"Quantum" Quotes from Famous Books
... we must have a Reform Bill of some sort, and perhaps a harmless one after all, and if the elements of disorder can be resolved into tranquillity and order again, we must not quarrel with the means that have been employed, nor the quantum of moral ... — The Greville Memoirs - A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV and King William IV, Vol. II • Charles C. F. Greville
... the injury and continue the coverture; and in case of separation, each of us to keep such share of wealth as we were possessed of when are came together, if it remains in the same state, as to quantum; but if over or under, then in proportion to ... — Notes and Queries, Number 227, March 4, 1854 • Various
... amount of energy. It has been said to be the absolute prerequisite of genius. Now if there is a single fact that has been well established by investigations of the internal secretions, it is that the energy quantum of an individual is a function of and determined by his thyroid. The more thyroid he has, the more energetic will he be—the less thyroid the less energetic, and the lazier. The thyroid-centered individual, ... — The Glands Regulating Personality • Louis Berman, M.D.
... look existence cheerily in the face and to pass his days serenely: it would certainly entail no difficulties as regards expense. So frugal was it that a man must work little indeed who could not earn the quantum which contented Socrates. Of food he took just enough to make eating a pleasure—the appetite he brought to it was sauce sufficient; while as to drinks, seeing that he only drank when thirsty, any draught refreshed. (6) If he accepted an invitation to ... — The Memorabilia - Recollections of Socrates • Xenophon
... tonantis dicat, & in portis egerit ipse tribus. Polia qua fuerit forma, quam culta, tryumphos inde Iouis specta quatuor [ae]thereos. H[ae]c pr[ae]ter varios affectus narrat amoris, atque opera & quantum ... — Hypnerotomachia - The Strife of Loue in a Dreame • Francesco Colonna
... curamus stultorum quid opinio De nobis ferat, aut queis dignetur sedibus. Alis ascendimus sursum melioribus! Quid nubes ultra, ventorum ultra est semita, Vidimus, quantum satis est. ... — Literary Remains (1) • Coleridge
... lassitudine; De batimento cordis, De strangulamento matris, Alio nomine vapor hysterique, Quae, sicut omnes maladiae terminatae en ique, Facit a Galien la nique. Visagium apparebat bouffietum, et coloris Tantum vertae quantum merda anseris. Ex pulsu petito valde frequens, et urina mala Quam apportaverat in fiola Non videbatur exempta de febricules; Au reste, tam debilis quod venerat De son grabat In cavallo sur une mule, Non habuerat menses suos Ab illa die ... — The Imaginary Invalid - Le Malade Imaginaire • Moliere
... small office-boy was allowed his quantum of discretionary power. It rested with him whether an unknown visitor was admitted or politely dismissed to a much greater extent than any one suspected. Into his manner of announcing a person he somehow managed to convey his opinion as to ... — The Slave Of The Lamp • Henry Seton Merriman
... a more general use of tin would produce advantageous results, while among those whose operations in gold are not generally successful an almost exclusive use of tin would bring about a corresponding quantum of success to themselves and patients, as against repeated failures with gold. The same degree of endeavor which lacked success with gold, if applied to tin would produce good results and save teeth. A golden shower of ducats realized for ... — Tin Foil and Its Combinations for Filling Teeth • Henry L. Ambler
... perceptions"). As there are three modes of time, there result three "Analogies," the principles of permanence, of succession (production), and of coexistence. These are: (1) "In all changes of phenomena the substance is permanent, and its quantum is neither increased nor diminished in nature." (2) "All changes take place according to the law of connection between cause and effect"; or, "Everything that happens (begins to be) presupposes something on ... — History Of Modern Philosophy - From Nicolas of Cusa to the Present Time • Richard Falckenberg
... to indorse an amendment to the Constitution framed in this day of growing liberty, framed by the party of progress, intended to make representative power in this Government correspond with the quantum of political justice on which it is based, and yet which leaves any State in the Union perfectly free to narrow her suffrage to any extent she pleases, imposing proprietary and other disqualifying tests, and still strengthening her aristocratic power in the Government by the full count of ... — History of the Thirty-Ninth Congress of the United States • Wiliam H. Barnes
... very fact that he seemed unconscious of Peter's presence, and disposed to keep his reflections to himself, there was something reassuring. Besides, the reader must please to remember that our hero had a quantum sufficit of good punch before his adventure commenced, and was thus fortified against those qualms and terrors under which, in a more reasonable state of mind, he might not ... — J. S. Le Fanu's Ghostly Tales, Volume 4 • Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
... supposed to be justified by the words of St. Thomas, 3 Sent. dist. 22, qu. 3, art. 1, ad quintum. "Corporalis praesentia Christi in duobus poterat esse nociva. Primo, quantum ad fidem, quia videntes Eum in forma in qua erat minor Patre, non ita de facili crederent Eum aequalem Patri, ut dicit glossa super Joannem. Secundo, quantum ad dilectionem, quia Eum non solum spiritualiter, sed etiam carnaliter diligeremus, conversantes cum Ipso corporaliter, ... — The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus • Teresa of Avila
... and unaccomplished object is the preservation or the augmentation of the individual life. Such is the dictum of natural science, and it coincides singularly with the famous maxim of Spinoza: Unaquaeque res, quantum in se est, in ... — The Religious Sentiment - Its Source and Aim: A Contribution to the Science and - Philosophy of Religion • Daniel G. Brinton
... wrong, and a huckster shall not be free from sin." And where is it, that this old saying, except the mind be strongly fortified by religion, will not be found equally true in the present, as in former times? The truth is, that the old maxim, Creseit amor nummi quantum ipsa pecunia creseit, is a just one. That is, it is true, "that the coming in of money in an undue proportion begets the love of it", that the love of money again leads to the getting of more; that the getting of more again generally increases the former love. And hence a ... — A Portraiture of Quakerism, Volume III (of 3) • Thomas Clarkson
... mind. You see there my constant and daily society," she continued, looking towards the dining-room. "They have now reached the topmost point of their enjoyment—the General asleep with a cigar in his mouth, and the Captain absorbing his quantum of cognac. Afterwards he will fill his German pipe, totter off to the billiard-room, and smoke and sleep till tea-time. Come, now, as we have a full hour before us, confess yourself. Why have you not studied for a barrister?" And she fixed her large eyes ... — Major Frank • A. L. G. Bosboom-Toussaint
... Noscitur a labiis quantum sit virginis antrum: Noscitur a naso quanta sit haste viro; (A maiden's mouth shows what's the make of her chose; And man's mentule one knows by the length of ... — The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 1 • Richard F. Burton
... {bit rot}. People with a physics background tend to prefer this variant for the analogy with particle decay. See also {computron}, {quantum bogodynamics}. ... — The Jargon File, Version 4.0.0
... forgetting all allegiance, begin to prey upon us. This very conceit hath in a tempest disposed and left me willing to be swallowed up in the abyss of waters, wherein I had perished unseen, unpitied, without wondering eyes, tears of pity, lectures of mortality, and none had said, "Quantum mutatus ab illo!" Not that I am ashamed of the anatomy of my parts, or can accuse nature for playing the bungler in any part of me, or my own vicious life for contracting any shameful disease upon me, ... — Library Of The World's Best Literature, Ancient And Modern, Vol 6 • Various
... a commodity is its value in exchange expressed in the quantum of some other definite commodity, against which it is exchanged or to be exchanged. Hence, it is possible for any commodity to have as many different prices as there are other kinds of commodities with which it may be compared.(597) ... — Principles Of Political Economy • William Roscher
... beatum Cluayn Hir[ deg.5]ardensem abbatem, discendi causa, adire proposuit. Et cum opere uellet complere quod animo cepit cogitare, uaccam unam a parentibus ad uictum sibi postulauit. Sed cum eius peticionem mater eius non acquiesceret, celestis Pater, qui intimios [sic R1, intuitos R2] suos quantum mater filium diligit, desiderium dilecti sui adimplere non distulit. Nam uacca una lactifera, una cum uitulo, consecuta est eum, acsi a suo pastore minaretur post eum. Qui cum ad sacrum collegium sancti Fynniani uenisset, gaudium ... — The Latin & Irish Lives of Ciaran - Translations Of Christian Literature. Series V. Lives Of - The Celtic Saints • Anonymous
... writes: Quantum hoe infecit vitium, quot adiverit urbes. Query, ought it not, in strict grammar, to be injecerit, instead of infecit? If you don't know, ... — The Caxtons, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton
... common standard of truth, there is a clear tendency to a rational consensus. Thought, by disengaging what is really matter of permanent and common cognition, both in the individual and still more in the class,[145] and fixing this quantum of common cognition in the shape of accurate definitions and universal propositions, is ever fighting against and restraining the impulses of individual imagination towards dissociation and isolation of belief. And this same process of scientific control of belief is ... — Illusions - A Psychological Study • James Sully
... organisms of men. It is evident then, that the greater sufferer from the deficient supply of food to animals is their owner. That they cannot be taught to fast is a fact which does not appear very patent to some minds. The man who sought by gradually reducing the daily quantum of his horse's provender to accustom it to work without eating, was justly punished for his ignorant cruelty. The day before the horse's allowance was to be reduced to pure water, and when its owner's hope appeared ... — The Stock-Feeder's Manual - the chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and - feeding of live stock • Charles Alexander Cameron
... thing, for in all ages the enervation and decrepitude of the bodily frame has been observed to follow a prodigal waste of the mental or corporeal energies. But it has been nowhere previously established upon recorded experience that the quantum of sickness annually falling to the lot of man is in a direct proportion to the demands upon his muscular power. ... — Buchanan's Journal of Man, September 1887 - Volume 1, Number 8 • Various
... who surrender to their temperaments, Lawrence was as a rule well served by his intuitions. Now and again they failed him as with Isabel, but when his mind was alert it was a sensitive medium. He dropped with crossed knees into his chair and glanced reflectively at Bernard Clowes, heu quantum mutatus. . . . When the body was wrecked, was there not nine times out of ten some corresponding mental warp? Bernard's fluent geniality struck him as too good to be true—it was not in Bernard's line: and why translate a close friendship into "meeting once or twice"? Was Bernard misled or ... — Nightfall • Anthony Pryde
... light for the soul." St. Thomas Aquinas commenting on "For I pray in a tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is without fruit" (I. Cor. xiv. 14) wrote "Constat quod plus lucratur qui orat. Nam, ille qui intelligit reficitur quantum ad intellectum et quantum ad affectum; sed mens ejus qui non intelligit est sine fructu refectionis." And (4) our own intellect tells us that the Breviary should be read intelligently and devoutly. One ... — The Divine Office • Rev. E. J. Quigley
... within the evolving whole. Thus the regroupings of tamas reals marks the differentiation which takes place within the mahat but through its stage as bhutadi. Bhutadi is absolutely homogeneous and inert, devoid of all physical and chemical characters except quantum or mass. The second stadium tanmatra represents subtle matter, vibratory, impingent, radiant, instinct with potential energy. These "potentials" arise from the unequal aggregation of the original mass-units in different proportions ... — A History of Indian Philosophy, Vol. 1 • Surendranath Dasgupta
... to be perfectly so was to know the ways of the ship. I succeeded in producing several roars of laughter by the stories I told, not attempting to overcome my brogue, but rather the contrary, as I found it amused my auditors. When the rum was passed round, of which each person had a certain quantum, the doctor sang out to the youngsters, including Tom Pim and me, "Hold fast! it's a vara bad thing for you laddies, and I shall be having you all on the sick list before long if I allow you to take it. Pass the pernicious ... — Paddy Finn • W. H. G. Kingston
... us to a more clear and positive idea of infinite duration; there being nothing more inconceivable to me than duration without succession. Besides, that punctum stans, if it signify anything, being not quantum, finite or infinite cannot belong to it. But, if our weak apprehensions cannot separate succession from any duration whatsoever, our idea of eternity can be nothing but of INFINITE SUCCESSION OF MOMENTS OF DURATION WHEREIN ANYTHING DOES EXIST; and whether any ... — An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding, Volume I. - MDCXC, Based on the 2nd Edition, Books I. and II. (of 4) • John Locke
... operaris qui poterit lucrari per septimanam tres summas minea 1. denarium per septimanam. Et quando minea primo invenietur Dominus Rex habebit unum hominem operantem cum aliis operantibus in mineria, et conducet illum pro duobus denariis per diem, et habebit partem lucri quantum eveniat uni operaris. Item, Dominus Rex habebit unde per septimanam sex summas mineae quae vocantur 'Lawe ore.' Et dabit propter hoc ... — Iron Making in the Olden Times - as instanced in the Ancient Mines, Forges, and Furnaces of The Forest of Dean • H. G. Nicholls
... turned and addressed the white-robed throng in a voice of sharp command: "Klansmen! Remember your oath! The hour of Judgment is here! The guilty wretch cowers! The grand insuperable sentence has been spoken! Coelum animum imperiabilis senescat! Similia similibus per quantum imperator. Inexorabilis ingenium parasimilibua esperantur! Saeva itnparatus ignotum indignatio! Salvo! ... — They Call Me Carpenter • Upton Sinclair
... been made for local inspection; for a responsible supervision by a board sitting in the capital; for perfect publicity; for an appeal to the sheriff of the county on the part of the poor man to whom relief was refused; for empowering the sheriff to order relief; and, if the quantum were too small, for a power of appeal, without expense, to the central board, which had complete power, without limitation, to deal with the quantum of relief; and on the other hand, if the quantum was too great, the parish ... — The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. - From George III. to Victoria • E. Farr and E. H. Nolan
... mother, in his letter of August 23d. Referring to the king's aversion to a resort to violence, he says: "Quod mihi repetitis literis saepissime demonstrasti, et nuper quidem Reginae matri, ex eo sermone quem cum illa habebas, quo significabas quantum odiosa tibi esset turbarum renovatio cum nimirum illam orabas, daret operam ut omnia pacificarentur, efficeretque ne rursus ad bella civilia rediretur, quae non possent non extremum exitium afferre." ... — History of the Rise of the Huguenots - Volume 2 • Henry Baird
... in a passion, I'll blow it up, and not be set a coughin in this fashion! Well down she takes my master's horn—I mean his horn for loading, And empties every grain alive for to set the flue exploding. Lawk, Mrs. Round! says I, and stares, that quantum is unproper, I'm sartin sure it can't not take a pound to sky a copper; You'll powder both our heads off, so I tells you, with its puff, But she only dried her fingers, and she takes a pinch of snuff. Well, when the pinch is over—'Teach your Grandmother to suck ... — The Poetical Works of Thomas Hood • Thomas Hood
... prior animi causa meam chartam delegit, in quam incurrerat; alter malitiosius totam rem convolvit), praebitus nuper est libellus admodum luculentus, qui quantum oportuit, tantum et de Societate nostra, et de horum iniuriis, et de provincia, quam sustinemus, edisserit. Mihi supererat, (quoniam, ut video, tormenta, non scholas, parant antistites), rationem facti mei vobis ut probarem; capita rerum, quae mihi ... — Ten Reasons Proposed to His Adversaries for Disputation in the Name • Edmund Campion
... like Frank Muller is at the junction of the waters of civilisation and barbarism. Too civilised to possess those savage virtues which, such as they are, represent the quantum of innate good Nature has thought fit to allow in the mixture, Man; and too barbarous to be subject to the tenderer constraints of cultivated society, he is at once strong in the strength of both and weak in ... — Jess • H. Rider Haggard
... human wisdom is thus only a consciousness that what we know is as nothing to what we know not, ('Quantum est quod nescimus!')—an articulate confession, in fact, by our natural reason, of the truth declared in revelation, that 'now we see through a ... — Spare Hours • John Brown
... degentibus, tam clericis quam laicis, salutem, prosperitatem et pacem. Constantiensem ecclesiam quam hucusque licet indigne tenueram, tamen miserante Deo, populo meae pravitatis augmentum et honorare studui, et extrema...... eam amplius factis adjuvare nequeo verbis quantum tutari et defensare cupio. Quicumque igitur qui sub christiana professione vocatus, praefatam ecclesiam honorare, consolari et defensare voluerit, auctoritate Domini nostri Jesu Christi ejusque sanctissimae genetricis, in apostolica nostraque confirmatione benedictus, ab eodem Domino nostro Jesu ... — Architectural Antiquities of Normandy • John Sell Cotman
... have been made by human reason to elevate itself to the conception of the Deity, to demonstrate His existence, and to deduce with solid arguments His principal attributes. Yet, even that quantum which human reason believes to have succeeded in establishing on this exalted subject, has always had to encounter in the fields of proud philosophy tenacious, or rather pertinacious, adversaries. Whereas revelation, ... — A Guide for the Religious Instruction of Jewish Youth • Isaac Samuele Reggio
... of iron to certain individuals, probably an act of policy, which, by leading others to expect a similar token of royal favour, would restrain them from attempting to help themselves, and thus diminish the quantum of his own presents. During this scene of confusion, we retired to the beach and entered our boats, the crowd following us to the shore, and many even into the water. On this occasion, we calculated that there could not have been less than two thousand natives assembled, ... — A Voyage Round the World, Vol. I (of ?) • James Holman
... Quantum in nobis, we've thought good To save the expense of Christian blood, And try if we, by mediation Of treaty, and accommodation, Can end the quarrel, and compose This bloody duel ... — Old Mortality, Complete, Illustrated • Sir Walter Scott
... ourselves, we stand to the judgment of sounder divines, and we hold with Luther,(131) that unum Dominum habemus qui animas nostras gubernat. With Hemmingius,(132) that we are free ab omnibus humanis ritibus, quantum quidem ad conscientiam attinet. With the Professors of Leyden,(133) that this is a part of the liberty of all the faithful, that in things pertaining to God's worship, ab omni traditionum humanarum jugo liberas habeant conscientias, cum solius Dei sit, res ad ... — The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2) • George Gillespie
... says, "I have never known an individual, least of all an individual of genius, healthy or happy without a profession: i.e., some regular employment which does not depend on the will of the moment, and which can be carried on so far mechanically, that an average quantum only of health, spirits, and intellectual exertion are requisite to its faithful discharge. Three hours of leisure, unalloyed by any alien anxiety, and looked forward to with delight as a change and recreation, will suffice to realise in literature a larger product ... — Character • Samuel Smiles
... Quantum Rhenano debet Germania docto Tantum debebit terra Britanna mihi. Ille suae gentis ritus et nomina prisca AEstivo fecit lucidiora die. Ipse antiquarum rerum quoque magnus amator Ornabo patriae lumina clara meae. Quae cum prodierint niveis inscripta tabellis, Tum testes ... — Calamities and Quarrels of Authors • Isaac D'Israeli
... major omni evasit. In senatus enim domum inferiorem cooptatus, eam ad negotia tractanda habilitatem, et ingenii perspicacitatem exhibebat, ut reipublicae administrationis particeps et adjutor adhuc adolescens fieret. Quantum erga ecclesiam Anglicanam ejus studium non verba, sed facta, testentur. Is enim erat qui inter primos et perpaucos summo labore et eloquentia contendebat, ut ubicunque orbis terrarum ecclesia Anglicana pervenisset, episcopatus quoque eveheretur. Et quamdiu e secretis Reginae fuit, ecclesia ... — The Life of William Ewart Gladstone, Vol. 1 (of 3) - 1809-1859 • John Morley
... A single man concerned in adultery with a married woman is banished or outlawed by his own family. The lives of culprits are in almost all cases redeemable if they or their connections possess property sufficient, the quantum being in some measure at the discretion of the injured party. At the same time it must be observed that, Europeans not being settled amongst these people upon the same footing as in the pepper-districts, we are not so well acquainted either with the principle ... — The History of Sumatra - Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And - Manners Of The Native Inhabitants • William Marsden
... mea felicitate etiam operam dare, ut alii multi idem atque ego intelligant, ut eorum intellectus et cupiditas prorsus cum meo intellectu et cupiditate convenient: atque hoc fiat, necesse est tantum de Natura intelligere, quantum sufficit ad talem naturam acquirendam; deinde formare talem societatem qualis est desideranda, ut quam plurimi quam facillime et secure eo perveniant."—B. SPINOZA, De Intellectus ... — Critiques and Addresses • Thomas Henry Huxley
... discussing some question of law at the table, and John, who had not yet begun to study law himself, put in his oar as usual, when Charles Allen, afterward Judge of the Massachusetts Supreme Court, turned on him with some indignation. "What do you know about it, Johnny? You don't know what a quantum meruit is." "If you had it, 't would kill you," said Felton. He was invited to the dinner given by the people of Nevada in honor of their admission as a State, and there was some discussion about a device for a State seal. Felton suggested that the Irish emblem would be ... — Autobiography of Seventy Years, Vol. 1-2 • George Hoar
... I found much difficulty in keeping quite sweet what a farmer obligingly so prepared for me. Without water, it got bad. Made into pats, and kept in water, it lost flavour; but Madame Miau soon put me upon a plan by which it remained for ten days as if new churned. As soon as I received my quantum, I had it well washed in spring-water, for sometimes the milk had not been taken clean out of it; and then it was put down with a spoon in a salad bowl, to which it adhered. Every morning, fresh water, in which was dissolved ... — Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 449 - Volume 18, New Series, August 7, 1852 • Various
... 'I'll blow it up, and not be set a coughin in this fashion!' Well down she takes my master's horn—I mean his horn for loading. And empties every grain alive for to set the flue exploding. 'Lawk, Mrs. Round?' says I, and stares, 'that quantum is unproper, I'm sartin sure it can't not take a pound to sky a copper; You'll powder both our heads off, so I tells you, with its puff, But she only dried her fingers, and she takes a pinch of snuff.' Well, when the pinch is over—'Teach your Grandmother ... — The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, Vol. 14, - Issue 403, December 5, 1829 • Various
... excellent precautions of my friend Harry, we were all snugly berthed, before the whiskey, which had well justified the high praise I had heard lavished on it, had made any serious inroads on our understanding, but not before we had laid in a quantum to ensure a ... — Warwick Woodlands - Things as they Were There Twenty Years Ago • Henry William Herbert (AKA Frank Forester)
... seemed to take hold of, and the truth is my profit is so much concerned that I could wish they would, and would take pains to ease them in the business of money as much as was possible. He being gone (after I had ordered him L2000, and he paid me my quantum out of it) I also walked to the office, and there to my business; but find myself, through the unfitness of my place to write in, and my coming from great dinners, and drinking wine, that I am not in the good temper ... — Diary of Samuel Pepys, Complete • Samuel Pepys
... He was a tyrant only by fits and starts, and in the mean time there was anarchy at Crompton. Every soul in the place, from the young lords, its master's guests, down to the earth-stopper's assistant, who came for his quantum of ale to the back-door, did pretty much as seemed right in his own eyes. There were times when every thing had to be done in a moment under the master's eye, no matter at what loss, or even risk to limb or life; but usually there was no particular time for any thing—except ... — Bred in the Bone • James Payn
... The quantum of fish in the waters, the scarcity of fish on the shore is often referred to as a proof of the people's laziness. The fishing is so severely monopolized that fish diet and fishing are to the people almost lost arts. I heard of the delicious oysters found on the coast, but one would require ... — The Letters of "Norah" on her Tour Through Ireland • Margaret Dixon McDougall
... recusando omni, & omnimodae jurisdictioni potestati, authoritati & superioritati foraneis juxta vim formam & effectum statui Parliamenti hujus inclyti Regni Angliae in ea parte editi & provisi quantum nobis per statuta hujus Regni Angliae liceat & non aliter neque alio modo te admittimus & approbamus, tibique Licentiam & Facultatem nostras in hac parte, tenore praesentium quamdiu te bene & laudabiliter gesseris benigne concedimus & ... — William Lilly's History of His Life and Times - From the Year 1602 to 1681 • William Lilly
... century, and they were purveyors-general of circulating libraries, tempting the ambition of young authors with rosy promises of success and alluring baits of immortality, if they could only find the base metals in quantum stiff, to pay the cold-blooded paper-merchant and the vulgar type-setter. Many a poetic pigeon did the Stockdales pluck, no doubt, by these expedients. For in those days, as in these present, a young suckling ... — Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. XII, No. 28. July, 1873. • Various
... lowest order, - so the Gitanos are so extremely ignorant, that however frank they might wish to be, they would be unable to tell the curious inquirer the names for bread and water, meat and salt, in their own peculiar tongue - for, assuredly, had they sense enough to afford that slight quantum of information, it would lead to two very advantageous results, by proving, first, that they spoke the same language as the Gypsies, etc., and were consequently the same people - and secondly, that they came not ... — The Zincali - An Account of the Gypsies of Spain • George Borrow
... Piccadilly, Only they managed things with more decorum, And the Orations were not QUITE so silly; Far different questions, too, would come before 'em Not always politics, which, will ye nill ye, Their London prototypes were always willing, To give one QUANTUM ... — The Humourous Poetry of the English Language • James Parton
... Graecis scriptoribus id in more est, ut peregrina, et barbara nomina, quantum licet, ad Graecam formam emolliant: sic illis Ar Moabitarum est [Greek: Areopolis]; Botsra, [Greek: Bursa]; Akis, [Greek: Anchous]; Astarte, [Greek: Astroarche]; torrens Kison, [Greek: Cheimarrhos ... — A New System; or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology. Volume I. • Jacob Bryant
... country, if such a man retired unrewarded from the public service, let the motives for that retirement be what they would? It was not possible that his sovereign could let his eminent services pass unrequited: the sum that was given was inadequate to his merits; and the quantum was rather regulated by the moderation of the great mind that received it, than by the liberality of ... — The Letters of Horace Walpole Volume 3 • Horace Walpole
... stomach. Judged by any right test of greatness, Graham was more a man than was Napoleon or John Howard. He that ruled his stomach was greater than he who took a city. Beranger's Roi d'Yvetot, who ate four meals a day,—the Esquimaux, with his daily twenty-pound quantum of train-oil, gravy, and tallow-candles,—the alderman puffing over callipash and callipee,—the backwoodsman hungering after fattest of pork,—such men as these were no common sinners: they were assassins who struck at the very fountain of life, and throttled a human stomach. Pancreatic ... — The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 85, November, 1864 • Various
... consists in the supposition that each of these resonators can acquire or lose energy only by abrupt jumps, in such a way that the store of energy that it possesses must always be a multiple of a constant quantity, which he calls a 'quantum'—must be composed of a whole number of quanta. This indivisible unit, this quantum, is not the same for all resonators; it is in inverse ratio to the wave-length, so that resonators of short period can take in energy only in large pieces, while those of long period can absorb or give it out by ... — A Librarian's Open Shelf • Arthur E. Bostwick
... writ of Protagoras and Gorgias, we may say of them all, tantum a sapientibus abfuerunt, quantum a viris pueri, they were children in respect, infants, not eagles, but kites; novices, illiterate, Eunuchi sapientiae. And although they were the wisest, and most admired in their age, as he ... — The Anatomy of Melancholy • Democritus Junior
... provinciam suscepimus; scimus enim quantum hoc ingenii nostri tenuitatem superet: ideo sufficit nobis to hoti [Gk] fideliter ex antiquis auctoribus retulisse.—MORINUS, De Poenitentia, ix. 10. Il faut avouer que la religion chretienne a quelque chose d'etonnant! C'est ... — Lectures on Modern history • Baron John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton
... I cam tell you of Mrs. Piper. I wish it were more "scientific." But valcat quantum! it is ... — The Making of Religion • Andrew Lang |