"Puree" Quotes from Famous Books
... rest through the wire sieve with a wooden spoon until nothing but the skins remain. In the meantime, boil the vegetables with sufficient water to cover, until quite tender. When thoroughly cooked pour into the lentil puree, add the sauce and salt, and re-warm. Prepare forcemeat No. 77, adding the quarter of a pound of lentils chopped fine; shape into little cutlets (about twelve), brown in a frying-pan with the butter, place on a hot dish, pour the gravy over, and ... — New Vegetarian Dishes • Mrs. Bowdich
... then!" I said to myself. No more merry, willing little maid-of-all-work! No more hot mussels steaming in a savory sauce! Her puree of peas, her tomato farcies, the stuffed artichokes, and her coffee the like of which never before existed, would vanish with the rest. But true love cannot be argued. There was nothing to do but to hold out my hand in forgiveness. ... — A Village of Vagabonds • F. Berkeley Smith
... made usually of some vegetable which thickens in boiling, as beans, pease, &c, though there are several forms of fish purees in which the foundation is thickened milk, to which the fish is added, and the whole then rubbed through a common sieve, if a regular puree-sieve ... — The Easiest Way in Housekeeping and Cooking - Adapted to Domestic Use or Study in Classes • Helen Campbell |