"Obligato" Quotes from Famous Books
... who guided us with a compass on his wrist until the stars came out; and for hours on end we went side by side, saying nothing, listening to the monotonous jangle of his camel bell and the obligato of the bells behind. It was music that suited our mood, harmonizing perfectly with the solemn marvel of a desert sunset and the velvety, cool ... — The Lion of Petra • Talbot Mundy
... important demonstration by the mob that evening, was the tearing up of the fence in front of Squire Woodbridge's house and the construction of an immense bonfire in the street out of the fragments, the conflagration proceeding to the accompaniment of an obligato on the horse-fiddles. ... — The Duke of Stockbridge • Edward Bellamy
... the ear, tortured, shrieks for cessation Of the raving inharmonies hatefully mingling... The fierce obligato the steel pipes are screaming... The blare of the rude ... — The Ghetto and Other Poems • Lola Ridge
... happiest numbers Verdi has ever scored. The sixth part is the "Lux aeterna," a trio for alto, tenor, and bass which is very dramatic in setting; and this leads to the "Libera," the final division and the climax of the work. It is in its general effect a soprano obligato with chorus. After a monotone recitative and solo, the "Dies Irae" is repeated, likewise the "Requiem aeternam" (which forms the introduction of the mass), and closes with a fugue of majestic proportions that finally ends in the same ... — The Standard Oratorios - Their Stories, Their Music, And Their Composers • George P. Upton
... presents any unexpected difficulties. Try carefully also the unavoidable pedal. A creaking, rattling, grating pedal is a frightful annoyance; I wonder if the piano of "the future" is to suffer from this also. Chopin's Funeral March, with obligato accompaniment of a squeaking pedal sentiment, even although the omissions and mistakes in the bass do not occur,—alas! who can describe the effect of this ... — Piano and Song - How to Teach, How to Learn, and How to Form a Judgment of - Musical Performances • Friedrich Wieck
... balked without physical encounter, consequently he was permitted to advance some paces from the lilac bushes, where he delivered himself, in an earnest and plaintive tenor, of the following morbid instructions, to which the violin played an obligato in tremulo, so execrable, and so excruciatingly discordant, that Mr. Chenoweth's subsequent charge that it was done with a deliberately evil intention could never be ... — The Two Vanrevels • Booth Tarkington
... from the other bunk adjacent, the two occupying one cabin between them; and, presently, the pair were "wrapped in the arms of Morpheus," and snoring like troopers in concert, the captain playing a nasal obligato from his state-room in the distance, whither he had retired a short time before themselves, after being satisfied that the ship was proceeding well on her course and everything ... — Picked up at Sea - The Gold Miners of Minturne Creek • J.C. Hutcheson
... to music. The dramatist's wife should play Tosti's Ave Maria, Miss Annesley should play the obligato on the violin and the prima-donna should sing; but just at present the dramatist should tell them all about his new military play which was to ... — The Man on the Box • Harold MacGrath |