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Prosopopoeia   Listen
Prosopopoeia  n.  (Rhet.) A figure by which things are represented as persons, or by which things inanimate are spoken of as animated beings; also, a figure by which an absent person is introduced as speaking, or a deceased person is represented as alive and present. It includes personification, but is more extensive in its signification.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Prosopopoeia" Quotes from Famous Books

... the poem of Lucretius (On Nature), even if it were a simple translation, all the oratorical and the descriptive portions would remain, and they are the most beautiful of the work. In his invocations to Epicurus, in his prosopopoeia of nature to man inviting resignation to death, in his descriptions of the immolation of Iphigenia and of the cow wandering in the fields in search of her lost heifer, there are a breadth, a grasp, and an epic grandeur, which recall Homer, ...
— Initiation into Literature • Emile Faguet

Words linked to "Prosopopoeia" :   figure of speech, trope, image

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