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Prise  n.  An enterprise. (Obs.)

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"Prise" Quotes from Famous Books

... in her seat when they neared Cold Spring Coulee, "maybe I better tell you that the folks round here has kinda planned a little su'prise for you. They don't make much of a showin' about bein' neighborly—not when things go smooth—but they're right there when trouble comes. It's jest a little weddin' present—and if it comes kinda late in ...
— Lonesome Land • B. M. Bower

... hold Jack Gaunt to the grindstone till his face was flat. I'd have done it single-handed; but I'm blind, worse luck: I'm all in the damned dark here, poking with a stick—Lord, burn up with lime the eyes that saw it! That's why I raked up you. Come, out with your iron, and prise the lid off. You shall touch your snack, and have the wench for nothing; ay, and fling her in the street, ...
— The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson, Volume XV • Robert Louis Stevenson

... exceeded farre; I in defence of mine did likewise stand, Mine, that did then shine as the Morning starre. So both to battell fierce arraunged arre, 320 In which his harder fortune was to fall Under my speare: such is the dye of warre: His Lady left as a prise martiall, Did yield her comely person ...
— Spenser's The Faerie Queene, Book I • Edmund Spenser

... as we heard when we were watching the case daily, scarce drawing our breath for fear the innocent—and one of our own blood, would be crushed. Sure, there he stood; ay, and looking the very donkey for a woman to flip off her fingers, like the dust from my great uncle's prise of snuff! She's a glory to the old country. And better you than another, I'd say, since it wasn't an Irishman to have her: but what induced the dear lady to take him, is the question we 're all of us asking! And it's mournful to think that somehow ...
— The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith

... des deux chambres, dont il est parle dans cette lettre de M. Pelet de la Lozere, s'etait manifeste par une double decision prise le 6 mars par la chambre des deputes, par la chambre des pairs, le 26. J'avais, au mois de novembre 1836, adresse aux chambres une petition dont les rapporteurs furent, a la chambre des deputes, M. de Guizard, au Luxembourg, M. le duc de Fezensac. M. ...
— Movement of the International Literary Exchanges, between France and North America from January 1845 to May, 1846 • Various

... except to say that Dr. Jones, who came the next day from Dolgelly, made a brief examination by order of the coroner. Of course, he had too much sense to suppose that the case was one of cholera; but to my sur-prise he pronounced that death was the result of "asphyxia, caused by too long immersion in the water." And knowing nothing of George Bowring's activity, vigour, and cultivated power in the water, perhaps he ...
— George Bowring - A Tale Of Cader Idris - From "Slain By The Doones" By R. D. Blackmore • R. D. Blackmore

... woman, irritably. "I be fairly feared ter bide hyar; 'twouldn't s'prise me none ef they kem hyar an' hauled Tobe out an' lynched him an' sech, an' who knows who mought git hurt ...
— 'way Down In Lonesome Cove - 1895 • Charles Egbert Craddock (AKA Mary Noailles Murfree)

... conversation roula presque entierement sur l'histoire. L'Abbe etant un profond politique, la tourna sur l'administration, quand on fut au desert: et comme par caractere, par humeur, par l'habitude d'admirer Tite Live, il ne prise que le systeme republicain, il se mit a vanter l'excellence des republiques; bien persuade que le savant Anglois l'approuveroit en tout, et admireroit la profondeur de genie qui avoit fait deviner tous ces avantages a un Francois. Mais M. Gibbon, instruit par l'experience ...
— Memoirs of My Life and Writings • Edward Gibbon

... all eaten and corroded. It was a matter of but a few seconds to prise it open. The lid fell back on the table with a ...
— At a Winter's Fire • Bernard Edward J. Capes

... detect any such feature in it. That trait was wholly foreign from Leibnitz's nature. "Car je suis des plus dociles," he says of himself, in this same essay. He was the most tolerant of philosophers. "Je ne mprise presque rien."—"Nemo est ingenio minus quam ego censorio."— "Mirum dictu: probo pleraque quae lego."—"Non admodum refutationes quaerere aut ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. II, No. 8, June 1858 • Various

... fleuve St. Laurent est fermee par les glaces; enfin celui de resserrer les Anglais entre les montagnes et la mer.... Il emporta tous les regrets quand il revint en France, en 1749.... La defaite de l'amiral Anglais, Byng, et la prise de Minorque que fut le fruit de cette victoire decisive, couronnerent sa carriere. Il avoit entrepris cette derniere expedition contre l'avis des medecins qui lui avoient annonce sa mort comme prochaine, s'il se rembarquoit.... Il cacha ses maux tant qu'il put, mais il ...
— The Conquest of Canada (Vol. 1 of 2) • George Warburton

... the Hundred-and-twenty Paris Electors, though their Cahier is long since finished, see good to meet again daily, as an 'Electoral Club'? They meet first 'in a Tavern;'—where 'the largest wedding-party' cheerfully give place to them. (Dusaulx, Prise de la Bastille (Collection des Memoires, par Berville et Barriere, Paris, 1821), p. 269.) But latterly they meet in the Hotel-de-Ville, in the Townhall itself. Flesselles, Provost of Merchants, with his Four Echevins (Scabins, ...
— The French Revolution • Thomas Carlyle

... bete italienne qui so serait echauffee, et qui aurait pris des chimeres pour des verites, ce qui pourrait encore bien etre, cette femme ne parait rien moins que prudente et tranquille. Je crois, cependant, que la peine qu'on aurait prise de savoir ce qu'elle veut declarer serait si legere, qu'on ne la regretterait pas, quand meme on decouvrirait que cette femme n'est qu'une folle."—"Oeuvres de Frederic le Grand," vol. xix. p. 91.] She had almost resolved not to seek the marquis again, or if she did so, to say that ...
— Frederick The Great and His Family • L. Muhlbach

... the sky-land, Sight the hills of Treasure Island, Prowl and peer and prod and prise, Till there burst upon my eyes Just the proper pirate's freight: Gold doubloons ...
— The Joyful Heart • Robert Haven Schauffler

... it is too far to get across," Terence said. "If you cannot find a plank, set half a dozen men to prise up a couple ...
— Under Wellington's Command - A Tale of the Peninsular War • G. A. Henty

... poine et por ceste ame De mon douz filz me fierai Tant que pour toi l'en prierai." La Mere Dieu lors s'est levee, Devant son filz s'en est alee Et ses virges toutes apres. De lui si tint Pierre pres, Quar sanz doutance bien savoit Que sa besoigne faite avoit Puisque cele l'avoit en prise Ou forme humaine ...
— Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres • Henry Adams

... inspire me. You would inspire a caterpillar. I will go to the professor—I was going anyhow, but now I shall go aggressively. I will prise a father's blessing out of him, if I have to do ...
— Love Among the Chickens • P. G. Wodehouse

... eyes wandered furtively up and down the endless ornate table, and he felt he had been, in a sort of way, right in thinking these people were the handiest instrument to prise open the national conscience with. The shining red faces of the men, the shining white necks and arms of the women, the fearless eyes, the general free-and-easiness and spaciousness, the look of late hours counteracted by fresh air and exercise and the best things ...
— A Christmas Garland • Max Beerbohm

... "cocked hat" corner to their roofs, which we see reproduced in so much of Chippendale's work. It is obvious that, with an ordinary roof, any ill-disposed devil would summon some of his fellows, and they would fly up, get their shoulders under the corner of the eaves, and prise the roof off in no time. With the peculiar Chinese upward curve of the corners, the devils are unable to get sufficient leverage, and so retire discomfited. Most luckily, too, they detest the smell of incense-sticks, ...
— Here, There And Everywhere • Lord Frederic Hamilton

... de la Prise de Possession du Pays des Nadouessioux, etc., par Nicolas Perrot, 1689. Fort Perrot seems to have been built in 1685, and to have stood near the outlet of the lake, probably on the west side. Perrot afterwards built another fort, called Fort St. Antoine, a little ...
— A Half Century of Conflict - Volume I - France and England in North America • Francis Parkman

... wondered the English should have sent him to Paris—"On n'aime pas l'homme par qui on a ete battu. Je n'ai jamais envoye a Vienne un homme qui a assiste a la prise de Vienne." He asked who was our Minister (Lord Burghersh) at Florence, and whether he was honnete homme, "for," he said, "you have two kinds of men in England, one of intrigans, the ...
— Lady John Russell • Desmond MacCarthy and Agatha Russell

... roused from sleep one winter night by his daughter, who told her father that some one was attempting to force the outer door. Stokoe stole quietly downstairs, to find that some one outside was busy with the point of a knife trying gently to prise back the great oaken bolt which barred his door. A very little more, a few minutes longer of work, and the beam would have been slid back, the door would have been quietly opened, and the throats of all the occupants of the house might have been cut. Whispering to his daughter ...
— Stories of the Border Marches • John Lang and Jean Lang

... PRISE-BOLTS. Knobs of iron on the cheeks of a gun-carriage to keep the handspike from slipping when prising ...
— The Sailor's Word-Book • William Henry Smyth

... afore the wind for Pennamau. the master was very glad we gave him his shipp againe, and the most part of his lodeing; that he swore wee wear the Honnestest ladrones that ever he saw in his daies. we went of to sea cruiseing for more. we understood by thiss last prise that the Spaniards could not tell if [we] wear to windward or leewards. 3 dayes after in the morning we spies a small barque close by shore. wee gave chaces to her, came up hand over hand with her. She makes what she could for the Shore, ...
— Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period - Illustrative Documents • Various

... countrey. A full fayre game there was set up, A white bull up y-pight, A great courser with saddle and brydle, With gold burnished full bryght; A payre of gloves, a red golde ringe, A pipe of wine, good day; What man bereth him best, I wis, The prise shall bear away.'" ...
— The Lady of the Lake • Sir Walter Scott

... l toute la nuit, enfin il voulut partir. Impossible. La queue tait prise dans la glace. Le loup pensa: "Oh, j'ai pris tant de poissons qu'il est impossible de les tirer tous hors ...
— Contes et lgendes - 1re Partie • H. A. Guerber

... Dave, "she wuz here a little w'ile ago, an' said she wuz gwine downstairs ter de drugsto'. I would n' be s'prise' ef you'd fin' her ...
— The House Behind the Cedars • Charles W. Chesnutt

... interestin'—I su-prised him, I suppose, By the loud and frequent manner in which I blowed my nose!— But his su-prise was greater, and it made him wonder more, When I kissed and hugged the widder when she ...
— Riley Love-Lyrics • James Whitcomb Riley

... in," said a little weak voice, when Mr. Mordacks, having knocked in vain, began to prise open the cottage door. "Mother is so poorly; and you mustn't think of coming in. Oh, whatever shall I do, if you won't stop when ...
— Mary Anerley • R. D. Blackmore

... her, supposing that she meant in some way to prise the window open. But she took it and deliberately smashed a pane—two panes—all the six panes with their coloured transparencies of the Prodigal Son. And the worst was, that the children in the yard, as the glass broke and fell, scarcely betrayed surprise. One or two glanced furtively towards ...
— True Tilda • Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch

... the elder man, fiercely, "this passage window 'll do: it won't take much to prise it open: ...
— Nearly Lost but Dearly Won • Theodore P. Wilson

... fool!" she said brutally. "Waste no time on that boy. Before the man returns, let us seize our prise. Keep your hands off. This is no common chest. It opens with a combination lock and ...
— The Son of Clemenceau • Alexandre (fils) Dumas

... department of mankind are noted for the beauty of their features, and their fine stature and proportions. Adanson has made this observation of the Negroes on the Senegal. He thus describes the men. "Leur taille est pour l'ordinaire au-dessus de la mediocre, bien prise et sans defaut. Ils sont forts, robustes, et d'un temperament propre a la fatigue. Ils ont les yeux noirs et bien fendus, peu de barbe, les traits du visage assez agreables." They are complete Negroes, for it is added that their complexion is of a fine black, ...
— History of the Negro Race in America From 1619 to 1880. Vol 1 - Negroes as Slaves, as Soldiers, and as Citizens • George W. Williams

... hair cut, and got a pair of sheep shears from Mr. Wittenoom during the day for that apparent purpose, saying that the captive would cut it for him. Of course the shears were not returned, and at night the captive or his friend used them to prise open a split link of the chain which secured him, and away he went as free as ...
— Australia Twice Traversed, The Romance of Exploration • Ernest Giles

... Viellard de 70 ans, ce serait anticiper sur sa mort, d'ailleurs en arrivant en Angleterre tout de suite je ne ferais egalement que manger mon argent, ou bien celui de ma femme jusqu'a l'hiver prochain, aussi ma resolution est prise de faire le Voyage de la Boheme; voire en passant Dresde, Prague et Vienne, ou je scais que je puis gagner de quoi me defrayer de tout mon voyage, et au dela: et de revenir a Londres vers le Novembre, vous pouvez compter ...
— The Pianoforte Sonata - Its Origin and Development • J.S. Shedlock

... Rabbit cut 'im a long switch en trim it up, en w'en he get it fix, up he step en hit de Hoss a rap—pow! De Hoss 'uz dat s'prise at dat kinder doin's dat he make one jump, en lan' on he foots. W'en he do dat, dar wuz Brer Fox danglin' in de a'r, en Brer Rabbit, he dart ...
— Nights With Uncle Remus - Myths and Legends of the Old Plantation • Joel Chandler Harris

... Short roab, and tissue or kind of peticoat of the bark of Cedar which fall down in Strings as low as the knee behind and not So low before maney of the men have blankets of red blue or Spotted Cloth or the common three & 21/2 point blankets, and Salors old Clothes which they appear to prise highly, they also have robes of Sea Otter, Beaver, Elk, Deer, fox and Cat common to this countrey, which I have never Seen in the U States. They also precure a roabe from the nativs above, which is made of the Skins of a Small animal about the Size of a Cat, which ...
— The Journals of Lewis and Clark • Meriwether Lewis et al

... feat, How Faery Mab the junkets eat, . . . . . . Where throngs of Knights and Barons bold, In weeds of Peace high triumphs hold, With store of Ladies, whose bright eyes Rain influence, and judge the prise, ...
— The Book-Hunter at Home • P. B. M. Allan

... so. It is the Romaunt of the Rose, And tale of love I must disclose. Fair is the matter for to make, But fairer—if she will to take For whom the romaunt is begonne For that I wis she is the fair one Of mokle prise; and therefore she So worthier is beloved to be; And well she ought of prise and right Be clepened Rose of every wight. But it was May, thus dreamed me,— A time of love and jollitie: A time there is no husks or straw, ...
— Fables of John Gay - (Somewhat Altered) • John Gay

... him, and some o' the boys swum on down stream, expectin' he'd raise, but couldn't find hide ner hair of him; so we left the boat a-driftin' off down stream and swum ashore, a-thinkin' he'd jist drownded hisse'f a-purpose. But ther' was more su'prise waitin' far us yit,—for lo-and-behold-you, when we got ashore ther' wasn't no trace o' Steve er the baby to be found. Ezry said he seed Steve when he fetched little Annie ashore, and she was all right on'y she was purt nigh past cryin'; and he said Steve had lapped his coat around her and give ...
— Pipes O'Pan at Zekesbury • James Whitcomb Riley

... ... longerent le rempart, apres la prise du cavalier, et ouvrirent la porte dite de Kilia aux soldats du general Koutouzow."—Hist, de la ...
— The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 6 • Lord Byron

... elles devant elles les memes difficultes qu'ici et il sera necessaire notemment de se rendre maitre des montagnes qui dominent la plaine au Nord. Mais alors que la prise d'Achi Baba ne sera qu'un grand succes militaire, qui nous mettra le lendemain devant les escarpements de Kilid-Bahr, l'occupation de la region Gaba Tepe-Maidos nous placerait au dela des detroits, nous permettrait ...
— Gallipoli Diary, Volume I • Ian Hamilton

... Viewing Leander tossed by the flood, And how the churlish billowes beat that head On which herselfe was so enamoured; Praying to Neptune, not to be so cruell, But to deliuer vp her dearest iewell: To figure to the world whose shining eies She set two diamonds of highest prise. Vpon her head she ware a vaile of lawne, Eclipsing halfe her eyes, through which they shone As doth the bright Sun, being shadowed By pale thin clouds, through which white streaks are spred. Poore Philos wondred ...
— Seven Minor Epics of the English Renaissance (1596-1624) • Dunstan Gale

... B-bassett," she said. "We were coming to surp-prise you, and travel in Europe; but the mines went wrong, and p-pa was obliged to go back ...
— A Fair Barbarian • Frances Hodgson Burnett

... it might please her to accept of his service, as of a freende ever vowde in all dutye to bee at her commaunde, the care of her honour should bee deerer to him than his life, and hee would be ready to prise her discontent with his bloud at all times. The gentlewoman was a little coye, but, before they part, they concluded that the next daye at foure of the clock hee should come thither and eate a pound of cherries, which ...
— Supplemental Nights, Volume 2 • Richard F. Burton

... she was very kind to me. "Yes; a pretty box. I can remember when many ladies—most ladies, carried a box—nay, two boxes—tabatiere, and bonbonniere. What lady carries snuff-box now, hey? Suppose your astonishment if a lady in an assembly were to offer you a prise? I can remember a lady with such a box as this, with a tour, as we used to call it then; with paniers, with a tortoise-shell cane, with the prettiest little high-heeled velvet shoes in the world!—ah! that was a time, that was a ...
— Roundabout Papers • William Makepeace Thackeray

... in the worl'!" plained poor Rufe, as the ill-omened cry rose again and again. "'Tain't goin' ter s'prise me none now, ef I gits my neck bruk along o' this resky foolishness in this cur'ous place whar owELS watch from the lookout ez dead ...
— Down the Ravine • Charles Egbert Craddock (real name: Murfree, Mary Noailles)

... men on board the luggers—having been rash enough to prise open some half a dozen casks—had dropped overboard and were wading ashore, coughing and spitting as they came. Amid the uproar Major Hymen kept ...
— The Mayor of Troy • Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch

... on. I'm ready," responded Peace, hopping nimbly down the stairway. "Doesn't it seem funny to see me going to Sunday School again? What do you s'pose folks will say when I hobble in all by myself? Won't it be great to see the s'prise on Miss Gordon's face when I go into my old class with the rest of the girls? I made Gail and Faith and everyone else promise not to tell her I would be there today. I want to s'prise her. Just smell the roses! They ain't all gone yet. ...
— Heart of Gold • Ruth Alberta Brown

... Lizard's jump into the misty beyond—which it's that sudden I offers two to one them angels notes a look of s'prise on the Stingin' Lizard's face as to how he comes to make the trip-Cherokee goes on dealin' faro same as usual. As I says before, he ain't no talker, nohow; now ...
— Wolfville • Alfred Henry Lewis

... out a minute," thought she. "I'll det up on dis lounge and tover dis shawl over me, and s'prise her when she ...
— Connor Magan's Luck and Other Stories • M. T. W.

... est Beste, un corne ad en la teste, Purceo ad si a nun, de buc ad facun; Par Pucele est prise; or vez en quel guise. Quant hom le volt cacer et prendre et enginner, Si vent hom al forest u sis riparis est; La met une Pucele hors de sein sa mamele, Et par odurement Monosceros la sent; Dunc vent a la Pucele, et si baiset la mamele, En sein devant se dort, ...
— The Travels of Marco Polo, Volume 2 • Marco Polo and Rustichello of Pisa

... village with two young men, cousin' to each other, and how one pair, a year avter, emigrate' to Louisiana with li'l' baby name' Fortune, and—once mo' that old story—they are bound to the captain of the ship for the prise of the passage till somebody in Ammerica rid-eem them and they are bound to him to work that out. And coming accrozz, the father—ship-fever—die', and arriving, the passage is pay ...
— The Flower of the Chapdelaines • George W. Cable

... mettre en doute sans oter quelque chose a l'idee de son genie; car les hommes verront toujours moins de grandeur dans un fanatique de bonne foi, que dans une ambition qui fait des enthusiastes. Cromwell mena les hommes par la prise qu'ils lui donnaient sur eux. L'ambition seule lui inspira des crimes, qu'il fit executer par le fanatisme des autres." That he thus employed the spirit of the age without sharing it, is a theory which will not stand the light for a moment. Besides, it is not in this ...
— Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 378, April, 1847 • Various

... road, draps in, an' Mistah Sally Ann, whut is her husban', he draps in, an' Zack Badget an' de school-teacher whut board' at Unc' Silas Diggs's house drap in, an' a powerful lot ob folks drap in. An' li'l' black Mose he seen dat gwine be one s'prise-party, an' he right down cheerful ...
— Humorous Ghost Stories • Dorothy Scarborough

... appelaient le bidet du quart d'heure, mais seulement pour plaisanter, vous comprenez, parse que, bien entendu, elle etait plus vite que ca! Et il avait coutume de gagner de l'argent avec cette bete, quoi-qu'elle fut poussive, cornarde, toujours prise d'asthme, de colique ou de consomption, ou de quelque chose d'approchant. On lui donnait 2 ou 300 'yards' au depart, puffs on la depassait sans peine; mais jamais a la fin elle ne manquait de s'echauffer, ...
— Innocents abroad • Mark Twain

... 'Thieuenne Paget racontoit, que le Diable s'apparut a elle la premiere fois en plein midy, en forme d'vn grand homme noir, & que comme elle se fut baillee a luy, il l'embrassa & l'esleva en l'air, & la transporta en la maison du prel de Longchamois ... & puis la rapporta au lieu mesme, ou il l'auoit prise. Antide Colas disoit, que le soir, que Satan s'apparut a elle en forme d'vn homme de grande stature, ayant sa barbe & ses habillemens noirs, il la transporta au Sabbat, & qu'aux autres fois, il la venoit prendre dans son lict, & l'emportoit comme si ...
— The Witch-cult in Western Europe - A Study in Anthropology • Margaret Alice Murray

... hung. Zeke bent and twisted, his two hands on the creature's jaws. Then he set himself to wrench them apart. His strength, great as it was availed nothing against that remorseless grip. The resistance goaded him to fury. He gave over the effort to prise the teeth apart, and put all his might into a frenzied pull. There were instants of resistance, then the hissing noise of rending cloth. A huge fragment of the stout jeans was torn out bodily. Zeke hurled the animal violently ...
— Heart of the Blue Ridge • Waldron Baily

... 9th, I agreed with Mr. Gentle Godolphin for to release the coosener Vincent Murphin. Feb. 11th, Harry Prise, of Lewsam, cam to me at Mortlak, and told of his dreames often repeated, and uppon my prayer to God this night, his dreame was confirmed, and better instruction given. Feb. 12th, Sir William Harbert cam to ...
— The Private Diary of Dr. John Dee - And the Catalog of His Library of Manuscripts • John Dee

... an' mebbe he kept this for you as a sort o' s'prise," the driver allowed, with a grin. "Good-bye. Giddap!" And the coach whirled away, in a cloud of dust, leaving Whitey standing in the lonely road, looking off ...
— Injun and Whitey to the Rescue • William S. Hart

... of verse are the characteristics of Prior's poetry. Both of these gifts are to be seen in his lively English ballad on the Taking of Namur by the King of Great Britain, in which he travesties Boileau's Ode sur la prise de Namur. As an epigrammatist he reaped his advantage from a study of Martial, and in this department of verse Prior is often successful. If brevity be a prominent merit in an epigram, he sometimes excels his master, as, ...
— The Age of Pope - (1700-1744) • John Dennis

... the Boatswains yoeman the Loss on their Side was two Kill^d & Six wounded their Larbourd quarter was well fill^d with Shott one Nine Pounder went through her Main Mast. Imploy^d in the After-noon Takeing out the Men & Maning the Prise The Kepple Mounted 20 Guns 18 Six Pounders & two Wooden D^o with about 45 Men, the Cyrus Mounted 16 Six Pounders with 35 Men Letters of Marque Bound from Bristol to Jamaica Laden with Dry ...
— Log-book of Timothy Boardman • Samuel W Boardman

... l'Autriche elle-meme ne semblait pas deja nous inviter de ne point rompre toute negociation. Or en reflechissant aujourd'hui a cette situation, je me disais: ne pourrait-on pas repondre a l'Autriche ceci: La prise de Kars a tant soit peu change nos situations; puisque la Russie consent a evacuer toute l'Asie Mineure nous nous bornons a demander pour la Turquie, au lieu de la rectification de frontiere, les places fortes formant tete de pont sur le Danube, tels que Ismail ...
— The Letters of Queen Victoria, Volume III (of 3), 1854-1861 • Queen of Great Britain Victoria

... la face, comme il convient dans toutes ces passions vraiment oppressives ou profondes, dans ces affections dont le sentiment semble porter l'organisation a revenir sur elle-meme, a se contracter et a s'amoindrir, comme pour offrir moins de prise et de surface a des impressions redoutables ou importunes." He who thinks that remarks of this kind throw any light on the meaning or origin of the different expressions, takes a very different view of the subject to ...
— The Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals • Charles Darwin

... which we took; but the Venturuse sailed so swift that we could not take her. The one we took was the richest except the admiral, which had taken 80 libs, of gold, the Venturuse having only 22 libs.; while our prise had 50. They had been above two months on the coast; but three others had been there before them, and had departed a month before our arrival, having swept the coast of 700 pounds of gold. Having continued the chase all that day and night, and the next day till 3 P.M. and being unable ...
— A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume VII • Robert Kerr

... a louver skylight half-way up the roof. "We can prise that open, or break it. It's easy enough to reach," I ...
— The Adventures of Harry Revel • Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch

... preuve que le Citoyen Duplessis etoit suspect—et la voila, lui, enferme jusqu'a la paix, et le scelle mis sur toutes les portes de cette campagne, ou, tu te souviens, mon cher Freroa—que, decretes tous deux de prise de corps, apres le massacre du Champ de Mars, nous trouvions un asyle que le tyran ...
— A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, • An English Lady

Words linked to "Prise" :   esteem, open, view, disesteem, pry, open up, think the world of, value, loosen, see, jimmy, reverence, prize, consider, look up to, admire, respect, venerate, loose

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