supplement, No. 1157, March 5, 1898 • Various
... Unspeakables—but no, I won't let myself go on that subject now: I might say too much. I'll cool my feelings by telling you about the lovely—or ought-to-have-been-lovely—trip we have just had. Scenery is far more restful than human nature—other people's human nature I mean, not Jack's and mine. And Jack says that American country scenery is the most restful in the world, just as the cities are the most exciting. Clever ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Lightning Conductor Discovers America • C. N. (Charles Norris) Williamson and A. M. (Alice Muriel)
... him. A lassitude as of remorse appeared to relax him, body and mind. An hour later he and I sat in the glorious flood of the light of the moon of Heart's Desire, and we fell silent, as was the way of men in that place. At length Dan Anderson turned his face to the top of old Carrizo, the restful, the impassive. He gazed long without speaking, as though he plainly saw something ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Heart's Desire • Emerson Hough
... going," said Dwight, "to propose a little stroll before bedtime." He roved about the room. "Where's my beautiful straw hat? There's nothing like a brisk walk to induce sound, restful sleep," he told them. ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Miss Lulu Bett • Zona Gale
... late afternoon they sprawled about and found the velvet coverlet of pine needles restful to ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Pee-wee Harris on the Trail • Percy Keese Fitzhugh
... bills. A bandit on a lonely road would, if he were born in Addington, have forborne to rob them. These and other personal eccentricities Jeffrey Blake remembered and knew he should find them ticking on like faithful clocks. It was all restful to recall, but horrible to meet. He knew perfectly what the attitude of Addington would be to him. Because he was Addington born, it would stand by him, and with a double loyalty for his father's sake. That loyalty, beautiful or stupid as you might find it, he could not bear. He hoped, ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Prisoner • Alice Brown
... achievable elysium in life, or lasting haven of happiness for any man with a sense of beauty—nothing which could compare with the captured loveliness in a work of art, set down for ever, so that to look on it or read was always to have the same precious sense of exaltation and restful inebriety. Life no doubt had moments with that quality of beauty, of unbidden flying rapture, but the trouble was, they lasted no longer than the span of a cloud's flight over the sun; impossible to keep them with you, as Art caught beauty and held it fast. They were fleeting ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Forsyte Saga • John Galsworthy
... made from nipah palm leaves, where I repaired, while Chonggat and Ah Sewey put up tents near by. The presence of two easy chairs which had been brought from Bandjermasin seemed incongruous to the surroundings, and had an irritating rather than restful effect on me. Both Malays and Dayaks are very desirous of securing European furniture for the house of the kapala, and will carry a chair or table for hundreds of miles. On the occasion of my visit to the Kenyah chief of Long Pelaban, in the Bulungan, he ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Through Central Borneo: - An Account of Two Years' Travel in the Land of Head-Hunters - Between the Years 1913 and 1917 • Carl Lumholtz
... of Isaac and Rebekah in the field at eventide is charming. That sweet restful hour after the sun had gone down, at the end of a long journey from a far-off country. Rebekah must have been in just the mood to appreciate a strong right arm on which to rest, a loving heart to trust, on the threshold of her conjugal life. To see her future lord ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Woman's Bible. • Elizabeth Cady Stanton
... now," she thought, and was surprised to find it such an ordinary, unvolitional thing to do. It was very good to do something unvolitional, very restful.—Little snappings sounded in her ears, and distant crashings and thunders as of a storm perceived by a deaf man who can see ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Captivity • M. Leonora Eyles
... give it that uncivilized name?" continued Miss Campbell in an injured tone of voice. "Why not Sunset Camp or Meridian Camp or even Moonrise Camp? There is nothing restful to me in ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Motor Maids at Sunrise Camp • Katherine Stokes
... at Aix is not one of those rarely beautiful churches where a complete and restful homogeneity delights the eye, nor is it a church of crude and shocking transitions. It is rather a well-arranged museum of ecclesiastical architecture, where, in sufficient historical continuity and harmony, many ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Cathedrals and Cloisters of the South of France, Volume 1 • Elise Whitlock Rose
... Paris once more into the country, with its spring perfumes, its soft breezes, its restful green, but fast though they drove another messenger had outstripped them. From the little chapel, as the car rolled up the avenue, came the slow tolling of a bell. Madame Christophor stood on the ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Mischief Maker • E. Phillips Oppenheim
... the collector's hand. The river was getting amazingly beautiful, 200 m. wide all along, the water like a faultless silver mirror irreproachably reflecting each leaf, each branch of the motionless trees on both banks. There was not a breath of wind to disturb the tranquillity of that deliciously restful scene. ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Across Unknown South America • Arnold Henry Savage Landor
... Banner' has the peculiar merit of not being a tocsin song, like the 'Marseillaise.' Indeed, there is not a restful, soothing, or even humane sentiment in all that stormy shout. It is the scream of oppressed humanity against its oppressor, presaging a more than quid pro quo; and it fitly prefigured the sight of that long ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Eclectic School Readings: Stories from Life • Orison Swett Marden
... spoke of the other girl)—"makes more money. My, but she hates the mills! Says she ain't ever known a restful minute sence ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Woman Who Toils - Being the Experiences of Two Gentlewomen as Factory Girls • Mrs. John Van Vorst and Marie Van Vorst
... puss. When once we gain some real notion of the extent and the unconquerableness of our ignorance, it is a very broad and restful thing to depend upon: you can throw yourself upon it at ease, as on a cloud, to feast with the gods. You do not thenceforward trouble yourself,—nor any one else,—with theories, or the contradiction of theories; you neither get headache nor heartburning; and you never ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Crown of Wild Olive • John Ruskin
... the Missouri. As I read of battle, siege, and march I was conscious that the boys were having some difficulty in inducing Vic to remain with them. When at last all was quiet, except their regular and restful breathing, a soft nose was thrust up to my pillow, and I opened an aperture in the netting large enough to exchange affectionate greetings, and Vic cuddled down on her bed beside mine and went to sleep. This was always her custom thereafter. While she was very ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Captured by the Navajos • Charles A. Curtis
... gallery forms in Charlottenburg the most important apartment of the castle and is characteristically German. The combination of the simple oak wood with the delicate gold carving produced a most original and most restful effect. The wonderful dimensions, the beautiful material, the harmony of colors, and perfection of artistic details all combined to impress the observer. The entire length of the long wall was divided into niches by pilasters. Each ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission • Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission
... it is; there is a delightful Sabbath stillness to-day. I cannot say that I should desire to pass my life here, but a sojourn of some weeks is a very pleasant and restful variety." ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Elsie at Nantucket • Martha Finley
... take her letter-writing and sewing to the sweet, secluded place and spend hours of pure, restful bliss. It seemed to her that her life became more ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Emily Fox-Seton - Being The Making of a Marchioness and The Methods of Lady Walderhurst • Frances Hodgson Burnett
... down at the supper table in the back parlour an hour later, Enid looked worn, as if this time her decision had cost her something. "I should think you might have a restful winter at your mother's," she began cheerfully. "You won't have nearly so much to look after as you do here. We needn't disturb things in this house. I will take the silver down to Mother, and we can leave everything else just as it is. Would there be room ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — One of Ours • Willa Cather
... scarce, an' I was feelin' lonesome above the average one mornin', when I came to a pause in front of one o' these little six-acre ranches where they raise lawn grass an' fresh air. It was a purty, restful sort of a place, with a double row of trees leadin' up to the house, an' somethin' seemed to be drawin' me in at the front gate, although I couldn't smell any food cookin', either. I only waited about a minute, an' then ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Happy Hawkins • Robert Alexander Wason
... it is so clean, and so still, and so noble, by reason of its monuments and its historic color, that I marvel much no one has ever cared to sing its praises. The old pious heroic life of an age at once more restful and more brave than ours still leaves its spirit there, and then there is the girdle of the mountains all around, and that ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Nuernberg Stove • Louisa de la Rame (AKA Ouida)
... she do, how would she act, Gabrielle wondered, if ever she gained sight of some of those private papers kept locked in the cavity beyond the black steel door concealed by the false bookcase at the farther end of the fine old restful room? ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The House of Whispers • William Le Queux
... continued after a pause, "to find anything so restful as this in London. After one has been fretting about business all day, about getting on, meeting obligations, and parrying dangers, I do not know what one would do if it were not for such pacific corners." He spoke with long pauses between the sentences. "You must know ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents • H. G. (Herbert George) Wells
... himself in a long artistic room, feminine to a degree, exquisitely restful and yet broad-minded with signs of selection and travel. It was furnished according to no particular period. There was an Italian chest of drawers inlaid with ivory, a Dutch marquetry secretaire, some Louis XVIth chairs, a mirror of old Venetian glass, bronzes, snuff-boxes, specimens of ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Kingdom Round the Corner - A Novel • Coningsby Dawson
... that theory; and after you have had experience, you do not take this course doubtfully, or hesitatingly, but with the confidence of a dying murderer—converted one, I mean. For you will have come to know, with a deep and restful certainty, that you are not going to meet two people sick of the same theory, one right after the other. No, there will always be one or two with the other diseases along between. And as you proceed, you will find out one or two other things. You will find out ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Innocents abroad • Mark Twain
... their positions near the hearth: the dwarf in his low, deep leather chair with its wide "wings" that hid him so mercifully; Priscilla in the small rocker that from the first had seemed to meet every curve and line of her long, young body with restful welcome. ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Place Beyond the Winds • Harriet T. Comstock
... shining city.] Peace, peace, to all ye unborn millions, fated to fill this giant continent—the God of our children give you Peace. [An instant's solemn pause. The sunset is swiftly fading, and the vast panorama is suffused with a more restful twilight, to which the many-gleaming lights of the town add the tender poetry of the night. Far back, like a lonely, guiding star, twinkles over the darkening water the torch of the Statue of Liberty. From below comes up the softened sound of voices ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Melting-Pot • Israel Zangwill
... taking up his short-handled axe, "I am going to make for my lady-love the finest couch for tranquil, restful sleep ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — The Everlasting Whisper • Jackson Gregory
... scarlet spots about in the brilliant sun, rest when he liked, and go on again. I wonder whether it is a joy to have bright scarlet spots, and to be clad in the purple and gold of life; is the colour felt by the creature that wears it? The rose, restful of a dewy morn before the sunbeams have topped the garden wall, must feel a joy in its own fragrance, and know the exquisite hue of its stained petals. The rose ...![](http://www.free-translator.com/rquot.gif) — Field and Hedgerow • Richard Jefferies |