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Oxalis   Listen
Oxalis  n.  (Bot.) A genus of plants, mostly herbs, with acid-tasting trifoliolate or multifoliolate leaves; called also wood sorrel.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Oxalis" Quotes from Famous Books

... me so many many years ago. Yet the miracles are greater now than they were then. They have more meaning. Now are they part of some great order. They are not separate. Without moving my feet, I lay my hands on apples, Virginia creeper, asparagus, marigold, sweet sultan, oxalis, plantain, crab-grass, white clover, all growing securely in one place, and everyone like unto itself alone. Here is the everlasting miracle before my eyes, and all miracles are mysteries. Once I thought I should understand such ...
— The Apple-Tree - The Open Country Books—No. 1 • L. H. Bailey

Words linked to "Oxalis" :   Oxalis pes-caprae, Oxalis caprina, English-weed, herbaceous plant, sorrel, creeping oxalis, Bermuda buttercup, oka, Oxalis corniculata, cuckoo bread, goatsfoot, violet wood sorrel, Oxalis violacea, wood sorrel, herb, Oxalis acetosella, goat's foot, Oxalis tuberosa

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