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Predecease   Listen
Predecease  v. t.  To die sooner than. "If children predecease progenitors."

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Predecease" Quotes from Famous Books

... burst, for the violence of my dismay and concern for myself: my wit became dazed; I felt as if in a vile dungeon; and hated their society; for I went about in fear lest my wife should die before me and they bury me alive with her. However, after a while, I comforted myself, saying, "Haply I shall predecease her, or shall have returned to my own land before she die, for none knoweth which shall go first and which shall go last." Then I applied myself to diverting my mind from this thought with various occupations; but it ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 6 • Richard F. Burton

Words linked to "Predecease" :   snuff it, pass, decease, conk, buy the farm, pass away, go, choke, expire, cash in one's chips, exit, pop off, croak, drop dead, perish, die, give-up the ghost, kick the bucket

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