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Paleolithic   Listen
Paleolithic  adj.  (Geol.) Of or pertaining to an era marked by early stone implements. The Paleolithic era (as proposed by Lubbock) includes the earlier half of the "Stone Age;" the remains belonging to it are for the most part of extinct animals, with relics of human beings.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Paleolithic" Quotes from Famous Books

... ecological, based in a conviction that man's own good is heavily dependent on the good of the earth in all its complexity. No one at this point in time, obviously, is going to be able to reconstitute the primeval Paleolithic world, nor would many people want to. The earth has changed with people in their long surge toward dominion over its ways and its creatures. But there is a difference between adaptive change and the degeneration that modern times ...
— The Nation's River - The Department of the Interior Official Report on the Potomac • United States Department of the Interior

... others, in Kent and Oxfordshire, undoubtedly once dwelt in. In one of the Kentish pits 900 flakes and cores of flint were found. The Chysoyster huts in Cornwall and the "Picts houses" in Scotland were built up of stones, underground.] But the original paleolithic man did not get beyond the cavern or the rock-shelter. This latter was a retreat beneath an overhanging stratum of hard rock, screened against the weather by a curtain of skins. And why should he wish to change ...
— Castles and Cave Dwellings of Europe • Sabine Baring-Gould

Words linked to "Paleolithic" :   period, Paleolithic Age, Upper Paleolithic, time period, palaeolithic

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