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Ne plus ultra   Listen
Ne plus ultra  n.  
The uttermost point to which one can go or attain; hence, the summit of achievement; the highest point or degree; the acme.
A prohibition against proceeding further; an insuperable obstacle or limiting condition. (Obs. or R.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Ne plus ultra" Quotes from Famous Books

... of your fresh laurels came into his head. But I am sure that no one really rejoiced more at heart than I did. I have lived too long to have ecstasies! But with calm reflection, I felt for my friend having got to the very summit of glory! the NE PLUS ULTRA! that he has had another opportunity of rendering his country the most important service, and manifesting again his judgment, his intrepidity, ...
— The Life of Horatio Lord Nelson • Robert Southey

... the bank, sticks his chess-box in his pocket, says 'so-long' to his girl, and treks across the world, just to do his whack for the land that gave him and all his that went before him the key to civilization, and how to be happy though alive.... He was the real thing, the ne plus ultra, the I-stand-alone. The other fellas thought him the best of the best. He was what my father used to call 'a wide man.' He was in and out of a fight with a quirk at the corner of his mouth, as much as to say, 'I've ...
— The Judgment House • Gilbert Parker

Words linked to "Ne plus ultra" :   cultivation, state, finish, culture, perfect, intactness, polish, flawlessness, fare-thee-well, perfection, dream, imperfection, imperfect

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