"Overfatigue" Quotes from Famous Books
... quite possible to maintain perfect health through life without exercising the sexual function at all. Undue irritation of the sexual organs causes disorder of the nervous system, and if continued it will result ultimately in overfatigue and failure of the nervous activities which control the normal functions of every organ in the body. In other words, it ... — The Home Medical Library, Volume II (of VI) • Various
... himself, having watered, fed, and littered down his tired horse, made his way to a little cafe he commonly frequented, and spent the few sous he could afford on an iced draught of lemon-flavored drink. Eat he could not; overfatigue had given him a nausea for food, and the last hour, motionless in the intense glow of the afternoon sun, had brought that racking pain through his temples which assailed him rarely now, but which in his ... — Under Two Flags • Ouida [Louise de la Ramee] |