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Matriculate   Listen
Matriculate  v. i.  To go though the process of admission to membership, as by examination and enrollment, in a society or college.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Matriculate" Quotes from Famous Books

... performance of their own special work. In almost every case they discovered that the first step in the acquisition of the better standards of achievement was to go abroad. If their interests were scholarly or scientific, they were likely to matriculate at one of the German universities for the sake of studying under some eminent specialist. If they were painters, sculptors, or architects, they flocked to Paris, as the best available source of technical instruction in the arts. Wherever the better schools were supposed to be, there ...
— The Promise Of American Life • Herbert David Croly

... intellectual force. The letters which passed between them display, on his part, mature powers of expression at an early age, and show the generous, affectionate nature of both; and till her death in 1855 she remained his chief confidante and counsellor. In trying to matriculate at Balliol College he met with a momentary check, due to the casual nature of his education; but, after retrieving this, he rapidly made good his deficiency in Greek and Latin, and ended by taking a creditable degree. ...
— Victorian Worthies - Sixteen Biographies • George Henry Blore

Words linked to "Matriculate" :   enter, recruit, enrol, enroll, college student, university student

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