"Math" Quotes from Famous Books
... Hertfordshire. That of the East Angles, the counties of Cambridge, Suffolk, and Norfolk; Mercia was extended over all the middle counties, from the banks of the Severn to the frontiers of these two kingdoms. [FN [z] Math. West. Huntington, lib. 2.] ... — The History of England, Volume I • David Hume
... clear, either, Fredericks thought; but mathematics was the only adequate language for talking about psi, anyhow. It had been the theory of sets that had led to the first ideas of structure and rationality within the field, and the math had gotten progressively ... — Sight Gag • Laurence Mark Janifer
... East chop-chop, urgent? Grdznth problem getting to be a PRoblem, need expert icebox salesman to get gators out of hair fast. Yes? Math boys hot on this, citizens not so ... — PRoblem • Alan Edward Nourse
... of them before," Rynason said. "This is a big one—no telling how much area the total complex takes up. One thing's certain, though: it's no ordinary computer of theirs. Not for plain math-work, nor even for specialized computations, like the one on Rigel II—that was apparently used for astrogation, but it wasn't half the size of this. And navigation between stars, even with the kind of drive they must have ... — Warlord of Kor • Terry Gene Carr
... let out from school we ran, Until we settled stride for stride To even walking, side by side; And tho' to keep apart we tried, The jug kept clinking against the can! Once pausing in an upper path That hemmed great pasture ribbed with math, We saw the prospect openly Melt in remote transparent sky; Some fancy kindled, and I began To whistle "Tom the Piper's Son," Wondering whether, when grown a man, I should remain to plod, or plan, As others about had always done, Or to some wondrous ... — My Beautiful Lady. Nelly Dale • Thomas Woolner
... Wrench, John W., Jr. Evaluation of Artin's constant and the twin-prime constant. (English) Math. Comp. ... — Miscellaneous Mathematical Constants • Various
... Nice and Flutter, seen his Fop-face here. Well was the ignorant lampooning Pack Of shatterhead Rhymers whip'd on Craffey's back; But such a trouble Weed is Poetaster, The lower 'tis cut down, it grows the faster. Though Satir then had such a plenteous crop, An After Math of Coxcombs is come up; Who not content false Poetry to renew, By sottish Censures wou'd condemn the true. Let writing like a Gentleman—fine appear, But must you needs judge too en Cavalier? These whiffling Criticks, 'tis ... — The Works of Aphra Behn, Vol. III • Aphra Behn
... Math the son of Mathonwy was lord over Gwynedd, and Pryderi the son of Pwyll was lord over the one and twenty Cantrevs of the South; and these were the seven Cantrevs of Dyved, and the seven Cantrevs of Morganwc, the four Cantrevs of Ceredigiawn, and the ... — The Mabinogion Vol. 3 (of 3) • Owen M. Edwards
... A book of Math. curiosities, which I think of calling "Pillow Problems, and other Math. Trifles." This will contain Problems worked out in the dark, Logarithms without Tables, Sines and angles do., a paper I am now writing on "Infinities and Infinitesimals," condensed ... — The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll • Stuart Dodgson Collingwood
... beats me," replied Amy serenely, "you'll be playing football on the Varsity, old top, and I'll be getting A's in math., a far, ... — Left Tackle Thayer • Ralph Henry Barbour
... hurry; you see, there's math; I'm not doing so badly at it now since Bailey has been helping me, but I don't believe I could pass the ... — The New Boy at Hilltop • Ralph Henry Barbour
... Emp. adrersus Math. lib. viii.], though absurdly, that the origin of all religious worship was derived from the utility of inanimate objects, as the sun and moon, to the support and well-being of mankind. This is also the common reason assigned by historians, ... — An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals • David Hume
... seen pretty clear, ever since I was a young un, as religion's something else besides notions. It isn't notions sets people doing the right thing—it's feelings. It's the same with the notions in religion as it is with math'matics—a man may be able to work problems straight off in's head as he sits by the fire and smokes his pipe, but if he has to make a machine or a building, he must have a will and a resolution and love something else better ... — Adam Bede • George Eliot
... authorities' taught me where the demand was. There was only the problem of a cause to stimulate it. Through deductive logic' and 'psychology' I got the cause that would appeal, and the effect worked out in an increased demand which we were ready to supply—just like a problem in math." ... — The Spinner's Book of Fiction • Various
... were Nell," said Dora Lockwood to her twin, "I'd cut pills altogether after this. I'd rather take math ... — The Girls of Central High Aiding the Red Cross - Or Amateur Theatricals for a Worthy Cause • Gertrude W. Morrison |
Words linked to "Math" : series, expansion, mathematical operation, parabolic geometry, mathematics, applied mathematics, nonnegative, differential, factoring, differential calculus, transformation, discontinuous, spherical geometry, reflexiveness, calculate, nonlinear, domain of a function, open, analysis situs, rotation, differentiate, isometric, plane, topology, eliminate, multinomial, develop, method of fluxions, complex quantity, factorisation, direct, radical, translation, extrapolation, osculation, formula, commute, symmetry, boundary condition, mathematical process, analytic, closed, topological space, Euclidean axiom, truncation error, symmetricalness, cypher, parallel, geodesic, rationalization, compute, ray, equation, numerical analysis, function, dividable, algebra, iterate, imaginary number, mathematical, scalene, range of a function, cardinality, expression, elliptic geometry, diagonal, non-Euclidean geometry, Euclid's postulate, cipher, metric function, geodesic line, vector algebra, polynomial, quadratics, spherical trigonometry, parity, projective geometry, arithmetic progression, metric, Euclidean geometry, interpolation, nonmonotonic, trigonometry, invariant, coordinate geometry, commutative, mathematical statement, set theory, operation, diagonalizable, transpose, idempotent, mathematical function, dissymmetry, group theory, applied math, disjoint, rationalisation, factorization, calculus of variations, complex number, science, combinatorial, asymmetry, sheet, reckon, rounding error, imbalance, converge, reflection, mathematician, geometric progression, correspondence, mapping, lower bound, reduce, additive inverse, matrix, Riemannian geometry, trig, arithmetic, continuous, indivisible by, image, infinitesimal calculus, linear algebra, imaginary, monotonic, extrapolate, prove, integral calculus, extract, harmonic progression, rationalise, interpolate, accuracy, set, single-valued function, representable, fractal, proof, mathematical space, map, Galois theory, additive, truncate, analytical geometry, solid geometry, affine, elementary geometry, affine transformation, irrational, round, reciprocal, scientific discipline, maths, analysis, reflexivity, range, linear, rational, multiplicative inverse, analytic geometry, undividable, diverge, recursive definition, pure mathematics, operator, upper bound, recursion, integrate, binomial, subgroup, mathematical relation |
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