"Parch" Quotes from Famous Books
... glory our Achilles gains from Hector, Were he not proud, we all should share with him: But he already is too insolent: And we had better parch in Afric sun, Than in his pride, should he 'scape Hector fair. But grant he should be foiled; Why then our common reputation suffers In that of our best man. No, make a lottery; And, by device, let blockish Ajax draw The chance to fight with ... — The Works of John Dryden, Vol. 6 (of 18) - Limberham; Oedipus; Troilus and Cressida; The Spanish Friar • John Dryden
... phalanx, he approach'd and drove A spear right through his body at the waist. Sounding he fell. Loud groan'd Achaia's host. As when the lion and the sturdy boar 1005 Contend in battle on the mountain-tops For some scant rivulet, thirst-parch'd alike, Ere long the lion quells the panting boar; So Priameian Hector, spear in hand, Slew Menoetiades the valiant slayer 1010 Of multitudes, and thus in accents wing'd, With fierce delight exulted in his fall. It was ... — The Iliad of Homer - Translated into English Blank Verse • Homer
... by a sep'rate course, Lead o'er the hideous desart half his train— 135 "And search, he cried, this drear, uncultur'd plain: "Perchance some fruitage withering in the breeze, "The pains of lessen'd numbers may appease; "Or Heav'n in pity, from some genial shower, "On the parch'd lip one precious drop ... — Poems (1786), Volume I. • Helen Maria Williams
... drier; vacuum oven, drying oven, kiln; lyophilizer. clothesline. V. be dry &c. adj.. [transitive] render dry &c. adj.; dry; dry up, soak up; sponge, swab, wipe; drain. desiccate, dehydrate, exsiccate[obs3]; parch. kiln dry; vacuum dry, blow dry, oven dry; hang out to dry. mummify. be fine, hold up. Adj. dry, anhydrous, arid; adust[obs3], arescent|; dried &c. v.; undamped; juiceless[obs3], sapless; sear; husky; rainless, ... — Roget's Thesaurus
... could no more be seen by themselves, than the stream that runs in the next valley can be seen by us through yonder mountain', though any looker on might have discovered it as plainly as we can discover the parch that are swimming around ... — The Deerslayer • James Fenimore Cooper
... with them; and there I began to make acquaintance with the Antipodean trees and flowers. I hope you will not think it a very sweeping assertion if I say that all the leaves look as if they were made of leather, but it really is so; the hot winds appear to parch up everything, at all events, round Melbourne, till the greatest charm of foliage is more or less lost; the flowers also look withered and burnt up, as yours do at the end of a long, dry summer, only they assume this appearance after the first hot wind in spring. The suburb called ... — Station Life in New Zealand • Lady Barker
... liddle log cabin, Ever since I'se been born; Dere hain't been no nothin' 'Cept dat hard salt parch corn. ... — Negro Folk Rhymes - Wise and Otherwise: With a Study • Thomas W. Talley
... Indian Caucasus, That vast sky neighbouring mountain of milk snow; Crossing so high, that, as they mount, they pass Long flocks of travelling birds dead on the snow, Choked by the air, and scarce can they themselves Slake their parch'd throats with sugar'd mulberries— In single file they move, and stop their breath, For fear they ... — A Book of Discovery - The History of the World's Exploration, From the Earliest - Times to the Finding of the South Pole • Margaret Bertha (M. B.) Synge
... sings gaily in the oaks, White fluffy clouds rest in the murky sky. It is yet cool, the maples scarcely stir, But noon will burn the grasses by the way And give the girl there at the soda fount A welcome trade. The heat will parch the earth, So that flowers will wilt and droop their charm. But night will come and bring refreshing breeze And fold a soothing mantle over all Like mother spreading blankets over Tom. Now day by day the summer slips on by, Its ... — Some Broken Twigs • Clara M. Beede
... most refresh us In the desert parch'd and drear, Sorrow renders love more precious, Makes the ... — Eidolon - The Course of a Soul and Other Poems • Walter R. Cassels
... [Footnote 179: Parch. Pilgr. I. 608.—Hawes sailed in the fleet under Keeling, in 1615, which carried out Sir Thomas Roe, already related in Sect. IV. of this chapter; and the present short article almost exclusively relates to the new ... — A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume IX. • Robert Kerr
... me? Bah! repay me in the other world—below, with a drop of cold water when I parch!" And with a dulcet yet demoniacal laugh, the singular creature pushed him into a lightless lobby, slammed a door and seemed to run away, singing the refrain of the waltz which ... — The Son of Clemenceau • Alexandre (fils) Dumas
... our Breakfasts of Parch'd Corn, having nothing but that to subsist on for above 100 Miles. All the Pine-Trees were vanish'd, for we had seen none for two days. We pass'd through a delicate rich Soil this day; no great Hills, but pretty Risings, and Levels, which made a beautiful Country. We likewise pass'd over ... — A New Voyage to Carolina • John Lawson |