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Lymph   Listen
Lymph  n.  
A spring of water; hence, water, or a pure, transparent liquid like water. "A fountain bubbled up, whose lymph serene Nothing of earthly mixture might distain."
(Anat.) An alkaline colorless fluid, contained in the lymphatic vessels, coagulable like blood, but free from red blood corpuscles. It is absorbed from the various tissues and organs of the body, and is finally discharged by the thoracic and right lymphatic ducts into the great veins near the heart.
(Med.) A fibrinous material exuded from the blood vessels in inflammation. In the process of healing it is either absorbed, or is converted into connective tissue binding the inflamed surfaces together.
(Physiol. Chem.) A fluid containing certain products resulting from the growth of specific microorganisms upon some culture medium, and supposed to be possessed of curative properties.
Lymph corpuscles (Anat.), finely granular nucleated cells, identical with the colorless blood corpuscles, present in the lymph and chyle.
Lymph duct (Anat.), a lymphatic.
Lymph heart. See Note under Heart, n., 1.

Collaborative International Dictionary of English 0.48

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"Lymph" Quotes from Famous Books

... course, imbibed more of European notions and prejudices, on such subjects as the one now under consideration, than the aboriginal inhabitants of this part of Africa; vaccination, therefore, is, and has been, practised among them to a considerable extent, the stock of lymph being derived from, and kept up by, frequent renewals from England. That their confidence in it, as a measure preventive of small-pox, is great, I judge from the anxiety which they shew, and the eagerness which they manifest ...
— A Voyage Round the World, Vol. I (of ?) • James Holman

... The associate rills along their sinuous course; Float in bright squadrons by the willowy brink, Or circling slow in limpid eddies sink; Call from her crystal cave the Naiad-Nymph, 30 Who hides her fine form in the passing lymph, And, as below she braids her hyaline hair, Eyes her soft smiles reflected in the air; Or sport in groups with River-Boys, that lave Their silken limbs amid the dashing wave; 35 Pluck the pale primrose bending from its edge, Or tittering dance ...
— The Botanic Garden - A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: The Economy of Vegetation • Erasmus Darwin

... and the brain depends on the structure of the liver and the brain respectively and we are not allowed to think that perhaps the force of animal life, feeling the need of an instrument to secrete bile, on the one hand, and to secrete cerebral lymph to act as a vehicle for the conveyance of thought and emotion and higher things, on the other, introduces the liver with its elaborate structure and the brain with its still more complicated structure, ...
— The Healthy Life, Vol. V, Nos. 24-28 - The Independent Health Magazine • Various

... For what are Dragons, Laidly Worms, And such-like mythic scourges, Compared with microscopic germs 'Gainst which the war he urges? Hygeia, goddess, saint, or nymph, We trust there's no big blunder, And hope your votary's magic lymph May prove no nine days' wonder. We dare not trust each pseudo-seer Who'd powder, purge, or pill us; But pyramids to him we'll ...
— Punch, Or The London Charivari, Vol. 99., December 6, 1890 • Various

... these "Method" concerns throw in some absurd kind of liniment, salve or ointment— tell you the secret lies in this "lymph" or whatever they call it rather than ...
— Cluthe's Advice to the Ruptured • Chas. Cluthe & Sons

... plaiting in order to maintain the proper ratio between the exposed surface of the cells and their mass. And each cell in our bodies lives in one sense its own individual life, only bathed in the lymph and receiving from it its food and oxygen instead of taking ...
— The Whence and the Whither of Man • John Mason Tyler

... Found the doctor on the saloon deck, in a long chair, very still. Thought he was dead, but saluted, and said what I had come for. With marvellous presence of mind, he collected himself, and said: 'I ordered six to come; it is waste of lymph to do one only: get the other five.' After a short absence, I was back, reporting the other five not in a condition to do anything, even to be vaccinated. The ghost of a weary smile lit up the wan face. I saluted ...
— In the Ranks of the C.I.V. • Erskine Childers

... effects of alcohol are the action of this drug upon the leucocytes or "guardian cells" of the body. Leucocytes are defined to be "minute, nucleated, colorless masses of protoplasm, capable of ameboid movements, found swimming freely in blood and lymph, in the reticulum of lymphatic glands, and in bone-marrow and other connective tissue." The white corpuscles of the blood are leucocytes. "The work of these cells is to prey upon and take into their substance bacteria and other micro-organisms within the blood and tissues. This ...
— Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why - What Medical Writers Say • Martha M. Allen

... in credit. As to Dr. Jenner's discovery of vaccination, he was less favorably disposed to it; he apprehended dangerous consequences from the absorption of a brutal miasma into the human blood, or at least into the lymph; and at any rate he thought, that, as a guarantee against the variolous infection, it required a much longer probation. Groundless as all these views were, it was exceedingly entertaining to hear the fertility ...
— Narrative And Miscellaneous Papers • Thomas De Quincey

... VIRTUE,—the guide that men and nations own; And LAW,—the bulwark that protects her throne; And HEALTH,—to all its happiest charm that lends; These and their servants, man's untiring friends Pour the bright lymph that Heaven itself lets fall, In one fair bumper let us ...
— The Poetical Works of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Complete • Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

Words linked to "Lymph" :   lymph node, humor, cardiovascular system, lymph vessel, lymph gland, bodily fluid, humour, mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome

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