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Redoubted   Listen
Redoubted  adj.  Formidable; dread. "Some redoubted knight." "Lord regent, and redoubted Burgandy."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Redoubted" Quotes from Famous Books

... commended for his courage and intrepidity during this whole war: he has laid about him with an inexpressible fury, and like the offended Marius of ancient Rome, made such havoc among his countrymen, as must be the work of two or three ages to repair. It must be confessed, the redoubted Mr. Buckley[226] has shed as much blood as the former; but I cannot forbear saying (and I hope it will not look like envy) that we regard our brother Buckley as a Drawcansir,[227] who spares neither friend nor foe, but generally ...
— The Tatler, Volume 1, 1899 • George A. Aitken

... prospering foe merely that that foe might feel a nettle in his unwilling grasp. Yet, so challenged, when had passed that moment, he met Baldry's gloomy eyes, and again assured the adventurer that the presence of so brave a man and redoubted fighter could but do ...
— Sir Mortimer • Mary Johnston

... Marischal College, the great seat of learning in the north, where Captain Dalgetty, that redoubted soldier of fortune, according to Scott, obtained his education. We went through the museum, library, and observatory, saw a good collection of paintings, and were especially struck by the handsome way in which the ...
— A Yacht Voyage Round England • W.H.G. Kingston

... loppings of the Reformation, is another corroboration that CRISPIN and CRISPIANUS, brothers, were early martyrs to the Christian faith, and through that chiefly honoured, and not because the one became a redoubted general and the other a successful suitor to the daughter of some all-potent emperor. In the Delony version—itself, in every probability, a borrowing from the popular mind of the Elizabethan period,—these things are put forth; while in trade paintings and songs the Prince CRISPIN ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 217, December 24, 1853 • Various

... fierce, through all this horror, went Toward the camp of his redoubted foes, The night was more than half consumed and spent; Now headlong down the western hill she goes, When distant scant a mile from Godfrey's tent He let his people there awhile repose, And victualled them, and then he boldly spoke These words which rage and courage ...
— Jerusalem Delivered • Torquato Tasso

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