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Rennet   Listen
Rennet  n.  
The inner, or mucous, membrane of the fourth stomach of the calf, or other young ruminant.
An infusion or preparation of the calf stomach lining, used for coagulating milk. The active principle in this coagulating action is the enzyme rennin. (Written also runnet)
Cheese rennet. (Bot.) See under Cheese.
Rennet ferment (Physiol. Chem.), the enzyme rennin, present in rennet and in variable quantity in the gastric juice of most animals, which has the power of curdling milk. The enzyme presumably acts by changing the casein of milk from a soluble to an insoluble form.
Rennet stomach (Anat.), the fourth stomach, or abomasum, of ruminants.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Rennet" Quotes from Famous Books

... Carthaginians and put down their authority, perished miserably, miserable wretches that they were. For no doubt the deity makes use of some wicked men, as executioners, to punish others, and so I think he crushes as it were most tyrants. For as the gall of the hyena and rennet of the seal, both nasty beasts in all other respects, are useful in certain diseases, so when some need sharp correction, the deity casts upon them the implacable fury of some tyrant, or the savage ferocity of some prince, and does not remove the bane and trouble till their fault be got rid ...
— Plutarch's Morals • Plutarch

Words linked to "Rennet" :   organic compound, chymosin

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