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Mano   Listen
Mano  n.  The muller, or crushing and grinding stone, used in grinding corn on a metate. (Mexico & Local U. S.)

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Mano" Quotes from Famous Books

... I commend my Treasure to thee.] Brunetto's great work, the Tresor. Sieti raccomandato 'l mio Tesoro. So Giusto de' Conti, in his Bella Mano, Son. "Occhi:" Siavi raccommandato il ...
— The Divine Comedy • Dante

... medios de fabricacion de que disponemos, el abaratamiento (cheapening) de la mano de obra (labour) y las facilitaciones de que disfrutamos (we enjoy) merced a (thanks to) nuestros cuantiosos (abundant) recursos, nos permiten, ahora mas que nunca, realizar nuestras ventas en condiciones que no cabe ...
— Pitman's Commercial Spanish Grammar (2nd ed.) • C. A. Toledano

... lo que toca A esta ysla De lucon y sus comarcanas que por ser moros difieren algo en las condiciones y viuienda y lengua.—No se puede negar a Ver faltado curiosidad en los que A esta tierra an pasado pues eclesiastico, ni secular an tomado la mano para contar lo que a acaecido en la conquista desta tierra y Ansi aunque en mexico El padre fray Alonso de Buyca Dicen tiene hecho vn gran Volumen sobre ello tengolo por dudoso porqe yo e visto cartas suyas qe Vinieron el ...
— The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803, Volume V., 1582-1583 • Various

... keyboard instruments it is sometimes necessary to indicate that a certain part is to be played by a certain hand. The abbreviations r.h. (right hand), m.d. (mano destra, It.), and m.d. (main droite, Fr.), designate that a passage or tone is to be played with the right hand, while l.h. (left hand), m.s. (mano sinistra, It.), and m.g. (main gauche, Fr.), show that the left hand is to ...
— Music Notation and Terminology • Karl W. Gehrkens

... nostro contento, quanto si posso desiderare, e con quello vna lettera di vostra sereneta, che ci estata presentata dalli nostri Eunuchi con gran honore; liccarta de la quale odoraua di camfora e ambracano, et l'inchiostro di musco perfetto, et quella peruenuta in nostro mano tutta la continenza di essa a parte ho ascoltato intentamente. Quello che hora si conuiene e, che correspondente alla nostra affecione, in tutto quello che si aspetta allie cose attenente alli paesi che sono sotto il commando di ...
— The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, - and Discoveries of The English Nation, v5 - Central and Southern Europe • Richard Hakluyt

... way of refutation. That which (always) stands as the origin of life, birth after birth, generation after generation, should exist by itself without cessation. Yet the Five Vijnyanas[FN355] cease to perform their functions when they lack proper conditions, (while) the Mano-vijnyana[FN356] is lost at times (in unconsciousness). There are none of those four (material) elements in the heavenly worlds of Arupa. How, then, is life sustained there and kept up in continuous birth ...
— The Religion of the Samurai • Kaiten Nukariya

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