A device which launches aircraft from an aircraft carrier; it provides additional velocity to the airplane, to supplement that from the airplane's engines, so that the airplane rapidly achieves a velocity sufficient to sustain it in flight when taking off.
... "Our first project was a simple one, with a tested rocket system. Actually, we used a modified Aerobee, a rocket of proven dependability. Nothing should have gone wrong. But when we fired, the rocket exploded at the top of the launcher. We investigated thoroughly, of course, and found someone had cleverly sabotaged ... — The Scarlet Lake Mystery • Harold Leland Goodwin
... thou arbiter of friendship, protector of the guest, preserver of fellowship, lord of the hearth, launcher of the lightning, avenger of oaths, compeller of clouds, utterer of thunder (and pray add any other epithets; those cracked poets have plenty ready, especially when they are in difficulties with their scansion; then it is that a string of your ... — Works, V1 • Lucian of Samosata