"Occurrent" Quotes from Famous Books
... impedimentary. in the way of, unfavorable; onerous, burdensome; cumbrous, cumbersome; obtrusive. hindered &c v.; windbound[obs3], waterlogged, heavy laden; hard pressed. unassisted &c. (see assist &c. 707); single-handed, alone; deserted &c. 624. Phr. occurrent nubes[Lat]. ... — Roget's Thesaurus |
Words linked to "Occurrent" : impinging, contact, fate, one-off, finish, bunce, black eye, thing, conclusion, marvel, happening, fortuity, failure, accompaniment, interruption, crash, concomitant, current, flare-up, ending, accident, incident, contingence, change, outburst, eventuality, periodic event, union, striking, supervention, beginning, error, experience, case, manna from heaven, break, news event, episode, eruption, windfall, wonder, modification, irruption, outbreak, sound, reverse, co-occurrence, movement, collapse, natural event, computer error, avalanche, boom, treat, juncture, godsend, contingency, setback, burst, occurrence, alteration, stroke, miracle, instance, convergence, gravy, appearance, blow, disappearance, chance event, destiny, reversal, example, co-occurrent, attendant, success, flash, trouble, motion, fire, event, recurrent event, gold rush, discharge, occasion |
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