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Racquet   Listen
Racquet  n.  See Racket.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Racquet" Quotes from Famous Books

... until his eyes followed theirs unthinkingly in the same direction, when it occurred to him, as nothing unusual was visible, that it was All Fools' Day. He was very playful and indulgent; he kept a "squash" racquet ball on his desk, and could throw it with accurate aim if he noticed a boy dreaming or inattentive. He would never when scoring the marks enter a 0, even after an abject failure, always saying, "Give him a ...
— Grain and Chaff from an English Manor • Arthur H. Savory

... At any rate I'll chance it." And off the boys ran to the racquet-court, Eric intending to occupy the last quarter of an hour before school-time in learning his lesson. Russell and he stood the other two, and they were very well matched. They had finished two splendid games, and each ...
— Eric • Frederic William Farrar

... birthday presents?" she asked, leading the way into the library and beckoning the girls to follow. "See! I found this mandolin in my chair when I went to the breakfast-table this morning, and this watch was under my napkin. This tennis-racquet was on the piano when I came up-stairs, and I've been finding books and things all morning." She opened a great box of chocolate bonbons as she spoke, ...
— Ole Mammy's Torment • Annie Fellows Johnston

Words linked to "Racquet" :   racket, handgrip, hold, table-tennis racquet, sports implement, face, squash racket, handle, squash racquet, badminton racket, badminton racquet, bat, grip, crosse, tennis racquet, battledore

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