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Os  n.  (Chem.) The chemical symbol for the element osmium.

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"Os" Quotes from Famous Books

... Ellesin hegemonikos, tois de Barbarois despotikos krasthar kai ton men os philon kai oikeion epimeleisthai, tois de os zoois he phytois prospheresthai. Plutarch. de Fortun. ...
— An Essay on the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species, Particularly the African • Thomas Clarkson

... certain rhymes could be declared contraband of written or printed language. Nothing should be allowed to be hurled at the world or whirled with it, or furled upon it or curled over it; all eyes should be kept away from the skies, in spite of os homini sublime dedit; youth should be coupled with all the virtues except truth; earth should never be reminded of her birth; death should never be allowed to stop a mortal's breath, nor the bell to sound his knell, nor flowers from ...
— The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. (The Physician and Poet not the Jurist)

... tradition, developed by their Rabbins in many passages, that there was one small, almond shaped bone, (supposed now to have been the bone called by anatomists the os coccygis,) which was indestructible, and would form the nucleus around which the rest of the body would gather at the time of the resurrection. This bone, named Luz, was miraculously preserved from demolition or decay. Pound it furiously on anvils with heavy ...
— The Destiny of the Soul - A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life • William Rounseville Alger

... twelve hours, and the country around X—— was almost a morass. The roadbed was good, however, and when the section men came in at six that night they reported the track firm and safe. But, my stars! how the rain was falling at seven-thirty as the flyer went smashing by. I made my "OS" report and then thought I'd sit around and wait until it had passed Dunraven and have a little chat with Mary, before going home for the night. At seven-forty-five I called her but no answer. Then I waited. Eight o'clock, eight-fifteen, eight-twenty, ...
— Danger Signals • John A. Hill and Jasper Ewing Brady

... before the day of judgment would be anticipatory of that great event, if, indeed, it would not render it needless. As to the resurrection, some believe it to be merely spiritual, others corporeal; the latter asserting that the os coccygis, or last bone of the spinal column, will serve, as it were, as a germ, and that, vivified by a rain of forty days, the body will sprout from it. Among the signs of the approaching resurrection will be the rising of the sun in the West. It will be ushered ...
— History of the Intellectual Development of Europe, Volume I (of 2) - Revised Edition • John William Draper

... salutation of carrying the hand to the mouth, ad os, is the root of the Latin word adoro, adorare. See our learned Selden, (vol. iii. p. 143-145, 942,) in his Titles of Honor. It seems, from the 1st book of Herodotus, to ...
— The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 5 • Edward Gibbon

... "De noite todos os gatos sao pardos," he said. "At night all cats are gray. I am much in the dark, gentlemen. If you would be so good as ...
— The Pathless Trail • Arthur O. (Arthur Olney) Friel

... doctors, taking drugs, and resorting to all sorts of expedients; but the hemorrhages continued, and were repeated at irregular and abnormally frequent intervals. A careful local examination disclosed no local disturbance. There was neither ulceration, hypertrophy, or congestion of the os or cervix uteri; no displacement of any moment, of ovarian tenderness. In spite of all her difficulties, however, she worked on courageously and steadily in a man's way and with a woman's will. After ...
— Sex in Education - or, A Fair Chance for Girls • Edward H. Clarke

... particular. He who will choose his dishes leads a sorry life, for the hotels are adamant in their fare and restaurants are almost unknown, except the dozens of little outdoor ones about the market-places where a white man would attract undue attention—if nothing less curable—among the "pela'os" that make up 80 per cent. ...
— Tramping Through Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras - Being the Random Notes of an Incurable Vagabond • Harry A. Franck

... son," Kitchell had explained to Wilbur, "os-tensiblee we are after shark-liver oil—and so we are; but also we are on any lay that turns up; ready for any game, from wrecking to barratry. Strike me, if I haven't thought of scuttling the dough-dish for her insoorance. There's ...
— Moran of the Lady Letty • Frank Norris

... 1879, cited in article Hebrew, in Encyclopaedia Britannica. For Wasmuth, see his Vindiciae Sanctae Hebraicae Scripturae, Rostock, 1664. For Reuchlin, see the dedicatory preface to his Rudimenta Hebraica, Pforzheim, 1506, folio, in which he speaks of the "in divina scriptura dicendi genus, quale os Dei locatum est." The statement in the Margarita Philosophica as to Hebrew is doubtless based on Reuchlin's Rudimenta Hebraica, which it quotes, and which first appeared in 1506. It is significant that this section disappeared from the Margarita in the following ...
— History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom • Andrew Dickson White

... foregoing results and inferences, proceeds by relating instances of severe injury sustained by the human body, without being followed by death. These are confirmatory of his inferences from the experiments on rabbits. The instances given are—an os uteri torn off; extensive laceration of the uterus and rectum in labour; four uteri extirpated on account of chronic inversion, (p. 13.) One of these last under his own care. It was removed by a wire, and came ...
— North American Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, July, 1826 • Various

... Imperial order of March 30th, 1823—given for the vigorous blockade of Bahia, His Majesty had explicitly ordered the Portuguese to be considered as "enemies of the empire."—"Distruindo ou tomando todas as forcas Portuguesas que encontrar e fazendo todas damnos possives a os inimigos ...
— Narrative of Services in the Liberation of Chili, Peru and Brazil, - from Spanish and Portuguese Domination, Volume 2 • Thomas Cochrane, Tenth Earl of Dundonald

... at the bridge of San Felices. Marching north now, they came before daybreak upon the Douro. Here they again lay up during the day and, that evening, obtained two boats at a village near the mouth of the Tormes, and crossed into the Portuguese province of Tras os Nontes. ...
— Under Wellington's Command - A Tale of the Peninsular War • G. A. Henty

... "Habed, yo os ruego, de mi compassion, no querais atapar con vuestros consejos los respiraderos de las hornazas de fuego, que dentro me atormentan." See Oliva, Obras, ...
— The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella The Catholic, V2 • William H. Prescott

... Against these losses France could set only a momentary possession of St. John's, Newfoundland, which was speedily retaken. Spain had to pay heavily for her rashness in espousing the French cause. Her troops, indeed, entered Portugal, overran Traz-os-Montes, and threatened Oporto, while south of the Douro they advanced as far as Almeida and took it. But the aspect of affairs changed when 8,000 British soldiers landed at Lisbon and the Count of Lippe-Buckeburg took the command. He was ably seconded ...
— The Political History of England - Vol. X. • William Hunt

... the death of Crampley; but this fear vanished when my fellow-mate having, by bleeding him in the jugular, brought him to himself, and inquired into the state of his body, called up to me to be under no concern, for the midshipman had received no other damage than as pretty a luxation of the os humeri as one would desire to see on a summer's day. Upon this information I crawled down to the cock-pit, and acquainted Thompson with the affair, who, providing himself with bandages, etc, necessary for the occasion, ...
— The Adventures of Roderick Random • Tobias Smollett

... senhores da costa Choromandel, parte do Malabar e desta Ilha Ceilao. Na qual Ilha leixaram huma lingua, a que elles chamam Chingalla, e aos proprios povos Chingallas, principalmente os que vivem da ponta de Galle por diante na face da terra contra o Sul, e Oriente: e por ser pegada neste Cabo Galle, chamou a outra gente, que vivia do meio da ilha pera cima, aos que aqui habitavam ...
— Ceylon; an Account of the Island Physical, Historical, and • James Emerson Tennent

... was Lobo, the misogynist, who had fled a wife and eleven children back in Monterey; and Januzki, who used to be mixed up with one of those odd religious cults out on the Coast. He bragged he'd been one of the Big Daddy-Os in the Beat Generationists, and he argued with Bassett about some ...
— This Crowded Earth • Robert Bloch

... toiede kai andron. Phulla ta men t' anemos chamadis cheei, alla de th' ule Telethoosa phuei, earos d' epigignetai ore. Os andron genee, e men phuei, e ...
— The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume I • Percy Bysshe Shelley

... apparently to the rest of the passengers as they reach Adelaide, are these: "Let os mech hest end go tu thi Costom-HauS tu hev aur logh-eggS ech-samint. In OstrelIa, thi Costom-HauS OffIsaRs aR not hottE, ...
— Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 152, April 11, 1917 • Various

... patriotes, Par des rois encore infectes. La terre de la liberte Rejette les os des despotes. De ces monstres divinises Que tous lea cercueils soient brises! Que leur memoirs soit fletrie! Et qu'avec leurs manes errants Sortent du sein de la patrie Les cadavres de ...
— The Duchess of Berry and the Court of Charles X • Imbert De Saint-Amand

... frequent, examples of pleonasm, tautology, and periphrasis, antitheses of positive and negative, false emphasis, and other affectations, are more numerous than in the other writings of Plato; there is also a more common and sometimes unmeaning use of qualifying formulae, os epos eipein, kata dunamin, and of double expressions, pante pantos, oudame oudamos, opos kai ope—these are too numerous to be attributed to errors in the text; again, there is an over-curious adjustment of ...
— Laws • Plato

... osculari nisi ad os suum levaret, cumque sui comites illum admonerent ut pedem Regis in acceptione tanti muneris, Neustriae provinciae, oscularetur, Anglica lingua respondit 'ne se bi got', quod interpretatur 'ne per ...
— Popular Tales from the Norse • Sir George Webbe Dasent

... a reserve of forty rifles, not one of the hunters has nerve enough to shoot unless officially authorized or personally desirous of visiting the silver-mines of Siberia. Crack! thug! The smoke clears away. By Jove! his imperial majesty has done it cleverly; hit the brute plumb on the os frontis, or through the heart, it makes no difference which. Down drops Bruin, kicking and tearing up the earth at a dreadful rate; cheers rend the welkin; pots, pans, and kettles are banged. High above all rises the stern voice of the autocrat, calling for another rifle, which ...
— The Land of Thor • J. Ross Browne

... statistics, and diplomacy of the two periods, can lay a ground for the solid adjudication of so large a comparison. Meantime, in the absence of such an investigation, pursued upon a scale of suitable proportions, what if we should sketch a rapid outline [Greek Text: os en tupo pexilabeln] of its elements, (to speak by a metaphor borrowed from practical astronomy)—i. e. of the principal and most conspicuous points which its path would traverse? How much these two men, each central to ...
— Theological Essays and Other Papers v2 • Thomas de Quincey

... thirionaf a welsom erioed; eto "na thristawn fel rhai heb obaith." Oni adawodd dystiolaeth ar ei ol ei fod wedi myned i ddedwyddwch—i wlad well na daear, "lle y gorffwys y rhai lluddedig, ac ni chlywant lais y gorthrymydd." Ac os dilynwn ei lwybrau, ni a gawn ei gyfarfod eto mewn ardal nad oes na phechod, na phoen, nag ymadawiad o'i mewn. "Gwir ddymuniad fy nghalon, a'm ...
— Gwaith Alun • Alun

... Theios arithmos, os phesin o Pythagoreios eis auton umnos, Monados ek keuthmonos akeralou esti'an iketai Tetrada epi zatheen, he de teke metera panton, Pandechea, presbeiran, oron peri pasi titheiran, Atropon, akamatou, dekada kleiousi min agnen, Athanatoi to ...
— Introduction to the Philosophy and Writings of Plato • Thomas Taylor

... comfortable; and though your raft cannot sink (being too worthless for that), it may go to pieces, I suppose, when the four winds (your only pilots) steer competitively from its four corners, and carry it, [Greek: os oporinos Borees phoreesin akanthas], and then more than your feet will be in ...
— The Crown of Wild Olive • John Ruskin

... The next fallacy suffers from the want of a convenient name. It is called by Aristotle [Greek: t plos tde p lgestai ka m kupos] or, more briefly, [Greek: t pls m], or [Greek: t p ka pls], and by the Latin writers 'Fallacia a dicto secundum quid ad dictum simpliciter.' It consists in taking what is said in a particular respect as though it held true without any restriction, ...
— Deductive Logic • St. George Stock

... ubi Oceani perfusus Lucifer unda, Quem Venus ante alios astrorum diligit ignes, Extulit os sacrum coelo, ...
— The Essays of Montaigne, Complete • Michel de Montaigne

... The Os Lusiades, an epic poem, that has been called "one of the noblest monuments ever raised to the national glory of any people," was written by Luis de Camoens, a Portuguese of the sixteenth century. It is intensely patriotic, although it is touched by both Greek mythology, and the Italian style, which ...
— The Interdependence of Literature • Georgina Pell Curtis

... "Os," replied Watts, "I got a presentiment I'm goin' to be shot in the rear. It will kill me to be shot in the back, and I've got a notion that's how I ...
— A Certain Rich Man • William Allen White

... estin Theos, Os ouranon t' eteuxe kai gaian makran, Poniou te karapon oidma, kanemon bian, k. ...
— Christianity and Greek Philosophy • Benjamin Franklin Cocker

... regardent dans les corps diaphanes, tels que les miroirs, les cuvettes remplies d'eau et les liquides; ceux qui inspectent les coeurs, les foies et les os des animaux, ... tous ces gens-la appartiennent aussi a la categorie des devins, mais, a cause de l'imperfection de leur nature, ils y occupent un rang inferieur. Pour ecarter le voile des sens, le vrai devin ...
— The Making of Religion • Andrew Lang

... captive, an odd expression on his handsome face as if he were striving to recall some dim memory. When he spoke it was to the Com-tech. "You have an HD OS here?" ...
— Plague Ship • Andre Norton

... ARAWACK, 1800. pater, pilplii, itti. mater, saeckee, uju. caput, wassijehe, waseye. auris, wadycke, wadihy. oculus, wackosije, wakusi. nasus, wassyerii, wasiri. os, dalerocke, daliroko. dentes, darii, dari. crura, dadane, dadaanah. pedes, dackosye, dakuty. arbor, hada, adda. arcus, semarape, semaara-haaba. sagittae, symare, semaara. luna, cattehel, katsi. sol, ...
— The Arawack Language of Guiana in its Linguistic and Ethnological Relations • Daniel G. Brinton

... She was named Chosroiduchta, and had not the os patulum like other women. (Hist. Armen. l. ii. c. 79.) I do not understand the expression. * Note: Os patulum signifies merely a large and widely opening mouth. Ovid (Metam. xv. 513) says, speaking of the monster who attacked Hippolytus, patulo partem maris evomit ore. ...
— The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Volume 1 • Edward Gibbon

... a spout, and a round belly. On the neck, within a zigzag "geometrical" pattern, is a doe, feeding, and a tall water-fowl. On the shoulder is scratched with a point, in very antique Attic characters running from right to left, [Greek: os nun orchaeston panton hatalotata pais ei, tou tode]. "This is the jug of him who is the most delicately sportive of all dancers of our time." The jug is attributed to the eighth century. [Footnote: Walters, History of Ancient Pottery, vol. ii. p, 243; Kretschmer, Griechischen ...
— Homer and His Age • Andrew Lang

... and the irreparable weakening of his hold on what remains. The eldest daughter of the church will remain accountable for it before contemporaries, before history, before Europe, and before God. She will not be allowed to wipe her mouth like the adultress in Scripture, quae tergens os suum dicit, non ...
— Pius IX. And His Time • The Rev. AEneas MacDonell

... written with acrostics on their respective titles. One of the most remarkable acrostics was contained in the verses cited by Lactantius and Eusebius in the 4th century, and attributed to the Erythraean sibyl, the initial letters of which form the words 'Insous Arist.os Theou uios sozer: "Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Saviour.'' The initials of the shorter form of this again make up the word ichthbs (fish), to which a mystical meaning has been attached (Augustine, De Civitale Dei, 18, 23), ...
— Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia

... slope. The height of this ridge makes the neck appear much depressed, and also adds greatly to the clumsiness of the chest, which, although narrow, is very deep. The sternum is covered by a continuation of the dewlap. The rump, or os sacrum, has a more considerable declivity than that of the European Ox, but less ...
— Delineations of the Ox Tribe • George Vasey

... classify Which end, like egotists, in i, Rememb'ring mihi, tibi, sibi Are common, so are ubi, ibi; Nis{i} is always short, and quas{i}'s Short also, so are certain cases In i— Greek vocatives and datives (At least if we may trust the natives;) Making their genitives in os, For instance— Phyllis, Phyllidos. (A name oft utter'd with a sigh,) Whereof the dative ends in {i}. Words in l ending short are all, Save nIl for nihil, sAl, and sOl, And some few Hebrew words t'were well To cite; as MichaEl, RaphaEl. Your n's are long, ...
— The Comic Latin Grammar - A new and facetious introduction to the Latin tongue • Percival Leigh

... peiro e tampouna d'erbiho Lou coufie sus l'anco pendiho. Si la peiro es au fres dins soun estui de bos, E se de longo es abeurado, L'Ome barbelo au fio d'aqueli souleiado Que fan bouli de fes la mesoulo dis os. ...
— Social Life in the Insect World • J. H. Fabre

... Ernesti observes, the verb [Greek: proiapsen] does not necessarily contain the idea of a premature death, yet the ancient interpreters are almost unanimous in understanding it so. Thus Eustathius, p. 13, ed. Bas.: [Greek: meta blazes eis Aioen pro to deontos epemphen, os tes protheseos] (i.e. pro) [Greek: kairikon ti delouses, e aplos epemphen, os pleonazouses tes protheseos.] Hesych. t. ii. p. 1029, s. n.: [Greek: proiapsen—deloi de dia tes lezeos ten met' odunes auton apoleian]. Cf. Virg. AEn. xii. 952: ...
— The Iliad of Homer (1873) • Homer

... think I was hysterical," she cried, under her breath. "He would think I was vulgar and stupid, that I was a fussy woman with foolish ideas, which made him ridiculous. Captain Os-born is of his family. I should be accusing him of being a criminal. And yet I might have been in the bottomless pond, in the bottomless pond, and ...
— Emily Fox-Seton - Being The Making of a Marchioness and The Methods of Lady Walderhurst • Frances Hodgson Burnett

... I thought I was a lost man. I suffered a martyrdom of pain. The last of my vertebral bones, called by doctors the os sacrum, felt as if it had been crushed to atoms, although I had used almost the whole of a pot of ointment which Esther had given me for that purpose. In spite of my torments I did not forget my promise, and I had myself taken to a bookseller's ...
— The Memoires of Casanova, Complete • Jacques Casanova de Seingalt

... "Os, por le cuer be!" fait cil. "Por quoi canteroie je por vos, s'il ne me seoit! Quant il n'a si rice home en cest pais sans le cors le conte Garin s'il trovait mes bues ne mes vaces ne mes brebis en ses pres n'en sen forment qu'il fust mie tant hardis ...
— Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres • Henry Adams

... tasmad adhikatva/m/ /k/a na pratitish/th/ati. Ki/m/ tavat praptam. Atyanta/m/ bhinna iti. Kuta/h/. J/n/aj/n/nau dvav ityadibhedanirde/s/at. J/n/aj/n/ayor abheda/s/rutayas tv agnina si/nk/ed itivad viruddharthapratipadanad aupa/k/arikya/h/, Brahma/n/os/ms/o jiva ity api na sadhiya/h/, ekavastvekade/s/ava/k/i hy a/ms/a/s/sabda/h/, jivasya brahmaikade/s/atve tadgata dosha brahma/n/i bhaveyu/h/. Na /k/a brahmakha/nd/o jiva ity a/ms/atvopapatti/h/ kha/nd/ananarhatvad brahma/n/a/h/ ...
— The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Sankaracarya - Sacred Books of the East, Volume 1 • George Thibaut

... observes that the sacrifice of the wolf seems to have been the act of the Persians, referring to Plutarch de Is. et Os., where it is said that it was a custom with them to sacrifice that animal. "They thought the wolf," he adds, "the son and image of Ahrimanes, as appears from Kleuker in Append. ad Zendavestam, T. II. P. iii. pp. 78, 84; ...
— The First Four Books of Xenophon's Anabasis • Xenophon

... unum consentiebant, sed singulis membris suum cuique consilium, sum sermo fuerat, indignatas reliquas partes, sua cura, suo labore, ac ministerio, ventri omnia quaeri; ventrem in medio quietum, nihil aliud, quam datis voluptatibus frui; conspirasse inde, ne manus ad os cibum ferrent, nec os acciperit datum, nec dentes conficerent. Hac ira dum ventrem fame domare vellent, ipsa una membra, totumque corpus ad extremam tabem venisse. Inde apparuisse, ventris quoque haud segne ministerium ...
— A Dialogue Concerning Oratory, Or The Causes Of Corrupt Eloquence • Cornelius Tacitus

... negligence. Hence, as he partly renounced his peculiar excellences, we need not be astonished that he did not succeed in surpassing Lope in his own walk. Two, however, of these pieces, The Christian Slaves in Algiers (Los Baos de Argel), an alteration of the piece before-mentioned, and The Labyrinth of Love, are, in their whole plot, deserving of great praise, while all of them contain so many beautiful and ingenious traits, that when ...
— Lectures on Dramatic Art - and Literature • August Wilhelm Schlegel trans John Black

... As a Scottish judge, he took the designation of his family estate. His philosophy, as is well known, was of a fanciful and somewhat fantastic character; but his learning was deep, and he was possessed of a singular power of eloquence, which reminded the hearer of the os rotundum of the Grove ,or Academe. Enthusiastically partial to classical habits, his entertainments were always given in the evening, when there was a circulation of excellent Bordeaux, in flasks garlanded with roses, which were also ...
— Guy Mannering • Sir Walter Scott

... Os. A common termination of Gypsy nouns. It is frequently appended by the Gypsies to English nouns ...
— Romano Lavo-Lil - Title: Romany Dictionary - Title: Gypsy Dictionary • George Borrow

... domum ad tuos Penates Fratresque unanimos anumque matrem? Venisti. o mihi nuntii beati! 5 Visam te incolumem audiamque Hiberum Narrantem loca, facta, nationes, Vt mos est tuus, adplicansque collum Iocundum os oculosque suaviabor. O quantumst hominum beatiorum, 10 Quid me laetius ...
— The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus • Caius Valerius Catullus

... the first element of the new groups, i.e., one column less than in Osmium. This would make 183 atoms in a bar; the new group then would follow in a bar, 183, 185, 187. Here I found to my surprise that the third postulated group would have a remarkable relation to Os, ...
— Occult Chemistry - Clairvoyant Observations on the Chemical Elements • Annie Besant and Charles W. Leadbeater

... expulsion of the teachers by the Marquis of Pombal, the natives have continued to teach each other. These devoted men are still held in high estimation throughout the country to this day. All speak well of them (os padres Jesuitas); and, now that they are gone from this lower sphere, I could not help wishing that these our Roman Catholic fellow-Christians had felt it to be their duty to give the people the Bible, to be a light to their feet when the good men ...
— Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa - Journeys and Researches in South Africa • David Livingstone

... on which the reputation of Camoens depends, is entitled "Os Lusiadas;" that is, the Lusitanians (or Portuguese), and its design is to present a poetic and epic grouping of all the great and interesting events in the annals of Portugal. The discovery of the passage to India, the most brilliant point in Portuguese history, was selected as the groundwork ...
— Handbook of Universal Literature - From The Best and Latest Authorities • Anne C. Lynch Botta

... et nemo percipit corde; et viri justi tolluntur, et nemo considerat. A facie iniquitatis sublatus est justus: Et erit in pace memoria ejus Tanquam agnus coram tondente se obmutuit, et non aperuit os suum; de angustia, et de judicio sublatus est. Et ...
— The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book • Various

... been modified, and reduced by natural selection, in accordance with its sub-aquatic habits. Analogy thus often serves as a guide in distinguishing whether an organ is rudimentary or nascent. I believe the Os coccyx gives attachment to certain muscles, but I can not doubt that it is a rudimentary tail. The bastard wing of birds is a rudimentary digit; and I believe that if fossil birds are found very low down in the series, they will be seen to have a double or bifurcated ...
— The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Volume II • Francis Darwin

... mal avenido. Soy injusta con l. Siempre me querr.... Siempre? No haberse acordado de que hoy es el segundo aniversario de nuestro enlace.... Bah! Los hombres tienen tantas cosas en que pensar! Bien poda yo haberle dicho: Eh, amiguito, que hoy hace aos que nos casamos. Pero ca! Ms de cien veces habr intentado decrselo, y nunca me lo consintieron la lengua ni los ojos:[2] muda la una, demasiado habladores los otros con lgrimas intempestivas. Le hallaba serio, meditabundo; me trataba con tibieza y despego por la primera vez de su vida.... ...
— Ms vale maa que fuerza • Manuel Tamayo y Baus

... co-present. But not now dare I longer discourse of this, waiting for a loftier mood, and a nobler subject, warned from within and from without, that it is profanation to speak of these mysteries tois maede phantasteisin, os kalon to taes dikaiosynaes kai sophrosynaes prosopon, kai oute hesperos oute eoos outo kala. To gar horon pros to horomenon syngenes kai homoion poiaesamenon dei epiballein tae thea, ou gar an popote eiden ophthalmos haelion, haelioeidaes ...
— Biographia Literaria • Samuel Taylor Coleridge

... of my eyesight or the ingenuous habit of my pen. I have already declared that the windows of my first-floor lodger are of such properties that they show you, in Xenophon's phrase, [Greek: ta onta te os onta, kai ta me onta os ouk onta]. Now consider it from his side. If I were to tell the owner of those windows that I saw the policeman at the corner, a helmeted, blue-tunicked, chin-scratching, ponderous man, some six foot in his boots, how would he ...
— Lore of Proserpine • Maurice Hewlett

... of Bates, "increased tenfold the feeling of inhospitable wildness which the forest is calculated to inspire." They are of a maroon color (the males wear a long red beard), and have under the jaw a bony goitre—an expansion of the os hyoides—by means of which they produce their loud, rolling noise. They set up an unusual chorus whenever they saw us, scampering to the tops of the highest trees, the dams carrying the young upon their backs. They are the ...
— The Andes and the Amazon - Across the Continent of South America • James Orton

... of Portugal is the work of Luis de Camoens, who, inspired by patriotic fervor, sang in Os Lusiades of the discovery of the eagerly sought maritime road to India. Of course, Vasco da Gama is the hero of this epic, which is described in extenso ...
— The Book of the Epic • Helene A. Guerber

... os'ler here, sir, afore I were born, and I growed up to the stable, Master 'Arry, just as your ole father growed up to the 'All. It were in ole Sir Markham's time, this were—ole Sir Markham, whose picture hangs above the mantel in the dinin'-'all, as fine a hold English gen'leman as ...
— Fifty-Two Stories For Girls • Various

... a timmersome teyke, os ey towd te efore," replied Ashbead. "But whot dust theaw say, Hal o' Nabs?" he added, to the sturdy hind ...
— The Lancashire Witches - A Romance of Pendle Forest • William Harrison Ainsworth

... De jour en jour se roule comme Aux rives se roulent les flots: Puis apres notre heure dernire Rien de nous ne reste en la bire Qu'une vieille carcasse d'os. ...
— French Lyrics • Arthur Graves Canfield

... concert with our friends, the H—-os. The music was better than the instruments, and the Senora Cesari looked handsome, as she always does, besides being beautifully dressed in white, with Paris wreaths. We took leave of our friends at the door of the hotel, at one in the morning, and lay down for two hours, in the full expectation ...
— Life in Mexico • Frances Calderon De La Barca

... deed, especially wild lond, by the awffer of a reasonable equivolent or indemnity. It proposes to return the purchase money, with five per cent. interest to date, and the amount of municipal toxes attested by receipts. Thot is regorded os a fair odjustment, ond on Miss Du Plessis surrendering her deed to me, the deportment will settle the claim within twelve months, if press ...
— Two Knapsacks - A Novel of Canadian Summer Life • John Campbell

... os fossiles decouverts aupres de la ville d'Aix en Provence" (Mem. Acad. Sc., Paris, ...
— Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution - His Life and Work • Alpheus Spring Packard

... complete account of the Canary Islands, that was written in ancient times, down to the Middle Ages, was collected in a work of Joachim Jose da Costa de Macedo, with the title "Memoria cem que se pretende provar que os Arabes nao connecerao as Canarias autes dos Portuguesques, 1844." (See, also, Viera y Clavigo, Notic. de ...
— The Conquest of Canada (Vol. 1 of 2) • George Warburton

... pinnis intaminatis; macula argentata post os maxillare, altera in summa gena pone oculum et tertia majori in ...
— Discoveries in Australia, Volume 1. • J Lort Stokes

... above quotation, has reference to those who have so long indulged in evil speaking that it has become, as it were, an incurable habit. If any man makes a practice of slandering his neighbors, and disturbing the peace of the community, it is immaterial to what church he may belong, or what os-tentatious professions he may make, he is, notwithstanding all this, ...
— Twenty-Four Short Sermons On The Doctrine Of Universal Salvation • John Bovee Dods

... through ignorance, instances 'the man who did not know a subject was forbidden, like Aeschylus with the Mysteries,' and 'the man who only meant to show how it worked, like the fellow who let off the catapult' ([Greek: e deixai Boulemos apheinai, os o ton katapelten]). ...
— On The Art of Reading • Arthur Quiller-Couch

... the day of his death, and beside this, there were reprints of the Polychronicon and the Directorium Sacerdotum. The reprint of the Boke of St. Albans, which was issued in 1496, is noticeable as being printed in the type which De Worde obtained from Godfried van Os, the Gouda printer. This broad square set letter is not found in any other book of De Worde's, though he continued to use a set of initial letters which he obtained from the same printer ...
— A Short History of English Printing, 1476-1898 • Henry R. Plomer

... brulent et les decembres Gelent votre chair jusqu'aux os, Et la fievre envahit vos membres Qui se ...
— Suspended Judgments - Essays on Books and Sensations • John Cowper Powys

... tremor pertentat equorum Corpora, si tantum notas odor attulit auras? Nonne canis nidum veneris nasutus odore Quaerit, et erranti trahitur sublambere lingua? Respuit at gustum cupidus, labiisque retractis Elevat os, trepidansque novis impellitur aestris Inserit et vivum felici vomere semen.— Quam tenui filo caecos adnectit amores Docta Venus, ...
— Zoonomia, Vol. I - Or, the Laws of Organic Life • Erasmus Darwin

... de Ojeda hears of your calling him a cockroach on a mast, he will grind your ribs to a paste with a cudgel (os moliesen las costillas a puros palos)!" observed a pale, sharp-faced lad in a shabby doublet. The sailor who had made the comparison glanced at him ...
— Days of the Discoverers • L. Lamprey

... this theory, it was believed that the spermatozoa were, as Wilkinson expresses it, in a history of opinion on this question, "endowed with some sort of intuition or instinct; that they would turn in the direction of the os uteri, wading through the acid mucus of the vagina; travel patiently upward and around the vaginal portion of the uterus; enter the uterus and proceed onward in search of the waiting ovum." (A.D. Wilkinson, "Sterility in the Female," Transactions ...
— Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 (of 6) • Havelock Ellis

... la tendresse d'vne femme enuers son pere et ses enfans; elle est fille d'vn Capitaine, qui est mort fort g, et a est autrefois fort considerable dans le Pas: elle luy peignoit sa cheuelure, elle manioit ses os les vns apres les autres, auec la mesme affection que si elle luy eust voulu rendre la vie; elle luy mit aupres de luy son Atsatone8ai, c'est dire son pacquet de buchettes de Conseil, qui sont tous ...
— The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century • Francis Parkman

... the intermediate ear; it consists of the tympanum, mastoid cells, and Eustachian tube. The tympanum contains four small delicate bones, viz. the malleus, the incus, the stapes, and the os orbiculare, joined to the incus. The intermediate ear displays an irregular cavity, having a membrane, called the membrana tympani, stretched across its extremity; and this cavity has a communication ...
— The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction. - Volume XIII, No. 376, Saturday, June 20, 1829. • Various

... almyghte; And alle the pepulle in that Citie 'Wilcome our[AL] lorde,' thay seide, 'so fre! Wilcome into[AM] thyne owne righte, As it is the[AN] wille of[AO] god almyght.' With that thay kryde alle 'nowelle!' Os[AP] heighe as thay myght yelle. He rode vpon a browne stede, Of blak damaske was his wede. A peytrelle[AQ] of golde fulle bryght Aboute his necke hynge[AR] doun right, And a pendaunte behynd him dide[AS] honge Vnto the erthe, it was ...
— A Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in France and Germany, Volume One • Thomas Frognall Dibdin

... le hallais, por ventura, No os enamore su amoroso acento; No os prende su hermosura; Volvedmele al momento; O dejadle, si ...
— Poetical Works of William Cullen Bryant - Household Edition • William Cullen Bryant

... has learned that in the genitive plural of the first declension of Greek nouns the final syllable is circumflexed, but to this there are the following exceptions: 1. That feminine adjectives and participles in [Greek: -os, -e, -on] are accented like the genitive masculine, but other feminine adjectives and participles are perispomena in the genitive plural; 2. That the substantives chrestes, aphue, etesiai, and chlounes in the genitive plural remain paroxytones, (Kuehner's Elementary ...
— The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 15, No. 92, June, 1865 • Various

... practised it merely to obtain some money, and that the singers were associated with him in all that he did. The King soothed his apprehensions, and conferred upon him a dress of honour, consisting of a doshala and roomul, and then made him over to the custody of Ashfak-os Sultan. At night the King sent for the minister, and, summoning Sadik Allee, bid him dress himself exactly as he was dressed on the night he visited him, and prepare a room in the palace exactly in the same manner as he had prepared his own to receive his Majesty on that night. He chose ...
— A Journey through the Kingdom of Oude, Volumes I & II • William Sleeman

... venha ao levar para Lourenzo Marquez, que o meu amigo ————- leve a cousa ao conhecimento d' El Rei, para que possa mandar um exercito que, se desfiler pelo deserto e pelas montonhas e mesmo sobrepujar os bravos Kukuanes e suas artes diabolicas, pelo que se deviam trazer muitos padres Far o Rei mais rico depois de Salomao Com meus proprios olhos ve os di amantes sem conto guardados nas camaras do ...
— King Solomon's Mines • H. Rider Haggard

... sermones eo inter utrumque altercalione provecta, ut Elector irae impotestior, nulla dignitatis, hospitii, cognationis, affinitatisve verecundia cohibitus, intenderit Neoburgio manus, et contra tendentis os verberaverit. Ita, quae apud concordes vincula caritatis, incitamenta irarum apud infensos erant." (Cited in Kohler, Munzbelustiqungen, xxi. 341; who refers also to Levassor, Histoire de Louis XII.)—Pauli (iii. 542) bedomes qnite vaporous.] ...
— History Of Friedrich II. of Prussia, Vol. III. (of XXI.) - Frederick The Great—The Hohenzollerns In Brandenburg—1412-1718 • Thomas Carlyle

... before,—a discovery that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in our philosophy. It is the lighting up of the mist by the sun. Man cannot know in any higher sense than this, any more than he can look serenely and with impunity in the face of the sun: [Greek: Os thi noon, on kehinon nohaeseis,]—"You will not perceive that, as perceiving a particular thing," ...
— Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 9, No. 56, June, 1862 • Various

... mund ne est (ben vus l'os dire) Pais, reaume, ne empire U tant unt este bons rois E seinz, cum en isle d'Englois ... Seinz, martirs e confessurs Ki pur Deu mururent plursurs; Li autre forz e hardiz mutz, Cum ...
— The English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare • J. J. Jusserand

... imposed upon me)—Ver. 661. "Os sublevere offuciis." Literally "painted my face with varnish." This expression is probably derived from the practice of persons concealing their defects, by painting over spots or freckles in the face for the purpose of ...
— The Captiva and The Mostellaria • Plautus

... tribe receive an annual subsidy from the Indian Government of 30,000 rupees, out of which they maintain 200 irregulars armed with Sniders, and irreverently called by the British officers, "Catch-'em-alive-Os." These drive away marauders and discourage outrage and murder. The Khan of Dir, through whose territory the road runs for seventy-three miles, also receives a subsidy from Government of 60,000 rupees, in consideration of which he provides ...
— The Story of the Malakand Field Force • Sir Winston S. Churchill

... vel morus nigerrimus, livoris totus plenus, nasus plenus, os amplissimum, lingua duplex in ore, que labia tota implebat, os apertum et adeo horribile quod nemo viderit unquam vel esse ...
— The Life of Cesare Borgia • Raphael Sabatini

... were ready to rush to Serbia's aid and so was the Greek prime minister. The queen of Greece, however, is a sister of the German emperor, and through her influence with her husband she was able to defeat the plans of Venizelos (ven i zel'os), the prime minister, who was notified by the king that Greece would not enter the war. Venizelos accordingly resigned, but not until he had given permission to the French and English to land troops at Salonika, for the ...
— The World War and What was Behind It - The Story of the Map of Europe • Louis P. Benezet

... an open bony structure, consisting of the Os Innominata, one on either side, and the Sacrum and Coccyx behind. The Sacrum, during childhood, consists of five bones, which in later years unite to form one bone. It is light and spongy in texture, and the upper surface articulates with the lowest vertebra, while ...
— The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English • R. V. Pierce

... Ma Aba guinoo Maria ma toua cana, napopono ca nang gracia. ang panginoon di os, ce, nasayyo. Bucor cang pinag pala sa babaying lahat. Pinag pala naman ang yyong anac si Jesus. Santa Maria yna nang, dios, ypanalangin mo camima casalanan ngaion at cun mama tai ...
— Doctrina Christiana • Anonymous

... medicolegal bearing. There is little doubt of the possibility of spermatozoa deposited on the genitalia making progress to the seat of fertilization, as their power of motility and tenacity of life have been well demonstrated. Percy reports an instance in which semen was found issuing from the os uteri eight and one-half days after the last intercourse; and a microscopic examination of this semen revealed the presence of living as well as dead spermatozoa. We have occasional instances of impregnation by rectal coitus, the semen finding its way ...
— Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine • George M. Gould

... and opens below in the vagina by an aperture which is round in virgins and is called the external os uteri. The walls of the womb consist of a thick layer of unstriped muscle. When childbirth takes place it causes tearing which makes the external os uteri irregular and fissured. During copulation the aperture of the penis or male organ is placed nearly opposite the os uteri, which facilitates the entrance of spermatozoa into the uterus. (For the illustration of these points ...
— The Sexual Question - A Scientific, psychological, hygienic and sociological study • August Forel

... Issues on the loins. Adhesive plaster on the loins. Blister on the os sacrum. Warm bath. Cold bath. Remove to a warmer climate in the winter. Loose dress about the waist. Friction ...
— Zoonomia, Vol. II - Or, the Laws of Organic Life • Erasmus Darwin

... possible to forget, he will have ample opportunity, amidst the crash of armies and the crumbling of an empire, to erase from his memory Elvas, and its "episode in winter quarters." From the heights of Traz os Montes, Wellington was now to make an eagle's swoop upon the north of Spain, and a lion's spring upon the herd, driven into the basin of Vittoria. The march now begun was to lead thence to the blood-stained passes of ...
— The Actress in High Life - An Episode in Winter Quarters • Sue Petigru Bowen

... commerce; Maurice Sceve celebrated his mistress Delie, "object of the highest virtue," with Petrarchan ingenuities; and his pupil LOUISE LABE, "la belle Cordiere," sang in her sonnets of a true passion felt, as she declares, "en ses os, en son sang, en son ame." The Lyonese poets, though imbued with Platonic ideas, rather carry on the tradition of Marot than announce the Pleiade. PIERRE DE RONSARD, born at a chateau a few leagues from Vendome, in the year 1524, was in the service of the sons of Francis I. ...
— A History of French Literature - Short Histories of the Literatures of the World: II. • Edward Dowden

... in some ways 'an things is now. We allus got plen'y ter eat, which we doan now. We can't make but fo' bits a day workin' out now, an' 'at doan buy nothin' at de sto'. Co'se Boss only give us work clo'es. When I was a kid I got two os'berg[FN: Osnaberg: the cheapest grade of cotton cloth] shirts a year. I never wo' no shoes. I didn' know whut a shoe was made fer, 'til I'se twelve or thirteen. We'd go rabbit ...
— Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves - Mississippi Narratives • Works Projects Administration

... Os rh' epea phresin esin akosma te, polla te ede Maps, atar ou kata kosmon epizemenai basileusin, All'o, ti ...
— Amelia (Complete) • Henry Fielding

... et cruces, et equleos, et uncum; et adactum per medium hominem, qui per os emergat, stipitem; et distracta in diversum actis curribus membra."—Epist. ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 66, February 1, 1851 • Various

... Venner, Medborgere, giver mig Gehor, jeg kommer for at jorde Caesars Legeme, ikke for at rose ham. Det Onde man gjor lever endnu efter os; det Gode begraves ofte tilligemed vore Been. Saa Vaere det ogsaa med Caesar. Den aedle Brutus har sagt Eder, Caesar var herskesyg. Var han det saa var det en svaer Forseelse: og Caesar har ogsaa dyrt maattet bode derfor. Efter Brutus og de Ovriges ...
— An Essay Toward a History of Shakespeare in Norway • Martin Brown Ruud

... God's aid by prayer. No prayer is more suitable than the prayer given as a preparatory prayer in the Breviary, "Aperi, Domine, os meum ... Open Thou, O Lord, my mouth to bless Thy holy name; cleanse my heart from vain, evil and wandering thoughts; enlighten my understanding, inflame my will, that so I may worthily, attentively and ...
— The Divine Office • Rev. E. J. Quigley

... great danger of his eyes, he gave up the useless task, pronouncing that the horse's head must have grown, (gout or dropsy!) since the collar was put on! 'for,' he said 'It was a downright impossibility for such a huge Os Frontis to pass through so narrow a collar!' Just at this instant the servant girl came near, and understanding the cause of our consternation, 'La, Master,' said she, 'you do not go about the work in the right way. You should do like as this,' when turning the collar completely ...
— Biographia Epistolaris, Volume 1. • Coleridge, ed. Turnbull

... cher Eyssette (Jacques!), comme je vous aurais saut au cou de bon c[oe]ur, si j'avais os! Mais je n'osai pas.... Songez donc!... Religion! Religion! pome en douze chants!... Pourtant la vrit m'oblige dire que ce pome en douze chants tait loin d'tre termin. Je crois mme qu'il n'y avait encore de fait que les quatre premiers vers du premier chant; ...
— Le Petit Chose (part 1) - Histoire d'un Enfant • Alphonse Daudet

... act as a screen. [Footnote: The way of a man in his youth was one of the four things that the sage could not understand; the fifth was the shamelessness of an adulteress. "Quae comedit, et tergens os suum dicit; non sum operata malum." Prov. xxx. 20.] There is modesty on the brow, but vice in the heart; this sham modesty is one of its outward signs; they affect it that they may be rid of it once for all. Women of Paris and London, forgive me! There may ...
— Emile • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

... scarcely passes the lips of its worshippers, and when it is pronounced is always reverently whispered. Regarding the mystic word Om, we are told that it is the name given to Delphi, and that "Delphi has the meaning of the female organs of generation called in India the Os Minxoe." ...
— The God-Idea of the Ancients - or Sex in Religion • Eliza Burt Gamble

... Nominal roll of W.Os., N.C.Os., and men, 2nd Bn., numerically arranged, who have been killed in action, died of wounds, disease, etc., during service in Mesopotamia, from 1st January 1916 ...
— With a Highland Regiment in Mesopotamia - 1916—1917 • Anonymous

... back. Phr. the bird has flown, non est inventus[Lat]. "absence makes the heart grow fonder" [Bayley]; "absent in body but present in spirit" [1 Corinthians v, 3]; absento nemo ne nocuisse velit [Lat][Propertius]; "Achilles absent was Achilles still" [Homer]; aux absents les os; briller par son absence[Fr]; "conspicuous by his absence" [Russell]; "in the hope to meet shortly again and make our absence ...
— Roget's Thesaurus

... Poupart's ligament, D, the iliac artery, I, having its vein, K, close to its inner side, rests upon the inner border of the psoas muscle, and in this place it may be effectually compressed against the os pubis. The anterior crural nerve, P, which in the iliac region lies concealed by the psoas muscle, and separated by this from the vessels, now comes into view, lying on the outer side of the artery. When the vessels have passed from beneath Poupart's ligament, the serous membrane no longer covers ...
— Surgical Anatomy • Joseph Maclise

... tense of the verb expresses an act or state as about to take place, or as one that will take place in future time. The ending of this tense is "-os," as "kuros," will run, "flugos," will fly, "brilos," will shine. The conjugation of "esti" and also of "vidi" in the ...
— A Complete Grammar of Esperanto • Ivy Kellerman

... The head is divided into calvarium and face. The skull is constructed of eight bones, and to it are attached the four osselets of the ear. The face is furnished with an upper jaw of eleven bones and a lower jaw of one; and to these are added the teeth two-and-thirty in number, and the os hyoides.[FN396] The trunk is divided into spinal column, breast and basin. The spinal column is made up of four-and-twenty bones, called Fikr or vertebr; the breast, of the breastbone and the ribs, which are four-and-twenty in number, twelve on ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 5 • Richard F. Burton

... caracter era manso, pero uso/ algunas veces de severidad, porque sabia que para servir bien a los hombres es preciso de cuando en cuando tener valor de desagradarlos. . . . La pobreza en que murio despues de tantos anos de mando, es una prueba clasica de que no estaba contagiado con esa commun flaqueza de los ...
— A Vanished Arcadia, • R. B. Cunninghame Graham

... stocks of which they broke, and took the powder and buried it in the sand: he added, that the conflict had been very fierce, and that great numbers were slain on both sides, nor were they friends even at this time. Three of the natives who came on board, had the os frontis fractured in a terrible manner, but they were then perfectly recovered of their wounds. The house that Captain Cook had built for Omai was still in being, and was covered by a very large ...
— The Voyage Of Governor Phillip To Botany Bay • Arthur Phillip

... recall the ancient quarrel 'Twixt Man and Time, that marks all earthly things? Why labor to re-word the hackneyed moral, [Greek: Os phhyllongenehe], as Homer sings? ...
— Tobacco; Its History, Varieties, Culture, Manufacture and Commerce • E. R. Billings

... his many friends often designate him, some months ago sent out a prospecting party to try the country near the headwaters of Banshee Greek, with the result that probably the richest alluvial field in Australia has been discovered. Over 2,000 os. of gold—principally in nuggets ranging from 100 oz. to 2 oz.— have already been taken by Mr. Grainger's party. Warden Charteris, accompanied by an escort of white and black polioe, leaves for the place to-morrow ...
— Chinkie's Flat and Other Stories - 1904 • Louis Becke

... qui contractum, si et postea rhino; Ergo Polardus, si quis, inexsuperabilis heros, 80 Colemanus impavidus nondum, atque in purpure natus Tylerus Iohanides celerisque in flito Nathaniel, Quisque optans digitos in tantum stickere pium, Adstant accincti imprimere aut perrumpere leges: Quales os miserum rabidi tres aegre molossi, Quales aut dubium textum atra in veste ministri, Tales circumstabant nunc nostri ...
— The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell • James Lowell

... Game hen and Malay hen had 16; and two (an old Cochin cock and Malay hen) had 17 feathers. The rumpless fowl has no tail and in one which I possessed there was no oil- gland; but this bird though the os coccygis was extremely imperfect, had a vestige of a tail with two rather long feathers in the position of the outer caudals. This bird came from a family where, as I was told, the breed had kept true for twenty years; but rumpless ...
— The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication - Volume I • Charles Darwin

... seen by a surgeon. His immediate removal in an ambulance was advised, but before that vehicle could be procured the horse lay down, and upon being made to get upon his feet was found with a well-marked comminuted fracture of the os suffraginis, with considerable displacement. The patient, however, after long treatment, made a comparatively good recovery and though with a large, bony deposit, a ringbone, was able to ...
— Special Report on Diseases of the Horse • United States Department of Agriculture

... declension and a tense with as much ease as if he had been born speaking Latin. I gave him Phaedrus to see whether that would stump him, and I don't think it would have done so if he had not made os a mouth instead of a bone, in dealing with the 'Wolf and the Lamb.' He was almost crying, so I put the Roman history into his hand, and his reading was something refreshing to hear. I asked if he knew what the sentence ...
— Magnum Bonum • Charlotte M. Yonge

... the said structure brevi manu, and lay up the wood in safe keeping. Old Dean Herbert, hearing what was toward, comes tottering along hither, to plead humbly for himself and his mill. The Abbot answers: "I am obliged to thee as if thou hadst cut off both my feet! By God's face, per os Dei, I will not eat bread till that fabric be torn in pieces. Thou art an old man, and shouldst have known that neither the King nor his Justiciary dare change aught within the Liberties without consent of Abbot and Convent: and ...
— Past and Present - Thomas Carlyle's Collected Works, Vol. XIII. • Thomas Carlyle

... consists of bundles of unstripped muscular fibers intermixed, with loose connective tissue, blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves; the internal or mucous coat is continuous through the fringed extremity of the fallopian tubes, with the peritoneum, and through the mouth of the womb (os uteri) with the mucous membrane of the vagina. This mucous membrane is lined in the body of the womb by epithelium arrayed in columns (Columnar Epithelium) which loses its ciliated (eye-lash) movement character during pregnancy. In the lower half of the Cervix, the epithelium (this kind ...
— Mother's Remedies - Over One Thousand Tried and Tested Remedies from Mothers - of the United States and Canada • T. J. Ritter

... et non belli de eo rumores. Sed susurratores dumtaxat veniunt.... Neque adhuc certi quidquam est, neque haec incerta tamen vulgo jactantur. Sed inter paucos, quos tu nosti, palam secreto narrantur. At Domitius cum manus ad os apposuit!"—Caelius to Cicero, Ad Fam. ...
— Caesar: A Sketch • James Anthony Froude

... grasped by the wrist with the left hand of the elder, who repeats "Ang ama, ang ina, ang kaka, ang ali, ang nono, toloy, os-os sa kili-kili mo." That is, "The father (thumb), the mother (forefinger), the elder brother (middle finger), the elder sister (ring finger), the grandparent (little finger) straight up to your armpit." The armpit is then tickled. Os-os is a verb meaning "to go up stream." This ...
— Philippine Folk-Tales • Clara Kern Bayliss, Berton L. Maxfield, W. H. Millington,

... the stream, or his axe sent the eagle screaming with rage from his aerie on the lofty pine tree, there dwelt a tribe by these waters, an offshoot of the powerful Mohawks. They were called the tribe of the Deer, and had for their chieftain "Os-ko-ne-an-tah," meaning also the Deer. He had one daughter, beautiful as the day, who was named "Jo-que-yoh," or the Bluebird, for the melody of her voice. Jo-que-yoh was affianced to a young brave of her father's tribe named "To-ke-ah," ...
— The International Monthly Magazine, Volume 5, No. 1, January, 1852 • Various

... although we have not the participle ribaudred, which may be peculiar to the poet, in Baret's Alvearie we find "Ribaudrie, vilanie in actes or wordes, filthiness, uncleanness"—"A ribaudrous and filthie tongue, os obscoenum et impudicum:" in Minsheu, ribaudrie and ribauldrie, which is the prevailing orthography of the word, and indicates its sound and derivation from the French, rather ...
— Notes and Queries, Number 76, April 12, 1851 • Various

... saben hasta los perros de la calle que la casa de Alto-Rey es casa concluida. Hace ms 35 de veinte aos que viene cayendo, cayendo, y por fin... (Con afectada pena.) Las volteretas que de este mundo loco!... En la villa se dice que los seores Marqueses han llegado a carecer hasta de lo ms preciso para ...
— Heath's Modern Language Series: Mariucha • Benito Perez Galdos

... Flexor Cubiti, your ladyship," began the Doctor, delighted to pour professional information into the mind of a Dowager Countess, "may be literally interpreted as the Two-Headed Bender of the Elbow, and is a muscle situated on, what we term, the Os—" ...
— Hide and Seek • Wilkie Collins

... but declaimed, now rapid and now slow. The side of the choir which Durtal saw made all the vowels sharp and short letters; the other, on the contrary, altered them all into long letters and seemed to cap all the Os with a circumflex accent. It might be said that one side had the pronunciation of the South, the other that of the North; thus chanted, the office became strange, and ended by rocking like an incantation, and soothing the soul which fell asleep in the rolling of the ...
— En Route • J.-K. (Joris-Karl) Huysmans

... casu iuuenis ille multum doleret, apparuit ei in sompnis uir uultus uenerabili ac rutilentis, qui eum prohibuit tristari pro morte equi, dicens ei, "Voca" inquit "sanctum puerum Keranum, qui aquam in os equi tui infundat, frontemque aspergat, et reuiuiscet. Illum quoque pro resuscitatione eius munere debito dotabis." Cumque regis filius de sompno euigilasset, misit pro puero Kerano ut ad se ueneret; qui cum sui presentiam ei exhiberet, atque sompnium scriatim ...
— The Latin & Irish Lives of Ciaran - Translations Of Christian Literature. Series V. Lives Of - The Celtic Saints • Anonymous

... a mere mass of 'a priori guesses,' how comes it that only three years before Mr. Owen could write thus? 'Oken, ce genie profond et penetrant, fut le premier qui entrevit la verite, guide par l'heureuse idee de l'arrangement des os craniens en segments, comme ceux du rachis, appeles vertebres...'" Later on Owen wrote: "Cela servira pour exemple d'une examen scrupuleux des faits, d'une appreciation philosophique de leurs relations et analogies, etc." (From "Principes d'Osteologie comparee, ou Recherches sur l'Archetype," ...
— More Letters of Charles Darwin - Volume I (of II) • Charles Darwin

... school-boy who, when guessing, as he thinks rightly, at the meaning of some mysterious word in Cornelius Nepos, receiveth not the sugared epithet of praise, but a sudden stroke across the os humerosve [Face or shoulders] even so, blank, puzzled, and thunder-stricken, waxed the face of Mr. MacGrawler at the abrupt ...
— Paul Clifford, Complete • Edward Bulwer-Lytton

... the following pairs of arches: I and II, two lip-cartilages, the anterior (a) of which is composed of an upper piece only, the posterior (bc) from an upper and lower piece; III, the maxillary arches, also consisting of two pieces on each side—the primitive upper jaw (os palato-quadratum, o) and the primitive lower jaw (u); IV, the hyaloid bone (II); finally, V to X, six branchial arches in the narrower sense (III to VIII). From the anatomic features of these nine to ten cranial ribs or "lower vertebral arches" and the cranial ...
— The Evolution of Man, V.2 • Ernst Haeckel

... du vol, alla se plaindre son mari. Il plit de colre, et demanda Coranda comment il avait os se ...
— Contes et lgendes - 1re Partie • H. A. Guerber

... [12] [Greek: Sterna th'os agalmatos], her bosom as the bosom of a statue; an expression of Euripides, and applied, I think, to Polyxena at the moment of her sacrifice on the tomb of Achilles, as the bride that was being married to him at ...
— The Notebook of an English Opium-Eater • Thomas de Quincey

... arrival of this wonderful little craft at her destination, ourselves taking part in the glory. (Temos confianca na pericia e sangue frio do audaciauso marinhero Americano por isso esperamos que dentro em pouco tempo veremos o seu nome proclamado por todos os jornaes do velho e novo mundo. A nos tambem cabera ...
— Voyage of the Liberdade • Captain Joshua Slocum

... Hind-brain, cerebellum, medulla oblongata. d. Eye. e. Ear. f. First visceral arch. g. Second visceral arch. H. Vertebral columns and muscles in process of development. i. Anterior extremities. K. Posterior extremities. L. Tail or os coccyx.] ...
— The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex • Charles Darwin

... stature there is nothing to distinguish one variety of man from another, yet in the comparative length of the different parts of the human frame there are striking differences. In the highest and most intellectual variety (the Caucasian) the arm (os humeri) exceeds the fore-arm in length by two or three inches — in none less than two inches. In monkeys the fore-arm and arm are of the same length, and in some monkeys the fore-arm is the longer. In the Negro, ...
— The Bushman - Life in a New Country • Edward Wilson Landor

... I geet up be strike o' dey, on seet eawt; on went ogreath tilly welly coom within two mile oth' teawn; when, os tha dule woud height, o tit wur stonning ot an ale heawse dur; on me kawve (the dule bore eawt it een for me) took th' tit for it mother, on woud seawk her."[50] (Tummus ...
— Early English Alliterative Poems - in the West-Midland Dialect of the Fourteenth Century • Various

... Esperanto has three main Tenses—the Present, Past, and Future. These are denoted by means of the verbal endings *-as*, *-is*, and *-os*. Thus, from the root vid, see, ...
— Esperanto Self-Taught with Phonetic Pronunciation • William W. Mann

... 68: For the same reason we do not enter upon the outer form of Buddhism as expressed in demonology, snake-worship (JRAS. xii. 286) and symbolism (ib. OS. ...
— The Religions of India - Handbooks On The History Of Religions, Volume 1, Edited By Morris Jastrow • Edward Washburn Hopkins

... made this blunder which is hardly possible in Moslem dress. A high personage once asked me if it was true that he killed a man who caught him in a standing position; and I found to my surprise that the absurd scandal was already twenty years old. After urinating the Moslem wipes the os penis with one to three bits of stone, clay or handfuls of earth, and he must perform Wuzu before he can pray. Tournefort (Voyage au Levant iii. 335) tells a pleasant story of certain Christians at Constantinople who powdered with "Poivre-d'Inde" ...
— The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 2 • Richard F. Burton

... Brother Leo to bring him nothing but bread and water once a day, and that, towards evening, and place it at the threshold of his cell. "And when you come to me for Matins," he added, "don't come into the cell, but only say in a loud voice, 'Domine, labia mea aperies;' and if I answer, 'Et os meum annuntiabit laudem tuam,' you will come in, otherwise you will go back." His pious companion, who had nothing more at heart than to obey him, and be useful to him, complied minutely with all he said; but he was often obliged to return in the night, ...
— The Life and Legends of Saint Francis of Assisi • Father Candide Chalippe

... moi keimos, omos aidao pulusin, Os ch eteron men keuthei eni phresin, allo de bazei.] HOMER, [Greek: ...
— The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D, In Nine Volumes - Volume the Third: The Rambler, Vol. II • Samuel Johnson

Words linked to "Os" :   platform, os triquetrum, metacarpal, disk operating system, os capitatum, membrane bone, ischium, os hamatum, software system, long bone, os trapezoideum, os palatinum, condyle, os temporale, calcaneus, manubrium, astragal, pastern, astragalus, vertebra, nasal, dentin, rib, os tarsi fibulare, UNIX system, carpal, oculus sinister, zygoma, metacarpal bone, sphenoid, jugal bone, skull, horn, ilium, splint bone, cannon bone, centrum, arcus zygomaticus, cuboid bone, UNIX, porta, package, lacrimal bone, os breve, computing, breastbone, round bone, eye, metal, carpal bone, wrist bone, sternum, zygomatic, metallic element, brainpan, pubic bone, ethmoid bone, os longum, innominate bone, os trapezium, lamella, hyoid bone, supervisor, oculus, zygomatic bone, os lunatum, ischial bone, bare bone, operating system, atomic number 76, palatine bone, clavicle, os frontale, zygomatic arch, os pisiforme, jaw, sacrum, braincase, tarsal, os sphenoidale, modiolus, short bone, vomer, computer science, Windows, turbinal, nasal bone, collagen, heelbone, collarbone, optic, palatine, sinciput, xiphoid process, os ischii, os scaphoideum, cartilage bone, ground substance, skullcap, orifice, fishbone, tympanic bone, marrowbone, coronoid process, turbinate bone, cheekbone, malar, shoulder blade, marrow, os sesamoideum, phalanx, os nasale, osmium, bone, dentine, pubis, Wormian bone, ramus, malar bone, software, scapula, opening, socket, sutural bone, ethmoid, software package, gladiolus, occiput, cranium, processus coronoideus, hyoid, os pubis, tail bone, anklebone, metatarsal, tooth, os zygomaticum, corpus sternum, connective tissue, temporal bone, supervisory program, furcula, bonelet, bone cell, bone marrow, sesamoid bone, software program, executive program, sphenoid bone

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