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Moire   Listen
Moire  adj.  Watered; having a watered or clouded appearance; as of silk or metals.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Moire" Quotes from Famous Books

... dresses. 'Would you like to know,' writes Leopold to Hagenauer, his host at Salzburg, 'what Wolferl's (a pet name for Wolfgang) dress is like? It is of the finest cloth, lilac-coloured, the vest of moire of the same colour. Coat and top-coat with a double broad border of gold. It was made for the Hereditary Duke Maximilian Franz.' In the picture which is preserved in the Mozart collection at Salzburg, Mozart is painted in this dress. Wolfgang never showed the least embarrassment ...
— Among the Great Masters of Music - Scenes in the Lives of Famous Musicians • Walter Rowlands

... aux portes de la ville, une grande fabrique dans un pan de laquelle il s'tait taill une habitation commode, tout ombrage de platanes, et spare des ateliers par un vaste jardin. C'est l que je suis venu au monde et que j'ai pass les premires, les seules bonnes annes de ma vie. Aussi ma mmoire reconnaissante a-t-elle gard du jardin, de la fabrique et des platanes un imprissable souvenir, et lorsqu' la ruine de mes parents il m'a fallu me sparer de ces choses, je les ai positivement regrettes comme ...
— Le Petit Chose (part 1) - Histoire d'un Enfant • Alphonse Daudet

... bridal costume should be white from head to foot. The dress may be of silk, heavily corded, moire antique, satin or plain silk, merino, alpaca, crape, lawn or muslin. The veil may be of lace, tulle or illusion, but it must be long and full. It may or may not descend over the face. Orange blossoms or other white flowers ...
— Our Deportment - Or the Manners, Conduct and Dress of the Most Refined Society • John H. Young

... the big cake on the bride's table, there are at all weddings, near the front door so that the guests may each take one as they go home, little individual boxes of wedding cake, "black" fruit cake. Each box is made of white moire or gros-grain paper, embossed in silver with the last initial of the groom intertwined with that of the bride and tied with white satin ribbon. At a sit-down breakfast the wedding cake boxes are sometimes put, one at each place, on the tables so that each guest may be sure ...
— Etiquette • Emily Post

Words linked to "Moire" :   material, watered, watered-silk, fabric, cloth, textile, patterned

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