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Phobia   Listen
phobia  n.  Any irrational and persistent fear, whether of a situation, activity, or object; a phobia typically leads to a strong desire to avoid the object of the phobia.
Synonyms: phobic disorder, phobic neurosis.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Phobia" Quotes from Famous Books

... Geraldine objects first, Nelda will help you steam-roll her into line. Fred Dunmore is accustomed to dealing with a lot of yes-men at the plant; you shouldn't have any trouble shouting him down. Anton Varcek won't be interested, one way or another; he has what amounts to a pathological phobia about firearms of any sort. And Humphrey Goode, our attorney, who's executor of the estate, will welcome you with open arms, once he finds out what you want to do. That collection has him talking to ...
— Murder in the Gunroom • Henry Beam Piper

... faces, but by the depth of artistic love that they feel, and by the measure of success to which they attain. And so the subject of this sketch, although of a complexion quite dark, and often suffering from the coldness, if not the insults, of those afflicted with "color-phobia," was yet ever sought after and cordially received upon terms of equality by all the great musicians wherever he journeyed. Nor did the press of the country, nor people of culture generally, fail to pass upon him the highest encomiums. A few ...
— Music and Some Highly Musical People • James M. Trotter

... wagon-load of bung-holes," the idea of getting from it any practical advantage cannot seem anything but absurd. There is something about this form of words "the fourth dimension" which seems to produce a sort of mental-phobia in certain minds, rendering them incapable of perception or reason. Such people, because they cannot stick their cane into it contend that the fourth dimension has no mathematical or philosophical validity. As ignorance on this subject is very general, ...
— Architecture and Democracy • Claude Fayette Bragdon

... two pieces of work off my mind, and though I could wish I had rewritten a little more of DAVID, yet it was plainly to be seen it was impossible. All the points indicated by you have been brought out; but to rewrite the end, in my present state of over-exhaustion and fiction - phobia, would have been madness; and I let it go as it stood. My grandfather is good enough for me, these days. I do not work any less; on the whole, if anything, a little more. ...
— Vailima Letters • Robert Louis Stevenson

Words linked to "Phobia" :   social phobia, phobic disorder, simple phobia, agoraphobia, phobic, anxiety disorder, school phobia

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